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Viewsに関するエントリは42件あります。 科学日本web などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『日本の論文「ほぼ引用なし」が半数、研究者評価の改革を サイエンス Next Views 松田省吾 - 日本経済新聞』などがあります。
  • 日本の論文「ほぼ引用なし」が半数、研究者評価の改革を サイエンス Next Views 松田省吾 - 日本経済新聞


      日本の論文「ほぼ引用なし」が半数、研究者評価の改革を サイエンス Next Views 松田省吾 - 日本経済新聞
    • Inspecting Web Views in macOS

      I recently received a tantalizing email from a reader I’ve never met: Sam Henri-Gold. Sam showed me how you can key in a couple write commands in the macOS terminal: defaults write NSGlobalDomain WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true defaults write -g WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool YES Which will enable a context menu in a system web view: Which lets you trigger the Safari Web Inspector and inspect elemen

        Inspecting Web Views in macOS
      • 論文コスト急騰、研究者に負担 出版社の支配に対策を サイエンス Next Views シニアライター 永田好生 - 日本経済新聞


          論文コスト急騰、研究者に負担 出版社の支配に対策を サイエンス Next Views シニアライター 永田好生 - 日本経済新聞
        • №1,655 ネ兄 糸屯 ち ゃ ん の ブ ロ グ16周年記念 第十一弾 および、All Visitors Page Views 115,000名様 突破記念 洋画セレクション “ ピースメーカー(原題 The Peacemaker)” - 糸屯 ち ゃ ん の エ ン タ メ 通 信

          🙇🏻まずは2ポチっと、「にほんブログ村」と 「拍手」を通り過ぎずに押してもらえたら、めっちゃうれしいです!  _ _)) ⏱この記事は、約4分で読破できると思います ❢ ℹ️ご来場の皆さまへ わたしが主催させてもらってますサークルを下の方にご案内をしていますので、 宜しければ参加してみませんか❓ _ _))ペコリン は じ め に ご  挨  拶 本   編 ピースメーカー(原題 The Peacemaker) 概  要 お わ り に 糸屯ちゃんの掲示板 主催サークルのご案内です(2023年09月17日 13:05現在) ブログサークルコメント #ハッシュタグ(IN POINT) ランキングバナー、拍手、はてなスター、B!ブックマーク は じ め に ご  挨  拶 おはようございます ☕ _ _))ペコリン  白石です 9月7日から、糸屯ちゃんのブログ16周年を記念と本日

            №1,655 ネ兄 糸屯 ち ゃ ん の ブ ロ グ16周年記念 第十一弾 および、All Visitors Page Views 115,000名様 突破記念 洋画セレクション “ ピースメーカー(原題 The Peacemaker)” - 糸屯 ち ゃ ん の エ ン タ メ 通 信
          • Updating Apps that Use Web Views - Latest News - Apple Developer

            If your app still embeds web content using the deprecated UIWebView API, we strongly encourage you to update to WKWebView as soon as possible for improved security and reliability. WKWebView ensures that compromised web content doesn’t affect the rest of an app by limiting web processing to the app’s web view. And it’s supported in iOS and macOS, and by Mac Catalyst. The App Store will no longer a

              Updating Apps that Use Web Views - Latest News - Apple Developer
            • [60 fps] Views of Tokyo, Japan, 1913-1915

              Source video (with ambiance sound) – please subscribe to guy jones channel, he is doing an amazing job in ambiance sound adding: https://youtu.be/BYOGClmmeao 🎞 Upscaled with neural networks footage from the dawn of film taken in Tokyo, Japan from 1913-1915. You can reach me here: 💌 https://shir-man.com ✔ FPS boosted to 60 frames per second, I have also fixed some playback speed issues; ✔ Fa

                [60 fps] Views of Tokyo, Japan, 1913-1915
              • How CLS optimizations increased Yahoo! JAPAN News's page views per session by 15%  |  web.dev

                Yahoo! JAPAN is one of the largest media companies in Japan, providing over 79 billion page views per month. Their news platform, Yahoo! JAPAN News has more than 22 billion page views per month and an engineering team dedicated to improving the user experience. By continuously monitoring Core Web Vitals, they correlated the site's improved Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) score with a 15% increase in

                  How CLS optimizations increased Yahoo! JAPAN News's page views per session by 15%  |  web.dev
                • How we handle 80TB and 5M page views a month for under $400

                  Irregular long-form blog. For the latest news, see the posts on Patreon. Note: All stats and figures below are true only at the time of writing, and will certainly change over time. Running a massively popular website and asset resource while being funded primarily by donations has always been a core challenge of Poly Haven. It’s easy to throw a bunch of files on Amazon S3 and call it a day, but y

                    How we handle 80TB and 5M page views a month for under $400
                  • Encapsulating Ruby on Rails views

