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  • 300 Multiple Choices - HTTP Status Code

    このウェブサイトは販売用です! studyinghttp.net は、あなたがお探しの情報の全ての最新かつ最適なソースです。一般トピックからここから検索できる内容は、studyinghttp.netが全てとなります。あなたがお探しの内容が見つかることを願っています!

    • Ninite - Install or Update Multiple Apps at Once

      We also have a page for screenreader-friendly accessible apps at ninite.com/accessible. Install and Update All Your Programs at Once No toolbars. No clicking next. Just pick your apps and go. Always Up-to-date You don't have to watch for updates. Our bots do that. Here's what's new: Edge updated to 122.0.2365.66. Saturday at 1:52 pm Edge updated to 122.0.2365.63. Saturday at 4:05 am AIMP updated t

      • | ^^ |Byozine:秒刊ネットマガジン:: スタンドアローンでIE3~IE7をまとめていれれるツール『Multiple_IE』

        2007年01月25日 スタンドアローンでIE3~IE7をまとめていれれるツール『Multiple_IE』 最近仕事でIE7が普及しているせいか、IE6を入れているマシンが 少なくなった。一度IE7をいれるとなかなかIE6に戻すことができず IE6で確認したのか?と問われると困ってしまう そこでスタンドアローン(単独アプリ)で気軽にIEを いれれるという優れものアプリがあるので紹介する。 ■スタンドアローンのIE3~IE7を公開するサイト ■Install multiple versions of IE on your PC | TredoSoft ■スタンドアローンのIE3~IE6 はっきりいってIEの3なんかは全く仕様用途はないのだが、 まれに仕事でブラウザチェックするときIE6などはチェック する場合があるので、こいつをいれると便利。 ■IE6, IE5.5, IE5,

        • Browsers - Multiple Explorers

          On this page I used to describe ways and means of setting up multiple versions of Internet Explorer on your computer. Meanwhile my information has been superseded by new developments. Manfred Staudinger explains how to work around several of the problems noted below, while Tredosoft created a convenient installer for IE3-6. This page will not be maintained any more. Start of outdated content. A ma

          • Tizen | An open source, standards-based software platform for multiple device categories.

            All the tools, support and resources you need for designing, developing and publishing your Tizen application. Design: UX Guide Development: Download SDK Support: Forums

            • GitHub - bytedance/IconPark: 🍎Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons,Vue icons,svg icons

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                GitHub - bytedance/IconPark: 🍎Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons,Vue icons,svg icons
              • GitHub - terryma/vim-multiple-cursors: True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim

                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                  GitHub - terryma/vim-multiple-cursors: True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim
                • Check Username Availability at Multiple Social Networking Sites

                  With Namechk, you can check the availability of a username or domain name within seconds. There are 351 million registered domain names and counting. Every day, thousands more are registered. Since domain names can only be used by one company or person at a time, it can be hard to not only come up with a domain name that makes sense but also find one that’s available. A lot of people don’t want to

                    Check Username Availability at Multiple Social Networking Sites
                  • Scaling to multiple databases with Rails (Loud Thinking) - Matzにっき(2007-04-16)

                    << 2007/04/ 1 1. エープリルフール 2. [Ruby] オブジェクト指向機能を取り除いた Ruby-- が登場!? 2 1. [教会] セミナリー1日目 2. LMLML 3. [Ruby] 最速配信研究会 - なんだかいろいろ申し訳ない気分になった話 4. [Ruby] Headius: ActiveRecord 100%, Performance Doubling, Java Support Improving 3 1. [Ruby] Bitwise Magazine:: What's Right With Ruby? 2. [OSS] オープンソースソフトウエアがビジネスの成長を加速 3. Passion For The Future: なぜ株式投資はもうからないのか 4 1. [Ruby] Rails 1.2と1.1、速いのはどっち? - Railsbenchによる

                    • GitHub - google/diff-match-patch: Diff Match Patch is a high-performance library in multiple languages that manipulates plain text.

                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                        GitHub - google/diff-match-patch: Diff Match Patch is a high-performance library in multiple languages that manipulates plain text.
                      • Passion For The Future: 古いバージョンのブラウザを再現するMultiple Explorers

                        « 不要なツールバー、バンド、アイコン、BHOを除去 ToolbarCop | Main | ユングでわかる日本神話 » 書評:脳・こころ |書評: 企画・発想| 書評:文化・文明|書評:経済・経営 |書評:子 供・教育|書 評:小説・戯曲|書評:ネット活用 |書評: 仕事・管理|書 評:メディア論|書評:その他|書評:思想・哲学 |書評 :文章・表現|書評:認知・心理 |書評:神 話・宗教|書 評:科学・技術|書評:社会・世間 |書評:教養 ・雑学 2006年度 年間オススメ書籍ランキング ノンフィクション部門 2006年度 年間オススメ書籍ランキング フィクション編 2005年度 書籍売り上げラン キング ベスト20 2005年度 年間オススメ書籍 ランキング ベスト20冊 2004年度 人気記事ベスト10 アクセス数が多かった記事とは? 2004年度 人気書評ベスト10 アクセス数が

                        • Share Mouse and Keyboard with multiple Mac and Windows computers.

