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infrastructure as a serviceの検索結果241 - 280 件 / 5668件

  • Why Turborepo is migrating from Go to Rust – Vercel

    Turborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases. We're reimagining build systems, taking inspiration from tools like Buck and Bazel, to make them accessible for everyone. At the heart of Turborepo is a very simple idea: never do the same work twice. We accomplish this through incremental builds, parallel execution, and Remote Caching. As usage has grown and pro

      Why Turborepo is migrating from Go to Rust – Vercel
    • Even Amazon can't make sense of serverless or microservices

      May 4, 2023 Even Amazon can't make sense of serverless or microservices The Prime Video team at Amazon has published a rather remarkable case study on their decision to dump their serverless, microservices architecture and replace it with a monolith instead. This move saved them a staggering 90%(!!) on operating costs, and simplified the system too. What a win! But beyond celebrating their good se

        Even Amazon can't make sense of serverless or microservices
      • Fastly Compute@Edge を用いた CDN の構築|株式会社カウシェ

        こんにちは、株式会社カウシェの Architect の伊藤です。 本稿では、カウシェが CDN の構築に利用している Fastly Compute@Edge について、「採用した理由」や「テストやデプロイの方法」などを実装例を混じえてご紹介します。 伊藤 雄貴 / @yuki.ito DeNA を経て 2018 年にメルペイにジョインし、Tech Lead や Architect としてマイクロサービスの開発や組織横断的な技術課題の解決に携わる。カウシェには立ち上げのタイミングから副業として参画し Backend 全般の実装を行う。2022 年 7 月より Architect としてカウシェに正式にジョインし、全社的な技術戦略の意思決定や技術基盤の構築に携わる。 Fastly Compute@Edge とはFastly Compute@Edge は Fastly が提供しているコンピューテ

          Fastly Compute@Edge を用いた CDN の構築|株式会社カウシェ
        • 【米国株】NASDAQが5日連続の下落。全面安となる。経済の先行き不透明感と法人税引き上げ案への懸念。アップルは新iPhone発表も下落。 - ウミノマトリクス

          米国株市場の状況の振り返りと私見をまとめていきたいと思います。 全面安の展開でした。アップルが新製品発表イベントを開催しましたが株価はふるいませんでした。 *1 毎日レバナスとレバFANGに積立しグロース株中心に投資をしているサラリーマン投資家のうみひろ(@uminoxhiro)です。現在個別株で一番比率が高い銘柄はパランティア【PLTR】です。 ブログを読みに来てくださってありがとうございます。 昨晩の米国株市場の振り返りを今日も行っていきます。 今回の記事も成績に左右されないで元気にいくわよ そうだね!では、まずは結論からまとめていきます。 【今日の結論】チェックポイント チェックポイント【結論】 【主要指数】主要指数は全面安となりダウに至っては30銘柄のうち14銘柄が1%以上下落し大幅下落となっています。(-0.84%)NASDAQも不調で5日連続の下落となっています。 【小型株】ラ

            【米国株】NASDAQが5日連続の下落。全面安となる。経済の先行き不透明感と法人税引き上げ案への懸念。アップルは新iPhone発表も下落。 - ウミノマトリクス
          • Post-Incident Review on the Atlassian April 2022 outage - Atlassian Engineering

            This PIR is available in the following languages:日本語 | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 | Deutsch | English | Español | Français | Italiano | 한국어 | Polski | Português | русский. Letter from our co-founders & co-CEOs We want to acknowledge the outage that disrupted service for customers earlier this month. We understand that our products are mission critical to your business, and we don't take that responsibility light

              Post-Incident Review on the Atlassian April 2022 outage - Atlassian Engineering
            • Demystifying Azure OpenAI Networking for Secure Chatbot Deployment

              Introduction Azure AI Landing Zones provide a solid foundation for deploying advanced AI technologies like OpenAI's GPT-4 models. These environments are designed to support AI enthusiasts, but it's essential to grasp their networking aspects, especially concerning Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings. In this article, we'll dive into the networking details of OpenAI Landing Zones, focusing on ho