                    AI & MLLearn about artificial intelligence and machine learning across the GitHub ecosystem and the wider industry. Generative AILearn how to build with generative AI. GitHub CopilotChange how you work with GitHub Copilot. LLMsEverything developers need to know about LLMs. Machine learningMachine learning tips, tricks, and best practices. How AI code generation worksExplore the capabilities and be

                      Encapsulating Ruby on Rails views
                    • Introduction to materialized views  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud

                      Send feedback Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Introduction to materialized views This document provides an overview of BigQuery support for materialized views. Before you read this document, familiarize yourself with BigQuery and BigQuery's logical views. Overview In BigQuery, materialized views are precomputed views that periodically cache th

                        Introduction to materialized views  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud
                      • 鉄道の超電導送電、実用レベルに 普及へ専門人材養成を サイエンス Next Views 編集委員 鹿児島昌樹 - 日本経済新聞


                          鉄道の超電導送電、実用レベルに 普及へ専門人材養成を サイエンス Next Views 編集委員 鹿児島昌樹 - 日本経済新聞
                        • Risk and coverage views on the Security tab for organizations (public beta)

                          Risk and coverage views on the Security tab for organizations (public beta) advanced-securitybetasecurity-and-compliancesecurity-overview November 10, 2022 Security overview’s new risk and coverage views provide greater visibility into your security posture and risk analysis. Each new view offers a refreshed design with several key improvements, including insights and dynamic filtering. Coverage v

                            Risk and coverage views on the Security tab for organizations (public beta)
                          • Suspending over Views

                            Kotlin Coroutines allow us to model asynchronous problems like synchronous code. That’s great, but most usage seems to concentrate on I/O tasks and concurrent operations. Coroutines are great at modelling problems which work across threads, but can also model asynchronous problems on the same thread. There’s one place which I think really benefits from this, and that’s working with the Android vie

                              Suspending over Views
                            • Reuters | Breaking International News & Views

                              Republicans edged closer on Thursday to securing a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives while control of the Senate hinged on a few tight races, two days after Democrats staved off an anticipated "red wave" of Republican gains in midterm elections. Runoff election in Georgia may decide fate of U.S. Senate, againLive interactive maps for U.S. midterm elections CurrenciescategoryFTX looks f

                                Reuters | Breaking International News & Views
                              • Perseverance Rover's Descent and Touchdown on Mars: Onboard Camera Views - NASA Science

                                NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance mission captured thrilling footage of its rover landing in Mars' Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021. The real footage in this video was captured by several cameras that are part of the rover's entry, descent, and landing suite. The views include a camera looking down from the spacecraft's descent stage (a kind of rocket-powered jet pack that helps fly the rover to its lan

                                  Perseverance Rover's Descent and Touchdown on Mars: Onboard Camera Views - NASA Science
                                • Reuters | Breaking International News & Views

                                  米連邦準備理事会(FRB)は9月17─18日に行われる米連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)で、25ベーシスポイント(bp)の利下げを開始する公算が大きいとみられる。基調インフレになお粘着性が見られることから、50bpの大幅利下げは控えられるとの見方が強い。 オピニオンcategory12日告示の自民党総裁選について、市場関係者は安倍晋三政権以来の積極的な財政出動を柱とした経済政策の流れをどこまで次期首相が踏襲するかに注目している。どの候補も大きな変更を示唆していないが、「アベノミクス」の継承をうたう高市早苗・経済安保担当相や規制緩和を前面に打ち出す小泉進次郎・元環境相に期待する声が市場では聞かれる。 午後 9:59 UTC ワールドcategory米同時多発攻撃23年追悼式、正副大統領とトランプ氏らが出席バイデン米大統領とハリス副大統領、トランプ前大統領は、2001年9月の米同時多発攻撃から2

                                    Reuters | Breaking International News & Views
                                  • Unfavorable Views of China Reach Historic Highs in Many Countries

                                    This analysis focuses on cross-national views of China. The work builds on previous studies released in the summer of 2020 on Americans’ views of China and the international image of the U.S. This study was conducted in countries where nationally representative telephone surveys are feasible. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, face-to-face interviewing is not currently possible in many parts of the

                                      Unfavorable Views of China Reach Historic Highs in Many Countries
                                    • Israeli soldiers struggle to square political views with the realities of war | CNN

                                      Amos Shani Atzmon says he doesn’t blame Palestinians in Gaza for hating Israel right now. “They have really good reasons. When you see cities on fire and are getting bombed … I had one close friend killed in Gaza and I am thinking about the people whose entire families died in bombing,” he said. An Israel Defence Forces (IDF) reservist, Atzmon, 26, was called up just hours after Hamas launched its

                                        Israeli soldiers struggle to square political views with the realities of war | CNN
                                      • PM and UX Have Markedly Different Views of Their Job Responsibilities

                                        Summary: A survey of people in user experience and product management shows that these professionals disagree on who should be responsible for many key tasks, like doing discoveries and early design. Over the years, we have encountered scores of cases where it was unclear whether a task or deliverable was the responsibility of product management (PM) or user experience (UX). As UXers, we have ofte

                                          PM and UX Have Markedly Different Views of Their Job Responsibilities
                                        • MVCを理解してコードを書く:"Skinny Controllers, Fat Models, Simple Views."