                          Share one Mouse and Keyboard with Multiple ComputersThe software "ShareMouse" lets you control multiple computers from a single mouse and keyboard: Watch video demo Move the mouse to the monitor of the computer you wish to control and the pointer magically jumps to that computer. Any mouse and keyboard input is transmitted to the corresponding computer. Similar to a network KVM, ShareMouse transmi

                          • Use multiple CPU Cores with your Linux commands - awk, sed, bzip2, grep, wc, etc. - RankFocus - Systems and Data

                            • TwitWipe - Delete all your tweets! Erase multiple tweets automatically, easily and for free!

                              New direction? Change of heart? Start from the top? Boss following you? Whatever the reason, TwitWipe deletes all your tweets in one go! Give your Twitter account a new lease of life with TwitWipe. As featured on Mashable, CNN and C|Net!! Get Started Why the hell would I want to do that? TwitWipe is a tool to wipe or delete all your tweets in one go. You may need to do this to start over, to clean

                                TwitWipe - Delete all your tweets! Erase multiple tweets automatically, easily and for free!
                              • blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload: File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side

                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                  blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload: File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side
                                • GitHub - nvm-sh/nvm: Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions

                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                    GitHub - nvm-sh/nvm: Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
                                  • こんなに美しいレイアウトがシンプルなHTMLで簡単に実装できるスクリプト -Multiple.js | コリス

                                    半透明の美しいグラデーションが複数のパネルにまたがり、背景を続き画像として配置するスクリプトを紹介します。 非常にシンプルなHTMLで実装でき、デモを実際に見るとその美しさに感動すら覚えます。

                                      こんなに美しいレイアウトがシンプルなHTMLで簡単に実装できるスクリプト -Multiple.js | コリス
                                    • PHPでExcelを操作する方法 - Multiple Choices

                                      エクセルファイルの中にデータベースから抽出したデータを書き込みたいといと思ったので PHPから操作できるエクセルライブラリを調査した。 PHPからエクセルを操作する方法にはいくつかあるので以下にまとめた。 ライブラリ 読み込み(xls) 読み込み(xlsx) 書き込み(xls) 書き込み(xlsx) php4 php5 Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer × × ● × ● ● PHP-ExcelReader ● × × × ● ● PHP Excel × ● ● ● × ● Excel_Reviser ● × ● × ● ● Excel_Peruser ● × × × ● ● PHPExcelは読み書きできるけど2007が基本。 一応BIFF8形式(2003以前)の書き込みはクラスで対応しているらしい (http://d.hatena.ne.jp/simpraight/20

                                        PHPでExcelを操作する方法 - Multiple Choices
                                      • Apache Libcloud is a standard Python library that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud provider APIs | Apache Libcloud

                                        One Interface To Rule Them All Python library for interacting with many of the popular cloud service providers using a unified API. Supports more than 50 providers such as Installation Latest stable version (Python 3.7+ only): 3.8.0 (August 10th, 2023) pip install apache-libcloud Or download it from our servers and install it manually. Features Avoid vendor lock-in Use the same API to talk to many

                                          Apache Libcloud is a standard Python library that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud provider APIs | Apache Libcloud
                                        • GitHub - fail2ban/fail2ban: Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors

                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                            GitHub - fail2ban/fail2ban: Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
                                          • Input Director - Software KVM to Control Multiple Computers

                                            Input Director enables the control of multiple Windows systems using the keyboard/mouse attached to one computer Switch control between systems either by hotkey or by moving the cursor to the screen edge on one computer for it to appear on the next one Features Easy to Use Easy to follow installation and usage guides - setup only takes a few minutes Input Director's flexible monitor layout system

                                            • GitHub - YahooArchive/kobold: Visual regression testing framework, comparing screenshots from multiple builds

                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                GitHub - YahooArchive/kobold: Visual regression testing framework, comparing screenshots from multiple builds
                                              • Scroll/Follow Sidebar, Multiple Techniques | CSS-Tricks

                                                Really simple concept today folks! A sidebar that “follows” as you scroll down a page. There are a number of ways to go about it. We’ll cover two: CSS and JavaScript (jQuery) with a bonus CSS trick. View Demo   Download Files The easiest way to handle this is just to use CSS fixed positioning. Our sidebar is within a #page-wrap div with relative positioning, so the sidebar will set inside there, t

                                                  Scroll/Follow Sidebar, Multiple Techniques | CSS-Tricks
                                                • dotdotdot, javascript plugin for multiple line content ellipsis.

