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DOESに関するエントリは227件あります。 AI機械学習画像 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『This Anime Does Not Exist』などがあります。
  • This Anime Does Not Exist

    For significantly better and customizable anime image generation, check out Holara AI Creativity Slider        0.5 Higher creativity values tell the AI to be more creative and detailed, but also messy and weird Speed Slider    1.5 Space: pause grid, Drag: pan grid, Click: open image in new tab F: fullscreen mode, Z: toggle zoom on hover, V: video mode You can find updates about anime and AI on Twi

      This Anime Does Not Exist
    • テストコードが増えるとバグは減るのだろうか? / Does more test code mean fewer bugs? - Speaker Deck

      Transcript ςετίʔυ͕૿͑Δͱόά͸ݮΔͷͩΖ͏͔ʁ�� ʮ���ˠ������ʯͰݟ͑ͨੈքͷ࿩� גࣜձࣾ;0;0ςΫϊϩδʔζ� ;0;0508/෦�J04νʔϜ� ໊औ�߂ฏ Copyright © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. גࣜձࣾ;0;0ςΫϊϩδʔζ� ;0;0508/෦� J04νʔϜ ໊औ�߂ฏ 2019೥2݄ΑΓݱ৬ɻ ZOZOTOWN iOSΞϓϦͷ։ൃΛ͍ͯ͠·͢ɻ झຯͰݸਓ։ൃ΋ɻ 2 © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 3 ���ˠ������ ʹ ͜ͷ�೥΄ͲͰ૿Ճͨ͠ςετΧόϨοδͷׂ߹ © ZOZO Technologies, Inc. 4 ���ˠ������ ����� ˞ܭଌର৅͸͜ͷ�೥ͷ։ൃͰؔ༩ͨ͠ϑΝΠϧʹߜ͍ͬͯΔ © ZOZO Te

        テストコードが増えるとバグは減るのだろうか? / Does more test code mean fewer bugs? - Speaker Deck
      • GitHub Copilotは開発者の生産性をどれだけ上げるのか?ZOZOでの全社導入とその効果 / How Much Does GitHub Copilot Improve Developer Productivity? The Company-wide Implementation and Its Effects at ZOZO

        2024/2/16 Developers Summit 2024 登壇資料 https://event.shoeisha.jp/devsumi/20240215 ■ ZOZOエンジニア向け会社説明資料 https://speakerdeck.com/zozodevelopers/company…

          GitHub Copilotは開発者の生産性をどれだけ上げるのか?ZOZOでの全社導入とその効果 / How Much Does GitHub Copilot Improve Developer Productivity? The Company-wide Implementation and Its Effects at ZOZO
        • How does the Linux Kernel start a Process

          ...and how to ptrace the entry point and m3ss w1th da stack. In this article, you will learn what happens inside the Linux Kernel when a process calls execve(), how the Kernel prepares the stack and how control is then passed to the userland process for execution. I had to learn this for the development of Zapper - a Linux tool to delete all command line options from any process (without needing r

            How does the Linux Kernel start a Process
          • What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?

            What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work? February 14, 2023 It’s Just Adding One Word at a Time That ChatGPT can automatically generate something that reads even superficially like human-written text is remarkable, and unexpected. But how does it do it? And why does it work? My purpose here is to give a rough outline of what’s going on inside ChatGPT—and then to explore why it is that it can d

              What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?
            • This Word Does Not Exist

              a word that does not exist; it was invented, defined and used by a machine learning algorithm. Link / New word / Write your own

                This Word Does Not Exist
              • This Anime Does Not Exist

                より良く、よりカスタマイズ可能なウェブサイト: Holara AI 創造性 コントロール       0.5 より高い創造性の値は、AIがより創造的で詳細であるだけでなく、乱雑で奇妙であることを示します 速度 コントロール    1.5 スペースキー: 一時停止, 引っ張る: グリッドを移動, クリック: 新しいタブで画像を開く F: フルスクリーンモード, Z: ホバーでズーム, V: ビデオモード アニメとAIに関する最新情報はTwitterで見つけることができます クリエイター: aydaoはAIモデル, nearcyanはウェブサイト, obormotはJS, gwern (TWDNE), arfa (TFDNE, TPDNE), shawwn, skyli0n, tensorfork, TFRC からの助け 情報: このウェブサイトについて, 詳細な記事 ダウンロード: 画像など

                  This Anime Does Not Exist
                • この世界に存在しないアニメ画像を作成できるサイト「This Anime Does Not Exist」が登場

