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41 - 80 件 / 498件

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abandonedの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 498件

  • Experiment, Simplify, Ship - The Go Programming Language

    We experiment with Go as it exists now, to understand it better, learning what works well and what doesn’t. Then we experiment with possible changes, to understand them better, again learning what works well and what doesn’t. Based on what we learn from those experiments, we simplify. And then we experiment again. And then we simplify again. And so on. And so on. The Four R’s of Simplifying During

      Experiment, Simplify, Ship - The Go Programming Language
    • The 2022 Python Language Summit: Python without the GIL

      If you peruse the archives of language-summit blogs, you’ll find that one theme comes up again and again: the dream of Python without the GIL. Continuing this venerable tradition, Sam Gross kicked off the 2022 Language Summit by giving the attendees an update on nogil, a project that took the Python community by storm when it was first announced in October 2021. The GIL, or “Global Interpreter Loc

        The 2022 Python Language Summit: Python without the GIL
      • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

        Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

          The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
        • GitHub - corazawaf/coraza: OWASP Coraza WAF is a golang modsecurity compatible web application firewall library

          Coraza is an open source, enterprise-grade, high performance Web Application Firewall (WAF) ready to protect your beloved applications. It is written in Go, supports ModSecurity SecLang rulesets and is 100% compatible with the OWASP Core Rule Set v4. Website: https://coraza.io Forum: Github Discussions OWASP Slack Community (#coraza): https://owasp.org/slack/invite Rule testing: Coraza Playground

            GitHub - corazawaf/coraza: OWASP Coraza WAF is a golang modsecurity compatible web application firewall library
          • 放棄分譲地(住宅地・別荘地)を相続したら?あげたいけど処分できる?「限界ニュータウン」の著者が徹底解説! - 負動産の窓口

            放棄分譲地とは? 「放棄分譲地」というものは、明確な定義を持って使われている言葉ではありませんが、一度は「住宅地」「別荘地」として販売されたものの、その後、家屋が建てられることもなければ、駐車場や菜園として使われることもなく、ただ長年放置されて、荒れ地や雑木林と化してしまった土地のことを、当記事では「放棄分譲地」と呼んでお話をしています。 放棄分譲地が生まれた経緯・背景 「放棄分譲地」という言葉に、奇妙な印象を持つ方が多いかもしれません。現代の感覚では、分譲地というものは、あくまで住宅の建築を予定している方が購入する「住宅用地」を意味するものであり、その購入は、家屋を新築するための手段のひとつに過ぎません。それがなぜ使われずに放置されているのか、理解し難い方もいると思います。 しかし、今から半世紀ほど前の1970年代から、いわゆる「バブル景気」に至る1990年ころまでの日本においては、分譲

            • GitHub Actions could be so much better

              I love GitHub Actions: I’ve been a daily user of it since 2019 for both professional and hobbyist projects, and have found it invaluable to both my overall productivity and peace of mind. I’m just old enough to have used Travis CI et al. professionally before moving to GitHub Actions, and I do not look back with joy1. By and large, GitHub Actions continues to delight me and grow new features that

              • Hidden Japanese Settlement Found in Forests of British Columbia

                Hidden Japanese Settlement Found in Forests of British Columbia More than 1,000 items have been unearthed there, among them rice bowls, sake bottles and Japanese ceramics In 2004, archaeology professor Robert Muckle was alerted to a site within the forests of British Columbia’s North Shore mountains, where a few old cans and a sawblade had been discovered. He suspected the area was once home to a

                  Hidden Japanese Settlement Found in Forests of British Columbia
                • Ask HN: What Happened to GitHub's Atom? | Hacker News

                  When Microsoft acquired GitHub, there was speculation (and fear on my behalf) that GitHub would end up axing Atom in favor of Visual Studio Code.Taking a look at the commit activity for Atom on github.com [1] shows that since the end of June 2019, development has basically stopped completely. Does anyone have any insight as to what is happening here? Has GitHub abandoned Atom development? Before y

                  • Twenty-five open-source network emulators and simulators you can use in 2023 - Open-Source Routing and Network Simulation

                    I surveyed the current state of the art in open-source network emulation and simulation. I also reviewed the development and support status of all the network emulators and network simulators previously featured in my blog. Of all the network emulators and network simulators I mentioned in my blog over the years, I found that eighteen of them are still active projects. I also found seven new proje

                      Twenty-five open-source network emulators and simulators you can use in 2023 - Open-Source Routing and Network Simulation
                    • Why is my webpack build slow?

