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361 - 400 件 / 19955件

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THE OTHER ONEの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 19955件

  • The Death Of Behavioral Economics

    I’ve got some bad news. Behavioral economics is dead. Yes, it’s still being taught. Yes, it’s still being researched by academics around the world. Yes, it’s still being used by practitioners and government officials across the globe. It sure does look alive… but it’s a zombie—inside and out. Why do I say this? Two primary reasons: Core behavioral economics findings have been failing to replicate

      The Death Of Behavioral Economics
    • romgrk

      I often feel like javascript code in general runs much slower than it could, simply because it’s not optimized properly. Here is a summary of common optimization techniques I’ve found useful. Note that the tradeoff for performance is often readability, so the question of when to go for performance versus readability is a question left to the reader. I’ll also note that talking about optimization n

      • What it was like working for GitLab

        I joined GitLab in October 2015, and left in December 2021 after working there for a little more than six years. While I previously wrote about leaving GitLab to work on Inko, I never discussed what it was like working for GitLab between 2015 and 2021. There are two reasons for this: I was suffering from burnout, and didn't have the energy to revisit the last six years of my life (at that time)I w

        • A new Go API for Protocol Buffers - The Go Programming Language

          Joe Tsai, Damien Neil, and Herbie Ong 2 March 2020 Introduction We are pleased to announce the release of a major revision of the Go API for protocol buffers, Google’s language-neutral data interchange format. Motivations for a new API The first protocol buffer bindings for Go were announced by Rob Pike in March of 2010. Go 1 would not be released for another two years. In the decade since that fi

            A new Go API for Protocol Buffers - The Go Programming Language
          • The History of DNS Vulnerabilities and the Cloud

            By Daniel Prizmant December 28, 2020 at 6:00 AM Category: Unit 42 Tags: DNS, vulnerabilities This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese) Introduction Every now and then, a new domain name system (DNS) vulnerability that puts billions of devices around the world at risk is discovered. DNS vulnerabilities are usually critical. Just imagine that you browse to your bank account website, but instead

              The History of DNS Vulnerabilities and the Cloud
            • 日本の学部からアメリカのコンピューターサイエンス博士課程に出願する - あさりさんの作業ログ

              このブログでは日本(の学部)からアメリカのコンピューターサイエンス博士課程へ出願した際のスケジュールや行った対策についてまとめています。 はじめに 自己紹介 アメリカのCS博士課程とその合否決定プロセス スケジュール 必要な書類やその対策 TOEFL及びGRE 対策 TOEFLのミニマムスコア TOEFLのSpeakingのみ高いスコアを要求されている GREのミニマムスコア 望ましいスコアについて GPA 望ましいGPA GPAに関する懸念事項 GPAが4.0換算でない場合もしくはGPAなどを大学が成績証明書に掲載していない場合 GPAが低い場合に挽回可能か 科目名がわかりにくい Curriculum Vitae (CV) 推薦状 誰にお願いすればいいのか 推薦状の執筆に際して推薦者に送った資料 推薦状の依頼・提出 Statement of Purpose (SoP) 「SoPは合否に対

                日本の学部からアメリカのコンピューターサイエンス博士課程に出願する - あさりさんの作業ログ
              • Understanding design patterns in TypeScript and Node.js - LogRocket Blog

                Ganesh Mani I'm a full-stack developer, Android application/game developer, and tech enthusiast who loves to work with current technologies in web, mobile, the IoT, machine learning, and data science. Editor’s note: This article was updated 27 September 2022 to include information about state patterns and anti-patterns in TypeScript, as well as to make general revisions to the article. Design patt

                  Understanding design patterns in TypeScript and Node.js - LogRocket Blog
                • Confusing git terminology

                  Hello! I’m slowly working on explaining git. One of my biggest problems is that after almost 15 years of using git, I’ve become very used to git’s idiosyncracies and it’s easy for me to forget what’s confusing about it. So I asked people on Mastodon: what git jargon do you find confusing? thinking of writing a blog post that explains some of git’s weirder terminology: “detached HEAD state”, “fast-

                  • The effects of remote work on collaboration among information workers - Nature Human Behaviour

                    Before the COVID-19 pandemic, at most 5% of Americans worked from home for more than three days per week1, whereas it is estimated that, by April 2020, as many as 37% of Americans were working from home (WFH) full-time2,3. Thus, in a matter of weeks, the pandemic caused about one-third of US workers to shift to WFH and nearly every American that was able to work from home did so4. Many technology

