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  • ブラックホールが恒星と融合し超新星となった可能性が調査により示される

    高密度で強い重力を持ち、光さえも飲み込んでしまう天体がブラックホールです。そんなブラックホールが宇宙に浮かぶ星を約300年かけて吸収して崩壊させ、超新星爆発を引き起こした可能性があることが調査により示されました。 A transient radio source consistent with a merger-triggered core collapse supernova https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abg6037 Star Explodes After Black Hole Devours It From the Inside https://www.newsweek.com/star-explodes-black-hole-devours-inside-1625720 天文学者のディロン・ドン氏らは、2017年に観測され

    • Meet Michelangelo: Uber’s Machine Learning Platform

      Data / MLMeet Michelangelo: Uber’s Machine Learning PlatformSeptember 5, 2017 / Global Uber Engineering is committed to developing technologies that create seamless, impactful experiences for our customers. We are increasingly investing in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to fulfill this vision. At Uber, our contribution to this space is Michelangelo, an internal ML-as-a-serv

        Meet Michelangelo: Uber’s Machine Learning Platform
      • 国民一人ひとりに考えることを示唆した事故調の報告書 | 小林恭子の英国メディア・ウオッチ

        国会事故調査委員会(東京電力福島原子力発電所・事故調査委員会)http://www.naiic.jp/が、5日、報告書を発表した。 この件について、ツイッターを通じて感想を出してきたのだが、記録のために、ブログにも記しておこうと思う。報告書の英文に、日本人一人ひとりにとって、宿題のようなことが入っているのに対し、日本語原文のほうには入っていないように見受けられるからだ。 まずお断りしておきたいのが、私は日本に住んでいらっしゃるみなさんほど、原発事故や福島についての詳細な情報を把握していない。また、600ページ余ある報告書本編の全部をまだ読んでいない。 それでもここで書いておこうと思ったのは、報告書の最初のほうにある委員会の黒川委員長の言葉から、原発事故のみならず、日本の現状や将来について、また私が書いてきたメディアの世界について、深く学ぶことが多いと思ったからだーーある意味では、原発や震災

          国民一人ひとりに考えることを示唆した事故調の報告書 | 小林恭子の英国メディア・ウオッチ
        • 🚀 Visualizing memory management in V8 Engine (JavaScript, NodeJS, Deno, WebAssembly)

          This is part of my "Memory Management" series 🚀 Demystifying memory management in modern programming languages🚀 Visualizing memory management in JVM(Java, Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, Clojure)🚀 Visualizing memory management in V8 Engine (JavaScript, NodeJS, Deno, WebAssembly)🚀 Visualizing memory management in Golang🚀 Visualizing memory management in RustAvoiding Memory Leaks in NodeJS: Best Practic

            🚀 Visualizing memory management in V8 Engine (JavaScript, NodeJS, Deno, WebAssembly)
          • 安易なコピー&ペーストによりユーザーに任意のコードを実行させるPoC「Pastejacking」の危険性。

            安易なコピー&ペーストによりクリップボードを介してユーザーに任意のコードを実行させるPoC「Pastejacking」が公開され話題になっています。詳細は以下から。 米セキュリティ企業Malwarebytesが「ターミナルへのコピー&ペーストを実行させることで、任意のコードを実行させることの出来る」概念実証「Pastejacking」の危険性を伝えています。 Browsers now allow developers to automatically add content to a user’s clipboard, following certain conditions. Namely, this can only be triggered on browser events. This post details how you can exploit this to trick a

            • Japan PM Shinzo Abe jeered at Battle of Okinawa ceremony

              The jeering of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is ''almost unheard-of behaviour'' at a war commemoration in Japan, as Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has been heckled at a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Okinawa. Mr Abe was shouted at by locals, angry about the size of the US military presence on their island. Mr Abe and US officials were among thousands who

                Japan PM Shinzo Abe jeered at Battle of Okinawa ceremony
              • ペットと共に JAPAN-EARTHQUAKE Vol.14 - こだわり写真館 - MSN産経フォト

                人々と共に被災したペットたち。避難所などで、たくましく生きている。その仕草や表情で飼い主だけでなく、まわりも明るくする事だろう。阪神・淡路大震災で中学2年の時に被災し、学校に約半年間避難した神戸市の大学院生井上烈さん(30)は「ほかの人のペットを世話するのも楽しかった」と話している。 Two elderly Japanese women and a pet dog pass by a ship that was washed into their neighborhood by the tsunami as they try to make their way to search for their destroyed home in the leveled city of Kesennuma, in northeastern Japan, Thursday March 17, 2011.

