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  • Command Line Interface Guidelines

    Contents Command Line Interface Guidelines An open-source guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day. Authors Aanand Prasad Engineer at Squarespace, co-creator of Docker Compose. @aanandprasad Ben Firshman Co-creator Replicate, co-creator of Docker Compose. @bfirsh Carl Tashian Offroad Engineer at Smallstep, first e

      Command Line Interface Guidelines
    • The History of the URL | The Cloudflare Blog

      On the 11th of January 1982 twenty-two computer scientists met to discuss an issue with ‘computer mail’ (now known as email). Attendees included the guy who would create Sun Microsystems, the guy who made Zork, the NTP guy, and the guy who convinced the government to pay for Unix. The problem was simple: there were 455 hosts on the ARPANET and the situation was getting out of control. This issue w

        The History of the URL | The Cloudflare Blog
      • DNSリバインディング(DNS Rebinding)対策総まとめ

        サマリ DNSリバインディングが最近注目されている。Google Chromeは最近になってローカルネットワークへのアクセス制限機能を追加しており、その目的の一つがDNSリバインディング対策になっている。Googleが提供するWiFiルータGoogle Nest WiFiはデフォルトでDNSリバインディング対策機能が有効になっている。 DNSリバインディング対策は、攻撃対象アプリケーションで行うべきものであるが、ブラウザ、PROXYサーバー、リゾルバ等でも保護機能が組み込まれている。本稿ではそれら対策機能の状況と対策の考え方について説明する。 DNSリバインディング(DNS Rebinding)とは DNSリバインディングはDNS問い合わせの時間差を利用した攻撃です。DNSのTTL(キャッシュ有効期間)を極めて短くした上で、1回目と2回目の問い合わせ結果を変えることにより、IPアドレスのチ

          DNSリバインディング(DNS Rebinding)対策総まとめ
        • 【AI動画生成】Sora 要素技術解説

          もう全部OpenAIでいいんじゃないかな はじめに 月間技術革新です。 ということで、昨日OpenAIから発表された新しい動画生成AI「Sora」が非常に話題となっていますね。 圧倒的な一貫性の保持と1分間に及ぶ長時間動画が生成可能という事で、現状の動画生成技術を圧倒的に凌駕する性能を持っているようです。 在野エンジニアの小手先テクニックなど一笑に付すような圧倒的性能を Soraの凄さは色んなエンジニアやインフルエンサーがたくさん語っているのでそちらを見てもらうとして、この記事ではSoraを構成する各技術について簡単に解説していければと思います。 Soraの技術構成 論文が公開されているわけではないですが、OpenAIが要素技術の解説ページを公開してくれているため、そのページを参考にしていきます。 原文を見たい方はこちらからどうぞ 全体構成 Soraは以下の技術要素で構成されているとのこと

            【AI動画生成】Sora 要素技術解説
          • 令和にふりかえる C10K 問題

            C10K 問題 (the C10K problem) は1999年に Dan Kegel が発表した文章、ならびにそこで提示された「問題」です。文章はその後も2000年代前半に何度か更新されているのですが、さすがに令和に読み返すと、当初の問題意識がわかりにくいところがあります。 2000年からの10年は、 ソフトウェア面では、select(2), poll(2) にかわる新しいシステムコールの実装と、それを使ったアプリケーションの普及 ハードウェア面では、x86 アーキテクチャの64ビット移行、仮想化命令の追加と、マルチコア化 さらにそこにクラウドも登場する、面白い時代でした。ここでは、それらの出来事を中心に、さらに、当時の雰囲気をつたえるような日本国内のブログやインタビュー記事をまとめることで、C10K 問題が、さまざまな側面から解決されていく流れを説明したいと思います。 書き足したいと

            • Broken Ownership

              Have you been in any of these situations? Managers make decisions that’s out of their leagues and everyone else in the team ends up paying for it. Knowledgeable people passively observe without bothering to contribute. Sometimes they are denied access to the room. Developers act like code monkeys, throwing the code over a metaphorical wall for the QA to test and “DevOps” to run. In “you build it,

                Broken Ownership
              • Modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling

                August 12, 2021 Modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling I didn't much care for vanilla JavaScript prior to ES6. Through all of the 2000s, I chased different approaches to avoid writing too much of it. First there was RJS (Ruby-to-JavaScript). Then there was CoffeeScript. Both transpiling approaches that turned more enjoyable-to-write source code into the kind of JavaScript that

                  Modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling
                • Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid

                  EngineeringOpen SourceInclude diagrams in your Markdown files with MermaidA picture tells a thousand words. Now you can quickly create and edit diagrams in markdown using words with Mermaid support in your Markdown files. A picture tells a thousand words, but up until now the only way to include pictures and diagrams in your Markdown files on GitHub has been to embed an image. We added support for

                    Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid
                  • Time on Unix

                    Sections What is time Representing time Where do we usually find time on Unix System time, hardware time, internal timers Syncing time with external sources What depends on time Human perception of time What is time Time is relative Measuring time and standards Coordinating time Time zones DST Time, a word that is entangled in everything in our lives, something we’re intimately familiar with. Keep

                      Time on Unix
                    • Don't Use Kubernetes, Yet

                      Early-stage startups shouldn't run on Kubernetes yet. But eventually, growth-stage and large companies should be running on Kubernetes in some form. Kubernetes Maximalism doesn't mean one-size-fits-all. Infrastructure should progressively grow with your workloads and team. How can you choose the right technology now so that you can maximize growth and minimize pain later when you inevitably outgro

                        Don't Use Kubernetes, Yet
                      • Why I Won't Use Next.js

                        You’ve got a new project to work on. Or you’ve got an existing project you’re motivated to upgrade to a more modern approach. Or perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your current modern framework or second-guessing yourself and you’re investigating alternatives. In any case, you’ve got a decision to make. There are lots of “modern” frameworks to choose from. Even if you’re not facing this choice right

                          Why I Won't Use Next.js
                        • SIMスワッピングによるTwitter CEOアカウントのっとりについてまとめてみた - piyolog

                          2019年8月31日5時頃(日本時間)、Twitter CEOのJack Dorsey氏のTwitterアカウント(@jack)から不審なツイートが複数投稿されました。この投稿は第三者により行われたもので、Twitterの報告によればモバイルキャリアの侵害が原因とされます。またその手口にSIMスワッピングが用いられたと報じられています。ここでは関連する情報をまとめます。 Twitter CEOアカウントから爆弾が仕掛けられたとツイート . @jack has been hacked pic.twitter.com/E2p9IopnSx— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) 2019年8月30日 CEOのアカウントから不審な投稿は10分間続いた。 不審な投稿は20件程度行われてたとみられる。 レイシストやナチスを称賛する投稿等もリツイートされていた。 Twitter本社に爆弾が仕

                            SIMスワッピングによるTwitter CEOアカウントのっとりについてまとめてみた - piyolog
                          • Draw SVG rope using JavaScript

                            This is an interactive article. To fully experience it, you'll need to turn JavaScript on. Today, I'll take you through the process I came up with in regard to transforming an SVG path into a vector rope drawing. We'll learn how to turn the path on the left into the rope on the right: The problem popped up on a project my colleagues were working on, and it stuck with me. I thought about it and sta

                              Draw SVG rope using JavaScript
                            • 成功したスタートアップの創業者たちが「これは読むべき」とオススメする本とは?

                              「成功したいなら本を読むべき」とよく言われますが、世の中に存在する膨大な書籍から自分だけで最適なものを選ぶのは大変です。そこで、成功したSaaSスタートアップの創業者へのインタビューを行っているMicroSaaSHQが、さまざまな創業者に「オススメの本はありますか?」と尋ねた調査結果を公開しています。 25 Best Books Recommended by 80+ Profitable Founders https://microsaashq.com/insights/founder-insights-books-recommendations ◆ブランドロゴのデザインをサポートする「Logology」創業者:Dagobert Renouf氏 Renouf氏は、決済サービス大手のPayPal創業者であるピーター・ティール氏の「ゼロ・トゥ・ワン 君はゼロから何を生み出せるか」という著作につ

                              • Docker is deleting Open Source organisations - what you need to know

                                Coming up with a title that explains the full story here was difficult, so I'm going to try to explain quickly. Yesterday, Docker sent an email to any Docker Hub user who had created an "organisation", telling them their account will be deleted including all images, if they do not upgrade to a paid team plan. The email contained a link to a tersely written PDF (since, silently edited) which was mi

                                  Docker is deleting Open Source organisations - what you need to know
                                • VRChatのすべて(すべてではない) - Narazaka::Blog