                      The effects of remote work on collaboration among information workers - Nature Human Behaviour
                    • ChatGPTを凶悪な暴言マシンに変貌させる魔法の文字列が発見される

                      ChatGPTやBardといった生成AIには、爆弾の作り方といった危険な情報や、中傷にあたるような非倫理的な文章の生成を求められても拒否するように安全策がもうけられています。しかし、命令文となるプロンプトの末尾に一見すると意味のわからない文字列である「敵対的サフィックス(接尾辞)」を付けることでこの制限を突破し、本来は出力できない過激な文章をAIに生成させる「ジェイルブレイク(脱獄)」の手法が特定されました。 Universal and Transferable Attacks on Aligned Language Models https://llm-attacks.org/ Researchers Poke Holes in Safety Controls of ChatGPT and Other Chatbots - The New York Times https://www.n

                      • Don't write clean code, write CRISP code — Bitfield Consulting

                        I’m sure we’re all in favour of “clean code”, but it’s one of those motherhood-and-apple-pie things that no one can reasonably disagree with. Who wants to write dirty code, unless maybe it’s for a porn site? The problem, of course, is that few of us can agree on what “clean code” means, and how to get there. A rule like “methods should only do one thing”, looks great on a T-shirt, but it’s not so

                          Don't write clean code, write CRISP code — Bitfield Consulting
                        • Introducing Rome

                          We’re excited to announce the first beta release and general availability of the Rome linter for JavaScript and TypeScript. This is the beginning of an entire suite of tools. Rome is not only linter, but also a compiler, bundler, test runner, and more, for JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, JSON, Markdown, and CSS. We aim to unify the entire frontend development toolchain. Rome is a monolithic tool con

                            Introducing Rome
                          • Next.js 14

                            As we announced at Next.js Conf, Next.js 14 is our most focused release with: Turbopack: 5,000 tests passing for App & Pages Router 53% faster local server startup 94% faster code updates with Fast Refresh Server Actions (Stable): Progressively enhanced mutations Integrated with caching & revalidating Simple function calls, or works natively with forms Partial Prerendering (Preview): Fast initial

                              Next.js 14
                            • How an empty S3 bucket can make your AWS bill explode

                              Update AWS started investigating the issue: https://twitter.com/jeffbarr/status/1785386554372042890 Imagine you create an empty, private AWS S3 bucket in a region of your preference. What will your AWS bill be the next morning? A few weeks ago, I began working on a PoC of a document indexing system for my client. I created a single S3 bucket in the eu-west-1 region and uploaded some files there fo

                                How an empty S3 bucket can make your AWS bill explode
                              • ⭐️🎀 JavaScript Visualized: Promises & Async/Await

                                If you're already somewhat familiar with promises, here are some shortcuts to save you some precious scrolling time. Introduction When writing JavaScript, we often have to deal with tasks that rely on other tasks! Let's say that we want to get an image, compress it, apply a filter, and save it 📸 The very first thing we need to do, is get the image that we want to edit. A getImage function can tak

                                  ⭐️🎀 JavaScript Visualized: Promises & Async/Await
                                • Working with Errors in Go 1.13 - The Go Programming Language

                                  Damien Neil and Jonathan Amsterdam 17 October 2019 Introduction Go’s treatment of errors as values has served us well over the last decade. Although the standard library’s support for errors has been minimal—just the errors.New and fmt.Errorf functions, which produce errors that contain only a message—the built-in error interface allows Go programmers to add whatever information they desire. All i

                                    Working with Errors in Go 1.13 - The Go Programming Language
                                  • Tailwind CSS v2.0 - Tailwind CSS

                                    Almost exactly 18 months ago we released Tailwind CSS v1.0, which signalled a commitment to stability while continuing to push the boundaries with exciting new features in every minor release. Over the course of those 18 months we released nine minor versions that added features like placeholder styling, screenreader visibility, CSS grid, transitions, transforms, animations, layout utilities, inte

                                      Tailwind CSS v2.0 - Tailwind CSS
                                    • The 5-hour CDN

                                      The 5-hour CDN Author Name Kurt Mackey @mrkurt @mrkurt The term “CDN” (“content delivery network”) conjures Google-scale companies managing huge racks of hardware, wrangling hundreds of gigabits per second. But CDNs are just web applications. That’s not how we tend to think of them, but that’s all they are. You can build a functional CDN on an 8-year-old laptop while you’re sitting at a coffee sho