                • Ready for changes with Hexagonal Architecture

                  by Damir Svrtan and Sergii Makagon As the production of Netflix Originals grows each year, so does our need to build apps that enable efficiency throughout the entire creative process. Our wider Studio Engineering Organization has built numerous apps that help content progress from pitch (aka screenplay) to playback: ranging from script content acquisition, deal negotiations and vendor management

                    Ready for changes with Hexagonal Architecture
                  • Javascript Closures

                    The documents under faq_notes/ are unmaintained. An up-to-date version of this document may be available at /faq/notes/closures/. Introduction The Resolution of Property Names on Objects Assignment of Values Reading of Values Identifier Resolution, Execution Contexts and Scope Chains The Execution Context Scope chains and [[scope]] Identifier Resolution Closures Automatic Garbage Collection Formin

                    • [フロントエンド] axiosライブラリを使って、柔軟にHTTP通信を行う - YoheiM .NET

                      こんにちは、@yoheiMuneです。 大変久しぶりなブログの更新で少しドキドキです。今日はよくお世話になっているaxiosというHTTPクライアントのライブラリの使い方を、ブログに書きたいと思います。 目次 axiosとは axiosは、HTTP通信を簡単に行うことができるJavascriptライブラリです。本ブログのタイトルには「フロントエンド」と書きましたが、Node.JSでも利用できます。axiosの特徴して以下のような点が挙げられます。 axiosの特徴 XML HttpReqestを簡単に生成できる Promiseベースである カスタムヘッダーやBasic認証など、いろいろなオプションが手軽にできる インストールは簡単で、npm経由で導入できます。 $ npm install axios それでは、axiosの機能を具体的に見てみたいと思います。 axiosを使う ここからはa

                        [フロントエンド] axiosライブラリを使って、柔軟にHTTP通信を行う - YoheiM .NET
                      • Best practices for developing cloud applications with AWS CDK | Amazon Web Services

                        AWS DevOps Blog Best practices for developing cloud applications with AWS CDK April 20, 2022: Updates are available in the Best practices topic of the AWS CDK documentation. The documentation is the most up-to-date resource going forward. In this post, we discuss strategies for organizing the development of complex cloud applications with large teams, using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)

                          Best practices for developing cloud applications with AWS CDK | Amazon Web Services
                        • 抗議活動はご自由に - オランダで驚きの判決

                          オランダ裁判所の画期的判決 10月6日、時事通信社が「抗議活動、どうぞ自由に=石油大手の訴え棄却-オランダ裁判所」という記事を配信した。 このブログでも紹介してきた非暴力・不服従の活動を行う市民やNGO活動にはとても重要な判決のため、抗議活動の背景と解説を書いておきたい。 白熊がガソリンスタンドを封鎖!? まずは裁判で争われることになった抗議活動のビデオを見てほしい。 それでは、この活動の背景を説明したい。 近年、英・オランダ系石油大手ロイヤル・ダッチ・シェル社(以下、シェル社)をはじめとする大手石油メジャーは、気候変動の影響で夏場に氷が急激に減少する北極圏で、石油の採掘を開始しようとしている。 北極圏での石油採掘はリスクが大きく、もしメキシコ湾の事故のような原油の流出事故が起これば、厳しい環境下での復旧作業はほぼ不可能となる。それゆえに生態系への影響は甚大と予測されている。最近では、同じ

                          • Sublime Text 2 のDefault設定ファイルについて

                            sublimetext_default_settings.md 追記 この記事は古いです...。はてなブログの方に完全版を置いてあります。→ http://blue-ham-cake1024.hatenablog.com/entry/2012/09/07/Sublime_Text_2_のDefault設定ファイルを眺める はてなブログは調子が悪いようなので。 この記事ではDefault設定ファイルにどのような記述がされているか、その記述にどんな意味があるかを一つ一つ見ていきます。実際に設定をカスタマイズしてみたい方は、メニューのPreferencesタブの"Settings - User"からUser設定ファイルを開いてそこでいろいろ試してみましょう。 Sublime Text 2 のDefault設定ファイル 本文 Default設定ファイルとは、Sublime Text のデフォルトの

