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  • AWSが生まれたのは、Amazonが経費削減のためにSunのサーバからHP/Linuxサーバへ切り替えたことがきっかけ。当時の社員が振り返る

    AWSが生まれたのは、Amazonが経費削減のためにSunのサーバからHP/Linuxサーバへ切り替えたことがきっかけ。当時の社員が振り返る 1990年代後半に、米Yahoo!などに代表されるインターネット系企業の株が高騰したインターネットバブルが発生しました。 そのバブルが2000年前後にはじけると、ユーザー数の拡大を背景に資金調達をしてきた企業の多くが投資家からの資金を得られなくなり、行き詰まり始めます。 Amazon.comもそうした状況のなかで先行きを不安視された企業の1つでした。2001年4月の週刊東洋経済の記事には、最高値の10分の1程度にまで下がった株価のグラフとともに、「莫大な酸素(キャッシュ)を燃やし続けている」「2000年12月末時点で2000億円を超える債務超過だ」と記されています。 当時Amazon.comのデジタルメディア部門ディレクターであったDan Rose氏

    • モノリス分割はこうやる!「How to break a Monolith into Microservices」を読んだ - kakakakakku blog

      研修中に「マイクロサービス」の解説をしていると,たまに「モノリス分割」に関する質問が出てディスカッションをすることがある.当然ながら万能な分割アプローチはないけど,例えば DDD (Domain-driven design) などのアプローチを選択するなど,選択肢はいろいろある.そして最近「モノリス分割」に役立つアプローチを紹介した martinfowler.com の記事「How to break a Monolith into Microservices」を読んだ. 具体的には以下の「計8種類」のアプローチが紹介されている.原著を翻訳するのではなく,あくまで個人的なメモとしてまとめる.なお,日本語も個人的に載せているため,参考程度にしてもらればと! Warm Up with a Simple and Fairly Decoupled Capability(シンプルかつ分離された機能で準

        モノリス分割はこうやる!「How to break a Monolith into Microservices」を読んだ - kakakakakku blog
      • The new wave of Javascript web frameworks

        The new wave of Javascript web frameworksMake sense of the proliferation of new Javascript web frameworks. A deep dive into the problems at scale and the recent evolution of innovation. IntroductionStaying current in the Javascript ecosystem is not for the faint of heart. It’s challenging for those entering the industry to follow what’s happening amongst the new libraries, frameworks, concepts, an

          The new wave of Javascript web frameworks
        • Go: A Documentary

          Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

          • Learn These Words First

            Lesson 1 1A. to see, saw, seen. thing, something, what. this, these. the other, another, else. 1B. is the same as, be, am, are, being, was, were. one of. two of. person, people. 1C. many of, much of. inside. not, do not, does not, did not. 1D. some of. all of. there is, there are. more than. 1E. live, alive. big. small. very. 1F. kind of. if, then. touch. far from. near to. 1G. in a place, somepla

            • Migrating Netflix to GraphQL Safely

              By Jennifer Shin, Tejas Shikhare, Will Emmanuel In 2022, a major change was made to Netflix’s iOS and Android applications. We migrated Netflix’s mobile apps to GraphQL with zero downtime, which involved a total overhaul from the client to the API layer. Until recently, an internal API framework, Falcor, powered our mobile apps. They are now backed by Federated GraphQL, a distributed approach to A

                Migrating Netflix to GraphQL Safely
              • Forget tikka masala - chicken katsu is the new true British national dish

                Forget tikka masala – chicken katsu is the new true British national dishIt's not particularly authentic, nor is it even what the Japanese call katsu - but Britons have gone wild for itKatsu Curry from ‘The Japanese Larder’ by Luiz Hara, £26 White Lion Publishing It is nearly 20 years since the late Robin Cook, then foreign secretary, declared chicken tikka masala to be a “true British national di

                  Forget tikka masala - chicken katsu is the new true British national dish
                • My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)

                  transcript Listen to This Article.Produced by Kelly Prime; edited by Mike Benoist; written by Gabrielle Hamilton; and narrated by January LaVoyAfter being forced to shutter the restaurant that was her life’s work, Gabrielle Hamilton asks: Will there be a place for it in the New York of the future? Recorded by Audm. gabrielle hamiltonI’m Gabrielle Hamilton, and I’m the chef and owner of Prune Resta