                                  VRChat口伝ノウハウ結構膨大にある気がするので、思いつくものを一度一括で吐き出してみようというやつです。 これを読めばVRChatの全てが分かる!!(大嘘 基本的にリンク集+αという感じですが、めちゃくちゃ色々手を広げて書いているので間違ってるとこ見つけたらコメントに書いてください。 なおこの記事はVRChat Advent Calendar 2020の6日目、VRChat Advent Calendar 2021の9日目のやつです。 adventar.org adventar.org 2021年色々更新してきて8万文字も超え、情報が当初の倍ちかくにはなったんじゃないかと思います。2022年もやっていくぞ。 本記事以外の「すべて」 本記事は主にVRChatに入ってからの生活面にフォーカスしたものですが、本記事以外の「すべて」系記事もあるのでご活用下さい。 「VRChatのアバタートラブ

                                    VRChatのすべて(すべてではない) - Narazaka::Blog
                                  • Tamagui

                                    Rendering between groups of styles conditionally Tamagui comes in three parts: Tamagui Core (@tamagui/core) is a style library for React Native and web that supports 100% of the React Native API surface in a library that only depends on React. It adds all the goodies of modern style libraries into a cohesive package. Tamagui Static (@tamagui/static) is an optimizing compiler on top of Core, turnin

                                    • 画像生成AI「Stable Diffusion」を使いこなすために知っておくと理解が進む「どうやって絵を描いているのか」をわかりやすく図解

                                      2022年8月に無料で一般公開された画像生成AI「Stable Diffusion」は、NVIDIA製GPUを搭載したCPUあるいはGoogle Colaboratoryのようなオンライン実行環境を整えれば、任意の文字列や誰でも画像を生成することができます。そんなStable Diffusionがどのようにして画像を生成しているのかについて、AIについてTwitterで解説を行うAI Pubが説明しています。 // Stable Diffusion, Explained // You've seen the Stable Diffusion AI art all over Twitter. But how does Stable Diffusion _work_? A thread explaining diffusion models, latent space representati

                                        画像生成AI「Stable Diffusion」を使いこなすために知っておくと理解が進む「どうやって絵を描いているのか」をわかりやすく図解
                                      • ML Ops: Machine Learning as an Engineering Discipline

                                        So, your company decided to invest in machine learning. You have a talented team of Data Scientists churning out models to solve important problems that were out of reach just a few years ago. All performance metrics are looking great, the demos cause jaws to drop and executives to ask how soon you can have a model in production. It should be pretty quick, you think. After all, you already solved

                                          ML Ops: Machine Learning as an Engineering Discipline
                                        • 米誌TIME「岸田首相が望む軍事大国化」の見出し変更で何が? 外務省とのやりとりを情報公開請求で入手 | Tansa

                                          ニュース 米誌TIME「岸田首相が望む軍事大国化」の見出し変更で何が?  外務省とのやりとりを情報公開請求で入手 2023年12月08日18時47分 辻麻梨子 昨年末、安保3文書を改訂し、日本の防衛政策を大転換させた岸田文雄首相。現在世界10位の日本の防衛予算は、2027年には3位にまで上がる見込みだ。国の財政は、借金である国債残高が1000兆円を超えて火の車。膨張する防衛予算の財源を賄うため、増税もする。 今年5月、米国の雑誌『TIME』が岸田首相の顔写真を表紙にし、次のような見出しを載せて報じた。 「岸田文雄首相は数十年続いた平和主義を捨て、日本を真の軍事大国にすることを望んでいる」 ところがその直後、TIMEは見出しを変更する。 何があったのか。TansaはTIMEとやりとりした外務省の内部文書を情報公開請求で入手した。 米誌「TIME」の岸田首相インタビュー掲載号=撮影/辻麻梨子

                                            米誌TIME「岸田首相が望む軍事大国化」の見出し変更で何が? 外務省とのやりとりを情報公開請求で入手 | Tansa
                                          • フィーチャーフラグにはタイプ(リリース・実験・運用・許可)がある! - kakakakakku blog

                                            コードを書き換えず,フラグを使って機能を有効化するプラクティスを「Feature Flag(フィーチャーフラグ)」と言う.一般的に main ブランチ(もしくは master や trunk)は常にリリースできる状態にしておくため,並行開発のために feature ブランチを作る.しかし,開発が長期化すると main ブランチとの差が大きくなり,コンフリクトが起きて,ブランチ運用面での考慮が必要になる.あるある! Feature Flag を実現する選択肢は多くある.単純に if ステートメントや設定ファイルを使った「コードレベルでの制御」もできるし,高機能を求めるなら LaunchDarkly や Unleash や AWS AppConfig など「サービスレベルでの制御」もできる.最近は使ったことがなかった Unleash を試して記事を書いたりしていた. 高機能な Feature

                                              フィーチャーフラグにはタイプ(リリース・実験・運用・許可)がある! - kakakakakku blog
                                            • Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.