                                          MVC(Model-View-Controller)アーキテクチャについて MVCはアプリケーション設計パターンの一つであり、 アプリケーションの構造や機能を整理するために使われます。 Model(モデル)、View(ビュー)、Controller(コントローラ)の略語で、それぞれが異なる役割を持ちます。 MVCの仕組みと役割を理解してコードを書けることで、 アプリケーションのコードを役割ごとに分けることができ、保守性と拡張性が向上します。 今日はここを詳しくやっていきます。 RailsにおけるMVCアーキテクチャ Railsは、MVC(Model-View-Controller)アーキテクチャに基づいて 設計されているWebフレームワーク。 プログラミング言語Rubyで記述されたオープンソースのフレームワーク! MVCは、アプリケーションを3つの役割に分割し、 それぞれの役割に対応するコ

                                            MVCを理解してコードを書く:"Skinny Controllers, Fat Models, Simple Views."
                                          • News & Views コラム:インターネット健全性とQoE計測について – JPNIC Blog

                                            pr_team 2024年3月14日 JPNICからのお知らせ インターネットの技術 コラム メールマガジンで配信したインターネットに関するコラムを、このブログでもご紹介しています。2024年3月は、株式会社Jストリームの鍋島公章さんにお書きいただきました。インターネットの健全性を把握するために、大手アプリケーション事業者(OTT)で計測されているQoEをインターネット関係者全体で共有することで、インターネット全体の最適運用につなげていくことを提唱なさっています。 はじめに インターネットは社会インフラとなっており、その健全性を把握することが重要になっています。これに対し、いままでは速度計測等のQoS(Quality of Service)計測が多く行われてきました。しかし、QoS計測には、計測数を多くできない、ユーザー視点での評価が難しい、というような問題があります。 一方、大手アプリケ

                                            • ブリュッセル駐在、家族に語学研修義務 フランス語の負担重く グローバルViews - 日本経済新聞


                                                ブリュッセル駐在、家族に語学研修義務 フランス語の負担重く グローバルViews - 日本経済新聞
                                              • Reuters | Breaking International News & Views

                                                値上がり ポジティブ日経平均36,302.06+0.24%ポジティブ値上がり ポジティブダウ平均40,829.59+1.20%ポジティブ値上がり ポジティブ英 FTSE8,270.84+1.09%ポジティブ値上がり ポジティブS&P500種5,471.05+1.16%ポジティブ値上がり ポジティブUSDJPY=X143.44+0.18%ポジティブ

                                                  Reuters | Breaking International News & Views
                                                • Inside Looking Out: 10 Views to Transport You Outdoors

                                                  While we continue to adapt to the new normal of spending more time indoors, people are opting to stay connected virtually. And what better way to start a conversation than to change up your day-to-day scenery behind you. From a real-life Balian treehouse to a calming oceanfront cottage in Havana, this sampling of places to stay on Airbnb comes with stellar views to virtually transport you to where

                                                    Inside Looking Out: 10 Views to Transport You Outdoors
                                                  • Function of vistas and views in game design

                                                    Views in video games are observation points used to highlight a lot of objects into one frame or shot using a special camera move. Vistas are special types of views that show distant objects, mainly far off landscapes. Certain games use vistas as one-off moments (like Uncharted and Tomb Raider) where a special camera move will highlight the vista for the first time. Other games like Zelda: Breath

                                                      Function of vistas and views in game design
                                                    • Alfred 5.5 Released: Exciting New Workflow Views for Richer Interactions - Alfred Blog

                                                      Alfred 5.5 is now available, with the huge exciting addition of the Grid, Text, Image and PDF views that bring your Alfred results to life in a whole new way! You can take a look at what's new in Alfred 5.5 in more details here. Download Alfred 5.5 from alfredapp.com or update in-app from the Update tab. Once you've installed the update, take a look at some of the new workflows that take advantage

