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Ecosystemに関するエントリは69件あります。 JavaScripttechfeedsoftware などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Marp: Markdown Presentation Ecosystem』などがあります。
  • Marp: Markdown Presentation Ecosystem

    Marp:Markdown Presentation EcosystemGet started! Find Marp tools on GitHub! Create beautiful slide decks using an intuitive Markdown experienceMarp (also known as the Markdown Presentation Ecosystem) provides an intuitive experience for creating beautiful slide decks. You only have to focus on writing your story in a Markdown document. The slides above are from generated directly from Marp CoreSho

      Marp: Markdown Presentation Ecosystem
    • フロントエンドのエコシステム / Frontend Ecosystem

      チャリティーカンファレンス沖縄2020 フロントエンド編の資料です。 https://charity-conf.okinawa.jp/

        フロントエンドのエコシステム / Frontend Ecosystem
      • Google、NVIDIA、Qualcomm、インテルらが、RISC-V用オープンソース開発を加速させる組織「RISC-V Software Ecosystem」(RISE)プロジェクトを立ち上げ

        Google、NVIDIA、Qualcomm、インテルらが、RISC-V用オープンソース開発を加速させる組織「RISC-V Software Ecosystem」(RISE)プロジェクトを立ち上げ RISC-V(リスクファイブ)プロセッサ対応のオープンソース開発を加速させる組織「RISC-V Software Ecosystem」(RISE)プロジェクトが、Linux Foundation Europeをホストとし、Google、NVIDIA、Qualcomm、インテルを始めとする13社がボードメンバーとなってスタートしました。 もともとRISC-Vはカリフォルニア大学バークレイ校のコンピュータサイエンス科が開始した、新しいプロセッサ命令セットを開発するためのプロジェクトです。創立メンバーにはRISCプロセッサの基礎を築いた計算機科学者のデイビッド・パターソン博士らがおり、当初は教育に使う

          Google、NVIDIA、Qualcomm、インテルらが、RISC-V用オープンソース開発を加速させる組織「RISC-V Software Ecosystem」(RISE)プロジェクトを立ち上げ
        • GitHub - microsoft/fluent-ui-react: An ecosystem for building highly customizable enterprise class user interfaces.

          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

            GitHub - microsoft/fluent-ui-react: An ecosystem for building highly customizable enterprise class user interfaces.
          • T3 Stack and TypeScript ecosystem

            Templates, Plugins, & Blocks: Oh My! Creating the theme that thinks of everything

              T3 Stack and TypeScript ecosystem
            • 「アジャイルテストの4象限」に対するアンチテーゼ・「The Agile Rapid Testing Ecosystem」 - ソフトウェアの品質を学びまくる

              「アジャイルテストの4象限」についてのやりとりをTwitterでみていて、James Bach、Michael Boltonの両氏が何年か前に公開していた『The New Agile Testing Quadrants』という資料を読み直してみました。 The New Agile Testing Quadrants: Bringing Skilled Testers and Developers Together - James Bach from Ho Chi Minh City Software Testing Club www.slideshare.net 今Twitterで話題になっているのは全然違う文脈ですが、この記事では彼らの批判と提案について紹介します。 作者について JamesとMichaelのお二人は、『Exploratory Testing 3.0』(探索的テスト3.0

                「アジャイルテストの4象限」に対するアンチテーゼ・「The Agile Rapid Testing Ecosystem」 - ソフトウェアの品質を学びまくる
              • React’s greatest power may lie in its open source ecosystem

                Christopher Chedeau wanted to save the web from obsolescence. Chedeau joined Facebook as a front-end developer in 2012, just as the company embarked on a new “mobile-first” approach to development. At first the approach focused on using HTML5 and other web technologies to build mobile apps. “We already had all this expertise on the web, and if we could just put the web in a mobile app, we could wo

                  React’s greatest power may lie in its open source ecosystem
                • The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem

                  The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem After reviewing the proposed Cyber Resilience Act and Product Liability Act, the PSF has found issues that put the mission of our organization and the health of the open-source software community at risk. While we support the stated goals of these policies of increasing security and accountability for European soft

                    The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem
                  • Hoppscotch • Open source API development ecosystem • Hoppscotch

                    ParametersBodyHeadersAuthorizationPre-request ScriptTestsVariables

                      Hoppscotch • Open source API development ecosystem • Hoppscotch
                    • GitHub - actions-ecosystem/action-release-label: 🏷️ GitHub Action to output a semver update level from a pull request release label

                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                        GitHub - actions-ecosystem/action-release-label: 🏷️ GitHub Action to output a semver update level from a pull request release label
                      • 極右生態系-What is a far-right ecosystem-|みつを

