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  • ブラウザの仕組み: 最新ウェブブラウザの内部構造

    How browsers work Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Preface This comprehensive primer on the internal operations of WebKit and Gecko is the result of much research done by Israeli developer Tali Garsiel. Over a few years, she reviewed all the published data about browser internals and spent a lot of time reading web browser source code. She wrot

      ブラウザの仕組み: 最新ウェブブラウザの内部構造
    • Rclone

      Rclone syncs your files to cloud storage About rclone What can rclone do for you? What features does rclone have? What providers does rclone support? Download Install About rclone Rclone is a command-line program to manage files on cloud storage. It is a feature-rich alternative to cloud vendors' web storage interfaces. Over 70 cloud storage products support rclone including S3 object stores, busi

      • Yarn: A new package manager for JavaScript

        In the JavaScript community, engineers share hundreds of thousands of pieces of code so we can avoid rewriting basic components, libraries, or frameworks of our own. Each piece of code may in turn depend on other pieces of code, and these dependencies are managed by package managers. The most popular JavaScript package manager is the npm client, which provides access to more than 300,000 packages

          Yarn: A new package manager for JavaScript
        • HashiCorp、全製品のライセンスを商用利用に制限があるBSLライセンスに変更すると発表

          HashiCorpは今後リリースする全製品のライセンスを、これまで採用してきたMozilla Public License v2.0(MPL2.0)から、商用利用に制限があるBusiness Source License v1.1(BSL1.1)に変更すると発表しました。 Future releases of HashiCorp's core products will adopt the Business Source License. We know our community will have questions, so please read our blog post to understand why, and see our FAQs to understand the changes: https://t.co/riF4EZdQhphttps://t.co/TID1ps7

          • Daring Fireball: Markdown Syntax Documentation

            By John Gruber Archive The Talk Show Dithering Projects Contact Colophon Feeds / Social Sponsorship WorkOS, the modern identity platform for B2B SaaS — free up to 1 million MAUs. Markdown: Syntax Main Basics Syntax License Dingus Overview Philosophy Inline HTML Automatic Escaping for Special Characters Block Elements Paragraphs and Line Breaks Headers Blockquotes Lists Code Blocks Horizontal Rules

            • How To Write A Great Lede When Writing For The Web

              One of the hardest elements is concocting a great lede; ledes being the one chance you have of persuading readers to commit to an article in full. Here are five tips to start well. Writing for the Web is a skill that's easy to learn but difficult to master. One of the hardest elements is concocting a great lede; ledes being the one chance you have of persuading readers to commit to an article in f

                How To Write A Great Lede When Writing For The Web
              • 非分散データベースを分散データベース化する「Dynomite」、Netflixがオープンソースで公開

                RedisやMemcachedといったインメモリデータベースは非常に高速にレスポンスを返してくれるデータストアですが、それ単体ではスケーラビリティや可用性などに限界があります。 The Netflix Tech Blog: Introducing Dynomite - Making Non-Distributed Databases, Distributed Netflixがオープンソースで公開した「Dynomite」(ダイナマイトとは綴りが違うのに注意)は、こうしたデータストアを分散データベース化し、高速なデータストアの特長を活かしつつ高いスケーラビリティや可用性を実現するためのソフトウェアです。 アプリケーション側でシャーディングのような面倒なデータ構造を設定することなく、RedisやMemcachedをノードとし、CassandraやAmazonクラウドのDynamoDBのような大規

                • 2012年北米でWEB制作者として生きてきた僕にとって絶対に無くては成らなかった英語圏サイト全部! | バンクーバーのうぇぶ屋

                  This is my roundup post of online information sources, such as technical blogs and trend websites, that helped me a lot as a web designer through out this year. Massive thanks to those pages, and you all! さて、僕の年末感謝祭(?)もいよいよ大詰めです!前回は2012年を振り返って 僕にとって無くては成らないアプリやWEBサービスの数々を大感謝の思いでご紹介させて頂きました。 今回は2012年の僕にとって知識や情報の宝庫となってくれたサイトの数々を今回は英語圏に絞って超感謝の意を込めて全部一気にご紹介させて頂ければと思います! この一年、僕の Facebookや Twitterで何度も何度