                                              Elon Musk and company took over the @X handle as part of the Twitter rebrand. The user who registered it more than 16 years ago received nothing for it. Credit: Omar Marques/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images Elon Musk took his next big step in fully turning Twitter into X on Tuesday night: The @Twitter handle officially changed to @X. But, what about its original owner? Mashable interviewed

                                                Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.
                                              • Linux Crisis Tools

                                                (This is based on Table 4.1 "Linux Crisis Tools" in SysPerf 2.) Some longer notes: [1] bcc and bpftrace have many overlapping tools: the bcc ones are more capable (e.g., CLI options), and the bpftrace ones can be edited on the fly. But that's not to say that one is better or faster than the other: They emit the same BPF bytecode and are equally fast once running. Also note that bcc is evolving and

                                                • Why I'm Using Next.js

                                                  We want the default build output of Next.js to work well when self hosting, and also well on Vercel. And guess what? They're the same output. Well, almost. Let me clarify. It took us a while at Vercel to figure out the correct format and boundary between open source framework and infrastructure platform. Our philosophy is called framework defined infrastructure. And critically, the specification t

                                                    Why I'm Using Next.js
                                                  • How NAT traversal works

                                                    * can theoretically exist, but don't show up in the wild Once broken down like this, we can see that cone-ness isn’t terribly useful to us. The major distinction we care about is Symmetric versus anything else — in other words, we care about whether a NAT device is EIM or EDM. While it’s neat to know exactly how your firewall behaves, we don’t care from the point of view of writing NAT traversal c

                                                      How NAT traversal works
                                                    • Databases in 2022: A Year in Review | OtterTune

                                                      OtterTune is an automated optimization service for PostgreSQL and MySQL running on Amazon RDS and Aurora. It uses machine learning to tune your database’s configuration knobs, indexes, and cloud settings. 🦦 Try it now on your first database for free! Another year has gone by, and I’m still alive. As such, it is an excellent time to reflect on what happened in the world of databases last year. It

                                                        Databases in 2022: A Year in Review | OtterTune
                                                      • Kyashミーティングガイドラインを公開しました - Kyash Product Blog

                                                        Kyashの @konifar です。 この記事は Kyash Advent Calendar 2022 7日目の記事です。 社でミーティングのガイドラインを作って半年くらい経ったので経緯や運用の話を書きます。 内容はGitHubリポジトリで公開しています。 github.com なぜ作ったか なぜ作ったかというと、ミーティングの質を一定レベルまで引き上げたかったからです。 Kyashは100人規模の組織になり、1on1や雑談の中で次のようなミーティングに関する課題をチラホラ聞くようになりました。 開催理由が事前にわからない 参加人数が多すぎる 時間内に終わらない 決まったことの認識が擦りあっていない 議事録がない、または共有されない 程度の差はあれど、どの会社でもよく聞く課題だと思います。この解決策のひとつとして、「Kyashではミーティングはこうあるべし」という指針をまとめたガイドライ

                                                          Kyashミーティングガイドラインを公開しました - Kyash Product Blog
                                                        • npm Blog Archive: Next Phase Montage

                                                          The npm blog has been discontinued. Updates from the npm team are now published on the GitHub Blog and the GitHub Changelog. tl;dr – Good news! npm, Inc., is being purchased by GitHub. The public registry remains public, free, and as available as ever. npm as you know it continues, and in fact, there is good reason to believe that it’ll only get better. I’m still going to be working on npm (but wi

                                                            npm Blog Archive: Next Phase Montage
                                                          • Ohtani's interpreter fired, 'massive theft' alleged

                                                            Close Tisha Thompson is an investigative reporter for ESPN based in Washington, D.C. Her work appears on all platforms, both domestically and internationally. The Los Angeles Dodgers interpreter for Shohei Ohtani was fired Wednesday afternoon after questions surrounding at least $4.5 million in wire transfers sent from Ohtani's bank account to a bookmaking operation set off a series of events. Ipp

                                                              Ohtani's interpreter fired, 'massive theft' alleged
                                                            • Ultimate Guide to Visual Testing with Playwright

                                                              As your web app matures, it becomes challenging to ensure your GUI doesn’t break with any given update. There are a lot of browsers and devices, and countless states for every one of your components. Unit tests ensure your code remains consistent, and E2E tests will ensure your system remains consistent, but neither will catch visual anomalies, layout issues, or platform compatibility issues. Ente

                                                              • Why Generics? - The Go Programming Language

                                                                This article is about what it would mean to add generics to Go, and why I think we should do it. I’ll also touch on an update to a possible design for adding generics to Go. Go was released on November 10, 2009. Less than 24 hours later we saw the first comment about generics. (That comment also mentions exceptions, which we added to the language, in the form of panic and recover, in early 2010.)

