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  • Windows 11 では 7z をコマンドラインでも圧縮・解凍できるようになっていた - Qiita

    Windows 11 23H2 以降、エクスプローラーが 7z、tar などの解凍に対応しました。さらに、Build 25992 では圧縮も可能となったようです。7-zip を追加インストールしなくてもこれらのアーカイブを取り扱えるのは嬉しいですよね。 1 一方で、PowerShell の Expand-Archive コマンドレットは拡張されておらず、ZIP 形式の解凍しかできません。 GAC Version Location --- ------- -------- False v4.0.30319 C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.PowerShell_7.… OperationStopped: File 'E:\test\archive.7z' does not appear to be a valid zip archive. せっかく

      Windows 11 では 7z をコマンドラインでも圧縮・解凍できるようになっていた - Qiita
    • ChatGPTプログラミングのすすめ

      ChatGPTなどの大規模言語モデル (Large Language Model; LLM) にプログラミングやリファクタリングをさせる場合、目的に合ったものが作られているかを何らかの方法で検証する必要がある。 プログラムの正しさを完全に保証する方法はないが、ある程度の正しさを継続して担保するための方法を探ってみたので以下にまとめた。 ポイントは、ChatGPTの生成したプログラムの検証にもやはりChatGPTの力を借りることである。 実行可能性と入出力のチェック プログラムを生成するタスクである場合、いつでも「実行できるか?」というチェックが可能である。これは自然言語の生成と大きく異なる点だろう。実行可能性を確かめることは最低限のチェック項目になる。 エラーが出力された場合、自力で修正するか、もしくは、エラーの内容をChatGPTに提示して修正を依頼し、再度実行可能かを確かめる。 入力・

      • Appleが住宅地に極秘シリコン実験施設を作り違法な廃棄物処理を行ったせいで近隣住民に健康被害が出ていたことが明らかに

        2020年に自宅で謎の工業用化学物質にさらされて生死をさまよったというアシュリー・M・ジョヴィック氏が、アメリカの環境保護庁(EPA)に通報して調査を行ったところ、自宅の隣にAppleが建設した極秘のシリコン実験施設から排出された化学物質が原因だったことが判明したと報告しています。 Thread by @ashleygjovik on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1805006150410162322.html Apple's Secret Silicon Fab at 3250 Scott Blvd - Ashley M. Gjovik https://www.ashleygjovik.com/3250scott.html 2020年にアメリカのカリフォルニア州サンタクラ

        • What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)

          Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful. Learn more It’s an exciting time to build with large language models (LLMs). Over the past year, LLMs have become “good enough” for real-world applications. The pace of improvements in LLMs, coupled with a parade of demos on social media, will fuel an estimated $200B

            What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)
          • CentOS 7のサポートは今月(2024年6月)末で終了に。SUSEが来月以降もサポートを継続する「SUSE Linux Liberty Lite for CentOS 7」発表

            CentOS 7のサポートは今月(2024年6月)末で終了に。SUSEが来月以降もサポートを継続する「SUSE Linux Liberty Lite for CentOS 7」発表 CentOSは無料で使えるRed Hat Enteprirse Linux(RHEL)互換OSとして広く使われてきましたが、2020年12月にCentOS ProjectがCentOS8のサポートを2021年12月末で終了し、CentOS Streamと呼ばれる新たなプロジェクトへ移行することが発表されました。 Cent OS 7の開発元によるサポートも今月末(2024年6月30日)で終了となり、今後はCentOSのオフィシャルなセキュリティパッチの提供は行われなくなります。 これに対応するため、現在ではさまざまなLinuxOSベンダやサードパーティが、CentOS 8やCentOS 7の後継OS、延長サポート

              CentOS 7のサポートは今月(2024年6月)末で終了に。SUSEが来月以降もサポートを継続する「SUSE Linux Liberty Lite for CentOS 7」発表
            • Arm64 on GitHub Actions: Powering faster, more efficient build systems

              GitHub is ecstatic to unveil ArmⓇ-based Linux and Windows runners for GitHub Actions are now in Public Beta. This new addition to our suite of hosted runners provides power, performance and sustainability improvements for all your GitHub Actions jobs. Developers can now take advantage of Arm-based hardware hosted by GitHub to build and deploy their release assets anywhere Arm architecture is used.