                      For many of us, webpack is the bottleneck between when we write our code and when we see its side-effects; This is the developer critical path that we feel every single save. The trope of “my webpack build is slow” is well worn into the ethos of modern web development; This does however not lay blame at the feet of any single tool, but rather is a measure of the systemic acceptance and use of webp

                      • Stable Diffusion Prompt (呪文)攻略|siba.

                        1週間ほどStable Diffusionで遊びまくった結果、自分の望んでいるような画像を格段に高い確率で生成させられるようになったので攻略法を紹介します。 どれぐらい攻略したかというと、「少女終末旅行のような画像」を生成したいと思ってPromtを用意し、Stable Diffusion Demoの4枚生成で1度生成、Promptを修正した2回目でこれが出せるぐらいになりました。 a Detailed Illustration of Cityscape, Overpass Highway, Back View of Girl in Oreimo Style, Olive Drab Military Long Coat, Military Helmet on Black Short Hair, Kettenkrad, Abandoned City, A Few Huge Trees, Bro

                          Stable Diffusion Prompt (呪文)攻略|siba.
                        • ヤギの人 on Twitter: "「廃墟となった極地施設に住み着いたホッキョクグマ」 Photographer Captures Amazing Pictures Of Poal Bears, Guardians Of The Abandoned…… https://t.co/JHC0UDuOh4"

                          「廃墟となった極地施設に住み着いたホッキョクグマ」 Photographer Captures Amazing Pictures Of Poal Bears, Guardians Of The Abandoned…… https://t.co/JHC0UDuOh4

                            ヤギの人 on Twitter: "「廃墟となった極地施設に住み着いたホッキョクグマ」 Photographer Captures Amazing Pictures Of Poal Bears, Guardians Of The Abandoned…… https://t.co/JHC0UDuOh4"
                          • The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It?

                            Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more Consumer internet entrepreneurs lack many of the skills needed for the life sciences revolution.Internet regulation is upon us.Climate response is capital intensive, and inherently local.The end of the betting economy. Inventing the future “The best way to

                              The End of Silicon Valley as We Know It?
                            • 10 bad TypeScript habits to break this year

                              TypeScript and JavaScript have steadily evolved over the last years, and some of the habits we built over the last decades have become obsolete. Some might never have been meaningful. Here's a list of 10 habits that we all should break. If you are interested in more articles and news about web product development and entrepreneurship, please feel free to follow me on Twitter. Onto the examples! Pl

                                10 bad TypeScript habits to break this year
                              • An update from the Faker team | Faker

                                An update from the Faker team ​January 14th, 2022 👋 We're pretty excited to give new life to this project. We want the project to have a fresh start and become even cooler. What is Faker? ​Faker is a library that generates fake (but reasonable) data for you. Mock data. Data for testing, development, and the like. Faker was first implemented in Perl in 2004 by Jason Kohles (he reached out to us in

                                  An update from the Faker team | Faker
                                • iOS 17でリンクのトラッキング用パラメーターを自動で削除する機能が追加

                                  ウェブサイトのリンク末尾に付けられる「?click_id」のようなトラッキング用パラメーターを、「メールで共有したとき」「Safariのプライベートブラウズを使用しているとき」などで自動的に削除する機能が、iOS 17とmacOS Sonomaに追加されていることが分かりました。 iOS 17 automatically removes tracking parameters from links you click on - 9to5Mac https://9to5mac.com/2023/06/08/ios-17-link-tracking-protection/ Apple announces powerful new privacy and security features - Apple https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2023/06/apple-

                                    iOS 17でリンクのトラッキング用パラメーターを自動で削除する機能が追加
                                  • Announcing .NET Core 3.0 - .NET Blog

                                    .NET Conf 2023 The biggest .NET virtual event is back, November 14-16! Announcing .NET Core 3.0 We’re excited to announce the release of .NET Core 3.0. It includes many improvements, including adding Windows Forms and WPF, adding new JSON APIs, support for ARM64 and improving performance across the board. C# 8 is also part of this release, which includes nullable, async streams, and more patterns.