                Demystifying Azure OpenAI Networking for Secure Chatbot Deployment
              • Debugging Incidents in Google’s Distributed Systems - ACM Queue

                June 6, 2020 Volume 18, issue 2 PDF Debugging Incidents in Google's Distributed Systems How experts debug production issues in complex distributed systems Charisma Chan and Beth Cooper Google has published two books about SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) principles, best practices, and practical applications.1,2 In the heat of the moment when handling a production incident, however, a team's act

                • CIA activities in Japan - Wikipedia

                  The activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Japan date back to the Allied occupation of Japan. Douglas MacArthur's Chief of Intelligence, Charles Willoughby, authorized the creation of a number of Japanese subordinate intelligence-gathering organizations known as kikan.[1] Many of these kikan contained individuals purged because of their classification as war criminals.[2] In additi

                    CIA activities in Japan - Wikipedia
                  • “政府認定クラウドサービス”にソフトバンクの国産クラウドなど追加 全7サービスがリスト入り

                    日本政府は6月29日、ソフトバンクのIaaS「ホワイトクラウド ASPIRE」など7サービスを、クラウドサービスの認定制度「政府情報システムのためのセキュリティ評価制度」(ISMAP)のリストに登録した。今後、これらの製品は政府調達の対象になる。 ホワイトクラウド ASPIREに加え、SaaSではソフトバンクのオンラインストレージ「PrimeDrive」やMDM(モバイルデバイス管理)サービス「ビジネス・コンシェル デバイスマネジメント」、富士通ラーニングメディアの学習管理SaaS「KnowledgeC@fe」を追加。 他にも米GoogleのBaaS「Firebase」や、米Salesforce.comが提供する、同社のサービスをパブリッククラウド上で導入できるようにする「Salesforce Services on Hyperforce」、米VMwareが提供する、AWSのクラウド上でV

                      “政府認定クラウドサービス”にソフトバンクの国産クラウドなど追加 全7サービスがリスト入り
                    • A framework for building Open Graph images

                      EngineeringProductA framework for building Open Graph imagesWe recently set about creating a framework and service for automatically generating social sharing images for repositories and other resources on GitHub. You know that feeling when you make your latest hack project public, and you’re ready to share it with the world? And when you go to Twitter to post a link to your repository, you just s

                        A framework for building Open Graph images
                      • TerraformによるAirbyteを利用したデータ基盤へのデータ連携とCI/CD - Sansan Tech Blog

                        こんにちは!「Sansan Summer Internship 2023」でインターンをしていた野首侑作です(X, Facebook)。R&D Architectグループに1ヶ月強コミットしていました。今回のインターンで使った技術はこれまで全く触ったことがありませんしたが、チームメンバーのサポートもあり本番環境でも動かせるコードを書くことができました。 今回学んだことの整理と、Sansanのインターンで学べることの多さを共有したいという意味を込めて、社内ブログでアウトプットしようと思った次第です。 目次 目次 はじめに ローカルでAirbyteの立ち上げ 1. DockerによるAirbyte serverの起動 2. Sourceの登録 3. Destinationの登録 4. Connectionの登録 5. 接続確認 TerraformによるIaC IaCとは Terraformとは

                          TerraformによるAirbyteを利用したデータ基盤へのデータ連携とCI/CD - Sansan Tech Blog
                        • Open-Sourcing a Monitoring GUI for Metaflow

                          tl;dr Today, we are open-sourcing a long-awaited GUI for Metaflow. The Metaflow GUI allows data scientists to monitor their workflows in real-time, track experiments, and see detailed logs and results for every executed task. The GUI can be extended with plugins, allowing the community to build integrations to other systems, custom visualizations, and embed upcoming features of Metaflow directly i