                    My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)
                  • 利上げ時のインフレと失業率には因果関係はあるのか? - himaginary’s diary

                    という点についてオリビエ・ブランシャールとリカルド・ライスが議論している。具体的には、利上げでインフレを下げる際に失業率が上昇するのは副作用に過ぎず、失業率上昇という経路を通じてインフレが低下するわけではない、とリカルド・ライスがデビッド・ベックワースとの対談で述べ、その言葉をベックワースがツイッターで紹介したところ、ブランシャールが反応して以下のようにツイートしている。 Dear Ricardo, I am puzzled. For me, the increase in unemployment is causal, not a side effect, for inflation. Do you mean to say that, if we could avoid the side effect, we could decrease inflation without higher

                      利上げ時のインフレと失業率には因果関係はあるのか? - himaginary’s diary
                    • インフレとクルーグマンのオッカムの剃刀の延長版 - himaginary’s diary

                      10日のCPI公表を受け、クルーグマンが改めて、インフレが失業率の大きな上昇なしに沈静化するという見立てが当たった勝利宣言とでも言うべき連ツイを立て、併せてそれが実現した原因と今後のリスクについて考察している。 Lots of number-crunching out there, but this was another very good inflation report. The debate over whether disinflation requires a large bulge in unemployment is essentially over. No, it doesn't. But there's still a debate about how we did this, which matters 1/ One story is that disinflatio

                        インフレとクルーグマンのオッカムの剃刀の延長版 - himaginary’s diary
                      • New – Application Load Balancer Simplifies Deployment with Weighted Target Groups | Amazon Web Services

                        AWS News Blog New – Application Load Balancer Simplifies Deployment with Weighted Target Groups One of the benefits of cloud computing is the possibility to create infrastructure programmatically and to tear it down when it is no longer needed. This allows to radically change the way developers deploy their applications. When developers used to deploy applications on premises, they had to reuse ex

                          New – Application Load Balancer Simplifies Deployment with Weighted Target Groups | Amazon Web Services
                        • On Pair Programming

                          Teams are often reluctant to switch pairs, but what if we rotate pairs every day? We did an experiment with three teams and learned that pair swapping frequently greatly enhances the benefits of pairing. Here we share our experiment design so that others can experiment with rotation frequency. Rotating pairs means that after working together for some time, one half of the pair leaves the story, wh

                            On Pair Programming
                          • Voice To Text Software For Mac - girlgemadrug

                            Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 1131 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 16 Works with speech recognition software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking to automatically convert speech to text Works with Microsoft Word and all major word-processors Works with FastFox text expander for entering medical/legal phrases and common phrases with keyboard shortcuts. Mar 16, 2018 - Use Dictation. Go to a docu

                              Voice To Text Software For Mac - girlgemadrug
                            • The New Business of AI (and How It’s Different From Traditional Software) | Andreessen Horowitz

                              The New Business of AI (and How It’s Different From Traditional Software) At a technical level, artificial intelligence seems to be the future of software. AI is showing remarkable progress on a range of difficult computer science problems, and the job of software developers – who now work with data as much as source code – is changing fundamentally in the process. Many AI companies (and investors

                                The New Business of AI (and How It’s Different From Traditional Software) | Andreessen Horowitz
                              • Topics API Developer's Guide  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers

                                Topics API Developer's Guide Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Learn how to work with the API, including how to use Chrome flags for testing. Implementation status The Topics API has completed the public discussion phase and is currently available to 99 percent of users, scaling up to 100 percent. To provide your feedback on the Topics API, crea

                                  Topics API Developer's Guide  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers
                                • The Land That Doesn't Need Ozempic

                                  Pedestrians cross an intersection in the Shibuya district of Tokyo on Thursday, May 2, 2024.Toru Hanai—Bloomberg/Getty Images In March 2023, the Japanese medical authorities announced that the new weight loss drug Wegovy—which was in staggering demand across the world, causing shortages everywhere—had been approved to treat obesity in their country. It sounded, at first glance, like great news for

                                    The Land That Doesn't Need Ozempic
                                  • Pdf Xchange Viewer For Mac

                                    Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4431 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 90 The Free Version of the PDF-XChange Editor is a light weight, easy to use. Appbox 2.3.0 free download for mac. The smallest, fastest, most feature-rich FREE PDF editor/viewer available! Pdf Xchange Viewer For Mac Os XPDF-XChange Viewer provides a host of useful features to go along with superior functionality in letting y