                                        The 5-hour CDN
                                      • ChatGPTは新しいゲームを作ることができるのか - ABAの日誌

                                        ChatGPTはいろんなことができるが、私が興味があるのは、ChatGPTは私のためにアクションミニゲームを作ってくれるのか、ということだ。 コンピュータに自動的にアクションミニゲームを作ってもらうための試みは、だいぶ前にやった。 ChatGPTの登場によって、今度は大規模言語モデルを使うという新しいアプローチが手軽に試せるようになった。モデルに新しいゲームのアイデアを考えてもらい、そのアイデアを実現するソースコードを実装してもらえばゲームの出来上がりだ。 だが、少なくとも現状のChatGPT(今のところ私はGPT-3.5でしか試していないが)では以下の問題があるように思える。 ChatGPTに、実装可能なアルゴリズムのレベルまで詳細化された、新しいゲームのアイデアを考えさせるのは難しい ChatGPTは、今までにない新しいアルゴリズムを、ソースコードとして実装することを不得意としている

                                          ChatGPTは新しいゲームを作ることができるのか - ABAの日誌
                                        • Bootstrap 5

                                          The Bootstrap Blog News and announcements for all things Bootstrap, including new releases, Bootstrap Themes, and Bootstrap Icons. Bootstrap 5 has officially landed! After three alphas, three betas, and several months of hard work, we’re shipping the first stable release of our new major version. It’s been a wild ride made possible by our maintainers and the amazing community that uses and contrib

                                            Bootstrap 5
                                          • Building LLM applications for production

                                            [Hacker News discussion, LinkedIn discussion, Twitter thread] A question that I’ve been asked a lot recently is how large language models (LLMs) will change machine learning workflows. After working with several companies who are working with LLM applications and personally going down a rabbit hole building my applications, I realized two things: It’s easy to make something cool with LLMs, but ver

                                              Building LLM applications for production
                                            • npm Blog Archive: Next Phase Montage

                                              The npm blog has been discontinued. Updates from the npm team are now published on the GitHub Blog and the GitHub Changelog. tl;dr – Good news! npm, Inc., is being purchased by GitHub. The public registry remains public, free, and as available as ever. npm as you know it continues, and in fact, there is good reason to believe that it’ll only get better. I’m still going to be working on npm (but wi

                                                npm Blog Archive: Next Phase Montage
                                              • The Untold Story of SQLite - CoRecursive Podcast

                                                00:00 - Introduction 01:45 - The Battleship 02:49 - NP-Complete Problems 06:24 - Building SQLite V1 07:54 - Motorola Phones 09:40 - America Online Phones 11:12 - Symbian OS and Nokia 13:01 - The Bus Factor and the Consortium 15:11 - Enter Android 17:05 - Guys, This Is Important 18:18 - Testing and Aviation Standards 21:29 - Billions of Tests 25:30 - Building From First Principles 28:05 - B-Trees a

                                                  The Untold Story of SQLite - CoRecursive Podcast
                                                • Building A Virtual Machine inside ChatGPT

                                                  Unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard of this new ChatGPT assistant made by OpenAI. You might be aware of its capabilities for solving IQ tests, tackling leetcode problems or to helping people write LateX. It is an amazing resource for people to retrieve all kinds of information and solve tedious tasks, like copy-writing! Today, Frederic Besse told me that he managed to do somet

                                                    Building A Virtual Machine inside ChatGPT
                                                  • WebVM: server-less x86 virtual machines in the browser

                                                    TL;DR — We made a server-less virtual Linux environment that runs unmodified Debian binaries in the browser. This is powered by CheerpX, a WebAssembly virtualization platform. Feel free to play with it and report bugs: https://webvm.io WebVM — a server-less virtual Linux environment running fully client-side in HTML5/WebAssembly. The web platform is well on its way to becoming the dominant platfor

                                                      WebVM: server-less x86 virtual machines in the browser
                                                    • New – Real-User Monitoring for Amazon CloudWatch | Amazon Web Services

                                                      AWS News Blog New – Real-User Monitoring for Amazon CloudWatch Way back in 2009 I wrote a blog post titled New Features for Amazon EC2: Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, and Amazon CloudWatch. In that post I talked about how Amazon CloudWatch helps you to build applications that are highly scalable and highly available, and noted that it gives you cost-effective real-time visibility into your

                                                        New – Real-User Monitoring for Amazon CloudWatch | Amazon Web Services
                                                      • Reflections on 10,000 Hours of Programming

