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constantlyの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 1464件

  • 🚀⚙️ JavaScript Visualized: the JavaScript Engine

    JavaScript is cool (don't @ me), but how can a machine actually understand the code you've written? As JavaScript devs, we usually don't have to deal with compilers ourselves. However, it's definitely good to know the basics of the JavaScript engine and see how it handles our human-friendly JS code, and turns it into something machines understand! 🥳 | Note: This post is mainly based on the V8 eng

      🚀⚙️ JavaScript Visualized: the JavaScript Engine
    • 海外文学の「コケモモ」が実際はコケモモではなかったことにショックを受ける人たち

      赤坂パトリシア Patricia Akasaka(she/her) @akasakapatricia 「日本であまり知られていない木が出てきたらトネリコって訳しておけばいいってえらいひとが言ってましたー!」って友人に教えてもらったのだけれど、最近気づいたのが「コケモモ」問題ですよ、おくさま! 2019-09-04 18:01:26 赤坂パトリシア Patricia Akasaka(she/her) @akasakapatricia Storyteller writing in English and Japanese. Constantly worried. 連絡先:akasakapatriciaあっとgmail.アイコンはめばちさん(@mebachi)ヘッダーはorieさん(@orie_h)から。刊行作品については出版社にお問い合わせを。 kakuyomu.jp/users/patric

      • Announcing D1: our first SQL database

        This post is also available in Français, Deutsch, Español, 简体中文, 日本語 and 繁體中文. We announced Cloudflare Workers in 2017, giving developers access to compute on our network. We were excited about the possibilities this unlocked, but we quickly realized — most real world applications are stateful. Since then, we’ve delivered KV, Durable Objects, and R2, giving developers access to various types of st

          Announcing D1: our first SQL database
        • Redis Explained

          Redis Explained InfographicWhat is Redis?Redis (“REmote DIctionary Service”) is an open-source key-value database server. The most accurate description of Redis is that it's a data structure server. This specific nature of Redis has led to much of its popularity and adoption amongst developers. 👋🏾You are reading Architecture Notes! Crave some byte-sized bites of this? Join me on Twitter. If it's

            Redis Explained
          • 訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら

            翻訳の秋が今年もきました。また去年みたく面白い記事をいくつか見つけて勝手に紹介したいところです! 去年アップした『訳文;「"好奇心駆動型の冒険"とでも言うべき特殊なタイプの冒険に報酬を与えるゲームをつくりたい、それが『Outer Wilds』の主目的です」A・ビーチャム氏の論文より』で翻訳紹介した論考のなかで、参照文献として挙げられていた文献のうち2つ、ヘンリー・ジェンキンズ著『GAME DESIGN AS NARRATIVE ARCHITECTURE(物語による建築物としてのゲームデザイン)』とボニー・ルバーク取材『Clint Hocking Speaks Out On The Virtues Of Exploration(クリント・ホッキングが語る冒険の美徳)』。別記事1つ、ドン・カーソン著『Environmental Storytelling: Creating Immersive

              訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら
            • SwiftUI Overview - Xcode - Apple Developer

              SwiftUI SwiftUI helps you build great-looking apps across all Apple platforms with the power of Swift — and surprisingly little code. You can bring even better experiences to everyone, on any Apple device, using just one set of tools and APIs. Advanced animation control Build sophisticated animations with expanded animation support. Use phases to create sequences of animations, or create multiple

                SwiftUI Overview - Xcode - Apple Developer
              • Understanding how Facebook disappeared from the Internet

                Understanding how Facebook disappeared from the Internet10/04/2021 This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Pусский, and Italiano. The Internet - A Network of Networks“Facebook can't be down, can it?”, we thought, for a second. Today at 15:51 UTC, we opened an internal incident entitled "Facebook DNS lookup returning SERVFAIL" because we were worr

                  Understanding how Facebook disappeared from the Internet
                • State of CSS 2022  |  Blog  |  web.dev

                  Browser compatibility A primary reason so many CSS features are set to cooperatively release is due to the efforts of Interop 2022. Before studying the Interop efforts, it's important to look at Compat 2021’s efforts. Compat 2021 The goals for 2021, driven by developer feedback via surveys, were to stabilize current features, improve the test suite and increase passing scores of browsers for five

                    State of CSS 2022  |  Blog  |  web.dev
                  • Twitchが体の「親密な場所」をグリーンスクリーンにしてゲームを実況するのを禁止に