                                      Pdf Xchange Viewer For Mac
                                    • Marketplace 100 2020 Edition | Andreessen Horowitz

                                      Click here for 2021 edition of the Marketplace 100. Today we introduce the Marketplace 100, a ranking of the largest and fastest-growing consumer-facing marketplace startups and private companies. Over the past few decades, marketplaces like eBay, Airbnb, Uber and Lyft, Alibaba, and Instacart, have become some of the most impactful companies in the world economy. Collectively, millions of individu

                                        Marketplace 100 2020 Edition | Andreessen Horowitz
                                      • Objectively comparing Unity and Unreal Engine

                                        I have read from Unity Blog long time ago that talks about project stripping, explaining reproduce steps, making it easier for the QA team to make it... It's scary. If you are Unity devs, you know the feeling of checking Unity Hub every morning for update, and hope that it will randomly fix your years old bug, while introducing the less amount of new bugs as possible. It really make you sweats ner

                                          Objectively comparing Unity and Unreal Engine
                                        • Building Infrastructure Platforms

                                          Infrastructure Platform teams enable organisations to scale delivery by solving common product and non-functional requirements with resilient solutions. This allows other teams to focus on building their own things and releasing value for their users. But nobody said building scalable platforms was easy... In this article Poppy and Chris explore 7 key principles which can help you build the right

                                            Building Infrastructure Platforms
                                          • Free Story Writing App For Mac

                                            Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 5131 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 15 Contents. Authors Planning and Writing Applications. (Windows, 45 USD, generally goes on 50% sale around Nanowrimo time): is a full planning, research and writing environment that is meant to be set up to the way you write. Includes all kinds of planning tools: sequences, storyboards, outlines, dossiers, and many more. (W

                                              Free Story Writing App For Mac
                                            • Why I'm leaving Elm

                                              Over the past year or so, I've reluctantly come to the conclusion I need to leave Elm and migrate to some other language (most likely Bucklescript via philip2), and I definitely cannot recommend it to anyone else. This post is about my reasons for that, which are mostly about the way in which the leadership behave. I'm not going to talk about the good points of Elm as a technology. You can read th

                                              • Fair Play At Last For Mac

                                                Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4431 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 90 Fair Play At Last For MachecoulNot to be confused with. FairPlay was a (DRM) technology developed by It is built into the multimedia file format as an audio layer, and is used by the company to protect copyrighted works sold through, allowing only authorized devices to play the content. The restrictions imposed by FairPla

                                                  Fair Play At Last For Mac
                                                • Iota Vs Waltonchain Where Can I Earn Neos Gas For Mac

                                                  Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4184 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 23 Iota Vs Walton Chain Where Can I Earn Neos Gas For Mac DownloadIOTA vs WaltonChain vs VeChain vs Modum vs WaBi - Documentary - Why IoT Crypto Coins Are Solid Picks. Earn With Sapna 6 days ago. SIACOIN PRICE PREDICTION & PRICE MOVING UP| SIACOIN MINING #SIACOIN #GAMESZCRYPTO. Bitcoin Ethereum Ripple Bitcoin Cash Litecoin C

                                                    Iota Vs Waltonchain Where Can I Earn Neos Gas For Mac
                                                  • Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 2

                                                    Shyam Gala, Javier Fernandez-Ivern, Anup Rokkam Pratap, Devang Shah Picture yourself enthralled by the latest episode of your beloved Netflix series, delighting in an uninterrupted, high-definition streaming experience. Behind these perfect moments of entertainment is a complex mechanism, with numerous gears and cogs working in harmony. But what happens when this machinery needs a transformation?