                        2021/05/09 最新追記2021/10/05 とても信じられないような陰謀論を真面目に世間に向かって叫ぶ人たちを見かけることはないだろうか? 「米民主党の関係者は、子どもを食べている」 「中国の影響を調べるために、投票用紙に竹の繊維が入っているか調査する」 「ドナルド・トランプは、光の戦士」 「ワクチンには、マイクロチップが入っていて人を洗脳する」 彼らは本当にそれを信じて拡散するのだろうか。おそらく頭から信じている人もいるだろう。しかし、現在人々が頻繁に目にするほど多くの人が信じているのだろうか、信仰のほかにもう一つの説明があり得るかもしれない。もしも、それを拡散することで💰お金💰が手に入るとしたら? 極右生態系 2020年9月、米オレゴン州で起こった山火事が左翼活動家、いわゆるAntifaによる放火🔥であるという噂が地元だけでなく米全国にも広がった。 この根も葉もない噂が、

                          極右生態系-What is a far-right ecosystem-|みつを
                        • GitHub - hoppscotch/hoppscotch: Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)

                          ❤️ Lightweight: Crafted with minimalistic UI design. ⚡️ Fast: Send requests and get responses in real time. 🗄️ HTTP Methods: Request methods define the type of action you are requesting to be performed. GET - Requests retrieve resource information POST - The server creates a new entry in a database PUT - Updates an existing resource PATCH - Very similar to PUT but makes a partial update on a reso

                            GitHub - hoppscotch/hoppscotch: Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
                          • Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - one library at a time

                            Whilst the trend is seemingly to rewrite every JavaScript build tool in other languages such as Rust or Go, the current JavaScript-based tools could be a lot faster. The build pipeline in a typical frontend project is usually composed of many different tools working together. But the diversification of tools makes it a little harder to spot performance problems for tooling maintainers as they need

                              Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - one library at a time
                            • Scaling gopls for the growing Go ecosystem - The Go Programming Language

                              Across these repos, the savings average around 75%, but memory reductions are non-linear: as projects get larger, so does the relative decrease in memory usage. We’ll explain this in more detail below. Gopls and the evolving Go ecosystem Gopls provides language-agnostic editors with IDE-like features such as auto-completion, formatting, cross-references, and refactoring. Since its beginnings in 20

                                Scaling gopls for the growing Go ecosystem - The Go Programming Language
                              • OSSから理解するEKSとそのエコシステムについて / Understanding EKS and its ecosystem from OSS perspective

                                OSSから理解するEKSとそのエコシステムについて / Understanding EKS and its ecosystem from OSS perspective

                                  OSSから理解するEKSとそのエコシステムについて / Understanding EKS and its ecosystem from OSS perspective
                                • The Vite Ecosystem

                                  The Vite Ecosystem ​One of the strongest points in Vite is the ecosystem around it. Vite took responsibilities from frameworks (common web patterns, glob imports, HMR API, SSR primitives, build optimizations), freeing other maintainers from reinventing the wheel each time by offering a common ground where to collaborate, fostering a lot of explorations in the space. Maintainers from several popula

                                    The Vite Ecosystem
                                  • GitHub's commitment to npm ecosystem security

                                    Open SourceSecurityGitHub’s commitment to npm ecosystem securityWe're sharing details of recent incidents on the npm registry, our investigations, and how we’re continuing to invest in the security of npm. The npm registry is central to all JavaScript development, and, as stewards of the registry, ensuring its security is a responsibility GitHub takes seriously. Transparency is key in maintaining

                                      GitHub's commitment to npm ecosystem security
                                    • Arweave - A community-driven ecosystem

                                      The Arweave network is like Bitcoin, but for data: A permanent and decentralized web inside an open ledger. Permanent storage has many applications: from the preservation of humanity's most important data, to the hosting of truly decentralized and provably neutral web apps. The Arweave protocol is stable, mature and widely adopted. As such, its ecosystem is fully decentralized. This site is just t

                                      • Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem

                                        This blog post is adapted from a talk that Adam Hess and I gave at RubyKaigi 2024. Until recently, Ruby lacked a mechanism for detecting native-level memory leaks from within Ruby and native gems. This was because, when Ruby terminates, it does not free the objects that are still alive or the memory used by Ruby’s virtual machine. This is because the system will reclaim all the memory used anyway,

                                          Finding Memory Leaks in the Ruby Ecosystem
                                        • Rust for JavaScript Developers - Tooling Ecosystem Overview

                                          SetupRust is installed using the rustup command. rustup is similar to nvm in Node.js. You can use it to install and manage multiple versions of Rust and more. CargoInstalling Rust using rustup also installs Cargo similar to how installing Node.js also installs NPM. Cargo is Rust’s package manager and would feel very familiar if you’ve used NPM before. Rust’s packages are called “crates”, and they’

                                          • Introducing GitHub Copilot Extensions: Unlocking unlimited possibilities with our ecosystem of partners