                                                  Truncate multiple line content: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. It has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Lorem Ipsum has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. R

                                                  • PTHPasteboard free Mac multiple clipboard/pasteboard utility from PTH Consulting

                                                    Other Downloads PTHPasteboard 3.2.0 for Mac OS X 10.3.x PTHPasteboard 3.1.2 for Mac OS X 10.2.x PTHPasteboard 2.2.0 for Mac OS X 10.1.x Mac OS X Leopard Ready Purchase PTHPasteboard PRO Watch the new Screencast Reviews and Screenshots Tidbits by Matt Neuburg “PTHPasteboard 4.0 is here, it’s free, and it’s better than ever.” MyAppleStuff “Driven through the System Preferences PTHPasteboard 4 is

                                                    • Managing Multiple Mac Monitors: 6 Essential Tools and Tips

                                                      Having a dual monitor setup on your Mac serves as a major boost to your productivity. You waste more time than you may think sorting and arranging app windows. Doubling the space for those windows means you'll spend less time dealing with them and more time getting your work done. Setting up your Mac with dual monitors is easier than ever. But making the best use of them is another problem altoget

                                                        Managing Multiple Mac Monitors: 6 Essential Tools and Tips
                                                      • Emacsでリファクタリングに超絶便利なmark-multiple (複数行同時編集) - ブログのおんがえし

                                                        まずはこちらの動画をどうぞ。(特に24〜29秒辺り) テキストを選択 同時に変更したい箇所を追加 テキストを編集すると・・ 選択した箇所も一緒に書き換えてくれる!! が出来るようになります。変数名の一括変換に便利です。 インストール MELPAに登録されているので package.el を使います。 M-x package-list-packages を実行後・・ mark-multiple を選択 package.el のインストール方法はコチラをどうぞ。 .emacs.d/init.el 基本はデフォルト設定のままですが、rename-sgml-tagをhtml-modeで使えるようにしています。 sgml-modeを使っている人はデフォルト設定を使うといいです。 ;; mark-multiple (require 'inline-string-rectangle) (global-s

                                                          Emacsでリファクタリングに超絶便利なmark-multiple (複数行同時編集) - ブログのおんがえし
                                                        • Rails 6.0: Action Mailbox, Action Text, Multiple DBs, Parallel Testing, Webpacker by default, and Zeitwerk

                                                          Rails 6.0: Action Mailbox, Action Text, Multiple DBs, Parallel Testing, Webpacker by default, and Zeitwerk Dealing with incoming email, composing rich-text content, connecting to multiple databases, parallelizing test runs, integrating JavaScript with love, and rewriting the code loader. These are fundamental improvements to the fundamentals of working with the web and building fast and fresh appl

                                                            Rails 6.0: Action Mailbox, Action Text, Multiple DBs, Parallel Testing, Webpacker by default, and Zeitwerk
                                                          • GitHub - lerna/lerna: :dragon: Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository.

                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                              GitHub - lerna/lerna: :dragon: Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository.
                                                            • TwitWipe - Delete all your tweets! Erase multiple tweets automatically, easily and for free!

                                                              New direction? Change of heart? Start from the top? Boss following you? Whatever the reason, TwitWipe deletes all your tweets in one go! Give your Twitter account a new lease of life with TwitWipe. As featured on Mashable, CNN and C|Net!! Get Started Why the hell would I want to do that? TwitWipe is a tool to wipe or delete all your tweets in one go. You may need to do this to start over, to clean

                                                                TwitWipe - Delete all your tweets! Erase multiple tweets automatically, easily and for free!
                                                              • Amazon ECS services now support multiple load balancer target groups

                                                                You can now attach multiple target groups to your Amazon ECS services that are running on either Amazon EC2 or AWS Fargate. Target groups are used to route requests to one or more registered targets when using a load balancer. Attaching multiple target groups to your service allows you to simplify infrastructure code, reduce costs and increase manageability of your ECS services. Previously, you co

                                                                  Amazon ECS services now support multiple load balancer target groups
                                                                • Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS

                                                                  Unlimited WordPress themes, web templates, graphics & more! Unlimited asset downloads! Get Started

                                                                    Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS
                                                                  • Using multiple connections in ActiveRecord

                                                                    フィーチャー開発から ホールプロダクト開発へ ~ 顧客価値へ向き合い続ける挑戦 ~ @itohiro73 #開発生産性con_findy

                                                                      Using multiple connections in ActiveRecord
                                                                    • GitHub - jordansissel/fpm: Effing package management! Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.