                    2012年北米でWEB制作者として生きてきた僕にとって絶対に無くては成らなかった英語圏サイト全部! | バンクーバーのうぇぶ屋
                  • HashiCorpの新オーケストレーションツールTerraformを試してみた | DevelopersIO

                    ども、大瀧です。 VagrantやPacker、Serfを開発するHashiCorpが手がける新オーケストレーションツール、Terraformが発表されました。zembutsuさんが神速で日本語チュートリアル記事を既に公開しているので、terraformコマンドの使い方はそちらを参照ください。 Terraformとは Terraformは、あらかじめインフラ構成をテンプレートファイルに記述し、terraformコマンドでクラウド環境に適用・管理するツールです。一見するとAWS CloudFormationと非常に良く似た作りですが、以下の特徴があります。 複数のクラウドサービスに対応し、高レイヤーのアプリケーション構成に特化 現時点でTerraformが対応するサービス/プロダクトは以下です。 AWS CloudFlare Consul DigitalOcean DNSimple Hero

                      HashiCorpの新オーケストレーションツールTerraformを試してみた | DevelopersIO
                    • アプリケーションの開発環境を Ansible でつくる - Hatena Developer Blog

                      こんにちは。アプリケーションエンジニアの id:aereal です。 この記事ははてなエンジニアアドベントカレンダー2014の1日目です。 今日はアプリケーションの開発環境を作成する手順を Ansible でコードとして表現し自動化する取り組みとその背景について簡単に紹介します。 前提 この記事で扱うアプリケーションは Perl と JavaScript で書かれた中規模の Web アプリケーションです。 アプリケーションを開発するチームのエンジニアとデザイナすべてが Mac OS X を使っています。手元で開発する際には VM などを動かさずに OS X でアプリケーションを起動させます。 また、開発やデプロイなどにおいて SOCKS プロキシを通してアクセスする必要のあるサーバが存在します。 開発環境の構築手順を始めとしたドキュメントは Redmine の Wiki にまとめられていま

                        アプリケーションの開発環境を Ansible でつくる - Hatena Developer Blog
                      • 2019-nCoVについてのメモとリンク

                        リンク集目次 国内外の状況 政府機関・国際機関等 学術情報 疫学論文 分子生物学/ウイルス学論文 臨床論文 インフォデミック関係 ワクチン関係 変異株関係 時系列メモ目次 新型コロナウイルス(2020年1月6日,11日) インペリグループによる患者数推定(2020年1月18日) 患者数急増,西浦さんたちの論文(2020年1月20日,23日) WHOはPHEIC宣言せず(2020年1月23-24日) 絶対リスクと相対リスク(2020年1月26日) 研究ラッシュが起こるかも(2020年1月27日) なぜ新感染症でなく指定感染症なのか? なぜ厚労省令でなく閣議決定なのか?(2020年1月27日) コロナウイルスに対する個人防御(2020年1月27日) 国内ヒト=ヒト感染発生(2020年1月28日) フォローアップセンター設置,緊急避難等(2020年1月29日) PHEICの宣言(2020年1月3

                        • Pop Art Inspired by Lichtenstein - Online Tutorial at Melissa Clifton page 1

                          Tutorial Links: Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 Pop Art Recommended for Beginner to Intermediate Level Photoshop Users If you are a fan of pop art then you’re probably already well acquainted with the work Roy Lichtenstein. Roy Lichtenstein became one of the leading pop artists of the sixties with his comic-strip paintings. Drowning Girl 1963, shown left, is one of his better known works and is a good ex

                          • Effective Go - The Go Programming Language

                            Introduction Go is a new language. Although it borrows ideas from existing languages, it has unusual properties that make effective Go programs different in character from programs written in its relatives. A straightforward translation of a C++ or Java program into Go is unlikely to produce a satisfactory result—Java programs are written in Java, not Go. On the other hand, thinking about the prob

                              Effective Go - The Go Programming Language
                            • Mozilla Will Stop Developing And Selling Firefox OS Smartphones | TechCrunch

                              Mozilla Will Stop Developing And Selling Firefox OS Smartphones Farewell Firefox OS smartphones. Mozilla today announced an end to its smartphone experiment, and said that it would stop developing and selling Firefox OS smartphones. It will continue to experiment on how it might work on other connected devices and Internet of Things networks. The announcement was made earlier today at Mozilla’s de