                  以前からこの世界に存在しない人物の画像をワンタッチで簡単に生成できる「This Person Does Not Exist」というサイトが登場しておりその精度の高さが話題となっていましたが、新たにこの世界に存在しないアニメ画像が生成される「This Anime Does Not Exist」が爆誕しました。 This Anime Does Not Exist https://thisanimedoesnotexist.ai/ This Anime Does Not Existのページにアクセスすると、どこかで見たようなアニメ画像がスライドショー形式で次々に表示されます。 日本語のような文字も確認できますが、拡大するとまったく判読不能、異世界の言語のようになっています。 画面下部中央の「Creativity Slider」を動かすと画像の「創造性」が変更されるとのこと。「Speed Slid

                    この世界に存在しないアニメ画像を作成できるサイト「This Anime Does Not Exist」が登場
                  • 【歌詞和訳】実写版「美女と野獣」の楽曲「How Does a Moment Last Forever(Montmartre)」でディクテーションに挑戦!無料英語リスニング講座6~効果抜群の英語学習法~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                    ディズニーを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 前回の記事では「How Does A Moment Last Forever (Music Box)」を題材にしました。 www.jukupapa.com この記事では前回の別バージョン、実写版「美女と野獣」(Beauty and the Beast)の楽曲「How Does a Moment Last Forever (Montmartre)」を使って、英語のリスニング練習としてディクテーションができるように記事が構成されています。 ディクテーションとは聞いた英文を文字に起こすことです。 ディクテーションをすると単語を聞き取ろうと耳を傾けるので、リスニングの集中力が大きく伸び、前置詞や冠詞、時制といった細かい点にも敏感になります。 そして、正確なリスニング力がつきます。 ディクテーションについては、こちらの記事で詳しく説明しています

                      【歌詞和訳】実写版「美女と野獣」の楽曲「How Does a Moment Last Forever(Montmartre)」でディクテーションに挑戦!無料英語リスニング講座6~効果抜群の英語学習法~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                    • How does Chrome decide what to highlight when you double-click Japanese text?

                      If you double-click English text in Chrome, the whitespace-delimited word you clicked on is highlighted. This is not surprising. However, the other day I was clicking while reading some text in Japanese and noticed that some words were highlighted at word boundaries, even though Japanese doesn't have spaces. Here's some example text: どこで生れたかとんと見当がつかぬ。何でも薄暗いじめじめした所でニャーニャー泣いていた事だけは記憶している。 For exampl

                        How does Chrome decide what to highlight when you double-click Japanese text?
                      • How does Google Authenticator work? (Part 1)

                        When you’re accessing services over the WEB – let’s pick GMail as an example – a couple of things have to happen upfront: The server you’re connecting to (GMail in our example) has to get to know who you are. Only after getting to know who you are it’s able to decide what resources you are allowed to access (e.g. your own email inbox, your Calendar, Drive etc.). Step 1 above is called authenticati

                        • AI(人工知能)でDX7の音色を自動生成してくれるWebサービス、『This DX7 Cartridge Does Not Exist』

                          『This DX7 Cartridge Does Not Exist』。カートリッジ部分をクリックするだけで32種類の音色が生成され、自動的にSysExファイルがダウンロードされる オーディオ・ソフトウェアやAI技術などのR&Dを手がけるNintorac Audioが開発した『This DX7 Cartridge Does Not Exist』は、1クリックでDX7の音色を32種類生成し、SysEx(.syx)形式で書き出す無償のWebサービス。ダウンロードされたSysExファイルは、DX7実機はもちろんのこと、Dexed(DX7をイミュレートしたフリーのソフト音源。Mac/Windows対応)やRockrelay Synth FM(Android用アプリ)といったソフトウェアでも利用することができます。 SysExファイルをDexedにロードしたようす 一体『This DX7 Cartr

                            AI(人工知能)でDX7の音色を自動生成してくれるWebサービス、『This DX7 Cartridge Does Not Exist』
                          • 【歌詞和訳】実写版「美女と野獣」の楽曲「How Does a Moment Last Forever (Music Box)」でディクテーションに挑戦!無料英語リスニング講座5~効果抜群の英語学習法~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                            ディズニーを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 この記事では実写版「美女と野獣」(Beauty and the Beast)の楽曲「How Does a Moment Last Forever (Music Box)」の実際の動画を使って、英語のリスニング練習としてディクテーションができるように記事が構成されています。 ディクテーションとは聞いた英文を文字に起こすことです。 ディクテーションをすると単語を聞き取ろうと耳を傾けるので、リスニングの集中力が大きく伸び、前置詞や冠詞、時制といった細かい点にも敏感になります。 そして、正確なリスニング力がつきます。 ディクテーションについては、こちらの記事で詳しく説明しています。 www.jukupapa.com この記事に沿って英語のリスニング練習をして頂ければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多くなっていることを実感できるはずです。 練