                    Twitchがガイドラインを更新し、着衣した状態の胸や尻などを長時間映すことを禁止しました。その背景には、胸や尻にクロマキー合成でゲーム画面などを投影する「グリーンスクリーンメタ」の流行があります。 なお、この記事にはセンシティブな画像が掲載されているため、閲覧の際は注意してください。 Twitch Bans Using ‘Intimate’ Body Parts As Green Screens https://kotaku.com/twitch-green-screen-meta-community-guidelines-update-1851370282 主に女性ストリーマーによる性的な配信がたびたび問題となっているTwitchでは、トップレスに見える服装をしつつカメラに胸を映さないようにした「トップレスメタ」が過去に流行し、これが原因で性的コンテンツに関するポリシーが二転三転するな

                    • Time on Unix

                      Sections What is time Representing time Where do we usually find time on Unix System time, hardware time, internal timers Syncing time with external sources What depends on time Human perception of time What is time Time is relative Measuring time and standards Coordinating time Time zones DST Time, a word that is entangled in everything in our lives, something we’re intimately familiar with. Keep

                        Time on Unix
                      • Function calling and other API updates

                        We’re announcing updates including more steerable API models, function calling capabilities, longer context, and lower prices. July 20, 2023 update: We previously communicated to developers that gpt-3.5-turbo-0301, gpt-4-0314 and gpt-4-32k-0314 models were scheduled for sunset on Sept 13, 2023. After reviewing feedback from customers and our community, we are extending support for those models unt

                          Function calling and other API updates
                        • The new wave of Javascript web frameworks

                          The new wave of Javascript web frameworksMake sense of the proliferation of new Javascript web frameworks. A deep dive into the problems at scale and the recent evolution of innovation. IntroductionStaying current in the Javascript ecosystem is not for the faint of heart. It’s challenging for those entering the industry to follow what’s happening amongst the new libraries, frameworks, concepts, an

                            The new wave of Javascript web frameworks
                          • 【重要なお知らせ】3D配信計画の変更について|カバー株式会社 公式note

                            English follows Japanese. いつもホロライブプロダクションとタレントへの応援をありがとうございます。 今回は、タレントの活動周年や誕生日を記念して行うスタジオでの3D配信(以下、記念3D配信)に関する重要な変更についてお伝えいたします。 ホロライブプロダクションでは原則として、コロナ禍の影響を除き、活動周年や誕生日にあわせて年に最大2回の記念3D配信の機会を、3Dお披露目後のタレントに提供してまいりました。 これらの配信はタレントとスタッフが協力して、常に配信の質の向上に努め、豪華な音楽ライブや多数のゲスト出演で盛大にお祝いし、日頃の応援への感謝と最高のエンターテイメントをファンの皆さんに届けることを目指してきました。しかし、この素晴らしい体験の裏には、タレントとスタッフ双方にかかる大きなプレッシャーと負担がありました。 タレントは年2回の記念3D配信のための多大な

                              【重要なお知らせ】3D配信計画の変更について|カバー株式会社 公式note
                            • Announcing TypeScript 4.0 - TypeScript

                              Today we are thrilled to announce the availability of TypeScript 4.0! This version of the language represents our next generation of TypeScript releases, as we dive deeper into expressivity, productivity, and scalability. If you’re not familiar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript by adding syntax for static types. The idea is that by writing down the types of your val

                                Announcing TypeScript 4.0 - TypeScript
                              • Introducing ChatGPT Enterprise

                                Get enterprise-grade security & privacy and the most powerful version of ChatGPT yet. We’re launching ChatGPT Enterprise, which offers enterprise-grade security and privacy, unlimited higher-speed GPT-4 access, longer context windows for processing longer inputs, advanced data analysis capabilities, customization options, and much more. We believe AI can assist and elevate every aspect of our work

                                  Introducing ChatGPT Enterprise
                                • Marie Kondo your software stack with open source

                                  As someone makes more money, expenses once considered luxuries can suddenly become seen as necessities: It’s called lifestyle creep. In the world of software development, we can suffer from a similar affliction: stack creep. Where hardware limitations once restricted developers to a minimalist approach, increased processing power, memory, and storage have led many down a more maximalist path. It’s

                                    Marie Kondo your software stack with open source
                                  • Clean Architecture on Frontend

                                    Alex Bespoyasov Posted on Sep 1, 2021 • Updated on May 12, 2022 • Originally published at bespoyasov.me Not very long ago I gave a talk about the clean architecture on frontend. In this post I'm outlining that talk and expanding it a bit. I'll put links here to all sorts of useful stuff that will come in handy as you read: The Public Talk Slides for the Talk The source code for the application we'

                                      Clean Architecture on Frontend
                                    • Feedly + ChatGPTで、毎朝 自分専用のポッドキャストを自動生成する仕組みを作った|鈴木慎吾 / TSUMIKI INC.