                              Sublime Text 2 のDefault設定ファイルについて
                            • imagesLoaded

                              imagesLoaded JavaScript is all like "You images done yet or what?" imagesloaded.desandro.com Detect when images have been loaded. imagesLoaded on GitHub 4,500 Edit this demo or vanilla JS demo on CodePen. Just to keep things interesting, there’s a 10% chance of adding a broken image. Install Download imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js minified imagesloaded.pkgd.js un-minified CDN <script src="https://unpkg.

                              • Global Continuous Delivery with Spinnaker

                                After over a year of development and production use at Netflix, we’re excited to announce that our Continuous Delivery platform, Spinnaker, is available on GitHub. Spinnaker is an open source multi-cloud Continuous Delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence. Spinnaker is designed with pluggability in mind; the platform aims to make it easy to extend and enha

                                  Global Continuous Delivery with Spinnaker
                                • Reduce, recycle, reuse

                                  To enable a fast and reliable continuous integration process, McDonald’s turns to reusable workflows and GitHub Actions. By Michael Gorelik, Senior Solution Architect and Achintya Pillai, Software Engineer III McDonald’s Engineering teams are at the forefront of digital innovation, creating seamless and engaging e-commerce applications that allow customers to conveniently order their favorite meal

                                    Reduce, recycle, reuse
                                  • pagerdutyの話 - Qiita

                                    ===== pagerdutyを導入する時、調べたログとおまけ 機能 email,notificationは送り放題 電話,SMSは1userあたり100コールまで 追加料金で受けることは可能 制限は全ユーザ数合算で行われるので5userいたら500コールまで料金内 サービスという概念で通知元を登録 nagios,cloudwatch,emailとかいくつかの入信方法から一つをサービスごとに選べる emailを選ぶと[好きな文字列]@[アカウント名].pagerduty.com 的なアドレスが払い出される サービスごとにwebhookを複数ぶらさげれれて、hipchatやslackなんかに通知を投げれる サービスごとに発生したアラートを閲覧できる 解決されてないインシデントがぶらさがってるとサービス自体のstatusがcriticalになって赤くなる サービスは必ず一つのエスカレーションポ

                                      pagerdutyの話 - Qiita
                                    • Sinatraの使い方あれこれ - Qiita

                                      require 'sinatra' ['/one', '/two', '/three'].each do |route| get rounte do "Triggered #{route} via GET" end post route do "Triggered #{route} via POST" end end RESTリクエストのパラメータを受け取りたい 例えばこんなリクエスト http://my.server.address/function?key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3 こんなふうに受けることができる

                                        Sinatraの使い方あれこれ - Qiita
                                      • Optimizing Linux Memory Management for Low-latency / High-throughput Databases

                                        Optimizing Linux Memory Management for Low-latency / High-throughput Databases Co-author: Cuong Tran Table of Contents Introduction Setting up the context Reproducing and understanding Linux's zone reclaim behavior NUMA memory rebalancing also triggers direct page scans Lessons learned Introduction GraphDB is the storage layer of LinkedIn's real-time distributed social graph service. Our service h

                                          Optimizing Linux Memory Management for Low-latency / High-throughput Databases
                                        • Awesome Media Queries in JavaScript - enquire.js

                                          The Lowdown What is it? enquire.js is a lightweight, pure JavaScript library for responding to CSS media queries. JavaScript callbacks for media queries matching and unmatching. Clean & intuitive API Absolutely tiny - around 0.8kb minified & gzipped! Why should I use it? In responsive design, CSS media queries can only take you so far. enquire.js allows you to harness media queries in JavaScript,

                                          • http://hatenablog.com/js

                                            /*! jQuery v1.9.1 | (c) 2005, 2012 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org/license //@ sourceMappingURL=jquery.min.map */(function(e,t){var n,r,i=typeof t,o=e.document,a=e.location,s=e.jQuery,u=e.$,l={},c=[],p="1.9.1",f=c.concat,d=c.push,h=c.slice,g=c.indexOf,m=l.toString,y=l.hasOwnProperty,v=p.trim,b=function(e,t){return new b.fn.init(e,t,r)},x=/[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source,w=/\S+/g,T