                Arm64 on GitHub Actions: Powering faster, more efficient build systems
              • Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript

                Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.5! If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by making it possible to declare and describe types. Writing types in our code allows us to explain intent and have other tools check our code to catch mistakes like typos, issues with null and undefined, and more. Types also power TypeScript’s edi

                  Announcing TypeScript 5.5 - TypeScript
                • テキストの変換やエンコード/デコード、整形、生成ツールなど開発者向けの様々な機能を提供してくれるWindowsアプリDevToysが次期「DevToys v2.0」アップデートでMacとLinuxをサポートし、拡張機能の作成/共有が可能に。

                  テキストの変換やエンコード/デコード、整形、生成など開発者向けの様々な機能を提供してくれるWindows向けアプリDevToysが次期「DevToys v2.0」アップデートでMacとLinuxをサポートするそうです。詳細は以下から。 DevToysはMicrosoftでVisualStudioを開発するEtienne Baudouxさんがオープンソースで開発している開発者向けの十徳ナイフ(Swiss Army knife for Developer)的アプリで、テキストの変換やエンコード/デコード、整形ツールなど30以上のツールがまとめられていますが、このDevToysが次期バージョン2.0アップデートでWindowsに加え、MacとLinuxのクロスプラットフォームをサポートするそうです。 DevToys is now cross-platform. リリースノートより抜粋 DevTo

                    テキストの変換やエンコード/デコード、整形、生成ツールなど開発者向けの様々な機能を提供してくれるWindowsアプリDevToysが次期「DevToys v2.0」アップデートでMacとLinuxをサポートし、拡張機能の作成/共有が可能に。
                  • Google I/O 2024で発表されたFirebase Data ConnectをVSCodeのエミュレーターで試してみた

                    Google I/O 2024で発表されたFirebase Data ConnectをVSCodeのエミュレーターで試してみた 執筆時点でIDXを使った記事は見かけるものの、VSCodeを使ってローカルで試している日本語記事は自分はまだ見かけていないので、おそらく日本語では初の記事なんじゃないかと思います。 Firebase Data Connectとは Google I/O 2024で発表されたFirebaseの新機能です。 これを使うことで、GraphQLを介して、Cloud SQL For PostgreSQLへアクセスしデータのCRUDが可能になるようです。 Getting Start 記事執筆時点では限定公開プレビュー版なので、利用するためには限定公開プレビューへの申し込みが必要です。 申し込みはFirebaseプロジェクトの管理画面上から可能です。 ただし申し込み後すぐに使える

                      Google I/O 2024で発表されたFirebase Data ConnectをVSCodeのエミュレーターで試してみた
                    • Fate Stay Nightで学ぶGraphRAG(GoogleColab付) - Sun wood AI labs.2

                      はじめに Graph retrieval augmented generation (Graph RAG) は、従来のベクター検索による情報検索手法に強力な手法として注目を集めています。Graph RAGは、データをノードと関係性で構造化するグラフデータベースの特性を活かし、検索された情報の深さと文脈性を高めます。 本記事では、人気アニメ「Fate Stay Night」のWikipediaデータを使って、LangChainとNeo4jを用いたGraph RAGの実践的な構築方法を初心者向けに解説します。 環境のセットアップ まずは必要なライブラリをインストールしましょう。 %%capture %pip install --upgrade --quiet langchain langchain-community langchain-openai langchain-experimenta

                      • The plan-execute pattern

                        The plan-execute pattern ✏ 2024-06-20 ✂ 2024-06-20 Background Plan Execution Build system example Instances and relatives Conclusion I feel uneasy about design patterns. On the one hand, my university class on design patterns revived my interest in programming. On the other hand, I find most patterns in the Gang of Four book to be irrelevant to my daily work; they solve problems that a choice of p

                        • Codestral: Hello, World!

                          Codestral: Hello, World!Empowering developers and democratising coding with Mistral AI. We introduce Codestral, our first-ever code model. Codestral is an open-weight generative AI model explicitly designed for code generation tasks. It helps developers write and interact with code through a shared instruction and completion API endpoint. As it masters code and English, it can be used to design ad

                          • 人々のインフレ理解 - himaginary’s diary

                            というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「People's Understanding of Inflation」で、著者はAlberto Binetti(ボッコーニ大)、Francesco Nuzzi(ハーバード大)、Stefanie Stantcheva(同)。 以下はその要旨。 This paper studies people's understanding of inflation—their perceived causes, consequences, trade-offs—and the policies supported to mitigate its effects. We design a new, detailed online survey based on the rich existing literature in economics