                                      Announcing .NET Core 3.0 - .NET Blog
                                    • オランダ・ユトレヒト大学、採用・昇進の決定においてインパクトファクターによる評価を廃止へ(記事紹介)

                                      Nature誌のオンライン版に、2021年6月25日付けで記事“Impact factor abandoned by Dutch university in hiring and promotion decisions”が掲載されています。オランダ・ユトレヒト大学が、採用・昇進の決定においてインパクトファクターによる評価を正式に廃止することを紹介しています。 2022年初頭までに、同大学の全学部において、インパクトファクターとは異なる指標に基づく評価が導入されるとしています。指標の例として、チームワークへの貢献、オープンサイエンスの推進への尽力を挙げています。 記事では、標準的な指標であるインパクトファクターに基づく評価の廃止が、同大学から他大学に移籍する教員に不利益をもたらす可能性についても指摘しています。今回の取組に携わる同大教授のPaul Boselie氏はこの指摘に対し、若手研究者

                                      • Vue 3 was a mistake that we should not repeat

                                        More than 4 years have passed since the initial introduction of Vue 3. Many discussions over several RFCs and a lot of influence from other modern frameworks including React and Svelte have shaped Vue to become probably the most powerful and well-rounded framework out there, capable of progressively supporting applications of any scale and architecture. Sounds exciting, right? Well, the truth is f

                                          Vue 3 was a mistake that we should not repeat
                                        • JIT development progress at Ruby 2.7

                                          TL;DRWe focused to improve Rails application performance in Ruby 2.7 JIT, but the last year's assumption was wrong and Ruby 2.7 JIT didn't meet the goal. We'll change the approach for it in Ruby 3.0. Ruby 2.7 is released!Merry Christmas! The new Ruby is out. As I've sometimes promised to make performance improvements in Ruby 2.7 JIT, let me explain how it went. See also The method JIT compiler for

                                          • jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho

                                            What if we actually could replace Git? Jujutsu might give us a real shot. Assumed audience: People who have worked with Git or other modern version control systems like Mercurial, Darcs, Pijul, Bazaar, etc., and have at least a basic idea of how they work. Jujutsu is a new version control system from a software engineer at Google, where it is on track to replace Google’s existing version control s

                                              jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
                                            • Censorship, Surveillance and Profits: A Hard Bargain for Apple in China (Published 2021)

                                              GUIYANG, China — On the outskirts of this city in a poor, mountainous province in southwestern China, men in hard hats recently put the finishing touches on a white building a quarter-mile long with few windows and a tall surrounding wall. There was little sign of its purpose, apart from the flags of Apple and China flying out front, side by side. Inside, Apple was preparing to store the personal

                                                Censorship, Surveillance and Profits: A Hard Bargain for Apple in China (Published 2021)
                                              • 廃線たどって碓氷峠を歩いて越える(デジタルリマスター)

                                                古くより、江戸と京都を繋いでいる道の一つに中山道がある。それは江戸から北に向かい、現在の埼玉県、群馬県、長野県の軽井沢を経て南下、木曾谷を通って岐阜県に入り、滋賀県、そして京都に至るというものだ。 碓氷峠(うすいとうげ)はその中山道の難所の一つ、群馬県の横川と長野県の軽井沢を繋ぐ峠道である。 難所と聞くと、どれほど辛い道なのか体感してみたくなる。なんともマゾヒスティックな話だが、まぁ、旅行好きなんてみんなそんなものだ。これはもう、実際に歩いてみるしかないだろう。 ※2008年11月に掲載された記事を、AIにより画像を拡大して加筆修正のうえ再掲載しました。 1981年神奈川生まれ。テケテケな文化財ライター。古いモノを漁るべく、各地を奔走中。常になんとかなるさと思いながら生きてるが、実際なんとかなってしまっているのがタチ悪い。2011年には30歳の節目として歩き遍路をやりました。2012年には

                                                • New in Chrome 94  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                  Here's what you need to know: The default color space for <canvas> elements is now formally defined in the spec as SRGB, and you can change it to Display P3. WebCodecs is a new, low level way to access built in audio and video codecs, important for streaming games, video editors, and such. WebGPU starts its origin trial. The PWA Summit is coming up October 6-7. And there's plenty more. I'm Pete Le

                                                  • Abandoned Russian base holds secrets of retreat in Ukraine

                                                    When Russian troops fled the Ukrainian town of Balakliia last month, they left behind thousands of documents that detail the inner workings of the Russian war machine. By MARI SAITO, MARIA TSVETKOVA and ANTON ZVEREV Photographs by ZOHRA BENSEMRA Filed: Oct. 26, 2022, 11 a.m. GMT BALAKLIIA, Ukraine – The Russian soldiers had fled weeks before. But they left their traces everywhere. Concrete steps l