                              【歌詞和訳】実写版「美女と野獣」の楽曲「How Does a Moment Last Forever (Music Box)」でディクテーションに挑戦!無料英語リスニング講座5~効果抜群の英語学習法~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                            • 【歌詞和訳】実写版「美女と野獣」の「How Does A Moment Last Forever」でディクテーションに挑戦!無料英語リスニング講座17~効果抜群の英語学習法~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                              ディズニーを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 この記事では実写版「美女と野獣」(Beauty and the Beast)の「How Does A Moment Last Forever」を使って、英語のリスニング練習としてディクテーションができるように記事が構成されています。 ディクテーションとは聞いた英文を文字に起こすことです。 ディクテーションをすると単語を聞き取ろうと耳を傾けるので、リスニングの集中力が大きく伸び、前置詞や冠詞、時制といった細かい点にも敏感になります。 そして、正確なリスニング力がつきます。 ディクテーションについては、こちらの記事で詳しく説明しています。 www.jukupapa.com この記事に沿って英語のリスニング練習をして頂ければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多くなっていることを実感できるはずです。 練習の流れ 「How Does A Mom

                                【歌詞和訳】実写版「美女と野獣」の「How Does A Moment Last Forever」でディクテーションに挑戦!無料英語リスニング講座17~効果抜群の英語学習法~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                              • Google “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI”

                                Google “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI” Leaked Internal Google Document Claims Open Source AI Will Outcompete Google and OpenAI Leaked Internal Google Document Claims Open Source AI Will Outcompete Google and OpenAI The text below is a very recent leaked document, which was shared by an anonymous individual on a public Discord server who has granted permission for its republication. It o

                                  Google “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI”
                                • Why does JavaScript's parseInt(0.0000005) print "5"?

                                  I've read an article about JavaScript parseInt, which had this question: parseInt(0.5); // => 0 parseInt(0.05); // => 0 parseInt(0.005); // => 0 parseInt(0.0005); // => 0 parseInt(0.00005); // => 0 parseInt(0.000005); // => 0 parseInt(0.0000005); // => 5 Why is this happening?

                                    Why does JavaScript's parseInt(0.0000005) print "5"?
                                  • Kazuyoshi Miura: A professional footballer at 53 - how he does it

                                    The second round of the Japanese League Cup is not normally international news. But when top-division side Yokohama FC played Sagan Tosu last month, it made headlines around the world. Why?

                                      Kazuyoshi Miura: A professional footballer at 53 - how he does it
                                    • リコリス・リコイル 第1話「Easy does it」

                                      リコリス・リコイル 第1話「Easy does it」 [アニメ] 動画一覧はこちら日本の治安を守る秘密のエージェント「リコリス」である井ノ上たきなは、ある事件...

                                        リコリス・リコイル 第1話「Easy does it」
                                      • What does “Please Notice Me, Senpai” Mean?

                                        Few Japanese words dominate otaku lingo as the word senpai. Senpai, also spelled as sempai, sometimes appears more as punctuation to speech than a proper honorific. It also has a distinctive submissive flavor. Senpai (せんぱい  or 先輩) is an honorific used to address someone who is superior to you in status. Honorifics are parts of speech used to denote relationship and social status relative to the sp

                                          What does “Please Notice Me, Senpai” Mean?
                                        • This AI Does Not Exist

                                          This AI Does Not Exist generates realistic descriptions and code snippets of machine learning models given a made-up name.

                                            This AI Does Not Exist
                                          • この世に存在しない食べ物の高クオリティな写真を生成できる「This Food Does Not Exist」

                                            2019年にUberのエンジニアが開発・公開した「This Person Does Not Exist」は、AIを用いてこの世に存在しない人物の顔を生成できるツールとして世界中の注目を集めました。その後、この世に存在しないアニメ画像を生成する「This Anime Does Not Exist」、足フェチのために作成された「This Foot Does Not Exist」、架空のネコの写真を生成できる「This cat does not exist」など、さまざまな類似ツールが登場しました。新たに、スイスの機械学習エンジニアであるFlorian Laurent氏は、この世に存在しない食べ物の写真を生成できる「This Food Does Not Exist」を開発したことを発表しました。 GitHub - nyx-ai/stylegan2-flax-tpu:Training StyleG

                                              この世に存在しない食べ物の高クオリティな写真を生成できる「This Food Does Not Exist」
                                            • rsync, article 3: How does rsync work?

