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  • [速報]Google、目の前に相手が実在するかのような「Project Starline」発表。精細な3Dモデルのリアルタイム伝送と裸眼立体視で、Google I/O 2021

    Googleは、5月19日未明に開催したオンラインイベント「Google I/O 2021」で、同社が開発中の先進的なオンラインコミュニケーションシステム「Project Starline」を発表しました。 Imagine a magic window, and through that window you see another person, life-size and in three dimensions. Project Starline is a technology project that combines advances in hardware and software to help people feel like they're together, even when they're apart. #GoogleIO pic.twitter.com/2yNJrX

      [速報]Google、目の前に相手が実在するかのような「Project Starline」発表。精細な3Dモデルのリアルタイム伝送と裸眼立体視で、Google I/O 2021
    • This is The Entire Computer Science Curriculum in 1000 YouTube Videos

      This is The Entire Computer Science Curriculum in 1000 YouTube Videos In this article, we are going to create an entire Computer Science curriculum using only YouTube videos. The Computer Science curriculum is going to cover every skill essential for a Computer Science Engineer that has expertise in Artificial Intelligence and its subfields, like: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision,

        This is The Entire Computer Science Curriculum in 1000 YouTube Videos
      • Mojoは「C言語のように速いPython」なのか - k0kubun's blog

        LLVMやSwiftを作ったChris LattnerがCEOをやっている会社が、Pythonの使用感とC言語並の性能を併せ持つ言語としてMojoをアナウンスした。 まだ手元で試せる状態でリリースされてはいないが、最大35000倍Pythonより速いという。 Mojo🔥 combines the usability of Python with the performance of C, unlocking unparalleled programmability of AI hardware and extensibility of AI models. Also, it's up to 35000x faster than Python 🤯 and … deploys 🏎 pic.twitter.com/tjT09U4F80— Modular (@Modular_AI) May

          Mojoは「C言語のように速いPython」なのか - k0kubun's blog
        • Top 10 VS Code extensions for 2021 - LogRocket Blog

          Ashutosh Singh Ashutosh is a JavaScript developer and a technical writer. He writes about the fundamentals of JavaScript, Node.js, React, Next, Vue, and tutorials on building projects. Visual Studio Code is one of the most widely used code editors in the developer community. One of the reasons for VS Code’s popularity is its many extensions that speed up the development process. In this guide, we’

            Top 10 VS Code extensions for 2021 - LogRocket Blog
          • [速報]VMwareがBroadcomに買収されると正式に発表、約8兆円で

            VMwareとBroadcomは、VMwareがBroadcomによって買収されることを正式に発表しました(VMwareの発表、Braodcomの発表)。 Broadcom to Acquire VMware for Approximately $61 Billion in Cash and Stockhttps://t.co/VhdGU0Aezl pic.twitter.com/3dZXkMQQO1 — VMware News (@vmwarenews) May 26, 2022 BroadcomはVMwareの発行済株式すべてを現金と株式による取引で取得。買収価格は約610億ドル(1ドル130円換算で7兆9300億円)。また、VMwareの純負債80億ドルも引き受ける予定とのこと。 両社による買収交渉は数日前から複数の報道機関が報じていました。 参考:VMwareの買収に向けて半導体メ

            • Mojo 🔥: Programming language for all of AI

              Mojo combines the usability of Python with the performance of C, unlocking unparalleled programmability of AI hardware and extensibility of AI models.

                Mojo 🔥: Programming language for all of AI
              • Popular git config options

                Hello! I always wish that command line tools came with data about how popular their various options are, like: “basically nobody uses this one” “80% of people use this, probably take a look” “this one has 6 possible values but people only really use these 2 in practice” So I asked about people’s favourite git config options on Mastodon: what are your favourite git config options to set? Right now

                • Linear – A better way to build products

                  Powering the world’s best product teams. From next-gen startups to established enterprises. Unlike any tool you’ve used beforeDesigned to the last pixel and engineered with unforgiving precision, Linear combines UI elegance with world-class performance.

                    Linear – A better way to build products
                  • Announcing Flutter 2

                    Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Mail Our next generation of Flutter, built for web, mobile, and desktop Today, we’re announcing Flutter 2: a major upgrade to Flutter that enables developers to create beautiful, fast, and portable apps for any platform. With Flutter 2, you can use the same codebase to ship native apps to five operating systems: iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux; as well as we

                      Announcing Flutter 2
                    • HTTP/3: the past, the present, and the future

                      HTTP/3: the past, the present, and the future09/26/2019 This post is also available in 简体中文, 日本語, 한국어, Français, Español. During last year’s Birthday Week we announced preliminary support for QUIC and HTTP/3 (or “HTTP over QUIC” as it was known back then), the new standard for the web, enabling faster, more reliable, and more secure connections to web endpoints like websites and APIs. We also let

                        HTTP/3: the past, the present, and the future
                      • GitHub - spacedriveapp/spacedrive: Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.

