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Overkillの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 189件

  • ネットの音楽オタクが選んだ2023年のベストアルバム 100→51 - 音楽だいすきクラブ

    2013年から始まった「ネットの音楽オタクが選んだベストアルバム」11年目です。今回は502のデータを集計しました。毎度同様、順位はあまり気にせず、国とかジャンルも気にせず、この記事をきっかけに2023年の作品を再発見していただければ幸いです。 残り2日間よろしくお願いします。作品にはできる限りリンクを付けているし、記事末尾にはプレイリストも付けています。ぜひご活用ください。(ぴっち) このランキングについて ネットの音楽オタクが選んだベストアルバムは音楽だいすきクラブ、及びそのメンバー等の特定の誰かが選んで作ったものではありません。 Twitterのハッシュタグ、募集記事のコメント欄に寄せられたものを集計しています。 502人分のデータを集計しました。 同点の場合、乱数を発生させて順位づけしています。 順位に深い意味はありません。気にしすぎないでください。 150位以内はすべて4人以上に

      ネットの音楽オタクが選んだ2023年のベストアルバム 100→51 - 音楽だいすきクラブ
    • 欧州にて「バッテリーを容易に取り外して交換できる製品設計」をメーカーに義務付けへ。携帯型ゲーム機も対象との報道 - AUTOMATON

      🔋 Greener batteries ♻️ More recycling 🚯 Less pollution The Council has adopted today new rules that will, for the first time ever, cover the whole life cycle of batteries. The goal is to make batteries sustainable while keeping the sector competitive. 👇 — EU Council (@EUCouncil) July 10, 2023 今回欧州評議会が採択した新たな規制は、バッテリーの製造からリサイクルまでのライフサイクル全体を見直し、循環型経済を促進することを目的にしているという。そのなかで、家電製品などに搭載されるバッテリーについて、

        欧州にて「バッテリーを容易に取り外して交換できる製品設計」をメーカーに義務付けへ。携帯型ゲーム機も対象との報道 - AUTOMATON
      • ジョージ・フロイドの死 - Wikipedia

        ジョージ・フロイドの死(ジョージ・フロイドのし、英: Murder of George Floyd)は、アフリカ系アメリカ人の黒人男性ジョージ・フロイド(George Floyd)が、2020年5月25日にミネアポリス近郊で、警察官のデレク・ショーヴィンの不適切な拘束方法によって殺害された[3]事件である。 この事件以降、全米でBLM運動と暴動が多数発生した[4]。 事件概要[編集] 2020年5月25日当日、警察官デレク・ショーヴィン(Derek Chauvin)を被疑者とする告訴状によると、偽ドル札の使用容疑により手錠をかけられたフロイドが、「呼吸ができない、助けてくれ」と懇願していたにもかかわらず、8分46秒間フロイドの頸部を膝で強く押さえつけ、フロイドを死亡させた。その時間の中で、フロイドの反応が見られなくなった後の2分53秒間においても当該警察官はフロイドの頸部を膝で押さえつけて

          ジョージ・フロイドの死 - Wikipedia
        • Good Bye Web APIs

          When building a single-page application or a mobile application, we usually need to implement a web API (REST, GraphQL, etc.) to connect the frontend and the backend. Technically, it's not very difficult, but it has some unfortunate consequences. Imagine two planets. The planet "frontend" speaks JavaScript and the planet "backend" also speaks JavaScript or any other advanced language. Now let's sa

            Good Bye Web APIs
          • リングフィットアドベンチャーをクリアして 8kg 痩せて筋肉質になった (71kg => 63kg) - mizchi's blog

            ちょっとはてなブログを放っておいたら90日以上進捗がない人の広告が出るようになってしまい、最近やり続けたことといえばリングフィットなので、その話。 (ちなみに、最近このブログの投稿数が減っていたのは、技術記事を別のブログ で書くようにしたからです) クリア自体は 62 日目、今は 101 日目で二週目の後半。体重の変化はタイトルのとおりです。 ビフォアアフター before 去年の11月頃。似た構図の写真がない。腹が出てるのを隠している after さっき撮ったやつ 身長169cm なので 62.8kg が標準体重です。63kgなのでほぼそれぐらい。14年前の高校生以来の水準です。 体重がただ減っただけではなく、体全体がかなり筋肉質になっています。 ダイエットの動機 突然病気の話なのですが、去年の 12 月頃から 1 月にかけて長期間、体温が37.5度から下がらず、病院にいったところウイル