                                              This post is the third article in a series of blog posts about rsync, see the Series Overview. With rsync up and running, it’s time to take a peek under the hood of rsync to better understand how it works. How does rsync work? When talking about the rsync protocol, we need to distinguish between: protocol-level roles: “sender” and “receiver” TCP roles: “client” and “server” All roles can be mixed

                                              • GitHub - Nuitka/Nuitka: Nuitka is a Python compiler written in Python. It's fully compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.4-3.13. You feed it your Python app, it does a lot of clever things, and spits out an executable or extension module.

                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                  GitHub - Nuitka/Nuitka: Nuitka is a Python compiler written in Python. It's fully compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.4-3.13. You feed it your Python app, it does a lot of clever things, and spits out an executable or extension module.
                                                • MSI PC does not boot with Debug Code LED 0d - ITips

                                                  Sometimes homebuilt computer does not boot. Debug code LED on motherboard shows "0d". What is "0d" ? What should we do with this debug code "0d" ? This article introduce reason and solution in case of debug code "0d". Over 10 years experienced IT engineer. I like video games and homebuilt computer. I'm interested in specific motherboard with many DRAM slots. Main PC has 128GB memory now. MSI PC do

                                                    MSI PC does not boot with Debug Code LED 0d - ITips
                                                  • Leaked Google document: “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI”

                                                    Leaked Google document: “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI” 4th May 2023 SemiAnalysis published something of a bombshell leaked document this morning: Google “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI”. The source of the document is vague: The text below is a very recent leaked document, which was shared by an anonymous individual on a public Discord server who has granted permission for its

                                                      Leaked Google document: “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI”
                                                    • Which Go Modules Does Google Use?

                                                      The Google GitHub org has over 2k public repositories. At the time of writing, 200+ are Golang codebases (at least according to GitHub’s primary_language field), and 125 of those repos have a go.mod file. Can we compose a query that finds the most commonly declared dependencies in these 125 go projects? Absolutely! Brace yourself for some SQL 😃. First, let’s use the AskGit export command to save

                                                        Which Go Modules Does Google Use?
                                                      • My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)

                                                        transcript Listen to This Article.Produced by Kelly Prime; edited by Mike Benoist; written by Gabrielle Hamilton; and narrated by January LaVoyAfter being forced to shutter the restaurant that was her life’s work, Gabrielle Hamilton asks: Will there be a place for it in the New York of the future? Recorded by Audm. gabrielle hamiltonI’m Gabrielle Hamilton, and I’m the chef and owner of Prune Resta

                                                          My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)
                                                        • Why does mouse double-click unintentionally ? How to solve it ? - ITips

                                                          Using normal method, it is better to ask repairment. If there is initial failure, it may be replaced. So it is recommended to keep receipt and warranty sheet. Static electricity There is possibility that static electricity is kept in the mouse. If chattering was caused by static electricity, we can solve it by releasing electricity. In order to release it, connect earth point or click some times w

                                                            Why does mouse double-click unintentionally ? How to solve it ? - ITips
                                                          • Does Google Have a Task Management Tool?

                                                            Google's suite of apps makes it easy to get work done and collaborate with others. But if you're looking for a place to keep track of your to-dos, things could be a little unclear. You may wonder if Google even has a task management tool. If so, you're not alone. Here are the options the tech giant offers to its users for task management. What's Google's Top Task Management Tool? Surprisingly, Goo

                                                              Does Google Have a Task Management Tool?
                                                            • What does United States import? (2020) | The Observatory of Economic Complexity

                                                              Have questions, comments, or concerns? Send us an e-mail: support@oec.world

                                                                What does United States import? (2020) | The Observatory of Economic Complexity
                                                              • How does Sidekiq really work?

                                                                Since its publication, this post was endorsed by Mike Perham, the creator of Sidekiq. Hacker News discussion Sidekiq is one of the most ubiquitous1 Ruby background job processors out there. To anybody who has worked with Ruby on and off Rails, it needs no introduction. Sidekiq has a 10+ year track record of being an efficient, battle-tested and simple-to-use solution for offloading the execution o

                                                                • No - Safari 14 Does Not Block Google Analytics

                                                                  Let me start by proclaiming with clarity and sincerity: No, Safari 14 (or any other version of Safari) will not block Google Analytics from loading and running on a website. In the midst of Apple’s yearly Worldwide Developers Conference, the company showcased some of the privacy improvements to the upcoming version of the Safari web browser (version 14). In fact, the biggest revelation was the new

                                                                    No - Safari 14 Does Not Block Google Analytics
                                                                  • ASCII table and history (or, why does Ctrl+i insert a Tab in my terminal?)