                                Mozilla Will Stop Developing And Selling Firefox OS Smartphones | TechCrunch
                              • APIs // Trynt Heavy Technologies

                                TRYNT Heavy Technologies develops web services and APIs, this page is about andPlease select an API/Web Service from the list below. API/Web Services are listed in alphabetical order. TRYNT Address Standardization Normalize user supplied street addresses to US Postal Service standards TRYNT Astrology Horoscope Web Service Fetch daily zodiac information for any sign. TRYNT Audio CAPTCHA Web S

                                • Domainr · fast, free, domain name search, short URLs, new gTLDs, whois

                                  ICANN-AccreditedDomainr is the only ICANN-accredited domain status API provider. With direct, privileged access to domain registry data, the Domainr API instantly checks if a domain is available—with no false positives. In milliseconds, your customers will know if a domain is available, premium-priced, or for sale in any major aftermarket. If you’re a security provider or manage a software supply

                                    Domainr · fast, free, domain name search, short URLs, new gTLDs, whois
                                  • Dockerfile Best Practices

                                    Dockerfiles provide a simple syntax for building images. The following are a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Dockerfiles. 1: Use the cache Each instruction in a Dockerfile commits the change into a new image which will then be used as the base of the next instruction. If an image exists with the same parent and instruction ( except for ADD ) docker will use the image instead of

                                    • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

                                      Nubank is taking its first tentative steps into the mobile network realm, as the NYSE-traded Brazilian neobank rolls out an eSIM (embedded SIM) service for travelers. The service will give customers access to 10GB of free roaming internet in more than 40 countries without having to switch out their own existing physical SIM card or…

                                        TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
                                      • Cooperative Linux

                                        ... "If Linux runs on every architecture, why should another operating system be in its way? " ... Cooperative Linux is the first working free and open source method for optimally running Linux on Microsoft Windows natively. More generally, Cooperative Linux (short-named coLinux) is a port of the Linux kernel that allows it to run cooperatively alongside another operating system on a single machin

                                        • Daring Fireball: Markdown

                                          By John Gruber Archive The Talk Show Dithering Projects Contact Colophon Feeds / Social Sponsorship Nylas is an API for email, calendar, and contacts. Main Basics Syntax License Dingus Download Markdown 1.0.1 (18 KB) — 17 Dec 2004 Introduction Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then conver

                                            Daring Fireball: Markdown
                                          • DirectX ❤ Linux - DirectX Developer Blog

                                            DirectX is coming to the Windows Subsystem for Linux At //build 2020 we announced that GPU hardware acceleration is coming to the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2). What is WSL? WSL is an environment in which users can run their Linux applications from the comfort of their Windows PC. If you are a developer working on containerized workload that will be deployed in the cloud inside of Linux co

                                              DirectX ❤ Linux - DirectX Developer Blog
                                            • GitHub、これから作成するリポジトリのデフォルトブランチ名が「main」に。「master」から「main」へ変更

                                              GitHubは、これから新規に作成されるリポジトリのデフォルトブランチ名が「main」になると発表しました。これまでデフォルトブランチ名は「master」でした。 既存のリポジトリにはこの変更は適用されませんが、年内にも既存のリポジトリでもデフォルトブランチ名の変更を可能にする予定だと説明されています。下記は「The default branch for newly-created repositories is now main」からの引用です。 Existing repositories are not impacted by this change. Later this year, you'll be able to rename the default branch for existing repositories for your user, organization, or

                                              • A Beautiful Apple-style Slideshow Gallery With CSS & jQuery

                                                Introduction When speaking about design, there is one company that is impossible to go without. Apple values design - being a new product, a fancy catalog or their website - there is always something to admire. This week, we are making an Apple-like slideshow gallery, similar to the one they use on their website to showcase their products. It will be entirely front-end based, no PHP or databases r

                                                  A Beautiful Apple-style Slideshow Gallery With CSS & jQuery
                                                • Announcing AWS Lambda Function URLs: Built-in HTTPS Endpoints for Single-Function Microservices | Amazon Web Services

                                                  AWS News Blog Announcing AWS Lambda Function URLs: Built-in HTTPS Endpoints for Single-Function Microservices Organizations are adopting microservices architectures to build resilient and scalable applications using AWS Lambda. These applications are composed of multiple serverless functions that implement the business logic. Each function is mapped to API endpoints, methods, and resources using s