              リングフィットアドベンチャーをクリアして 8kg 痩せて筋肉質になった (71kg => 63kg) - mizchi's blog
            • The new wave of Javascript web frameworks

              The new wave of Javascript web frameworksMake sense of the proliferation of new Javascript web frameworks. A deep dive into the problems at scale and the recent evolution of innovation. IntroductionStaying current in the Javascript ecosystem is not for the faint of heart. It’s challenging for those entering the industry to follow what’s happening amongst the new libraries, frameworks, concepts, an

                The new wave of Javascript web frameworks
              • The new wave of React state management

                The new wave of React state managementUnderstand the core problems state management libraries need to solve. And how the proliferation of modern libraries address them in new ways. IntroductionAs React applications grow in size and complexity, managing shared global state is challenging. The general advice is to only reach for global state management solutions when needed. This post will flesh out

                  The new wave of React state management
                • Clean Architecture on Frontend

                  Alex Bespoyasov Posted on Sep 1, 2021 • Updated on May 12, 2022 • Originally published at bespoyasov.me Not very long ago I gave a talk about the clean architecture on frontend. In this post I'm outlining that talk and expanding it a bit. I'll put links here to all sorts of useful stuff that will come in handy as you read: The Public Talk Slides for the Talk The source code for the application we'

                    Clean Architecture on Frontend
                  • First Docker GitHub Action is here! | Docker

                    We are happy to announce that today Docker has released its first Github Action! We’ve been working with GitHub, looking into how developers have been using GitHub Actions with Docker to set up their CI/CD workflows. The standard flows you’ll see if you look around are what you’d expect: building an image, tagging it, logging into Hub, and pushing the image. This is the workflow we’ve aimed to sup

                      First Docker GitHub Action is here! | Docker
                    • What it was like working for GitLab

                      I joined GitLab in October 2015, and left in December 2021 after working there for a little more than six years. While I previously wrote about leaving GitLab to work on Inko, I never discussed what it was like working for GitLab between 2015 and 2021. There are two reasons for this: I was suffering from burnout, and didn't have the energy to revisit the last six years of my life (at that time)I w

                      • Let's Create a Simple Load Balancer With Go

                        Load Balancers plays a key role in Web Architecture. They allow distributing load among a set of backends. This makes services more scalable. Also since there are multiple backends configured the service become highly available as load balancer can pick up a working server in case of a failure. After playing with professional Load Balancers like NGINX I tried creating a simple Load Balancer for fu

                          Let's Create a Simple Load Balancer With Go
                        • The problem with Git flow

                          The problem with Git flow Learn why Git flow complicates the lifecycle and discover an alternative to streamline development. Sometimes, you can have too much of a good thing. That’s certainly true with Git flow, a well-known software development workflow that offers several options but can bog down users. We developed GitLab Flow as the solution to eliminate messy complexity and streamline the de

                            The problem with Git flow
                          • Choose the Right Python Concurrency API - Super Fast Python

                            How to Choose the Right Python Concurrency API Python standard library offers 3 concurrency APIs. How do you know which API to use in your project? In this tutorial, you will discover a helpful step-by-step procedure and helpful questions to guide you to the most appropriate concurrency API. After reading this guide, you will also know how to choose the right Python concurrency API for current and

                              Choose the Right Python Concurrency API - Super Fast Python
                            • My Overkill Home Network - Complete Details 2023

                              In this post I will hopefully detail my entire home network. Some of this has been in separate posts explaining single items, but nowhere do I have all of the network in one post with all the changes since last year. Here is a full shot of the rack in my house. Its in a centrally located closet which happens to have a 2ft x 2ft chase into the attic, which is very handy for running network cables.

                                My Overkill Home Network - Complete Details 2023
                              • Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React

                                Published: August 4, 2023 Updated: October 27, 2023 Part 1: an intro about music, defaults, and bubbles Like a lot of people, there was a time when the only music I listened to was whatever was played on my local radio station. (A lot of people over 30 or so, anyway. If this doesn’t sound familiar to you yet, just stick with me for a minute here.) At the time, I was happy with that. It seemed like

                                  Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
                                • Why I Stopped Using Redux

                                  Redux was a revolutionary technology in the React ecosystem. It enabled us to have a global store with immutable data and fixed the issue of prop-drilling in our component tree. For sharing immutable data across an application, it continues to be an excellent tool that scales really well. But why do we need a global store in the first place? Are our frontend applications really that complex or are

                                    Why I Stopped Using Redux
                                  • Next.js vs. Remix - A Developer's Dilemma

                                    The React ecosystem is a bustling landscape, brimming with frameworks promising to revolutionize web development. Today, we’ll be diving into two popular contenders: Next.js and Remix. Next.js is one of the most popular React frameworks used for server-side rendering. It’s been there for a significant time, and it provides an exceptional developer experience with all the features developers need.