                            Open-Sourcing a Monitoring GUI for Metaflow
                          • Codon: Python compiler takes scripts to C/C++ speeds

                            Python is among the one of the most popular programming languages, yet it's generally not the first choice when speed is required. While it can be optimized for better performance, Python is prized for qualities other than speed, such as readability, a manageable learning curve, an expansive ecosystem, and utility in both academia and business. MIT computer scientists and their colleagues, however

                              Codon: Python compiler takes scripts to C/C++ speeds
                            • Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

                              Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare02/08/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文 and 繁體中文. The Fediverse has been a hot topic of discussion lately, with thousands, if not millions, of new users creating accounts on platforms like Mastodon to either move entirely to "the other side" or experiment and learn about this new social network. Today we're introducing Wildebeest, an open-so

                                Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare
                              • PagerDutyでアラート管理を改善した話 - Tech Inside Drecom

                                はじめに こんにちは。インフラストラクチャー部のひらしーです。 今回はPagerDutyを導入し、システムに異常が発生した際のアラート管理を改善した話を紹介します。 アラート管理改善前 解決すべき人へのエスカレーションが必要な問題発生時、以前は以下のような問題がありました。 通知手段がメールのみで、インフラチームのメンバーは全サービスのアラートを受け取って自分でフィルタリング・転送をする必要があり、問題のエスカレーション漏れや監視設定自体の見直しがされずに監視精度のばらつきが発生していた過去のアラート情報が集約できておらず、問題の傾向把握や類似の障害の検索が困難だった PagerDutyについて 上記の問題を解決するため、メール運用のまま手法のみ改善する運用や内製ツールの開発を検討しましたがトライアルでチーム内での評価が高かったためSaaSのアラート管理ツールであるPagerDutyを採用

                                  PagerDutyでアラート管理を改善した話 - Tech Inside Drecom
                                • AWS認定資格がもたらすメリットと合格のコツ─“全冠ホルダー”の小倉大氏に聞く | IT Leaders

                                  IT Leaders トップ > テクノロジー一覧 > スキルアップ > 技術解説 > AWS認定資格がもたらすメリットと合格のコツ─“全冠ホルダー”の小倉大氏に聞く スキルアップ スキルアップ記事一覧へ [技術解説] AWS認定資格がもたらすメリットと合格のコツ─“全冠ホルダー”の小倉大氏に聞く ユーザー企業のITエンジニアも「体系的な学び」と「自身のスキル証明」を 2022年6月14日(火)齋藤 公二(インサイト合同会社 代表) リスト クラウドの構築・運用を支えるエンジニアは今やITエンジニア全体の中でメインストリームの存在だ。一方で、その構築・運用をITベンダーやSIer任せにしてしまっているユーザー企業は依然として多い。市場競争力の高いシステムを作るためには、ユーザー自らのクラウド技術力が問われることになるのは自明。本稿では、クラウドを体系的に学び、自身のスキル証明をしながら活躍

                                    AWS認定資格がもたらすメリットと合格のコツ─“全冠ホルダー”の小倉大氏に聞く | IT Leaders
                                  • The SaaS CTO Security Checklist Redux - Gold Fig — Peace of mind for infrastructure teams

                                    Doing the basics goes a long way in keeping your company and product secure. This third1 edition of the SaaS CTO Security Checklist provides actionable security best practices CTOs (or anyone for that matter) can use to harden their security. This list is far from exhaustive, incomplete by nature since the security you need depends on your company, product, and assets. (e.hasAttribute('/')) ? e.re

                                      The SaaS CTO Security Checklist Redux - Gold Fig — Peace of mind for infrastructure teams
                                    • How Kubernetes Reinvented Virtual Machines (in a good sense)

                                      There are lots of posts trying to show how simple it is to get started with Kubernetes. But many of these posts use complicated Kubernetes jargon for that, so even those with some prior server-side knowledge might be bewildered. Let me try something different here. Instead of explaining one unfamiliar matter (how to run a web service in Kubernetes?) with another (you just need a manifest, with thr