                                                                  Why Generics? - The Go Programming Language
                                                                • Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust

                                                                  Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust March 2021 Summary: I describe a simple interview problem (counting frequencies of unique words), solve it in various languages, and compare performance across them. For each language, I’ve included a simple, idiomatic solution as well as a more optimized approach via profiling. Go to: Constraints | Python Go C++ C

                                                                  • Parse, don’t validate

                                                                    Historically, I’ve struggled to find a concise, simple way to explain what it means to practice type-driven design. Too often, when someone asks me “How did you come up with this approach?” I find I can’t give them a satisfying answer. I know it didn’t just come to me in a vision—I have an iterative design process that doesn’t require plucking the “right” approach out of thin air—yet I haven’t bee

                                                                    • BBC Two - Predator: The Secret Scandal of J-Pop

                                                                      Mobeen Azhar explores the suffocating reality of being a J-pop idol, the influence that Johnny Kitagawa had on the media and exposes the brutal consequences of turning a blind eye. Show more Johnny Kitagawa’s legendary male-only talent agency trained young boys to become superstars. But for over 50 years, Japan has kept Kitagawa’s dark secret – a long history of allegations of sexual abuse, made b

                                                                        BBC Two - Predator: The Secret Scandal of J-Pop
                                                                      • Why Japan gets no Covid-19 respect - Asia Times

                                                                        Then, as discharged passengers made their way into the Tokyo subway system, derision grew. Waves of death were predicted. They did not eventuate. Attention then shifted from Japan to South Korea, Italy, Europe and the United States. Only in late March did Japan start to enter an unwanted limelight again. The Tokyo governor’s March 25 announcement of “emergency measures” was in fact largely an urge

                                                                          Why Japan gets no Covid-19 respect - Asia Times
                                                                        • From Japan, a Mascot for the Pandemic

                                                                          “Should an epidemic come,” Amabié is said to have uttered, “draw me and show me to the people.” Then it sank beneath the waves.Art work by Shunsuke Satake Sometimes it seems as if Japan’s human population is outnumbered by cute characters. A few, such as Hello Kitty and Pikachu, have achieved international superstardom. But many more quietly populate the daily lives of citizens. Illustrated signs

                                                                            From Japan, a Mascot for the Pandemic
                                                                          • Exclusive: Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Japan's Future

                                                                            Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida inside the great hall at his official residence in Tokyo on April 28.Ko Tsuchiya for TIME The official residence of Japan’s Prime Minister is a spooky place. Inspired by American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the stone and brick mansion in central Tokyo had been around for only three years when young naval officers charged in and assassinated Prime Minister Ts

                                                                              Exclusive: Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Japan's Future
                                                                            • The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure

                                                                              My name is Zhenzhong Xu. I joined Netflix in 2015 as a founding engineer on the Real-time Data Infrastructure team and later led the Stream Processing Engines team. I developed an interest in real-time data in the early 2010s, and ever since believe there is much value yet to be uncovered. Netflix was a fantastic place to be surrounded by many amazing colleagues. I can’t be more proud of everyone

                                                                                The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure
                                                                              • How I Hacked my Car

                                                                                Note: As of 2022/10/25 the information in this series is slightly outdated. See Part 5 for more up to date information. The Car⌗ Last summer I bought a 2021 Hyundai Ioniq SEL. It is a nice fuel-efficient hybrid with a decent amount of features like wireless Android Auto/Apple CarPlay, wireless phone charging, heated seats, & a sunroof. One thing I particularly liked about this vehicle was the In-V

                                                                                • Shohei Ohtani's attorneys accuse interpreter of 'massive theft' tied to alleged gambling

                                                                                  Representatives of Dodgers superstar Shohei Ohtani on Wednesday accused his interpreter of engaging in a “massive theft” of the ballplayer’s funds to place bets with an allegedly illegal bookmaker who is the target of a federal investigation. Lawyers for Ohtani made that claim after The Times learned that Ohtani’s name had surfaced in the investigation of Mathew Bowyer, an Orange County resident.

                                                                                    Shohei Ohtani's attorneys accuse interpreter of 'massive theft' tied to alleged gambling