                              人々のインフレ理解 - himaginary’s diary
                            • Ritt - The tag-centric file manager

                              Easy tagging Tag any file or folder with just one click. Select multiple files to batch tag. Too many tags? Organize them into a tag-tree, where you can even integrate your existing folders. Learn more Tag intersection Can't remember where your files are? Stop digging through endless branches of nested folders. Simply intersect the most relevant tags to find what you are looking for. Tags can also

                              • Catching Compromised Cookies - Slack Engineering

                                Oliver Grubin Sr. Staff Software Engineer, Security Slack uses cookies to track session states for users on slack.com and the Slack Desktop app. The ever-present cookie banners have made cookies mainstream, but as a quick refresher, cookies are a little piece of client-side state associated with a website that is sent up to the web server on every request. Websites use this piece of information to

                                  Catching Compromised Cookies - Slack Engineering
                                • Transactions blocks with endless methods

                                  I previously wrote a quick intro to the endless method in Ruby and now I will try to use it to name transaction blocks in Rails. This is a technique Kasper Timm Hansen shared in a reply to my previous post. I will try to refactor some examples from two open-source Rails repositories just to explore how the code looks. This open-ended exercise is a playground for experimenting with the code shape a

                                    Transactions blocks with endless methods
                                  • Loneliness trajectories over three decades are associated with conspiracist worldviews in midlife - Nature Communications

                                    While conspiracy theories are not new1,2, recent events have shown how dangerous and polarizing they can be in a globalized, mediatized world. Conspiracy theories undermined global efforts to contain the COVID-19 virus during the pandemic3,4 and were used in the lead-up to the January 6, 2021, raid on the Capitol1. They lie at the core of political and social polarization5,6, fueling vaccine skept

                                      Loneliness trajectories over three decades are associated with conspiracist worldviews in midlife - Nature Communications
                                    • A baseline scrapscript compiler

                                      Scrapscript is a small, pure, functional, content-addressable, network-first programming language. fact 5 . fact = | 0 -> 1 | n -> n * fact (n - 1) My previous post introduced the language a bit and then talked about the interpreter that Chris and I built. This post is about the compiler that Chris and I built. In the beginning, there was an interpreter Writing a simple tree-walking interpreter is

                                      • A Right to Warn about Advanced Artificial Intelligence

                                        We are current and former employees at frontier AI companies, and we believe in the potential of AI technology to deliver unprecedented benefits to humanity. We also understand the serious risks posed by these technologies. These risks range from the further entrenchment of existing inequalities, to manipulation and misinformation, to the loss of control of autonomous AI systems potentially result

                                        • News from WWDC24: WebKit in Safari 18 beta

                                          The last year has been a great one for WebKit. After unveiling Safari 17 beta at WWDC23, we’ve shipped six releases of Safari 17.x with a total of 200 new web technologies. And we’ve been hard at work on multiple architectural improvement projects that strengthen WebKit for the long-term. Now, we are pleased to announce WebKit for Safari 18 beta. It adds another 48 web platform features, as well a

                                            News from WWDC24: WebKit in Safari 18 beta
                                          • Announcing TypeScript 5.5 RC - TypeScript

                                            Today we are excited to announce the availability of the release candidate of TypeScript 5.5. To get started using the RC, you can get it through NuGet, or through npm with the following command: npm install -D typescript@rc Here’s a quick list of what’s new in TypeScript 5.5! Inferred Type Predicates Control Flow Narrowing for Constant Indexed Accesses Type Imports in JSDoc Regular Expression Syn

                                              Announcing TypeScript 5.5 RC - TypeScript
                                            • Why Google Sheets ported its calculation worker from JavaScript to WasmGC  |  web.dev

                                              Why Google Sheets ported its calculation worker from JavaScript to WasmGC Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Google Sheets is one of the first products at Google to use WasmGC on Chrome. The move was announced in 2022, and the Sheets and Chrome teams partnered on standardization, engineering, and tooling to provide real-time feedback on optimizat

                                                Why Google Sheets ported its calculation worker from JavaScript to WasmGC  |  web.dev
                                              • Runwayが動画生成AIモデル「Gen-3 Alpha」をリリース、数日以内に誰でも5~10秒の動画生成が利用可能に