                                        How Kubernetes Reinvented Virtual Machines (in a good sense)
                                      • Building Uber’s Fulfillment Platform for Planet-Scale using Google Cloud Spanner

                                        You’re seeing information for Japan . To see local features and services for another location, select a different city. Show more Introduction The Fulfillment Platform is a foundational Uber domain that enables the rapid scaling of new verticals. The platform handles billions of database transactions each day, ranging from user actions (e.g., a driver starting a trip) and system actions (e.g., cre

                                          Building Uber’s Fulfillment Platform for Planet-Scale using Google Cloud Spanner
                                        • How to Build Software like an SRE

                                          I’ve been doing this “reliability” stuff for a little while now (~5 years), at companies ranging from about 20 developers to over 2,000. I’ve always cared primarily about the software elements I describe as living “outside” the application – like, how does it get its configuration? What kinds of instances does it run on, and are those the best kinds to use? What steps does it take on its path from

                                          • SELECT ’Hello, World’ - Neon

                                            SELECT ’Hello, World’Serverless Postgres built for the cloud We have just launched Neon to provide you with the best Postgres experience in the cloud. You can sign up to our waitlist right now and experience serverless Postgres enabled by the separation of storage and compute. The service is still gated by the waitlist as we are onboarding more and more users every day, and we expect to open it up

                                              SELECT ’Hello, World’ - Neon
                                            • Adopting Istio for a multi-tenant kubernetes cluster in Production

                                              This is the 3rd blog post for Mercari’s bold challenge month. At Mercari, while migrating our monolithic backend to microservices architecture, we felt the need to have a service mesh and understood its importance in the long run. Most of the incident post-mortem reports had actionable items such as — implement rate-limit, implement a better canary release flow, better network policies… and this i

                                                Adopting Istio for a multi-tenant kubernetes cluster in Production
                                              • Dark Side of DevOps

                                                Transcript Protsenko: My name is Mykyta. I work at Netflix. My job is basically making sure that other developers don't have to stay at work late. I call it a win when they can leave at 5 p.m., and still be productive. I work in the platform organization, namely in productivity engineering, where we try to abstract toil away for the rest of engineers. Where we try to make sure that the engineers c

                                                  Dark Side of DevOps
                                                • Incident Metrics in SRE

                                                  Štěpán Davidovič Incident Metrics in SRE Critically Evaluating MTTR and Friends Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo Beijing 978-1-098-10313-2 [LSI] Incident Metrics in SRE by Štěpán Davidovič Copyright © 2021 O’Reilly Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebas

                                                  • Rob Pike interview for Evrone: “Go has become the language of cloud infrastructure”

                                                    Rob Pike interview: “Go has indeed become the language of cloud infrastructure“ Rob Pike, the co-author of the Go programming language, speaks about a career spanning four decades, and the evolution of Go over the last ten years. Introduction We spoke to Rob Pike, the co-author of the Go programming language, about a career spanning four decades, the evolution of Go over the last ten years, and in

                                                      Rob Pike interview for Evrone: “Go has become the language of cloud infrastructure”
                                                    • How Japan Saved Tokyo's Rail Network from Collapse (Part 1, 1945-1982)

                                                      A train operator (or subway pusher?) holds onto rail as a window is busted open showing a packed train Imagine a city whose suburbs have outsized the core in a span of few years. Thanks to an economic boom and a severe housing crunch, residents are increasingly pushed to the outer ring of the city. Due to an influx to the outer areas, train services quickly become outstretched to its limits. Crowd

                                                        How Japan Saved Tokyo's Rail Network from Collapse (Part 1, 1945-1982)
                                                      • gRPC Over HTTP/3

                                                        Introduction At the time of writing, HTTP/3 is supported by 30.4% of the top 10 million websites. This market penetration is astounding, but it seems like all of this progress has been possible almost exclusively by work on browsers, load balancers and CDN providers. What about the backend? How’s HTTP/3 doing there? The answer, sadly, is not as incredible. Because of this, I have been very interes