                                                                    The binary representation has the most significant bit first (“big endian”). ASCII is 7-bit; because many have called encodings such as CP437, ISO-8859-1, CP-1252, and others “extended ASCII” some are under the misapprehension that ASCII is 8-bit (1 byte). To understand why Control+i inserts a Tab in your terminal you need to understand ASCII, and to understand ASCII you need know a bit about its

                                                                    • does jumps make Nature not | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                                                                      単語をならべかえて英文を完成させよう(レベル5)「does jumps make Nature not」「自然というものは急に変化したりはしない。」#英語学習 | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                                                                        does jumps make Nature not | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング
                                                                      • How Does BlueSky Work?

                                                                        Feb 24 2024 One of the reasons I am enthusiastic about BlueSky is because of the way that it works. So in this post, I am going to lay out some of the design and the principles behind this design, as I understand them. I am not on the BlueSky team, so these are my takes only. Let’s begin. Why does BlueSky exist? Here’s what the BlueSky Website says right now: Social media is too important to be co

                                                                        • 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) does not contain "pShuttle-SN" sequence; no evidence that virus is man-made

                                                                          The pShuttle-SN vector was designed by researchers seeking to develop a potential SARS vaccine. However, the 2019 novel coronavirus does not contain a sequence from the pShuttle-SN vector as claimed. There is no evidence supporting the claim that 2019-nCoV is man-made. FULL CLAIM: 2019 novel coronavirus contains 'pShuttle-SN' sequence proving laboratory origin SUMMARY The article containing this c

                                                                            2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) does not contain "pShuttle-SN" sequence; no evidence that virus is man-made
                                                                          • 今S3のIaCで「AccessControlListNotSupported: The bucket does not allow ACLs」というエラーが出たならそれは2023年4月に行われたS3の仕様変更が原因かもしれない | DevelopersIO

                                                                            今S3のIaCで「AccessControlListNotSupported: The bucket does not allow ACLs」というエラーが出たならそれは2023年4月に行われたS3の仕様変更が原因かもしれない 最近、S3のIaCでAccessControlListNotSupported: The bucket does not allow ACLsというエラーが出て困っているという方。もしかするとそれは2023年4月に行われたS3の仕様変更に拠るものかもしれません。私のケースがそうでしたので、詳細をレポートします。 私のケース CloudFront + S3で静的コンテンツを配信するサイトの実装を行なっていました。IaCツールはTerraformです。 3月にdev環境のプロビジョニングを行ないました。問題なく完了しました。 4月になってstaging環境のプロビジョニ

                                                                              今S3のIaCで「AccessControlListNotSupported: The bucket does not allow ACLs」というエラーが出たならそれは2023年4月に行われたS3の仕様変更が原因かもしれない | DevelopersIO
                                                                            • This Asashio Does Not Exist

                                                                              Home Controls: Current image id: 119 New picture - Automatic update pause Inspired by: This Person/Waifu Does Not Exist Made possible by: StyleGAN GitHub paper Making Anime Faces With StyleGAN - Gwern.net There are 1000 images (𝜓=0.6) generated on this site. The model used is transfer learned from Gwern's model with 988 original Asashio pictures, 18772 after data augmentation. The model was train

                                                                                This Asashio Does Not Exist
                                                                              • Why Does Windows Become Unresponsive? 8 Common Reasons

                                                                                It's no fun when your computer becomes unresponsive. Even if you don't lose work, hanging programs or a total system freeze can slow your productivity to a crawl. PC problems that don't manifest as a blue screen or other full shutdown usually result in an unresponsive Windows 10 system. Let's examine the common reasons why your Windows computer is unresponsive and how you can fix it. 1. Insufficie

                                                                                  Why Does Windows Become Unresponsive? 8 Common Reasons
                                                                                • What does 100% mean in CSS?

                                                                                  Spoiler: it dependsOne of the CSS units I use most is the wonderful % — so handy for positioning elements on the page. Unfortunately, the rules aren’t exactly straightforward. One question I’m always asking myself is: Percent of what?Hopefully this guide can help clear things up. Just give me the gist!#The basics: width & heightIn these examples, the purple box is our lovely self element — this is
