What you’re about to read is an excerpt from Go Time #114. You should read the original transcript or listen to the entire conversation for more context. To set the stage, this is the 2nd of Kelsey Hightower’s unpopular opinions (our new segment which people seem to be enjoying.) Monoliths are the future because the problem people are trying to solve with microservices doesn’t really line up with
Audrey Tang joins me to talk about COVID-19, her career path, digital minister's job, forking the government, Sci-Fi and so on. Transcript of this episode is available at rebuild.fm/271 [0:00:00] today we have a very special guest joining in from Taiwan. She is the digital minister of Taiwan and a longtime friend of mine, Audrey Tang. Audrey, Welcome to the show. Welcome and it's really nice chatt
Kubernetes has become the standard way of deploying new distributed applications. Most new internet businesses started in the foreseeable future will leverage Kubernetes (whether they realize it or not). Many old applications are migrating to Kubernetes too. Before Kubernetes, there was no standardization around a specific distributed systems platform. Just like Linux became the standard server-si
AirPods Pro を使って英会話の訓練をしながら Kubernetes をはじめとするあらゆるテクノロジーについて学べるすごい学習法 Dec 2, 2019 約 1 年ぶりにブログを書くにあたって、めちゃくちゃ釣りっぽいタイトルにしてみました。 (昨日すでに別の記事が出ていますが、書き始めたのはこちらが先でした) この記事は AirPods Pro のアフィリエイトによる小銭稼ぎ (まぁ今現在 Amazon では売り切れてるけど) と、僕のあらゆる物事に対する学習・訓練に対する考え方をまとめて、識者からフィードバックを得ることを目的にしています。 で、その両方を達成する上で都合がいいので、AirPods Pro を使ったシャドーイングを題材に書いてみようと思います。学習に関する考え方についてはいかにもわかってる風に書きますが、素人が適当なことを言っているだけなので、暇つぶし程度にご笑
A data warehouse serves the purpose of providing low latency queries for high volumes of data. A data warehouse is often part of a data pipeline, which moves data through different areas of infrastructure in order to build applications such as machine learning models, dashboards, and reports. Modern data pipelines are often associated with the term “ELT” or Extract, Load, Transform. In the “ELT” w
This show goes behind the scenes for the tools, techniques, and difficulties associated with the discipline of data engineering. Databases, workflows, automation, and data manipulation are just some of the topics that you will find here. Support the show! 18 February 2020 Data Infrastructure Automation For Private SaaS At Snowplow - E120 Summary One of the biggest challenges in building reliable p
CERNでソフトウェアエンジニアとして仕事をしている高橋祐花さんと、CERNでの話やスイスでの暮らし、外国語、フェミニズムなどについて話をしました。出演者: 高橋祐花 (@00_)、Rui Ueyama (@rui314) https://turingcomplete.fm/15 ハッシュタグは#tcfmです。 TCFMはサポーターの投げ銭によって収益を上げています。このコンテンツに課金してもいいよという方はぜひクリエイター支援サイトPatreonから登録してご協力ください。 イントロ (0:00) CERNはWWWが発明された場所 (1:25) Patreonを使ってサポーター制度を導入 (2:50) CERNの粒子加速器が生成するペタバイトレベルのデータを処理している (8:27) TensorFlowを使って太陽系外の惑星を発見する話 (14:39) C++で大量のデータを処理 (1
This show goes behind the scenes for the tools, techniques, and difficulties associated with the discipline of data engineering. Databases, workflows, automation, and data manipulation are just some of the topics that you will find here. Support the show! 06 January 2020 Change Data Capture For All Of Your Databases With Debezium - E114 Summary Databases are useful for inspecting the current state
Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg and Alan Eagle: Leadership in Silicon Valley This program is part of our Good Lit series, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation. Known as the ultimate coach, the legendary Bill Campbell mentored some of the best and brightest tech entrepreneurs, including Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. In honor of Bill Campbell
Babbage SpaceX’s Starship and the new race to the Moon between America and ChinaOur podcast on science and technology. After Starship’s triumphant fifth test flight, we examine what role the reusable rocket will play in the new superpower competition in space The Intelligence The Harris campaign is a marvel of money-raising. Will it matter?Also on the daily podcast: the hard-right Dutch government