root@5ad01add5449:/workspace# tree sample-hono sample-hono |-- |-- jest.config.js |-- package.json |-- src | |-- index.test.ts | `-- index.ts `-- wrangler.toml
root@5ad01add5449:/workspace# tree sample-hono sample-hono |-- |-- jest.config.js |-- package.json |-- src | |-- index.test.ts | `-- index.ts `-- wrangler.toml
Edge Runtime が出た Vercelからいつの間にかEdge Runtimeなるものが出てたので、遊んでみた。 Web標準のAPIを使ったエッジ環境で動くアプリケーションの開発やテストを助けるツールキット。Edge環境はNode.jsじゃないし、evalが使えなかったりするので、それをシミュレートできる。 The Edge Runtime is a toolkit for developing, testing, and defining the runtime Web APIs for Edge infrastructure. 第一行目に「Vercel」とか「Next.js」の文字がないのがよい。とはいえ、一番の想定はVercelのEdge Functionsでしょう。 Edge Functionsってのは今のところ2つあるみたい。どちらもVercelもしくはNext.jsの機
初手からREPLがついてたりと、なかなか洗練されてそう・・ってのが第一印象。 What is Edge Runtime | Edge Runtime あとは`cloudflare/miniflare`のコードを読んだ身として、どういう実装になってるんやろ?ってのも気になったので。やはりNode.jsの`vm`を使ってるのか、はたまた未知のテクノロジーか・・・! 読んだのは最新の・・というか、いま時点ではまだ1コミットしかなかった。 リポジトリの構成 モノレポ。 . └── packages ├── format ├── jest-environment ├── primitives ├── runtime ├── ty
The Edge Runtime The Edge Runtime is designed to help framework authors adopt edge computing and provide open-source tooling built on Web standards. It’s designed to be integrated into frameworks (like Next.js) and not for usage in application code. This runtime is purposefully minimal and designed for security and speed. When your framework is built on the Edge Runtime, it runs everywhere Node.js
Fresh is a new full stack web framework for Deno. By default, web pages built with Fresh send zero JavaScript to the client. The framework has no build step which allows for an order of magnitude improvement in deployment times. Today we are releasing the first stable version of Fresh. Client side rendering has become increasingly popular in recent years. React (and React-like) pages allow program
We're laying the foundation for the future of Next.js with 12.2: Middleware (Stable): Dynamic routing for your entire application. On-Demand ISR (Stable): Update content without redeploying. Edge API Routes (Experimental): High performance API endpoints. Edge SSR (Experimental): Server-render your app, at the Edge. SWC Plugins (Experimental): Extend compilation with your own plugins. Improvements
Vercel Edge Middleware: Dynamic at the speed of staticHigh-performance compute for routing, experimentation, and more. Since we announced Middleware last October, we’ve seen 80% month-over-month growth and over 30 billion requests routed through Edge Middleware on Vercel during public beta. Customers like Vox Media, Hackernoon, Datastax, and HashiCorp are using Edge Middleware to have complete con
Vercel Edge Middleware: Dynamic at the speed of staticHigh-performance compute for routing, experimentation, and more. Since we announced Middleware last October, we’ve seen 80% month-over-month growth and over 30 billion requests routed through Edge Middleware on Vercel during public beta. Customers like Vox Media, Hackernoon, Datastax, and HashiCorp are using Edge Middleware to have complete con