                                      毎朝、デザイン系の英語記事を10件ほどおすすめしてくれるSlackボットです。このボットは現在も問題なく稼働し続けていますが、毎朝のニュースは文字で読むよりも音声として聞いたほうが負担が少なく続けられそうです。 そこで、このSlackボットを拡張して、毎朝デザインニュースのポッドキャストを自動生成する仕組みを作ることにしました。 成果物はじめに成果物について。完成したポッドキャストは毎朝SpotifyとApple Podcastで配信しています。 おおまかな処理の流れ開発前に想定した処理の流れは以下の通りです。 毎朝ポッドキャストが自動で配信される理想的なフロー自分はコンテンツ制作者ではなく、あくまでリスナーというスタンスを取りたいため、ワークフローに自分が介在しない完全自動化が理想です。 ところが、Sound Cloud APIの利用に必要なアプリケーション登録の受付が現在停止しているこ

                                        Feedly + ChatGPTで、毎朝 自分専用のポッドキャストを自動生成する仕組みを作った|鈴木慎吾 / TSUMIKI INC.
                                      • Learning Zig

                                        home Learning Zig Welcome to Learning Zig, an introduction to the Zig programming language. This guide aims to make you comfortable with Zig. It assumes prior programming experience, though not in any particular language. Zig is under heavy development and both the Zig language and its standard library are constantly evolving. This guide targets the latest development version of Zig. However, it's

                                        • Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS | Amazon Web Services

                                          AWS Machine Learning Blog Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS The seeds of a machine learning (ML) paradigm shift have existed for decades, but with the ready availability of scalable compute capacity, a massive proliferation of data, and the rapid advancement of ML technologies, customers across industries are transforming their businesses. Just recently, generative AI app

                                            Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS | Amazon Web Services
                                          • Code Interpreter API

                                            Editor's Note: This is another installation of our guest blog posts highlighting interesting and novel use cases. This blog is written by Shroominic who built an open source implementation of the ChatGPT Code Interpreter. Important Links: GitHub RepoIn the world of open-source software, there are always exciting developments. Today, I am thrilled to announce a new project that I have been working

                                              Code Interpreter API
                                            • How an AWS Aurora feature cut our DB costs by 90%

                                              All of Graphite’s data lives on Amazon Aurora Postgres. Our database load is sizable — far larger than a typical startup of our size. This is because we sync bidirectionally with GitHub for everything a user does on Graphite, so Aurora plays a crucial role in helping us handle and scale massive amounts of data. If Uber were to sign up for Graphite tomorrow, we could handle the countless webhook ev

                                                How an AWS Aurora feature cut our DB costs by 90%
                                              • Go: A Documentary

                                                Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

                                                • Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable

                                                  Sapling is a new Git-compatible source control client. Sapling emphasizes usability while also scaling to the largest repositories in the world. ReviewStack is a demonstration code review UI for GitHub pull requests that integrates with Sapling to make reviewing stacks of commits easy. You can get started using Sapling today. Source control is one of the most important tools for modern developers,

                                                    Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable
                                                  • Tailwind CSS v2.0 - Tailwind CSS

                                                    Almost exactly 18 months ago we released Tailwind CSS v1.0, which signalled a commitment to stability while continuing to push the boundaries with exciting new features in every minor release. Over the course of those 18 months we released nine minor versions that added features like placeholder styling, screenreader visibility, CSS grid, transitions, transforms, animations, layout utilities, inte

                                                      Tailwind CSS v2.0 - Tailwind CSS
                                                    • The 5-hour CDN

                                                      The 5-hour CDN Author Name Kurt Mackey @mrkurt @mrkurt The term “CDN” (“content delivery network”) conjures Google-scale companies managing huge racks of hardware, wrangling hundreds of gigabits per second. But CDNs are just web applications. That’s not how we tend to think of them, but that’s all they are. You can build a functional CDN on an 8-year-old laptop while you’re sitting at a coffee sho