                                                AI企業のRunwayが、大規模マルチモーダルトレーニング用に構築された新しいインフラストラクチャでトレーニングした、新しい動画生成AIモデルの「Gen-3 Alpha」を発表しました。 Introducing Gen-3 Alpha: A New Frontier for Video Generation https://runwayml.com/blog/introducing-gen-3-alpha/ Runway unveils new hyper realistic AI video model Gen-3 Alpha | VentureBeat https://venturebeat.com/ai/runway-unveils-new-hyper-realistic-ai-video-model-gen-3-alpha-capable-of-10-second-long-cli

                                                  Runwayが動画生成AIモデル「Gen-3 Alpha」をリリース、数日以内に誰でも5~10秒の動画生成が利用可能に
                                                • Update Google Maps to use Timeline on your device - Android - Google Maps Help

                                                  Important: These changes are gradually rolling out to all users of the Google Maps app. You'll get a notification when an update is available for your account. Location History is now called Timeline, and you now have new choices for your data. To continue using Timeline, you must have an up-to-date version of the Google Maps app. Otherwise, you may lose data and access to your Timeline on Google

                                                  • The History of 18+ VTubers: Part 1

                                                    Hello again. Obviously, this article deals with adult topics, so don’t read it if you’re under 18. I won’t have any super explicit images on screen, but I don’t recommend reading this in public nonetheless. With that out of the way, I wanna preface this piece with some thoughts. The goal of this Substack is to record parts of VTuber history that have been forgotten or aren’t well known, in a way t

                                                      The History of 18+ VTubers: Part 1
                                                    • Five Levels Of AI Agents

                                                      IntroductionThis is a topic I really enjoyed researching and I was looking forward to writing this. Mostly because I wanted to demystify the idea of agents and what exactly constitutes an agent. Together I wanted to create a clear delineation between domain specific implementations and wide, general implementations which are referred to as AGI. Considering domain specific implementations, this is

                                                        Five Levels Of AI Agents
                                                      • Microfeatures I Love in Blogs and Personal Websites

                                                        Some time ago, Hillel Wayne published an article titled Microfeatures I’d like to see in more languages . In this article, he described three kinds of features in programming languages: fundamental features, deeply engrained features, and nice-to-have convenience features. Hillel’s premise was that language designers tend to focus on the first two; however, because the convenience features are rel

                                                        • Quickly adopt new AWS features with the Terraform AWS Cloud Control provider | Amazon Web Services

                                                          AWS DevOps Blog Quickly adopt new AWS features with the Terraform AWS Cloud Control provider Introduction Today, we are pleased to announce the general availability of the Terraform AWS Cloud Control (AWS CC) Provider, enabling our customers to take advantage of AWS innovations faster. AWS has been continually expanding its services to support virtually any cloud workload; supporting over 200 full

                                                            Quickly adopt new AWS features with the Terraform AWS Cloud Control provider | Amazon Web Services
                                                          • Apple、「Apple ID」を「Apple Account」に名称変更を発表 - こぼねみ

                                                            少し前にAppleが「Apple ID」を「Apple Account」(Appleアカウント)に名称変更する計画があることをお伝えしました(詳細記事1, 2)が、「iOS 18」「iPadOS 18」の発表に伴い、その変更が正式に発表されました。 iOS 18: Apple AccountAppleは本日公開のプレスリリースでこの変更を確認し、20年以上も使われてきたApple IDはApple Accountに名称変更され、iOS 18、iPadOS 18、macOS Sequoia、watchOS 11で使用されると説明しています。 With the releases of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia, and watchOS 11, Apple ID is renamed to Apple Account for a consistent si

                                                              Apple、「Apple ID」を「Apple Account」に名称変更を発表 - こぼねみ
                                                            • マルチプレイヤーアプリケーションが作れる PartyKit ってなんだ....?

                                                              Cloudflare に PartyKit が買収されました。すごいですね。僕も Cloudflare に入りたいぜ。 というのは置いといて....。PartyKit 面白そうなので触ってみようと思います。 TL;DR CloudflareWorker で WebSocket を簡単に扱いたいときに使うライブラリ(プラットフォーム) DurableObjects と前段の Cloudfalre Workers を 1 つの class で書くことができる DurableObjects でできることはすべてできる RateLimit も簡単に実装できる connection ごとに前回のメッセージ送信時間が格納されている Hibernation API にも対応している 料金を抑えやすい Binding には対応していない デプロイは partykit コマンドで行う wrangler で

                                                                マルチプレイヤーアプリケーションが作れる PartyKit ってなんだ....?
                                                              • Collaborate with Claude on Projects