                                                      Abandoned Russian base holds secrets of retreat in Ukraine
                                                    • Googleがカナダでニュースコンテンツを削除へ、リンク表示に料金支払いが義務づけられる「オンラインニュース法」成立で

                                                      ニュースコンテンツの共有や再利用を行う企業に、報道機関に対する料金支払いを義務づける「オンラインニュース法」ことC-18法案がカナダの議会を通過しました。この決定を受けて、料金を支払う側であるGoogleがカナダの報道機関との契約を終了し、カナダのニュースコンテンツを表示しないことを発表しました。 An update on Canada’s Bill C-18 and our Search and News products https://blog.google/intl/en-ca/company-news/outreach-initiatives/an-update-on-canadas-bill-c-18-and-our-search-and-news-products/ Our approach to news regulation https://blog.google/pro

                                                      • Rust: A Critical Retrospective « bunnie's blog

                                                        Since I was unable to travel for a couple of years during the pandemic, I decided to take my new-found time and really lean into Rust. After writing over 100k lines of Rust code, I think I am starting to get a feel for the language and like every cranky engineer I have developed opinions and because this is the Internet I’m going to share them. The reason I learned Rust was to flesh out parts of t

                                                        • ロシア軍の無線通信が傍受され軍事報告が筒抜けに、ロシア軍兵士の肉声も公開される

                                                          2022年2月24日以降、ロシアによるウクライナへの軍事侵攻が続いています。この軍事侵攻の前後には多くの人々がウクライナ周辺に配備される戦闘車両のムービーなどをSNSに投稿しており、それらの情報からロシア軍の近況がうかがい知れます。新たにニューヨーク・タイムズに所属するクリスチャン・トリーバート氏がまとめた情報からは、ロシア軍の無線通信内容を含む詳細な情報が浮き彫りとなっています。 We analyzed dozens of battlefield radio transmissions between Russian forces in Ukraine during the initial invasion of Makariv, a town outside Kyiv. They reveal an army struggling with logistical problems an

                                                          • React Server Components: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

                                                            React Server Components bring server-exclusive capabilities to React. I've been using this new paradigm within Next.js 13 and 14, and what follows is my honest assessment of it[1]. I debated not publishing this post because of the way the React community has historically handled criticism. It is only recently that I decided it is important to share my thoughts, especially after seeing that much of

                                                            • The case against self-closing tags in HTML

                                                              Let's talk about />: <input type="text" /> <br /> <img src="…" />You'll see this syntax on my blog because it's what Prettier does, and I really like Prettier. However, I don't think /> is a good thing. First up: The facts Enter XHTML Back in the late 90s and early 2000s, the W3C had a real thing for XML, and thought that it should replace HTML syntax. There were good reasons for this. At the time

                                                                The case against self-closing tags in HTML
                                                              • Questionable Advice: “My boss says we don’t need any engineering managers. Is he right?”

                                                                I recently joined a startup to run an engineering org of about 40 engineers. My title is VP Engineering. However, I have been having lots of ongoing conflict with the CEO (a former engineer) around whether or not I am allowed to have or hire any dedicated engineering managers. Right now, the engineers are clustered into small teams of 3-4, each of which has a lead engineer — someone who leads the

                                                                  Questionable Advice: “My boss says we don’t need any engineering managers. Is he right?”
                                                                • Xがアクティブではないユーザー名を1件750万円で販売へ

                                                                  X(Twitter)がアクティブではないユーザー名を解放し、1件5万ドル(約750万円)で販売しようとしていることが明らかになりました。すでに、販売の打診を受けたユーザーが出ているとのことです。 X Is Reportedly Selling Inactive Usernames For $50,000 | PCMag https://www.pcmag.com/news/x-is-reportedly-selling-inactive-usernames-for-50000 Xのユーザー名は新規登録時に長さ4文字~15文字で設定するもので、あとからいつでも変更可能ですが、すでに使用中のユーザー名の重複利用はできません。かつては4文字未満の名前も登録できたので、今でも長さ4文字までのユーザー名を使用している人は相当な古参ユーザーだということになります。 イーロン・マスク氏は2022年11月