                                                        The 5-hour CDN
                                                      • ChatGPTは新しいゲームを作ることができるのか - ABAの日誌

                                                        ChatGPTはいろんなことができるが、私が興味があるのは、ChatGPTは私のためにアクションミニゲームを作ってくれるのか、ということだ。 コンピュータに自動的にアクションミニゲームを作ってもらうための試みは、だいぶ前にやった。 ChatGPTの登場によって、今度は大規模言語モデルを使うという新しいアプローチが手軽に試せるようになった。モデルに新しいゲームのアイデアを考えてもらい、そのアイデアを実現するソースコードを実装してもらえばゲームの出来上がりだ。 だが、少なくとも現状のChatGPT(今のところ私はGPT-3.5でしか試していないが)では以下の問題があるように思える。 ChatGPTに、実装可能なアルゴリズムのレベルまで詳細化された、新しいゲームのアイデアを考えさせるのは難しい ChatGPTは、今までにない新しいアルゴリズムを、ソースコードとして実装することを不得意としている

                                                          ChatGPTは新しいゲームを作ることができるのか - ABAの日誌
                                                        • Git Credential Manager: authentication for everyone

                                                          EngineeringGit Credential Manager: authentication for everyoneEnsuring secure access to your source code is more important than ever. Git Credential Manager helps make that easy. Universal Git Authentication “Authentication is hard. Hard to debug, hard to test, hard to get right.” – Me These words were true when I wrote them back in July 2020, and they’re still true today. The goal of Git Credenti

                                                            Git Credential Manager: authentication for everyone
                                                          • The Untold Story of SQLite - CoRecursive Podcast

                                                            00:00 - Introduction 01:45 - The Battleship 02:49 - NP-Complete Problems 06:24 - Building SQLite V1 07:54 - Motorola Phones 09:40 - America Online Phones 11:12 - Symbian OS and Nokia 13:01 - The Bus Factor and the Consortium 15:11 - Enter Android 17:05 - Guys, This Is Important 18:18 - Testing and Aviation Standards 21:29 - Billions of Tests 25:30 - Building From First Principles 28:05 - B-Trees a

                                                              The Untold Story of SQLite - CoRecursive Podcast
                                                            • なぜ、エンジニアの"フロー状態"は見落とされるのか? 継続的なフロー状態が開発生産性を高める

                                                              前回は「開発生産性」という言葉の広さから、きちんと組織のレイヤーを構造化しながら用語を分けてオーバーラップする部分を繋げていきましょうという話を紹介しました。第2回となる今回は、開発チームに焦点を当てていきます。ソフトウェア開発の現場では、Four Keysを中心とした「開発生産性のメトリクスはどうあるべきか」 や「認知負荷を下げるエコシステムはどう設計するべきか」といった議論が頻繁に行われています。こうしたソフトウェアアーキテクチャから生まれる開発生産性に関する議論はとても重要であり効果が高いものです。本記事ではそうした議論とは少し離れ、「エンジニアの継続的なフロー状態が生む開発生産性への重要度と、組織が開発チームに対する不安の定量化によるフロー状態の軽視がなぜ起こるのか」という観点で解説します。 以前の記事 【第1回】「開発生産性」はエンジニア"だけ"のモノではなくなった?──開発組織

                                                                なぜ、エンジニアの"フロー状態"は見落とされるのか? 継続的なフロー状態が開発生産性を高める
                                                              • Why I Quit Google’s WebAssembly Team, And How It Made Me Sick

                                                                Why I Quit Google’s WebAssembly Team, And How It Made Me Sick I joined Google in early 2015 to work on the V8 team as one of the first authors of the WebAssembly specification. This is a partial story of what went wrong with the process and how it permanently damaged me. My hope is that this story will help people recognize toxic cultures in their own workplaces, or help new hires have a better ca

                                                                • The State of JS 2021

                                                                  A lot happened in 2021. So much in fact that the survey was pushed back all the way to 2022! Between a slew of faster build tools and a new crop of back-end frameworks, the JavaScript world kept evolving. And we did our best to keep up, giving this survey a couple new power-ups (read more about what's new) such as new question types, the ability to cross-reference two datapoints (such as yearly sa

                                                                    The State of JS 2021
                                                                  • eBPF - The Future of Networking & Security

