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economics_regulationに関するbluesky0804のブックマーク (1)

  • Grenfell: the anatomy of a housing disaster

    Grenfell Tower in west London, with the centre of the city on the horizon. It has become a symbol of the housing divide across Britain © FT montage; Getty ImagesIn 1977, two years before Margaret Thatcher became prime minister and started to liberalise the UK’s economy and housing policy, the punk band The Clash released “London’s Burning”. “I’m up and down the Westway, in and out the lights/What

    Grenfell: the anatomy of a housing disaster
    bluesky0804 2017/06/30
    “There are also concerns that both Conservative and Labour governments since 1979 have relaxed fire and safety standards and made them fatally ambiguous.”規制緩和の嵐。80人死ぬとか…。経済政策怖すぎる
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