                                                                  • Deprecating and removing Web SQL  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                                    The Web SQL Database API, which allows you to store data in a structured manner on the user's computer (internally based on the SQLite database engine), was introduced in April 2009 and abandoned in November 2010. While it was implemented in WebKit (which powers Safari) and remained active in the Blink engine (which powers Chrome), Gecko (which powers Firefox) never implemented this feature and We

                                                                    • How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class

                                                                      Technocratic management, no matter how brilliant, cannot unwind structural inequalities. Updated at 9:54 a.m. ET on February 6, 2020. When Pete Buttigieg accepted a position at the management consultancy McKinsey & Company, he already had sterling credentials: high-school valedictorian, a bachelor’s degree from Harvard, a Rhodes Scholarship. He could have taken any number of jobs and, moreover, ha

                                                                        How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class
                                                                      • 「もう安心」ではありません。現状ではまた解体危機が。歴史ある洋館を壊されないためご支援を! 旧尾崎邸保存プロジェクト | MOTION GALLERY

                                                                        世田谷区豪徳寺にある明治建築の洋館、旧尾崎邸は昨年取り壊されるはずでした。 何とか解体を免れましたが、百年以上の歳月ゆえ補修が必要です。守っていくためには、最低でも1億円はかかります。目標額は、1,234万円です。 Please scroll down for the English version. ◆はじめに世田谷区豪徳寺に、旧・尾崎邸と伝えられる水色の洋館があります。 この洋館は2020年夏に取り壊されるはずでした。 それを阻止できたのは、この洋館を愛する近隣住民の皆様と、ネットでの呼びかけに賛同されご署名をお寄せくださった4000人超の皆様のおかげと感謝いたします。 そして何より、私たちの気持ちをご理解いただき、本来の事業計画を断念してくださいました (株)田辺工務店様、並びに(株)ウルテック様の大変なご決断に、深く感謝申し上げます。 そのように皆様のご協力のもと解体を免れた洋館は

                                                                          「もう安心」ではありません。現状ではまた解体危機が。歴史ある洋館を壊されないためご支援を! 旧尾崎邸保存プロジェクト | MOTION GALLERY
                                                                        • Deno 1.0: What you need to know - LogRocket Blog

                                                                          After almost two years, the wait is nearly over. The API has been frozen, and the countdown to Deno 1.0, officially scheduled for release on May 13, has begun. Due to its famous creator and forward-thinking vision, Deno is sure to be the most exciting and controversial JavaScript-related release in recent memory. Deno is a general-purpose JavaScript/TypeScript programming environment. It brings to

                                                                            Deno 1.0: What you need to know - LogRocket Blog
                                                                          • Before Genshin Impact: A brief history of Chinese RPGs

                                                                            If you were interested in learning about movies, music, poetry, or any art form from China, you could easily find hundreds of books, articles, documentaries, essays, and videos on the subject. Sadly, if you’re interested in Chinese video games, the story is quite different. Asian game markets outside of Japan have long been ignored, not only historically, but still in modern days — you hear all th

                                                                              Before Genshin Impact: A brief history of Chinese RPGs
                                                                            • Angular struggles in 2020

                                                                              Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen for This is Angular Posted on Jul 21, 2020 • Updated on Nov 15, 2020 Cover photo by Pixabay on Pexels. The views expressed in this opinion piece are entirely my own. They do not represent any organization. You're going down a dark, murky, slippery road and you've lost your way. What do you do? Keep moving while acting like everything is alright? Or stop and ask for help? T

                                                                                Angular struggles in 2020
                                                                              • </> htmx ~ SPA Alternative

                                                                                Recently Tom MacWright has written a few posts on Single Page Applications and their discontents: Second-guessing the modern web If not SPAs, What? The emerging norm for web development is to build a React single-page application, with server rendering. The two key elements of this architecture are something like: The main UI is built & updated in JavaScript using React or something similar. The b

                                                                                • Scaling from 2,000 to 25,000 engineers on GitHub at Microsoft - Jeff Wilcox

                                                                                  Scaling from 2,000 to 25,000 engineers on GitHub at Microsoft At Microsoft today we have almost 25,000 engineers participating in our official GitHub organizations for open source, a great number of them contributing to open source communities throughout GitHub. It’s been quite a ride: that’s 10X the engineers we were working with when I posted in 2015 about our experience scaling from 20 to 2,000