                        A file explorer from the future. spacedrive.com » Download for macOS (Apple Silicon | Intel) · Windows · Linux · iOS · Android ~ Links for iOS & Android will be added once a release is available. ~ Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file manager, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem (VDFS) written in Rust. UPDATE: Spacedrive is under active development, we are in the alpha stage an

                          GitHub - spacedriveapp/spacedrive: Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
                        • Zed - Code at the speed of thought

                          Code at the speed of thoughtZed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter. It's also open source. Stay in FlowProductive coding starts with a tool that stays out of your way. Zed combines the power of an IDE with the responsiveness of a lightweight editor for productivity you can feel under your fingertips. Engineered for performanceZed efficiently le

                            Zed - Code at the speed of thought
                          • Amazon Aurora Multi-Master is Now Generally Available

                            Amazon Aurora Multi-Master is now generally available, allowing you to create multiple read-write instances of your Aurora database across multiple Availability Zones, which enables uptime-sensitive applications to achieve continuous write availability through instance failure. In the event of instance or Availability Zone failures, Aurora Multi-Master enables the Aurora database to maintain read

                              Amazon Aurora Multi-Master is Now Generally Available
                            • Stable Diffusion 3 — Stability AI

                              Prompt: Epic anime artwork of a wizard atop a mountain at night casting a cosmic spell into the dark sky that says "Stable Diffusion 3" made out of colorful energy Announcing Stable Diffusion 3 in early preview, our most capable text-to-image model with greatly improved performance in multi-subject prompts, image quality, and spelling abilities. While the model is not yet broadly available, today,

                                Stable Diffusion 3 — Stability AI
                              • Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot – your copilot for work - The Official Microsoft Blog

                                Humans are hard-wired to dream, to create, to innovate. Each of us seeks to do work that gives us purpose — to write a great novel, to make a discovery, to build strong communities, to care for the sick. The urge to connect to the core of our work lives in all of us. But today, we spend too much time consumed by the drudgery of work on tasks that zap our time, creativity and energy. To reconnect t

                                  Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot – your copilot for work - The Official Microsoft Blog
                                • Rust Is The Future of JavaScript Infrastructure

                                  Rust is a fast, reliable, and memory-efficient programming language. It's been voted the most loved programming language six years in a row (survey). Created by Mozilla, it's now used at Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google for systems infrastructure, encryption, virtualization, and more low-level programming. Why is Rust now being used to replace parts of the JavaScript web ecosystem li

                                    Rust Is The Future of JavaScript Infrastructure
                                  • 中国のゲームをやってると、日本人にも伝わると思ってるのか中国由来の故事成語がそのまま出てきて面白い「ノルマみたいに出てくる」

                                    nicolith @nicolith 遠星都市27λ、Playmeowパブリッシュ、Bunny Eats Tiger開発、Steamで3/26にリリースしたて。いまなら10%オフ1170円のSFデッキ構築ローグライトNTRで面白いのでおすすめです。Steamでは先日のアップデートでライブラリのゲームをフレンドから非表示にする機能もつきましたよ。 store.steampowered.com/app/2442410/27/ 2024-03-27 12:27:27 リンク store.steampowered.com Save 10% on Colony City 27λ on Steam Colony City 27λ is an adult Rougelite game that combines simple card and complax skill set. In the stor

                                    • 習氏の理想都市は空っぽ、権力の限界露呈-北京に近い「雄安新区」

                                      中国の改革・開放政策を主導した鄧小平氏が1979年、中国南部の地図上に円を描き資本主義を実験する経済特区を広東省深圳に設けると決めたという逸話がある。 それから40年近くたち、中国共産党の習近平総書記(国家主席)は時代を象徴する都市建設の野心を、首都北京に近い「雄安新区」で体現すると発表。北京の人口密集を解消するハイテク都市になるという雄安は、「人類発展の歴史におけるモデル都市」とうたわれた。 Xi Jinping's City of the Future Xiongan combines three counties to absorb nearby Beijing’s non-capital functions

                                      • Arxiv RAGによる論文サーベイの自動生成 | Shikoan's ML Blog

                                        2.3k{icon} {views} 複数のLLM(GPT/Claude3)とArxivの検索APIをRAGで統合し、論文サーベイの自動生成を作りました。検索結果の前処理や、サーベイ特有のプロンプトエンジニアリングやソートが重要で、最適化手法として古くからある巡回セールスマン問題(TSP)が有効に機能しました。また、生成部分ではGPTよりClaude3の明確な有効性を確認できました。 できたもの Arxivの検索APIを使って検索拡張生成(RAG)したらサーベイを自動生成できた やっていること Arxivの検索ワードをGPT-4-Turboで生成 ArxivのAPIを叩いてヒューリスティックでフィルタリング OpenAIのEmbedding APIを叩く Embeddingに対して巡回セールスマン問題(TSP)を解いてソートをかける 論文の要旨をGPT-3.5-Turboで要約 ソートした