                                                        The key to achieving world-class expertise in any skill, is to a large extent, a matter of practicing the correct way, for a total of around 10,000 hours — Malcolm Gladwell in OutliersI'm certainly not a world-class expert, but I have put my 10,000 hours of deliberate practice into programming. Here are 31 of my reflections on programming. These are reflections only about pure coding — no lessons

                                                          Reflections on 10,000 Hours of Programming
                                                        • jsエンジンはソースコードをどう実行しているのか〜バイトコード、JITコンパイル〜

                                                          js実行環境であるnodeはV8を使っている jsエンジンはソースコードをどうやって実行しているのか ここからが本題です。jsエンジンの裏側をのぞいてみましょう👀 全体像 下記が基本的な流れ V8って書いてあるけど、下記の基本的な流れはエンジンによらずほとんど同じはず もちろんそれぞれのフェーズで実装の違いは在る。“Optimize & Compile it”の具体的な実装などはエンジンにより異なる Benedikt Meurer; “An Introduction to Speculative Optimization in V8”; jsの面白いところは、ASTから直接コンパイルして実行されるわけでもなく、単純なインタプリタのようにコンパイルを挟まずに実行しているわけでもないところ。それに、なんだか見慣れない”Get feedback”というフェーズさえある……!ここがJIT com

                                                          • 新型ハードコア「ニューコア」は2020年代のロックのメインストリームになるか?

                                                            ニューコアとは、2010年代中盤から増えてきた、新しいタイプのポストハードコアです。 その音楽性を端的に表現するなら、「ポップでモダンなポストハードコア」といえるでしょうか。あるいは多くの日本人には「ONE OK ROCKをヘヴィにした音楽」という表現の方が分かりやすいかもしれません。 ハードコアの一種でありながら、美しいクリーンヴォーカル、叙情的なメロディ、キラキラとした輝度の高いギターサウンド、ピアノやストリングスを使ったドラマティックなアレンジ、シンセやデジタル的なエフェクトを多用した広がり空間処理などを特徴としています。 表層的にはオルタナティブ・ロックに近く、従来のハードコアやポストハードコアのような激しい音楽を好まないリスナーでも楽しめる、聴きやすい音楽です。 メインストリームとの対立を存在意義とするハードコアに属しながら、商業主義的なサウンドへの接近を恐れないのが、ニューコア

                                                            • Windows 10とWSL2のセットアップログ

                                                              久しぶりにWindowsのセットアップを行いました。 2021-12-08から書き始めていたようです。今更ログを公開します。 もう何度もWindowsのセットアップは行っているので見返したいのと、他の人が詰まってたら助けになるようにセットアップをログに残しておきます。 近々またセットアップすることが予想されますし。何故なら近いうちにDDR5世代のPCを組んでWindows 11を入れたいからです。 いい加減セットアップはスクリプトにするべきなのかもしれませんが、 GUI操作が必要なのがまだまだ多いのと、今回はMSYS2ではなくWSL2設定で色々と違うので、ある程度手動で探っていく必要がありました。 なぜ今なのにWindows 11じゃなくてWindows 10をセットアップしたのか 私がメインにしているPCに使っているCPUが初代AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950Xで、

                                                                Windows 10とWSL2のセットアップログ
                                                              • Ultimate Guide to Visual Testing with Playwright

                                                                As your web app matures, it becomes challenging to ensure your GUI doesn’t break with any given update. There are a lot of browsers and devices, and countless states for every one of your components. Unit tests ensure your code remains consistent, and E2E tests will ensure your system remains consistent, but neither will catch visual anomalies, layout issues, or platform compatibility issues. Ente

                                                                • React Server ComponentsとGraphQLは競合するか - cockscomblog?

                                                                  Next.jsのapp directoryについて話していて、GraphQLを使う場面ではServer Componentsの魅力がいくらか落ちるよな、と思った。裏を返せば、Server Componentsが活用されるような時代ではGraphQLの重要度が下がるかもしれない。 現にServer ComponentsのRFCの「Credits and Prior Art」を見ると次のように書いてある。 Relay’s data-driven dependencies, which allow the server to dynamically choose which Client Component to use. GraphQL, for demonstrating one approach to avoiding multiple round trips when loading d

                                                                    React Server ComponentsとGraphQLは競合するか - cockscomblog?
                                                                  • BPF Performance Tools (Book)