                                                      Migrating Critical Traffic At Scale with No Downtime — Part 2
                                                    • Industry Note: Yes, You Can Translate Your Own Handwriting For Mac

                                                      Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4555 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 23 44 Kate Gladstone's article is on the blog o f April 30, 2013 In Praise of Kate Gladstone's Webinar I recently attended a webinar given by Kate Gladstone on Handwriting Repair and was so impressed that she thought to train us about how a young 5 year old thinks and feels when learning to write. How true that when a teache

                                                        Industry Note: Yes, You Can Translate Your Own Handwriting For Mac
                                                      • 学界マクロとFRBマクロ - himaginary’s diary

                                                        Claudia Sahmという元FRBエコノミストが12月19日に以下のようなツイートを行った。 PS there is a weird tension (often tinged with disrespect) between academic macro and Fed macro. I saw it right away when I got to the Board. I didn't quite understand it, but that didn't take long. I am vocal about it now. academic macro has done immense damage in the world. (拙訳) 追伸:学界マクロとFRBマクロの間には、(軽蔑の色合いが付いていることが多い)奇妙な緊張関係がある。FRBに来た時に私はすぐにそれを目にし

                                                          学界マクロとFRBマクロ - himaginary’s diary
                                                        • Scale from 0 to millions of users

                                                          SCALE FROM ZERO TO MILLIONS OF USERS Designing a system that supports millions of users is challenging, and it is a journey that requires continuous refinement and endless improvement. In this chapter, we build a system that supports a single user and gradually scale it up to serve millions of users. After reading this chapter, you will master a handful of techniques that will help you to crack th

                                                          • Top 6 Alternatives To 1by1 For Mac

                                                            Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 5532 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 23 Find the best free programs like MusicBee for Windows. More than 20 alternatives to choose: Winamp, foobar2000, Clementine and more. About This list provides a collection of portable apps from across Gizmo's Freeware and other sites. Portable freeware is an amazing development and is forcing software vendors to adjust the

                                                              Top 6 Alternatives To 1by1 For Mac
                                                            • Building for the 99% Developers

                                                              Should you move to serverless? Is GraphQL the answer to your API woes? Should you follow the latest DevOps playbook to increase your system reliability? In the world of tech tools, there’s a lot of buzz. But it doesn’t always reflect the daily reality of programmers. As the founder of a developer tools startup, I’ve talked with hundreds, if not thousands, of software developers over the last few y

                                                                Building for the 99% Developers
                                                              • Announcing Internet Computer “Mainnet” and a 20-Year Roadmap

                                                                The Internet Computer is the world’s first blockchain that runs at web speed and can increase its capacity without bound. DFINITY Status Update, New Year 2021I HAVE SOME EXCITING NEWS.On December 18, 2020, a crucial initial stage of Internet Computer blockchain’s decentralization occurred. This means that the Internet Computer’s mainnet now exists, and is hosted by standardized “node machines” tha

                                                                  Announcing Internet Computer “Mainnet” and a 20-Year Roadmap
                                                                • Why you should stop using Google Analytics on your website

                                                                  We are working on a leaner and more transparent alternative to Google Analytics. It’s called Plausible Analytics and it comes without all the privacy baggage. Here’s a look at some of the issues with Google Analytics. Google, the world’s largest ad-tech company, has direct access to user data and browsing information from a large part of the web traffic. Their data collection can track an individu

                                                                    Why you should stop using Google Analytics on your website
                                                                  • GitHub - blaCCkHatHacEEkr/PENTESTING-BIBLE: articles

                                                                    -1- 3 Ways Extract Password Hashes from NTDS.dit: https://www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-extract-password-hashes-from-ntds-dit -2- 3 ways to Capture HTTP Password in Network PC: https://www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-to-capture-http-password-in-network-pc/ -3- 3 Ways to Crack Wifi using Pyrit,oclHashcat and Cowpatty: www.hackingarticles.in/3-ways-crack-wifi-using-pyrit-oclhashcat-cowpatty/ -4-BugBou

                                                                      GitHub - blaCCkHatHacEEkr/PENTESTING-BIBLE: articles
                                                                    • Best practices for cookie notices  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                      Best practices for cookie notices Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. This article discusses how cookie notices can affect performance, performance measurement, and user experience. Performance Cookie notices can have a significant impact on page performance due to the fact that they are typically loaded early in the page load process, are shown t

                                                                        Best practices for cookie notices  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                                                                      • タスク管理アプリおすすめ8選。重要性とメリットは?【2023年版】 | ITキャピタル