                                                    Announcing AWS Lambda Function URLs: Built-in HTTPS Endpoints for Single-Function Microservices | Amazon Web Services
                                                  • GitHub for Windows

                                                    ProductGitHub for WindowsThis article hasn't been updated in a while. For the most current information, please refer to the official Help documentation and the Desktop website. Ever wish there was an easy… This article hasn’t been updated in a while. For the most current information, please refer to the official Help documentation and the Desktop website. Ever wish there was an easy way to get up

                                                      GitHub for Windows
                                                    • 50 Amazing Jquery Examples- Part1

                                                      Many of us have been using a good deal of jQuery plugins lately. Below I have provided a list of the 50 favorite plugins many developers use. Some of these you may have already seen, others might be new to you.  This is just the first series , the second version will be coming soon, stay tuned and Enjoy! Menu 1) LavaLamp 2) jQuery Collapse A plugin for jQuery to collapse content of div container.

                                                        50 Amazing Jquery Examples- Part1
                                                      • Inconsolata

                                                        Update 2015-12-04: The official release of Inconsolata is at Google Fonts, and official upstream is on github. These versions have better Windows hinting and some fixes. I also have an experimental version (tentatively titled InconsolataGo) with straight quotes in the inconsolata directory here. Inconsolata is my first serious original font release. It is a monospace font, designed for code listin

                                                        • Fig

                                                          Dear Fig users, Effective September 1, 2024 we will be ending access to Fig. We encourage users to migrate to Amazon CodeWhisperer for command line. It’s free on the Individual tier and is designed to be faster and more reliable than Fig. To make this transition as easy as possible, users can upgrade to CodeWhisperer for command line directly from the Fig dashboard. To learn more about the changes

                                                          • The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project

                                                            Useful Links Forums LLVM Discourse Mailing Lists: Commits List Discord (Real-time Chat): Discord IRC Channel: irc.oftc.net #llvm Calendar: LLVM Community Calendar Dev. Resources: doxygen Sources (GitHub) Code Review Blog Bug tracker Buildbot Green Dragon LNT Scan-build llvm-cov Compile-time tracker Release Emails 18.1.1: Mar 2024 18.1.0: Mar 2024 17.0.6: Nov 2023 17.0.5: Nov 2023 17.0.4: Oct 2023

                                                            • Oh, shit, git!

                                                              Git is hard: screwing up is easy, and figuring out how to fix your mistakes is fucking impossible. Git documentation has this chicken and egg problem where you can't search for how to get yourself out of a mess, unless you already know the name of the thing you need to know about in order to fix your problem. So here are some bad situations I've gotten myself into, and how I eventually got myself

                                                              • React Native at Airbnb – Airbnb Engineering & Data Science – Medium

                                                                UpdateThis article was published in 2018 and reflects the state of React Native at the end of 2017. When using these articles to make decisions about your business, please use discretion. Any technical points should be revalidated because the maturity and size of the ecosystem was significantly different back then. Any organizational points should also be considered within the context, size, and c

                                                                  React Native at Airbnb – Airbnb Engineering & Data Science – Medium
                                                                • G SuiteのアカウントでWindows 10へログイン可能に。G Suiteのシングルサインオンの範囲がWindows 10へ拡大

                                                                  G SuiteのアカウントでWindows 10へログイン可能に。G Suiteのシングルサインオンの範囲がWindows 10へ拡大 GoogleはG SuiteのWindows向けデスクトップセキュリティ機能を強化し、G SuiteのアカウントでWindows 10へログイン可能にするなどG Suiteのシングルサインオン範囲の拡大やアンチフィッシング、アンチハイジャッキング、盗難時のリモートワイプなどの新機能をベータ版としてGSuite Admin consoleに追加したと発表しました。 新機能として以下が追加されたと説明されています。 Enable their organization to use existing G Suite account credentials to login to Windows 10 devices, and easily access apps

                                                                    G SuiteのアカウントでWindows 10へログイン可能に。G Suiteのシングルサインオンの範囲がWindows 10へ拡大
                                                                  • OS X on OS X