                                            • Data Movement in Netflix Studio via Data Mesh

                                              By Andrew Nguonly, Armando Magalhães, Obi-Ike Nwoke, Shervin Afshar, Sreyashi Das, Tongliang Liu, Wei Liu, Yucheng Zeng BackgroundOver the next few years, most content on Netflix will come from Netflix’s own Studio. From the moment a Netflix film or series is pitched and long before it becomes available on Netflix, it goes through many phases. This happens at an unprecedented scale and introduces

                                                Data Movement in Netflix Studio via Data Mesh
                                              • Timsort - Wikipedia

                                                Timsort is a hybrid, stable sorting algorithm, derived from merge sort and insertion sort, designed to perform well on many kinds of real-world data. It was implemented by Tim Peters in 2002 for use in the Python programming language. The algorithm finds subsequences of the data that are already ordered (runs) and uses them to sort the remainder more efficiently. This is done by merging runs until

                                                  Timsort - Wikipedia
                                                • API Monitor: Spy on API Calls and COM Interfaces (Freeware 32-bit and 64-bit Versions!) | rohitab.com

                                                  API Monitor v2 is currently in Alpha. Installers for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are now available. Download Now. Save Capture and Monitor Metro apps using the latest release, which includes 2500 new API’s. More information and screenshots Overview API Monitor is a free software that lets you monitor and control API calls made by applications and services. Its a powerful tool for seeing how ap

                                                  • Removing User Interface Complexity, or Why React is Awesome

                                                    Removing User Interface Complexity, or Why React is Awesome I've been studying frameworks and libraries like Ember, Angular, and React the past several months, and given Web Components a lot of thought. These all solve similar problems to varying degrees, and are in conflict in some ways and in harmony in others. I'm mostly concerned with the core problems of data binding and componentizing UIs. A

                                                    • How I'm able to take notes in mathematics lectures using LaTeX and Vim

                                                      How I'm able to take notes in mathematics lectures using LaTeX and Vim A while back I answered a question on Quora: Can people actually keep up with note-taking in Mathematics lectures with LaTeX. There, I explained my workflow of taking lecture notes in LaTeX using Vim and how I draw figures in Inkscape. However, a lot has changed since then and I’d like to write a few blog posts explaining my wo

                                                      • Socket.IO P2P | Socket.IO

                                                        Today were very happy to introduce Socket.IO P2P, the easiest way to establish a bidirectional events channel between two peers with a server fallback to provide maximum reliability. Lets look at the API and build a little chat application. Or check out the repository directly! Socket.IO P2P provides an easy and reliable way to setup a WebRTC connection between peers and communicate using the sock

                                                          Socket.IO P2P | Socket.IO
                                                        • Slideshow with jmpress.js | Codrops

                                                          Today we will create a slideshow using jmpress.js. The jQuery plugin that is based on impress.js will allow us to use some interesting 3D effects for the slides. You have for sure already seen impress.js, a really great JavaScript library for creating extraordinary 3D presentations. The jQuery port jmpress.js let’s you use this library as a jQuery plugin with some added options. We want to show yo

                                                            Slideshow with jmpress.js | Codrops
                                                          • Effectively managing memory at Gmail scale - HTML5 Rocks

                                                            Effectively managing memory at Gmail scale Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Introduction While JavaScript employs garbage collection for automatic memory management, it is not a substitute for effective memory management in applications. JavaScript applications suffer from the same memory related problems that native applications do, such as me

                                                              Effectively managing memory at Gmail scale - HTML5 Rocks
                                                            • jQuery custom event 応用編 - monjudoh’s diary

                                                              前置き custom eventとは何か?(前置きの前置き) ブラウザがサポートしているeventではない独自定義event。 clickとかはブラウザがサポートしているevent ユーザのアクションやブラウザの状態等によって直接発火されることはない click eventは、ユーザがマウスポインタを要素の上に移動後にマウスのボタンを押すと発火される DOMContentLoaded eventは、ページのHTMLがダウンロード完了し、すべてパースされると発火される jQueryではtrigger,triggerHandler methodでeventをユーザのアクション等に関係なく発火することが出来る custom eventも発火出来る 逆に言うとcustom eventはJavaScriptの側からしか発火されない 以前The JUI 2009 Returnsで話をしました。 htt