                                                                Our vision for Claude has always been to create AI systems that work alongside people and meaningfully enhance their workflows. As a step in this direction, Claude.ai Pro and Team users can now organize their chats into Projects, bringing together curated sets of knowledge and chat activity in one place—with the ability to make their best chats with Claude viewable by teammates. With this new func

                                                                  Collaborate with Claude on Projects
                                                                • Stripe's monorepo developer environment - Made of Bugs

                                                                  I worked at Stripe for about seven years, from 2012 to 2019. Over that time, I used and contributed to many generations of Stripe’s developer environment – the tools that engineers used daily to write and test code. I think Stripe did a pretty good job designing and building that developer experience, and since leaving, I’ve found myself repeatedly describing features of that environment to friend

                                                                  • Unlocking the power of unstructured data with RAG

                                                                    Whether they’re building a new product or improving a process or feature, developers and IT leaders need data and insights to make informed decisions. When it comes to software development, this data exists in two ways: unstructured and structured. While structured data follows a specific and predefined format, unstructured data—like email, an audio or visual file, code comment, or commit message—

                                                                      Unlocking the power of unstructured data with RAG
                                                                    • Introducing Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon S3 | Amazon Web Services

                                                                      AWS News Blog Introducing Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon S3 Today we are announcing the general availability of Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), an expansion of GuardDuty Malware Protection to detect malicious file uploads to selected S3 buckets. Previously, GuardDuty Malware Protection provided agentless scanning capabilities to id

                                                                        Introducing Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for Amazon S3 | Amazon Web Services
                                                                      • Terraform AWS Cloud Control API provider now generally available

                                                                        The AWS Cloud Control (AWSCC) provider, built around the AWS Cloud Control API and designed to bring new services to HashiCorp Terraform faster, is now generally available. The 1.0 release of the AWSCC provider represents another step forward in our effort to offer launch day support of AWS services. Initially launched in 2021 as a tech preview, the Terraform AWS Cloud Control provider is automati

                                                                          Terraform AWS Cloud Control API provider now generally available
                                                                        • Access AWS services programmatically using trusted identity propagation | Amazon Web Services

                                                                          AWS Security Blog Access AWS services programmatically using trusted identity propagation With the introduction of trusted identity propagation, applications can now propagate a user’s workforce identity from their identity provider (IdP) to applications running in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and to storage services backing those applications, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or AWS

                                                                            Access AWS services programmatically using trusted identity propagation | Amazon Web Services
                                                                          • Elixir v1.17 released: set-theoretic types in patterns, calendar durations, and Erlang/OTP 27 support

                                                                            Elixir v1.17 released: set-theoretic types in patterns, calendar durations, and Erlang/OTP 27 support Elixir v1.17 has just been released. 🎉 This release introduces set-theoretic types into a handful of language constructs. While there are still many steps ahead of us, this important milestone already brings benefits to developers in the form of new warnings for common mistakes. This new version

                                                                              Elixir v1.17 released: set-theoretic types in patterns, calendar durations, and Erlang/OTP 27 support
                                                                            • Why Mesop? - Mesop

                                                                              Why Mesop? Mesop is a new UI framework that enables Python developers to quickly build delightful web apps in a scalable way. Many Python UI frameworks are easy to get started with, but customizing beyond the defaults often requires diving into JavaScript, CSS, and HTML — a steep learning curve for many developers. Mesop provides a different approach, offering a framework that's both easy to learn

                                                                              • Introducing Niantic Studio: The Future of Web-Based XR and 3D Content Creation

                                                                                Introducing Niantic Studio: The Future of Web-Based XR and 3D Content CreationBuild immersive XR, 3D experiences, and casual web games with the public beta of our new visual editor and powerful web gaming engine—now available for free. Today, we’re excited to announce Niantic Studio, a new visual editor and web gaming engine for Niantic 8th Wall developers that offers an entirely new way to build

                                                                                  Introducing Niantic Studio: The Future of Web-Based XR and 3D Content Creation
                                                                                • Home

                                                                                  Free Open Source Feature Flag system. Dorkly is a git-based open source feature flag backend for LaunchDarkly's open source SDKs. It allows you to implement feature flagging consistently across dozens of languages using LaunchDarkly's battle-tested SDKs. Dorkly strives to be a simple feature flagging system without the cognitive load of yet another tool. If you're feeling fatigue from too many Saa
