
2015年4月3日のブックマーク (3件)

  • Updating component references to NuGet - Xamarin

    Important The Component Store has been discontinued as of May 15, 2018 (this closure was originally announced in November 2017). Xamarin Components are no longer supported in Visual Studio, and should be replaced by NuGet packages. Follow the instructions below to manually remove component references from your projects. Refer to these instructions for adding NuGet packages on Windows or Mac. A lis

    Updating component references to NuGet - Xamarin
    kochizufan 2015/04/03
  • Updating component references to NuGet - Xamarin

    Important The Component Store has been discontinued as of May 15, 2018 (this closure was originally announced in November 2017). Xamarin Components are no longer supported in Visual Studio, and should be replaced by NuGet packages. Follow the instructions below to manually remove component references from your projects. Refer to these instructions for adding NuGet packages on Windows or Mac. A lis

    Updating component references to NuGet - Xamarin
  • 日本の神の一覧 - Wikipedia

    青沼馬沼押比売神(あおぬまぬおしひめ) 阿加流比売神(あかるひめ) 飽咋之宇斯能神(あきぐいのうし)- 伊弉諾尊の冠から神になる 秋比売神(あきびめ) 秋山之下氷壮夫(あきやまのしたびおとこ) 阿久斗比売(あくとびめ) 悪樓(あくる) 浅間大神(あさま):⇒木花之佐久夜毘売 足柄之坂神(あしがらのさかもと):坂の神 阿遅鉏高日子根神(あじすきたかひこね)- 農業、雷、不動産業の神 葦那陀迦神(あしなだか) :「古事記」にみえる女神。 足名稚命、脚摩乳命(あしなづち):⇒脚摩乳・手摩乳 葦原色許男神(あしはらのしこお):⇒大国主 阿須波神(あすは) 阿曇大浜(あずみのおおはま):阿曇(あずみ)氏の祖 阿陀加夜努志多伎吉比売命(あだかやぬしたききひめ) 吾田媛(あたひめ):⇒木花之佐久夜毘売 熱田大神(あつた):⇒天叢雲剣(草薙剣)・三種の神器 阿曇磯良(安曇磯良)(あづみのいそら)- 海の

    日本の神の一覧 - Wikipedia