                                          Arxiv RAGによる論文サーベイの自動生成 | Shikoan's ML Blog
                                        • ML Ops: Machine Learning as an Engineering Discipline

                                          So, your company decided to invest in machine learning. You have a talented team of Data Scientists churning out models to solve important problems that were out of reach just a few years ago. All performance metrics are looking great, the demos cause jaws to drop and executives to ask how soon you can have a model in production. It should be pretty quick, you think. After all, you already solved

                                            ML Ops: Machine Learning as an Engineering Discipline
                                          • TechCrunch

                                            Madica, an investment program launched by US-based investor Flourish Ventures to back pre-seed startups in Africa, plans to invest in up to 10 ventures by the end of the year, ramping up its funding e

                                            • Go: A Documentary

                                              Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

                                              • Linux Crisis Tools

                                                (This is based on Table 4.1 "Linux Crisis Tools" in SysPerf 2.) Some longer notes: [1] bcc and bpftrace have many overlapping tools: the bcc ones are more capable (e.g., CLI options), and the bpftrace ones can be edited on the fly. But that's not to say that one is better or faster than the other: They emit the same BPF bytecode and are equally fast once running. Also note that bcc is evolving and

                                                • REST API Design Best Practices Handbook – How to Build a REST API with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js

                                                  I've created and consumed many API's over the past few years. During that time, I've come across good and bad practices and have experienced nasty situations when consuming and building API's. But there also have been great moments. There are helpful articles online which present many best practices, but many of them lack some practicality in my opinion. Knowing the theory with few examples is goo

                                                    REST API Design Best Practices Handbook – How to Build a REST API with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js
                                                  • Public keys are not enough for SSH security

                                                    Public keys are not enough for SSH security Loading... If your organization uses SSH public keys, it’s entirely possible you have already mislaid one. There is a file sitting in a backup or on a former employee’s computer which grants the holder access to your infrastructure. If you share SSH keys between employees it’s likely only a few keys are enough to give an attacker access to your entire sy

                                                      Public keys are not enough for SSH security
                                                    • 「心理的安全性」の本質を第一人者に学ぶ(篠田真貴子)|翻訳書ときどき洋書

                                                      「篠田真貴子が選ぶすごい洋書!」第16回 "The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth" by Amy C. Edmondson Wiley 2018年11月出版本書は、「心理的安全性」(psychological safety) について、研究と事例を豊富に用いながら述べた本です。著者のエイミー・エドモンドソンさんは、ハーバード・ビジネス・スクールで教える心理学者です。彼女は心理的安全性という概念を提唱して博士号を取得し、以来、長年にわたり研究を続けています。 「心理的安全性」という言葉を数年前からよく耳にするようになりました。2015年、グーグル社が「パフォーマンスの高いチームの特徴」を分析し発表しました。その

                                                      • 検索体験を向上する Query Understanding とは | Recruit Tech Blog

                                                        検索体験を向上する Query Understanding とは 本記事は Recruit Engineers Advent Calendar 2019 – Adventar 25日目(最終日!)の記事です. はじめまして.リクルートテクノロジーズの河野 晋策です. 私は,Qassチームというリクルート横断の検索改善を行うチームにて検索改善を行っています. Qassチームは,検索基盤の運用や検索改善を行っているチームです. 詳しくは以下の記事をご覧ください. 「いい検索」を考える 検索組織の機械学習実行基盤 リクルート全社検索基盤のアーキテクチャ、採用技術、開発体制はどうなっているのか Elasticsearch+Hadoopベースの大規模検索基盤大解剖 Argoによる機械学習実行基盤の構築・運用からみえてきたこと (CNDT2019, OSDT2019) 本記事の想定読者:検索初学者の方

                                                          検索体験を向上する Query Understanding とは | Recruit Tech Blog
                                                        • Prompt Flowが使えるようになったから、もうLangChainとか自分でホストしなくていい世界になったのかもしれない。 | DevelopersIO

                                                          Prompt Flowが使えるようになったから、もうLangChainとか自分でホストしなくていい世界になったのかもしれない。 Buildで発表され、注目されていた Model Catalogと Prompt Flowが2023年7月6日(JST)から使えるようになっていました。 ※ まだ、Previewなので、今後仕様などが変更する可能性があります。 この記事ではPrompt Flowの紹介です。 Model Catalogはこちら Azure Machine LearningでModel Catalogが使えるようになりました。 どちらの機能も、Azure Machine Learning Studioから使うことができます。 Prompt Flowとは Prompt flow is a powerful feature within Azure Machine Learning (A