                                                                    Recent posts: 24 Mar 2024 » Linux Crisis Tools 17 Mar 2024 » The Return of the Frame Pointers 10 Mar 2024 » eBPF Documentary 28 Apr 2023 » eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools 01 Mar 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2022: Computing Performance: What's on the Horizon 17 Feb 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2023: CFP 02 May 2022 » Brendan@Intel.com 15 Apr 2022 » Netflix End of Series 1 09 Apr 2022 » Te

                                                                    • Pysa: An open source static analysis tool to detect and prevent security issues in Python code

                                                                      Pysa: An open source static analysis tool to detect and prevent security issues in Python code Today, we are sharing details about Pysa, an open source static analysis tool we’ve built to detect and prevent security and privacy issues in Python code. Last year, we shared how we built Zoncolan, a static analysis tool that helps us analyze more than 100 million lines of Hack code and has helped engi

                                                                        Pysa: An open source static analysis tool to detect and prevent security issues in Python code
                                                                      • NGINXのコア開発者がF5の経営陣に反発、NGINXをフォークし「FreeNginx」を立ち上げ。F5の経営陣がポリシーや開発者の立場を無視したと

                                                                        NGINXのコア開発者がF5の経営陣に反発、NGINXをフォークし「FreeNginx」を立ち上げ。F5の経営陣がポリシーや開発者の立場を無視したと オープンソースで開発されている軽量なWebサーバのNGINX(エンジンエックス)は、開発元であるNGINX社が2019年にF5ネットワークスに買収されたことで、それ以後はF5ネットワークスが開発を主導してきました。 参考:NGINX、F5による買収を正式発表。F5のロードバランサとNGINXのプロキシなどにより総合的なアプリケーションサービスを提供 しかし、NGINXコア開発者の1人であるMaxim Dounin氏が最近のF5ネットワークス経営陣の方針に反発し、NGINXをフォークして「FreeNginx」の立ち上げを発表しました。 Nginxのフォークは相談せずに決めた 今回FreeNginxを立ち上げたMaxim Dounin氏は、NGI

                                                                        • Everything you need to know from ES2016 to ES2019

                                                                          JavaScript is a language in constant evolution and in the past few years many new features have been added to the ECMAScript specification. This article is an extract of my book Complete Guide to Modern JavaScript and it covers the new additions of ES2016, ES2017, ES2018, ES2019. At the end of the article you will find a link to download a cheatsheet that summarizes everything. Everything new in E

                                                                            Everything you need to know from ES2016 to ES2019
                                                                          • Saving Passwords In Your Browser? You Shouldn't: Here's Why

                                                                            Has Chrome, Edge, or another browser given you the option to "save password"? Here's why you shouldn't, and what to do instead. Everyone should already know how important it is to use strong passwords. Ideally, you'd have a different password for each account, and all of them would be long, complex, and contain numbers and special characters. Few abide by these rules, which is understandable. Afte

                                                                              Saving Passwords In Your Browser? You Shouldn't: Here's Why
                                                                            • The end of the Redis adventure - <antirez>

                                                                              When I started the Redis project more than ten years ago I was in one of the most exciting moments of my career. My co-founder and I had successfully launched two of the major web 2.0 services of the Italian web. In order to make them scalable we had to invent many new concepts, that were already known in the field most of the times, but we didn’t know, nor we cared to check. Problem? Let’s figure

                                                                              • Why Generics? - The Go Programming Language

                                                                                This article is about what it would mean to add generics to Go, and why I think we should do it. I’ll also touch on an update to a possible design for adding generics to Go. Go was released on November 10, 2009. Less than 24 hours later we saw the first comment about generics. (That comment also mentions exceptions, which we added to the language, in the form of panic and recover, in early 2010.)

                                                                                  Why Generics? - The Go Programming Language
                                                                                • RailsのGPL混入問題についてまとめ(mimemagic) - Qiita

                                                                                  !!New!!Rails 5.2.5,,はmimemagicに依存しなくなった(3/27追記) mimemagicがMITに戻った(3/26追記) 概要 RailsのGPL混入問題についてまとめました。間違いがあればご指摘ください。(2021/3/25現在) https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/41750 ここには3つの問題がある。 Railsが依存しているmimemagicのライセンスがMITからGPL2.0になった もともとGPLのものが混入していたのにMITになってしまっていた これにより、Railsのbuildができなくなった Railsが依存しているmimemagic0.3.5が削除されたことが原因 Railsの依存モジュールにGPLのものが混入することとなった mimemagicを0.3.6以降にすればbu

                                                                                    RailsのGPL混入問題についてまとめ(mimemagic) - Qiita