                                            Today, we’re introducing GitHub Copilot Extensions to bring the world’s knowledge into the most widely adopted AI developer tool. Through a growing partner ecosystem, Copilot Extensions enables developers to build and deploy to the cloud in their natural language with their preferred tools and services, all without leaving the IDE or GitHub.com. With Copilot and now Copilot Extensions, developers

                                              Introducing GitHub Copilot Extensions: Unlocking unlimited possibilities with our ecosystem of partners
                                            • Introducing Our Open Mixed Reality Ecosystem | Meta

                                              Today, we’re taking a major step toward our vision for a more open computing platform for the metaverse. We’re opening up the operating system that powers our Meta Quest devices to third-party hardware makers, giving developers a larger ecosystem to build for and ultimately creating more choice for consumers. This platform is the product of a decade of investment into the underlying technologies t

                                                Introducing Our Open Mixed Reality Ecosystem | Meta
                                              • GitHub - moonrepo/moon: A task runner and repo management tool for the web ecosystem, written in Rust.

                                                Working in the JavaScript ecosystem can be very involved, especially when it comes to managing a repository effectively. Which package manager to use? Which Node.js version to use? How to import node modules? How to build packages? So on and so forth. moon aims to streamline this entire process and provide a first-class developer experience. Increased productivity - With Rust as our foundation, we

                                                  GitHub - moonrepo/moon: A task runner and repo management tool for the web ecosystem, written in Rust.
                                                • Small world with high risks: a study of security threats in the npm ecosystem | the morning paper

                                                  the morning paper a random walk through Computer Science research, by Adrian Colyer Made delightfully fast by strattic Small world with high risks: a study of security threats in the npm ecosystem Zimmermann et al., USENIX Security Symposium 2019 This is a fascinating study of the npm ecosystem, looking at the graph of maintainers and packages and its evolution over time. It’s packed with some gre

                                                    Small world with high risks: a study of security threats in the npm ecosystem | the morning paper
                                                  • Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Polyfills gone rogue

                                                    In the previous posts we looked at runtime performance and I thought it would be fun to look at node modules install time instead. A lot has been already written about various algorithmic optimizations or using more performant syscalls, but why do we even have this problem in the first place? Why is every node_modules folders so big? Where are all these dependencies coming from? It all started whe

                                                      Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Polyfills gone rogue
                                                    • The Design System Ecosystem

                                                      What does a mature, end-to-end design system look like in a big, complex organization? What are all the moving pieces, and how do they hang together as a well-considered architecture? What’s required and what’s optional? Hold onto your butts, because we’re going to go deep on this one. Let’s start here: a design system’s relationship to digital products can be boiled down like so: There’s a design

                                                        The Design System Ecosystem
                                                      • Another one-line npm package breaks the JavaScript ecosystem

                                                        An update to a tiny JavaScript library has thrown a large part of the JavaScript ecosystem into chaos on Saturday, with millions of projects believed to have been impacted. Making the entire situation ridiculously absurd is that the whole mess was caused by a "one-liner" JavaScript library, marking this the second time when a tiny JavaScript project has caused widespread issues. The is-promise one

                                                          Another one-line npm package breaks the JavaScript ecosystem
                                                        • GitHub - git-ecosystem/git-credential-manager: Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.

                                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                            GitHub - git-ecosystem/git-credential-manager: Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.
                                                          • Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - The barrel file debacle

                                                            Let's imagine you are working on a big project with many files. You add a new file to work on a new feature and import a function from another directory into your code. import { foo } from "./some/other-file"; export function myCoolCode() { // Pretend that this is super smart code :) const result = foo(); return result; } Excited about finishing your feature, you run the code and realize that it t

                                                              Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - The barrel file debacle
                                                            • State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020 🎉 - Lisp journey

                                                              📢 ⭐ Celebrating 1001 learners on my Common Lisp course with this coupon code. Thank you! Recently added: 17 videos on MACROS. More info. 🎥 I also have cool Lisp showcases on Youtube . The last ones: how to build a web app in Common Lisp, part 1 and 2. This is a description of the Common Lisp ecosystem, as of January, 2021, from the perspective of a user and contributor. The purpose of this artic

                                                              • Ramseyer and the Right-Wing Ecosystem Suffocating Japan – Tokyo Review

                                                                In Japan, many right wing revisionist groups continue to glorify its wartime legacy, seeking to validate their versions of the past however they can. The issue of sexual slavery, or “comfort women,” and forced labor during Japan’s colonization of East Asia remains contested and unresolved. In early 2021, right wing revisionists found a coveted ally in J. Mark Ramseyer, the Mitsubishi Professor of