                                                            Prompt Flowが使えるようになったから、もうLangChainとか自分でホストしなくていい世界になったのかもしれない。 | DevelopersIO
                                                          • WebKit Features in Safari 16.4

                                                            Mar 27, 2023 by Patrick Angle, Marcos Caceres, Razvan Caliman, Jon Davis, Brady Eidson, Timothy Hatcher, Ryosuke Niwa, and Jen Simmons ContentsWeb Push on iOS and iPadOSImprovements for Web AppsWeb ComponentsCSSHTMLJavaScript and WebAssemblyWeb APIImages, Video, and AudioWKWebViewDeveloper ToolingWeb InspectorSafari Web ExtensionsSafari Content BlockersNew Restrictions in Lockdown ModeMore Improve

                                                              WebKit Features in Safari 16.4
                                                            • Amazon Aurora MySQL 3 with MySQL 8.0 compatibility is now generally available | Amazon Web Services

                                                              AWS Database Blog Amazon Aurora MySQL 3 with MySQL 8.0 compatibility is now generally available Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud. Aurora combines the performance and availability of traditional enterprise databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open-source databases. Amazon Aurora MySQL is compatible with MySQL 5.6 and MySQL

                                                                Amazon Aurora MySQL 3 with MySQL 8.0 compatibility is now generally available | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • The problem with Git flow

                                                                The problem with Git flow Learn why Git flow complicates the lifecycle and discover an alternative to streamline development. Sometimes, you can have too much of a good thing. That’s certainly true with Git flow, a well-known software development workflow that offers several options but can bog down users. We developed GitLab Flow as the solution to eliminate messy complexity and streamline the de

                                                                  The problem with Git flow
                                                                • Mountpoint for Amazon S3 – Generally Available and Ready for Production Workloads | Amazon Web Services

                                                                  AWS News Blog Mountpoint for Amazon S3 – Generally Available and Ready for Production Workloads Update (September 2023) – Add information about enabling file deletion. Mountpoint for Amazon S3 is an open source file client that makes it easy for your file-aware Linux applications to connect directly to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. Announced earlier this year as an alpha relea

                                                                    Mountpoint for Amazon S3 – Generally Available and Ready for Production Workloads | Amazon Web Services
                                                                  • GitHub - google/orbit: C/C++ Performance Profiler

                                                                    Orbit, the Open Runtime Binary Instrumentation Tool is a standalone native application profiler for Windows and Linux. It supports native applications written in languages such as C, C++, Rust, or Go. Its main purpose is to help developers identify the performance bottlenecks of a complex application. Orbit can be also used to visualize the execution flow of such applications. The key differentiat

                                                                      GitHub - google/orbit: C/C++ Performance Profiler
                                                                    • GitHub - gristlabs/grist-core: Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets.

                                                                      Grist is a modern relational spreadsheet. It combines the flexibility of a spreadsheet with the robustness of a database. grist-core (this repo) has what you need to run a powerful spreadsheet hosting server. grist-electron is a Linux/macOS/Windows desktop app for viewing and editing spreadsheets stored locally. grist-static is a fully in-browser build of Grist for displaying spreadsheets on a web

                                                                        GitHub - gristlabs/grist-core: Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets.
                                                                      • Speculation in JavaScriptCore

                                                                        This post is all about speculative compilation, or just speculation for short, in the context of the JavaScriptCore virtual machine. Speculative compilation is ideal for making dynamic languages, or any language with enough dynamic features, run faster. In this post, we will look at speculation for JavaScript. Historically, this technique or closely related variants has been applied successfully t

                                                                        • Sustainability with Rust | Amazon Web Services

                                                                          AWS Open Source Blog Sustainability with Rust Rust is a programming language implemented as a set of open source projects. It combines the performance and resource efficiency of systems programming languages like C with the memory safety of languages like Java. Rust started in 2006 as a personal project of Graydon Hoare before becoming a research project at Mozilla in 2010. Rust 1.0 launched in 20

                                                                            Sustainability with Rust | Amazon Web Services
                                                                          • Announcing Flutter for Windows

                                                                            Since we launched Flutter, we’ve focused on delivering a cross-platform solution for beautiful, tailored apps that are compiled to machine code and take full advantage of the underlying graphics hardware of your device. Today marks a significant expansion of this vision with the first production release of support for Windows as an app target, enabling Windows developers to benefit from the same p

                                                                              Announcing Flutter for Windows