                                      Next.js vs. Remix - A Developer's Dilemma
                                    • My Python Development Environment, 2020 Edition - Jacob Kaplan-Moss

                                      My Python Development Environment: My Python Development Environment, 2020 EditionFor years I’ve noodled around with various setups for a Python development environment. A couple of years ago I wrote about a setup I finally liked; this is an update to that post. Bad news: this stuff still isn’t stable, and I’ve had to make some changes. Good news: the general concepts still hold, and the new tools

                                        My Python Development Environment, 2020 Edition - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
                                      • AppleのM1搭載「iPad Pro」レビューまとめ、M1搭載で狂喜乱舞かと思いきや辛口レビューが目立つ

                                        Appleが2021年4月21日に開催した配信イベントの中で、第5世代の新型「iPad Pro」を発表しました。この新型iPad Proには海外メディアから絶賛の嵐を受けた「M1」チップが搭載されているということで、iPadを新次元に導くことが期待されています。そんなM1搭載iPad Proのレビューがさっそく海外メディアから続々登場しているので、いったいどんな反応なのかまとめてみました。 M1搭載の新型iPad Proは、前モデルのiPad Proと比べてCPUは50%、GPUのグラフィックス性能は最大40%高速になりました。筐体デザインは変わっていませんが、電力効率も向上し、ストレージへのアクセス速度も2倍となります。また、入出力ポートはUSB 4にも対応するThunderboltポートとなったことで、有線接続での帯域幅が従来の4倍(最大40Gbps)となっています。加えて、Pro D

                                          AppleのM1搭載「iPad Pro」レビューまとめ、M1搭載で狂喜乱舞かと思いきや辛口レビューが目立つ
                                        • Open-Sourcing a Monitoring GUI for Metaflow

                                          tl;dr Today, we are open-sourcing a long-awaited GUI for Metaflow. The Metaflow GUI allows data scientists to monitor their workflows in real-time, track experiments, and see detailed logs and results for every executed task. The GUI can be extended with plugins, allowing the community to build integrations to other systems, custom visualizations, and embed upcoming features of Metaflow directly i

                                            Open-Sourcing a Monitoring GUI for Metaflow
                                          • It's Time to Forget About Docker | Martin Heinz | Personal Website & Blog

                                            In the ancient times of containers (really more like 4 years ago) Docker was the only player in the container game. That's not the case anymore though and Docker is not the only, but rather just another container engine on the landscape. Docker allows us to build, run, pull, push or inspect container images, but for each of these tasks there are other alternative tools, which might just do better

                                              It's Time to Forget About Docker | Martin Heinz | Personal Website & Blog
                                            • Keeping Your Modules Compatible - The Go Programming Language

                                              Jean de Klerk and Jonathan Amsterdam 7 July 2020 Introduction This post is part 5 in a series. Part 1 — Using Go Modules Part 2 — Migrating To Go Modules Part 3 — Publishing Go Modules Part 4 — Go Modules: v2 and Beyond Part 5 — Keeping Your Modules Compatible (this post) Note: For documentation on developing modules, see Developing and publishing modules. Your modules will evolve over time as you

                                                Keeping Your Modules Compatible - The Go Programming Language
                                              • An interface is not an interface - Recent thoughts about clean coding - spacelyのブログ

                                                Introduction Recently I've had to work on code which seemed to be based on clean architecture, but after a while I concluded that it is probably not and it made me think about clean coding in general and the principles of clean architecture in particular. Is it about a set of rules, and we are guaranteed to achieve cleanness as long as we follow them? Or is it about abstract principles, which we c

                                                  An interface is not an interface - Recent thoughts about clean coding - spacelyのブログ
                                                • Operating a Large, Distributed System in a Reliable Way: Practices I Learned

                                                  For the past few years, I've been building and operating a large distributed system: the payments system at Uber. I've learned a lot about distributed architecture concepts during this time and seen first-hand how high-load and high-availability systems are challenging not just to build, but to operate as well. Building the system itself is a fun job. Planning how the system will handle 10x/100x t

                                                    Operating a Large, Distributed System in a Reliable Way: Practices I Learned
                                                  • 『君の名は。』への評がいかに快挙か;訳文と感想(ネットで読めるグレッグ・イーガン氏の映画・創作観) - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら

                                                    録り貯めたお正月の特番を消化しているかたのなかには、3が日に地上波初放送された『天気の子』や8日新年一発目の『金曜ロードSHOW!』神木隆之介さんなど豪華吹替キャストによる『パラサイト』をご覧のかたもいらっしゃるんじゃないでしょうか? 今回の記事は、そんな新海誠監督の前作で神木氏主演『君の名は。』にたいするグレッグ・イーガン氏の評価がいかにすごいか、氏のインタビューやエッセイ(『Avatar Review(「アバター」批評)』『No Intelligence Required Her, Ex Machina and Interstellar(知性は不要――「her/世界でひとつの彼女」、「エクス・マキナ」そして「インターステラー」にとって)』)などを勝手に訳して、氏の映画観・創作観と比べることで確かめてみようという感じのやつです。 訳文本文7700字{2230字+5529字(原文730語+

                                                      『君の名は。』への評がいかに快挙か;訳文と感想(ネットで読めるグレッグ・イーガン氏の映画・創作観) - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら
                                                    • Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14

                                                      This year’s A14 chip includes the 8th generation in Apple’s 64-bit microarchitecture family that had been started off with the A7 and the Cyclone design. Over the years, Apple’s design cadence seems to have settled down around major bi-generation microarchitecture updates starting with the A7 chipset, with the A9, A11, A13 all showcasing major increases of their design complexity and microarchitec

                                                        Apple Announces The Apple Silicon M1: Ditching x86 - What to Expect, Based on A14
                                                      • Chris James - HTMX is the Future

                                                        The current state of web application development User expectations of the web are now that you have this super-smooth no-reload experience. Unfortunately, it's an expectation that is usually delivered with single-page applications (SPAs) that rely on libraries and frameworks like React and Angular, which are very specialised tools that can be complicated to work with. A new approach is to put the

                                                        • Machine Learning Field Guide

                                                          We all have to deal with data, and we try to learn about and implement machine learning into our projects. But everyone seems to forget one thing... it's far from perfect, and there is so much to go through! Don't worry, we'll discuss every little step, from start to finish 👀. All you'll need are these fundementals The Story Behind it All We all start with either a dataset or a goal in mind. Once

                                                            Machine Learning Field Guide
                                                          • Parsing SQL - Strumenta

                                                            The tomassetti.me website has changed: it is now part of strumenta.com. You will continue to find all the news with the usual quality, but in a new layout. The code for this tutorial is on GitHub: parsing-sql SQL is a language to handle data in a relational database. If you worked with data you have probably worked with SQL. In this article we will talk about parsing SQL. It is in the same league

                                                              Parsing SQL - Strumenta
                                                            • Search Engineering Newsletter vol.10

                                                              節目となる 10 回目のニュースレター配信です。 今回のイチオシ記事は ABEJA さんの「GPT モデルへの道のり」とメルカリさんの「お手軽な検索 API 構築」記事です。 Search#How we’re improving search results when you use quotes - GoogleGoogle、引用符による完全一致検索結果をフレーズを中心に表示するよう改善 - PC Watchダブルクォートを使った完全一致検索を行う際に、web ページのヘッダーや URL などは検索対象外になることで、Google の Web 検索体験を改善した。 厳格なテスト – Google 検索の仕組み Google 検索がどのようにテスト・評価を行っているか。 2021 年に、約 4000 件の変更、約 11000 件の AB テストを行っているらしく驚き。 簡単に逆算しても月間

                                                                Search Engineering Newsletter vol.10
                                                              • Self hosting in 2023

                                                                The blog that you are currently reading has a perfect PageSpeed score 100 / 100. At least at the moment of writing it 😄. It’s not a brag, quite the opposite. Turns out it’s not that hard to achieve it. Just host a static page with simple styles, and you’re done. Building a static page itself is quite simple. You plop an index.html and send it through a wire. You can get more sophisticated and gen

                                                                  Self hosting in 2023
                                                                • PCテクノロジートレンド 2024 - Chipset&NPU編