                                                                • Cloud Native Ecosystemの成熟度から見る2021年の動向 - Qiita

                                                                  記事を書いたきっかけとお詫び Kubernetesとそのエコシステムが実に幅広く、知れば知るほど何もわからなくなってしまいました Kubernetes自体は使用してみて1年弱ですが、今後何をどこまで深堀りしていくか取捨選択が必要になってきたため、成熟度の観点とトレンドを基に2021年に何をしようか考えてみることにした 特にCNCF自体も宣言している通りプロジェクトの統廃合も進む年になるので、少し俯瞰して考えてみる 余談として、コミュニティとの関わりなど個人的な期待を備忘的に残すことにした ※普段アウトプットが少ないにもかかわらず初めてAdvent Calendarを書くため、大きなテーマを取り上げてしまったことを反省しています。こんなこと考えている人もいるんだな、くらいの温度感で読んでいただけるとよきです。同じような境遇の方などの参考に少しでもなれば幸いです。 Kubernetesとクラウ

                                                                    Cloud Native Ecosystemの成熟度から見る2021年の動向 - Qiita
                                                                  • Advancing the web framework ecosystem  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                    Advancing the web framework ecosystem Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Chrome is an active contributor to the web framework ecosystem and our talk at Chrome Dev Summit 2019 covers what we've worked on in the past year. Read on for an extended recap of the talk with additional details and resources. How do we make the web better? The goal of eve

                                                                      Advancing the web framework ecosystem  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                                                                    • The massive bug at the heart of the npm ecosystem

                                                                      Disclosure: I was the Staff Engineering Manager for the npm CLI team between July 2019 & December 2022. I was a part of the GitHub acquistion of npm inc. in 2020. I left GitHub, for various reasons, in December. tldr;a npm package's manifest is published independently from its tarballmanifests are never fully validated against the tarball's contentsthe ecosystem has broadly assumed the contents of

                                                                        The massive bug at the heart of the npm ecosystem
                                                                      • Ouranos Ecosystem(ウラノス・エコシステム) (METI/経済産業省)

                                                                        ウラノス・エコシステムの概要 人手不足や災害激甚化、脱炭素への対応といった社会課題を解決しながら、イノベーションを起こして経済成長を実現するため、企業や業界、国境を跨ぐ横断的なデータ共有やシステム連携の仕組みの構築が必要となります。 経済産業省では、関係省庁や独立行政法人情報処理推進機構(IPA)のデジタルアーキテクチャ・デザインセンター(DADC)、国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)とともに、運用及び管理を行う者が異なる複数の情報処理システムの連携の仕組みに関して、アーキテクチャの設計、研究開発・実証、社会実装・普及の取組を進めております。 「Ouranos Ecosystem(ウラノス・エコシステム)」は、Society5.0⦅サイバー空間(仮想空間)とフィジカル空間(物理空間)を高度に融合することで経済発展と社会的課題の解決と産業発展を両立する人間中心の

                                                                        • 2024-07-01のJS: ES2024、Playwright v1.45.0、e18e(Ecosystem Performance)

                                                                          JSer.info #698 - ECMAScript 2024が正式にリリースされました。 Release ES2024 Candidate February 28th 2024 · tc39/ecma262 ES2024では、Object.groupBy/Map.groupBy、Promise.withResolvers、ArrayBuffers.prototype.resize、Atomics.waitAsyncなどが追加されています。 次の記事でも詳しく解説されています。 Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2024: What’s new? Playwright v1.45.0がリリースされました。 Release v1.45.0 · microsoft/playwright 時間を操作できるClock APIの追加、--fail-on-

                                                                            2024-07-01のJS: ES2024、Playwright v1.45.0、e18e(Ecosystem Performance)
                                                                          • Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - eslint

                                                                            We've talked quite a bit about linting in the past two posts of this series, so I thought it's time to give eslint the proper limelight it deserves. Overall eslint is so flexible, that you can even swap out the parser for a completely different one. That's not a rare scenario either as with the rise of JSX and TypeScript that is frequently done. Enriched by a healthy ecosystem of plugins and prese

                                                                              Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - eslint
                                                                            • GitHub - Rust-GPU/Rust-CUDA: Ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing fast GPU code fully in Rust.

                                                                              Historically, general purpose high performance GPU computing has been done using the CUDA toolkit. The CUDA toolkit primarily provides a way to use Fortran/C/C++ code for GPU computing in tandem with CPU code with a single source. It also provides many libraries, tools, forums, and documentation to supplement the single-source CPU/GPU code. CUDA is exclusively an NVIDIA-only toolkit. Many tools ha

                                                                                GitHub - Rust-GPU/Rust-CUDA: Ecosystem of libraries and tools for writing and executing fast GPU code fully in Rust.
                                                                              • Actions Ecosystem

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                                                                                  Actions Ecosystem
                                                                                • GitHub - bluesky-social/atproto-ecosystem: list of projects and implementations in the AT protocol ecosystem

                                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                    GitHub - bluesky-social/atproto-ecosystem: list of projects and implementations in the AT protocol ecosystem