                                                          gRPC Over HTTP/3
                                                        • Microsoft Ignite 2023 キーノート日本語まとめ - 吉田の備忘録

                                                          今年も始まりました、Microsoft Ignite 2023!本日発表された、CEOのSatya Nadella氏のキーノートを日本語でまとめました。ChatGPTが発表されてから1年が経過しました。 進化のペースは凄まじいものです。我々は新しい時代に入ろうとしています。ただの新しい技術に留まりません。 このAIの時代によって、製品を作ったり、安全性を考えたりと、実課題を解決しています。 Airbnb、Shopifyや、BTや電通などもMicrosoft Copilotを展開しています。そして、組織は独自のCopilotを作成しています。 そして、Copilotは非常に生産性を向上させています。より少ない時間で情報を集めたり、ミーティングを行ったりすることができます。 Copilot はタスクを素早くこなすことが可能になり、新しいUI(ユーザーインターフェース)として、世界のナレッジだけ

                                                            Microsoft Ignite 2023 キーノート日本語まとめ - 吉田の備忘録
                                                          • pzuraq | Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks

                                                            April 25, 2022 Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks April 25, 2022 I started coding primarily in JavaScript back in 2012. I had built a PHP app for a local business from the ground up, a basic CMS and website, and they decided that they wanted to rewrite it and add a bunch of features. The manager of the project wanted me to use .NET, partially because it’s what he knew, but also because he wanted i

                                                              pzuraq | Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks
                                                            • Enabling branch deployments through IssueOps with GitHub Actions

                                                              EngineeringOpen SourceEnabling branch deployments through IssueOps with GitHub ActionsWhat if developers want to leverage branch deployments but don't have a full ChatOps stack integrated with their repositories? We wanted to set out to find a way for all developers to be able to take advantage of branch deployments with ease, right from their GitHub repository, and so the branch-deploy Action was

                                                                Enabling branch deployments through IssueOps with GitHub Actions
                                                              • 【個人的には神ツール】AwsOrganizationFormation(OSS)でAWS Organizationsをコードで管理する | DevelopersIO

                                                                【個人的には神ツール】AwsOrganizationFormation(OSS)でAWS Organizationsをコードで管理する 中山(順)です 「AWS Organizationsをコードで管理したい・・・」 そんなことを思ったことはありませんか? 今日はAwsOrganizationFormationというOSSのご紹介です。 READMEには以下のように記載されています。 AWS Organization Formation is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool for AWS Organizations. OlafConijn/AwsOrganizationFormation AWS Organizationをコードで管理するツールのようです。 これは俺得。 AwsOrganizationFormationの機能 主要な機能として、以

                                                                  【個人的には神ツール】AwsOrganizationFormation(OSS)でAWS Organizationsをコードで管理する | DevelopersIO
                                                                • Introducing Amazon EventBridge Scheduler | Amazon Web Services

                                                                  AWS Compute Blog Introducing Amazon EventBridge Scheduler Today, we are announcing Amazon EventBridge Scheduler. This is a new capability from Amazon EventBridge that allows you to create, run, and manage scheduled tasks at scale. With EventBridge Scheduler, you can schedule one-time or recurrently tens of millions of tasks across many AWS services without provisioning or managing underlying infra

                                                                    Introducing Amazon EventBridge Scheduler | Amazon Web Services
                                                                  • Firezone: Zero trust access that scales

                                                                    EFFORTLESS SETUPReplace your obsolete VPN with a modern zero trust upgrade. Firezone supports the workflows and access patterns you're already familiar with, so you can get started in minutes and incrementally adopt zero trust over time. Create a SiteDeploy one or more GatewaysAdd a Resource (e.g. subnet, host or service)Choose which user groups have access RELIABLE ACCESSFirezone is fast and depe