                                                                    Running OS X on VirtualBox Virtual OS X on Macintosh OS X on VirtualBox is nothing but all kinds of troubles. Even though OS X guests are now supported in the lastest VirtualBox, it still has several issues. After investigated the boot process of OS X, I finally made OS X Lion and later working in VirtualBox. Requirement Install OS X.app purchased in Mac App Store iESD VirtualBox Settings Operatin

                                                                      OS X on OS X
                                                                    • Amazon EKS – Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services

                                                                      AWS News Blog Amazon EKS – Now Generally Available We announced Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and invited customers to take a look at a preview during re:Invent 2017. Today I am pleased to be able to let you know that EKS is available for use in production form. It has been certified as Kubernetes conformant, and is ready to run your existing Kubernetes workloads. Based on the most recen

                                                                        Amazon EKS – Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services
                                                                      • Sublime Text 2 - Sublime Text

                                                                        Sublime Text 3 has been released, and contains significant improvements over this version. Version: 2.0.2 OS X (OS X 10.6 or later is required) Windows - also available as a portable version Windows 64 bit - also available as a portable version Linux 32 bit Linux 64 bit Sublime Text 2 may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. There is currentl

                                                                        • Vagrant + CoreOS + Dockerを利用した開発環境セットアップ

                                                                          vagrant_coreos_docker.md Vagrant + CoreOS + Dockerを利用した開発環境セットアップ MacOSX + Vagrant + CoreOS + Docker + Ubuntuの環境。 2014年6月11日時点での情報。 Version: CoreOS 343.0.0 Kernel: 3.14.5 Docker: 1.0 技術要素の説明 独断と偏見での説明。 Vagrant - 仮想マシンの作成・起動・停止などを簡単に行うためのツール VirtualBox - 仮想化ソフトウェア CoreOS - Dockerを実行するのに特化した最低限のLinuxイメージ Docker - コンテナ型実行環境を提供するツール Why Docker? いろいろな環境を仮想OSで準備するのはだるい そのためにVagrantがあるが、OSイメージが乱立するとディスクス

                                                                            Vagrant + CoreOS + Dockerを利用した開発環境セットアップ
                                                                          • The Rails Doctrine

                                                                            Ruby on Rails’ phenomenal rise to prominence owed much of its lift-off to novel technology and timing. But technological advantages erode over time, and good timing doesn’t sustain movements alone over the long term. So a broader explanation of how Rails has continued to not only stay relevant but to grow its impact and community is needed. I propose that the enduring enabler has been and remains

                                                                              The Rails Doctrine
                                                                            • Javaを中心に偏見ベースでプログラミング言語の関係をまとめた - きしだのHatena

                                                                              オブジェクト指向言語の話をするときに便利なように、Javaを中心にプログラミング言語をまとめてみました。 Javaに影響与えるか、Javaから影響を受けるか、という感じですね。 Simula オブジェクト指向はここから始まったと言われています。 クラス、オブジェクト、継承、仮想関数(多態)といった、オブジェクト指向の基本要素が備わっていました。 ただし、「オブジェクト指向」という言葉は生まれていません。 Smalltalk Simulaから発想を得て「オブジェクト指向」という言葉を生んだのはアラン・ケイでした。 しかし、モデルとしてはSimulaとは異なりメッセージングを主体としたものでした。また、アラン・ケイの「オブジェクト指向」はプログラミングのパラダイムだけではなく、人がコンピュータをどのように扱うかというメタファであり、ダイナブックというハードウェアやそのユーザーインタフェースを含

                                                                                Javaを中心に偏見ベースでプログラミング言語の関係をまとめた - きしだのHatena
                                                                              • Announcing the fastest, privacy-first consumer DNS service

                                                                                Announcing the fastest, privacy-first consumer DNS service Loading... Cloudflare's mission is to help build a better Internet. We're excited today to take another step toward that mission with the launch of — the Internet's fastest, privacy-first consumer DNS service. This post will talk a little about what that is and a lot about why we decided to do it. (If you're interested in

                                                                                  Announcing the fastest, privacy-first consumer DNS service
                                                                                • Deno 1.0

                                                                                  Dynamic languages are useful tools. Scripting allows users to rapidly and succinctly tie together complex systems and express ideas without worrying about details like memory management or build systems. In recent years programming languages like Rust and Go have made it much easier to produce sophisticated native machine code; these projects are incredibly important developments in computer infra

                                                                                    Deno 1.0