                                                                        仕事の作業効率を向上させるためにタスク管理を行うことが重要だとわかってはいても、具体的に何をどうすれば良いのか戸惑ってはいませんか? 複数のプロジェクトが同時進行中の時や、日々多忙に業務に追われている時にこそ、タスク管理を行うことが極めて重要となってきます。 そこで、この記事ではタスク管理の重要性とメリットや注意点をお伝えしながら、タスク管理アプリの選び方やおすすめの無料タスク管理ツールを厳選してご紹介していきたいと思います。 タスク管理の重要性について そもそもタスク管理とは何か、わかっているようで意外とよく理解できていない方も多いのではないでしょうか。 そこで、タスク管理とは何か、タスク管理を行う目的・メリット・重要性・期待される効果について詳しくお伝えします。 タスク管理 (ToDo管理) とは何か タスク管理のことを別の呼び方でToDo管理とも言い、「タスク」とは業務上の作業をより

                                                                          タスク管理アプリおすすめ8選。重要性とメリットは?【2023年版】 | ITキャピタル
                                                                        • Muralが便利すぎて、個人の情報整理も捗る件|erukiti

                                                                          オンラインコラボツールである Mural 使ってますか?リモートワーク時代のいま、Mural のようなツールは、チーム作業にとても役立ちますが、個人で使っても優秀であることを紹介します。 結論からいうと、僕はいま、情報整理・管理で、 Mural とテキストベースのナレッジツールを併用しています。 Mural is 何 簡単にいうとオンラインで同時に編集可能なホワイトボードです。主に付箋をやりとりするという使い方がされます。線を描画したり、付箋を貼り付けたり文字を書く、絵文字や画像を貼り付けるくらいしか機能が無いシンプルさですが、ぶっちゃけ線とふせんがあればすべてのことはだいたいこなせます。 デフォルトでいくつもフレームワークが用意されていて、これは線や文字を組み合わせてプリセットにしたものです。 たとえばこのようなフレームワークが用意されていたりします。 LAOUTS, DESIGN, A

                                                                          • Indie World 2024.4.17

                                                                            【Indie World 公式ホームページ】 http://www.nintendo.co.jp/software/feature/indieworld/ 【Indie World 公式Xアカウント】 http://twitter.com/IndieWorldJP 00:00 00:32 SCHiM - スキム - 01:31 シャンハイ サマー 03:02 Sticky Business 04:27 ブレッドとフレッド 06:15 みんなと街コロ 08:02 8番出口 10:57 アレンジャー・ロールパズリングの旅 12:17 ボウと月夜の碧い花 13:21 サグレス(Sagres) 14:54 A Dance of Fire and Ice 16:18 Refind Self: 性格診断ゲーム 17:51 Europa 18:58 Lorelei and the Laser Ey

                                                                              Indie World 2024.4.17
                                                                            • ステッカー屋さん運営ゲーム『Sticky Business』Steamにて好評スタート。理想の“カワイイ”をステッカーにして売りまくろう - AUTOMATON

                                                                              パブリッシャーのAssemble Entertainmentは7月17日、Spellgarden Gamesが手がけたステッカーショップ運営シミュレーションゲーム『Sticky Business』を配信開始した。対応プラットフォームはPC(Steam/GOG.com/itch.io)で、ゲーム内は日本語表示に対応。本作は、さっそくユーザーから高い評価を獲得している。 『Sticky Business』は、ステッカーを作成・販売するショップを運営するシミュレーションゲームだ。本作では、あらかじめ用意された絵柄を使って独自のステッカーを作成可能。テーマごとのカテゴリにさまざまな絵柄や文字パターンがあり、拡大縮小や角度調節をしながらそれらを組み合わせることで、単に絵柄を並べるだけでなく、オリジナルのアートへと発展させることができる。また、丸や四角などのシンプルなパターンを上手く組み合わせて、好き

                                                                                ステッカー屋さん運営ゲーム『Sticky Business』Steamにて好評スタート。理想の“カワイイ”をステッカーにして売りまくろう - AUTOMATON
                                                                              • 2023年に賃金物価スパイラルは起こるのか? - himaginary’s diary

                                                                                前回エントリで紹介したブランシャールのインフレ論にMITのIvan Werningが反応し、自分の研究を紹介する連ツイを立てている。 Olivier is making an important point that inflation comes from distributional conflict, but getting a lot of pushback. In my view misplaced. This prompts me to share some research that explores this view of inflation with Guido Lorenzoni. The analysis is done with a completely standard component of a macro New Keynesian (Calvo) mod

                                                                                  2023年に賃金物価スパイラルは起こるのか? - himaginary’s diary
                                                                                • Free Archives

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