                                                                      Firezone: Zero trust access that scales
                                                                    • How Netflix uses eBPF flow logs at scale for network insight

                                                                      By Alok Tiagi, Hariharan Ananthakrishnan, Ivan Porto Carrero and Keerti Lakshminarayan Netflix has developed a network observability sidecar called Flow Exporter that uses eBPF tracepoints to capture TCP flows at near real time. At much less than 1% of CPU and memory on the instance, this highly performant sidecar provides flow data at scale for network insight. ChallengesThe cloud network infrast

                                                                        How Netflix uses eBPF flow logs at scale for network insight
                                                                      • 10 Things I Hate About PostgreSQL

                                                                        PostgreSQL performance degrades rapidly with more connections. Credit: brandur.org. Over the last few years, the software development community’s love affair with the popular open-source relational database has reached a bit of a fever pitch. This Hacker News thread covering a piece titled “PostgreSQL is the worlds’ best database”, busting at the seams with fawning sycophants lavishing uncondition

                                                                          10 Things I Hate About PostgreSQL
                                                                        • Learning Async Rust With Entirely Too Many Web Servers

                                                                          I've found that one of the best ways to understand a new concept is to start from the very beginning. Start from a place where it doesn't exist yet and recreate it yourself, learning in the process not just how it works, but why it was designed the way it was. This isn't a practical guide to async, but hopefully some of the background knowledge it covers will help you think about asynchronous prob

                                                                            Learning Async Rust With Entirely Too Many Web Servers
                                                                          • Extend AWS IAM roles to workloads outside of AWS with IAM Roles Anywhere | Amazon Web Services

                                                                            AWS Security Blog Extend AWS IAM roles to workloads outside of AWS with IAM Roles Anywhere AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) has now made it easier for you to use IAM roles for your workloads that are running outside of AWS, with the release of IAM Roles Anywhere. This feature extends the capabilities of IAM roles to workloads outside of AWS. You can use IAM Roles Anywhere to provide a secu

                                                                              Extend AWS IAM roles to workloads outside of AWS with IAM Roles Anywhere | Amazon Web Services
                                                                            • Automating MySQL schema migrations with GitHub Actions and more

                                                                              EngineeringOpen SourceAutomating MySQL schema migrations with GitHub Actions and moreIn this deep dive, we cover how our daily schema migrations amounted to a significant toil on the database infrastructure team, and how we searched for a solution to automate the manual parts of the process. In the past year, GitHub engineers shipped GitHub Packages, Actions, Sponsors, Mobile, security advisories

                                                                                Automating MySQL schema migrations with GitHub Actions and more
                                                                              • Windows 10をクラウドで提供する「Windows Virtual Desktop」はどうなる?

                                                                                関連キーワード Windows 10 | Windows | Microsoft(マイクロソフト) | デスクトップ仮想化 | VDI(Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) | DaaS Microsoftは「Windows Virtual Desktop」の正式提供開始に向けて、同社のビジネスアプリケーションを仮想環境に最適化するようにアップグレードする作業を進めている。Windows Virtual Desktopは、仮想デスクトップインフラ(VDI)をクラウドサービスとして提供するDaaS(Desktop as a Service)だ。同社はWindows Virtual Desktopを2018年秋に発表し、パブリックプレビューも実施したが、正式リリースの日程はまだ決定していない。 2019年7月のブログ記事でMicrosoftは、同社のオフィススイート「

                                                                                  Windows 10をクラウドで提供する「Windows Virtual Desktop」はどうなる?
                                                                                • Mixing It Up: Remix Joins Shopify to Push the Web Forward

                                                                                  Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window We are very excited to announce that the open-source web framework Remix and its team are joining Shopify. Why? The web is always evolving—and we’re entering a new era. First, we had the document web, and then we sprinkled in richer interactivity. Most recently, we entered the world of single page apps. We’ve learned

                                                                                    Mixing It Up: Remix Joins Shopify to Push the Web Forward