                                                                  2024年の幕開けに、パーソナルコンピュータのハードウェア技術の動向を占う毎年恒例の特集記事「PCテクノロジートレンド」をお届けする。最後となる本稿はChipset&NPU編だ。 ◆関連記事リンク (2024年1月1日掲載) PCテクノロジートレンド 2024 - プロセス編 (2024年1月2日掲載) PCテクノロジートレンド 2024 - CPU編 (2024年1月3日掲載) PCテクノロジートレンド 2024 - GPU編 (2024年1月4日掲載) PCテクノロジートレンド 2024 - Memory編 (2024年1月5日掲載) PCテクノロジートレンド 2024 - Storage編 (本稿) PCテクノロジートレンド 2024 - Chipset&NPU編 *** 今年はChipsetに関しては余り大きな動きが無い。一応第4四半期にはIntelはIntel 800シリーズをリ

                                                                    PCテクノロジートレンド 2024 - Chipset&NPU編
                                                                  • Amazon Linux 2023, a Cloud-Optimized Linux Distribution with Long-Term Support | Amazon Web Services

                                                                    AWS News Blog Amazon Linux 2023, a Cloud-Optimized Linux Distribution with Long-Term Support I am excited to announce the general availability of Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023). AWS has provided you with a cloud-optimized Linux distribution since 2010. This is the third generation of our Amazon Linux distributions. Every generation of Amazon Linux distribution is secured, optimized for the cloud, and

                                                                      Amazon Linux 2023, a Cloud-Optimized Linux Distribution with Long-Term Support | Amazon Web Services
                                                                    • Cramming 'Papers, Please' Onto Phones

                                                                      Aug 06, 2022 I created Papers, Please in 2013 specifically for desktop computers with mouse control. Now, here, in 2022, desktop computers no longer exist and all computing is done via handheld mobile telephone. Time to update this dinosaur. These thousands of words and megabytes of images will cover some bits of porting the game from big desktop to little phone. As a winking throwback to days pas

                                                                      • Implementing single-file Web Components

                                                                        # Implementing single-file Web Components Probably everyone who knows the Vue.js framework also heard about its single-file components. This super simple idea allows web developers to define the entire code of a component in one file. It is such a useful solution that an initiative to include this mechanism in browsers has already appeared. However, it seems quite dead as, unfortunately, no progre

                                                                          Implementing single-file Web Components
                                                                        • Getting started with security keys

                                                                          EveryEvery week I come across another headline about how someone got hacked and within moments many of their online accounts had become compromised. These aren't simple cases of bad actors using account credentials from large public data breaches and the unfortunate result of people using the same password across many websites. These hacks, horror stories rather, are all the result of increasingly

                                                                            Getting started with security keys
                                                                          • How to improve Python packaging, or why fourteen tools are at least tw

                                                                            There is an area of Python that many developers have problems with. This is an area that has seen many different solutions pop up over the years, with many different opinions, wars, and attempts to solve it. Many have complained about the packaging ecosystem and tools making their lives harder. Many beginners are confused about virtual environments. But does it have to be this way? Are the current

                                                                            • How to analyse 100s of GBs of data on your laptop with Python

                                                                              Many organizations are trying to gather and utilise as much data as possible to improve on how they run their business, increase revenue, or how they impact the world around them. Therefore it is becoming increasingly common for data scientists to face 50GB or even 500GB sized datasets. Now, these kind of datasets are a bit… uncomfortable to use. They are small enough to fit into the hard-drive of

                                                                                How to analyse 100s of GBs of data on your laptop with Python
                                                                              • Performance of WebAssembly runtimes in 2023 | Frank DENIS random thoughts.

                                                                                Using libsodium in a web browser has been possible since 2013, thanks to the excellent Emscripten project. Since then, WebAssembly was introduced. A more efficient way to run code not originally written in JavaScript in a web browser. And libsodium added first-class support for WebAssembly in 2017. On web browsers supporting it, in allowed contexts allowing it,this gave a nice speed boost. Like Ja

                                                                                • エディ・ヴァン・ヘイレンの訃報を受け、様々なミュージシャンが追悼コメントを発表【ページ1】 - amass

                                                                                  エディ・ヴァン・ヘイレン(Eddie Van Halen)の訃報を受け、さまざまなミュージシャンが追悼コメントを発表しています。多くのコメントが発表されていますので、4ページにわけて掲載しています。 ページ2はこちら ページ3はこちら ページ4はこちら ページ5はこちら Heartbroken and speechless. My love to the family. pic.twitter.com/MQMueMF2XO — Sammy Hagar (@sammyhagar) October 6, 2020 We are enormously saddened to hear about the untimely passing of Eddie Van Halen. We considered him an inspiration, an idol, and after spendin

                                                                                    エディ・ヴァン・ヘイレンの訃報を受け、様々なミュージシャンが追悼コメントを発表【ページ1】 - amass