                                                                    Nov 10, 2020eBPF - The Future of Networking & Security Today is an exciting day for the Cilium community: Isovalent, the company behind Cilium, is announcing its $29M Series A financing round backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Google, and Cisco. This is a perfect occasion to take a deeper look into where eBPF-based networking is coming from and to understand what the excitement is all about. Two weeks

                                                                      eBPF - The Future of Networking & Security
                                                                    • The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure

                                                                      My name is Zhenzhong Xu. I joined Netflix in 2015 as a founding engineer on the Real-time Data Infrastructure team and later led the Stream Processing Engines team. I developed an interest in real-time data in the early 2010s, and ever since believe there is much value yet to be uncovered. Netflix was a fantastic place to be surrounded by many amazing colleagues. I can’t be more proud of everyone

                                                                        The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure
                                                                      • ゲームチェンジャーと噂のCloudFlare D1を性能検証してみた | DevelopersIO

                                                                        本記事はCloudflareアドベントカレンダーの10日目の記事です。 Cloudflare Advent Calendar 2022 の記事一覧 10日目は現在アルファ版として公開されているCloudflare D1についての性能検証の記事です。 Cloudflare D1は一言でいうと「エッジロケーションで利用できるSQLiteベースのリレーショナルデータベース」です。 CloudFlareのグローバルネットワークを活用して、データの読み取り専用のクローンがエッジロケーションに自動的に配置されるとのことなので、なんか凄そうです! 従来CloudFlareでのデータストアの選択肢としては、 オブジェクトストレージとしてのCloudFlare R2、 キューバリュー形式データベースとしてのCloudFlare KVなどがありましたが、 CloudFlare D1の登場によって、より多くのユ

                                                                          ゲームチェンジャーと噂のCloudFlare D1を性能検証してみた | DevelopersIO
                                                                        • Pull request merge queue (public beta)

                                                                          February 8, 2023 Today we are announcing the public beta of pull request merge queue for repos on GitHub Enterprise Cloud and open source organizations! 🎉 Merge queue helps increase velocity in software delivery by automating pull request merges into your busiest branches. Before merge queue, developers were often required to update their pull request branches prior to merging to ensure their cha

                                                                            Pull request merge queue (public beta)
                                                                          • Linux Hardening Guide | Madaidan's Insecurities

                                                                            Last edited: March 19th, 2022 Linux is not a secure operating system. However, there are steps you can take to improve it. This guide aims to explain how to harden Linux as much as possible for security and privacy. This guide attempts to be distribution-agnostic and is not tied to any specific one. DISCLAIMER: Do not attempt to apply anything in this article if you do not know exactly what you ar

                                                                            • Introducing Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture

                                                                              You’re seeing information for Japan . To see local features and services for another location, select a different city. Show more Introduction Recently there has been substantial discussion around the downsides of service oriented architectures and microservice architectures in particular. While only a few years ago, many people readily adopted microservice architectures due to the numerous benefi

                                                                                Introducing Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture
                                                                              • 🌶️ IMHO 🌶️ - Rich Harris on frameworks, the web, and the edge.

                                                                                この記事はSvelte/Sveltekitの作者であるRich Harris氏による講演「🌶️ IMHO 🌶️」を翻訳したものです。 この記事の作成には、Whisperによる書き起こし、DeepLおよびChatGPTによる翻訳を補助的に使用しています。 また、本文中には適宜訳注を入れています。 この場を借りて、翻訳を許可していただいたRich氏、 またこの翻訳をきめ細かくレビューしていただいたtomoam氏、英文解釈の相談に乗っていただいたshamokit氏へ感謝を表明したいと思います。 So, I'm going to be giving a talk tonight called In My Humble Opinion, and it's a collection of loosely connected thoughts about recent trends in front

                                                                                  🌶️ IMHO 🌶️ - Rich Harris on frameworks, the web, and the edge.
                                                                                • Zellij: a Rusty terminal workspace releases a beta

                                                                                  Zellij: a Rusty terminal workspace releases a beta 2021-04-20 :: Aram Drevekenin After long months of work by a dedicated team of enthusiasts, today we are proud to announce the release of the beta version of Zellij! Zellij is a terminal workspace and multiplexer written in Rust, aiming to become a general purpose application development platform in the future. How to install? Download a prebuilt

                                                                                    Zellij: a Rusty terminal workspace releases a beta