                                                                      A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?

                                                                        GitHub - jordansissel/fpm: Effing package management! Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.
                                                                      • Cron job editor: multiple cron jobs, calendar view, AWS & Vercel cron support | CronTool

                                                                        Debug, view, edit & learn cron expression syntax.Become a cron expert and enable a world of possibilities. Cron is a tool for scheduling repetitive tasks on Unix-like systems. It allows users to schedule commands or scripts to run at specific times, dates, or intervals. This can be used for automating system maintenance or administration, but it can also be used for other purposes such as regularl

                                                                          Cron job editor: multiple cron jobs, calendar view, AWS & Vercel cron support | CronTool
                                                                        • Dockerfiles now Support Multiple Build Contexts | Docker

                                                                          The new releases of Dockerfile 1.4 and Buildx v0.8+ come with the ability to define multiple build contexts. This means you can use files from different local directories as part of your build. Let’s look at why it’s useful and how you can leverage it in your build pipelines. When you invoke the docker build command, it takes one positional argument which is a path or URL to the build context. Mos

                                                                            Dockerfiles now Support Multiple Build Contexts | Docker
                                                                          • マルチプルタブハンドラ (Multiple Tab Handler) :: Firefox Add-ons

                                                                            このアドオンはタブをドラッグ操作で選択するためのパネルを提供します。タブの選択後は、メニューから操作を選ぶ事ができます。また、項目のクローズボックスをドラッグする事で、選択したタブをまとめて閉じる事もできます。 メニューからはFirefox自身のタブのコンテキストメニューと同等の機能を利用できますが、タブ関連のアドオンを追加する事で、それらが提供する機能も利用できるようになります。例: * Copy 選択したタブをクリップボードにコピー * Save 選択したタブをファイルに保存 * Tab Mover また、このアドオンはツリー型タブと連携して動作します。両方のアドオンをインストールすると、ツリー型タブのサイドバー上でタブをドラッグ操作により選択できるようになります。(選択操作を開始するにはタブの上でボタンを長押ししてからドラッグして下さい。すぐにドラッグした場合、通常通りのタブの移動と

                                                                              マルチプルタブハンドラ (Multiple Tab Handler) :: Firefox Add-ons
                                                                            • とりあえず暇だったし何となく始めたブログ - 複数候補を選択して補完できる動的略語展開 dabbrev-expand-multiple

                                                                              これは, 動的略語展開の候補を複数表示して, その中から補完できるようにするものです. とりあえず, 目的としていた機能の主要な部分の実装は終わりました. まだまだ, バグを含んでいると思われ, 誤動作する可能性があると思います. 使ってみようという場合には, そこらへん了承の上お願いします. # まだまだ大丈夫か不安・・・. 動作 関数の動作としては, 以下のようなものになります. ある語について, dabbrev-expand-multiple を起動すると, まず, 通常の dabbrev-expand と同様に動作. dabbrev-expand-multiple を起動したキー, もしくは, M-/ を押すと, 複数の補完候補があれば, それを表示する. その後, M-/, SPC もしくは, dabbrev-expand-multiple を起動したキーを押すと, 次の補完候補

                                                                                とりあえず暇だったし何となく始めたブログ - 複数候補を選択して補完できる動的略語展開 dabbrev-expand-multiple
                                                                              • Run multiple processes in a container

                                                                                { switch(e.key) { case 'k': if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) { e.preventDefault() open = !open; if (open) { document.body.classList.add('overflow-hidden'); } else { document.body.classList.remove('overflow-hidden'); } } } }"> OverviewGet Docker Docker Desktop Overview Install MacUnderstand permission requirements for MacWindowsUnderstand permission requirements for WindowsLinux Installation per Linux d

                                                                                  Run multiple processes in a container
                                                                                • Multiple vulnerabilities found in Wireless IP Camera (P2P) WIFICAM cameras and vulnerabilities in custom http server - IT Security Research by Pierre

                                                                                  Multiple vulnerabilities found in Wireless IP Camera (P2P) WIFICAM cameras and vulnerabilities in custom http server TL;DR: by analysing the security of a camera, I found a pre-auth RCE as root against 1250 camera models. Shodan lists 185 000 vulnerable cameras. The "Cloud" protocol establishes clear-text UDP tunnels (in order to bypass NAT and firewalls) between an attacker and cameras by using o

                                                                                    Multiple vulnerabilities found in Wireless IP Camera (P2P) WIFICAM cameras and vulnerabilities in custom http server - IT Security Research by Pierre