This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. By clicking or navigating the site you agree to allow our collection of information through cookies. More info OK All the documentation you need about the Europeana Data Model (EDM). General EDM factsheet and PresentationThe EDM Factsheet and an EDM presentation sum up the rationale and expected benefits of EDM. EDM PrimerThe EDM Pri
If you’ve ever run an app on Heroku, you may have come across log messages produced by the Heroku router and wondered about their unusual formatting. Each line consists of a single level of key/value pairs which are densely packed together compared to other well-known structured formats like JSON. For example: at=info method=GET path=/ fwd="" dyno=web.2 connect=4ms
Logging is one of the oldest and most ubiquitous patterns in computing. Key to gaining insight into problems ranging from basic failures in test environments to the most tangled problems in production, it’s common practice across all software stacks and all types of infrastructure, and has been for decades. Although logs are powerful and flexible, their sheer volume often makes it impractical to e
AIMichelangelo PyML: Introducing Uber’s Platform for Rapid Python ML Model DevelopmentOctober 23, 2018 / Global As a company heavily invested in AI, Uber aims to leverage machine learning (ML) in product development and the day-to-day management of our business. In pursuit of this goal, our data scientists spend considerable amounts of time prototyping and validating powerful new types of ML model
Data / ML, EngineeringUber’s Big Data Platform: 100+ Petabytes with Minute LatencyOctober 17, 2018 / Global Uber is committed to delivering safer and more reliable transportation across our global markets. To accomplish this, Uber relies heavily on making data-driven decisions at every level, from forecasting rider demand during high traffic events to identifying and addressing bottlenecks in our