                                                                jQuery custom event 応用編 - monjudoh’s diary
                                                              • Chronos: A Replacement for Cron

                                                                Chronos is our replacement for cron. It is a distributed and fault-tolerant scheduler which runs on top of Mesos. It’s a framework and supports custom mesos executors as well as the default command executor. Thus by default, Chronos executes SH (on most systems BASH) scripts. Chronos can be used to interact with systems such as Hadoop (incl. EMR), even if the mesos slaves on which execution happen

                                                                  Chronos: A Replacement for Cron
                                                                • Security updates for all active release lines, July 2017 | Node.js

                                                                  Security updates for all active release lines, July 2017 (Update 10-August-2017) Snapshots Re-enabled on 8.3.0 The vulnerability has been patched upstream and snapshots have been re-enabled in 8.3.0 Expect a backport and update with the next release of 6.x Download Node.js v8 (Current) (Update 11-July-2017) Security releases available Summary Updates are now available for all active Node.js releas

                                                                    Security updates for all active release lines, July 2017 | Node.js
                                                                  • Socialite by tmort

                                                                    View the Project on GitHub tmort/Socialite Download ZIP File Download TAR Ball View On GitHub Socialite v2 Because if you're selling your soul, you may as well do it asynchronously. Socialite provides a very easy way to implement and activate a plethora of social sharing buttons — any time you wish. On document load, on article hover, on any event! Author: David Bushell http://dbushell.com @dbushe

                                                                    • Google Code FAQ - GearsMonkey: Google Gears + Greasemonkey to take Wikipedia offline

                                                                      GearsMonkey: Google Gears + Greasemonkey to take Wikipedia offline By using Google Gears with the Firefox Greasemonkey plugin, you can inject Gears code into any website that you want. Don't wait for your favorite website to enable offline support -- do it yourself. Ben Lisbakken, Google Gears API team November 2007 Download Wikipedia Offline Script (UPDATED) (Must have Google Gears & Greasemonkey

                                                                      • GitHub - aFarkas/lazysizes: High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration.

                                                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                          GitHub - aFarkas/lazysizes: High performance and SEO friendly lazy loader for images (responsive and normal), iframes and more, that detects any visibility changes triggered through user interaction, CSS or JavaScript without configuration.
                                                                        • The Spread toolkit

                                                                          The Spread toolkit provides a high performance messaging service that is resilient to faults across local and wide area networks.Spread functions as a unified message bus for distributed applications, and provides highly tuned application-level multicast, group communication, and point to point support. Spread services range from reliable messaging to fully ordered messages with virtual synchrony

                                                                          • What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)

                                                                            Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more It’s an exciting time to build with large language models (LLMs). Over the past year, LLMs have become “good enough” for real-world applications. The pace of improvements in LLMs, coupled with a parade of demos on social media, will fuel an estimated $200B

                                                                              What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)
                                                                            • Serverless Framework, why we decided to move away from Ruby on Rails - microapps

                                                                              Serverless Framework, why we decided to move away from Ruby on Rails For almost 2 years, we have been working on an email marketing tool for SMES. It basically allows any user to connect our app to the user’s SES Account. 2 years ago the language and framework decision inside microapps was pretty straightforward: we were strong at Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL so there was almost no discussion on t

                                                                                Serverless Framework, why we decided to move away from Ruby on Rails - microapps
                                                                              • 実践的なパターン: テストの容易性を高める設計

                                                                                This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Test Run Web UI Automation with Windows PowerShell Dr. James McCaffrey Code download available at:TestRun2008_03.exe(155 KB) Contents The Web App Test Automation Scripting with Windows PowerShell Taking It a Step Further Windows PowerShellTM, the new Mic

                                                                                  実践的なパターン: テストの容易性を高める設計
                                                                                • Linux perf Profiler UIs

                                                                                  Linux perf Profiler UIs pprof Web UI looking at a flamechart of regexp stack traces. This post is a quick literature review of CPU profiler user interfaces available for analysing Linux program performance. I couldn't find any list of profiler UIs online. Hopefully this can help people find the profiler UI that's right for them. CPU Profiler output is extremely multidimensional — processes, thread

                                                                                    Linux perf Profiler UIs