                                                      • [レポート] Deep dive on AWS Glue Elastic Views #reinvent #emb019 | DevelopersIO

                                                        こんにちは。サービスグループの武田です。開催中のre:Invent 2020でDeep dive on AWS Glue Elastic Viewsのセッションを視聴しましたのでレポートします。 こんにちは。サービスグループの武田です。 開催中のre:Invent 2020でDeep dive on AWS Glue Elastic Viewsのセッションを視聴しましたのでレポートします。 何度か配信がありますので視聴したい方はスケジュールを確認してみてください。 AWS re:Invent 2020 セッション概要 スピーカー Akshat Vig(AWS Speaker) Almann Goo(AWS Speaker) タイトル Deep dive on AWS Glue Elastic Views EMB019 AWS Glue Elastic ViewsはAWS Glueの新しい機

                                                          [レポート] Deep dive on AWS Glue Elastic Views #reinvent #emb019 | DevelopersIO
                                                        • 汎用人工知能の登場近づく 国家間競争、積極参与を サイエンス Next Views 編集委員 吉川和輝 - 日本経済新聞


                                                            汎用人工知能の登場近づく 国家間競争、積極参与を サイエンス Next Views 編集委員 吉川和輝 - 日本経済新聞
                                                          • GitHub - Cysharp/ObservableCollections: High performance observable collections and synchronized views, for WPF, Blazor, Unity.

                                                            ObservableCollections is a high performance observable collections(ObservableList<T>, ObservableDictionary<TKey, TValue>, ObservableHashSet<T>, ObservableQueue<T>, ObservableStack<T>, ObservableRingBuffer<T>, ObservableFixedSizeRingBuffer<T>) with synchronized views and Observe Extension for R3. .NET has ObservableCollection<T>, however it has many lacks of features. It based INotifyCollectionChan

                                                              GitHub - Cysharp/ObservableCollections: High performance observable collections and synchronized views, for WPF, Blazor, Unity.
                                                            • Earth Views: Seen From The International Space Station

                                                              Earth views from Space seen from the International Space Station. A series of unique and beautiful recorded views of planet Earth captured from 240 miles above. Views of our planet along with the astronauts aboard the ISS. These recorded videos offer a unique view of Planet Earth - most of these videos will not be found elsewhere and were created especially for SPACE (Official). By the courtesy o

                                                                Earth Views: Seen From The International Space Station
                                                              • 核融合は原子力か 産業育成へ法制度で先駆けを サイエンス Next Views 編集委員 滝順一 - 日本経済新聞


                                                                  核融合は原子力か 産業育成へ法制度で先駆けを サイエンス Next Views 編集委員 滝順一 - 日本経済新聞
                                                                • Async Views in Django

                                                                  Writing asynchronous code gives you the ability to speed up your application with little effort. Django versions >= 3.1 support async views, middleware, and tests. If you haven't already experimented with async views, now's a great time to get them under your belt. This tutorial looks at how to get started with Django's asynchronous views. If you're interested in learning more about the power behi

                                                                    Async Views in Django
                                                                  • Tree views in CSS

                                                                    A tree view (collapsible list) can be created using only HTML and CSS, without the need for JavaScript. Accessibility software will see the tree view as lists nested inside disclosure widgets, and the standard keyboard interaction is supported automatically. Giant planets Gas giants Jupiter Saturn Ice giants Uranus Neptune The HTML We begin with the HTML for simple nested lists: <ul> <li> Giant pl

                                                                    • GitHub - meliorence/react-native-render-html: iOS/Android pure javascript react-native component that renders your HTML into 100% native views

                                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                        GitHub - meliorence/react-native-render-html: iOS/Android pure javascript react-native component that renders your HTML into 100% native views
                                                                      • Should I use WKWebView or SFSafariViewController for web views in my app? - Discover - Apple Developer

                                                                        Should I use WKWebView or SFSafariViewController for web views in my app? Whether your app needs to provide a full web browsing experience, display richly-styled content, or incorporate external websites without taking people out of your app, you can make the experience smooth and seamless by choosing the right API. You can display web content inside of your app with both the WKWebView and SFSafar

                                                                          Should I use WKWebView or SFSafariViewController for web views in my app? - Discover - Apple Developer
                                                                        • Risk and coverage views on the Code Security tab for enterprises (public beta)

                                                                          Risk and coverage views on the Code Security tab for enterprises (public beta) advanced-securitybetasecurity-and-compliancesecurity-overview June 15, 2023 Building upon the success of our organization-level security coverage and risk views, today we're introducing enterprise-level views to offer enhanced visibility into your enterprise's security coverage and risk analysis. The refreshed design pr

                                                                            Risk and coverage views on the Code Security tab for enterprises (public beta)
                                                                          • [速報] 異なるデータサービス間でデータ同期が容易に? “AWS Glue Elastic Views” プレビュー開始 #reinvent | DevelopersIO

                                                                            日本時間2020年12月2日深夜に実施されたAWS re:Invent 2020のキーノートセッションにて、データ分析系の新サービス"AWS Glue Elastic Views"のプレビュー開始が発表されました。 AWS Glue Elastic Viewsとは? AWS Glue Elastic Viewsを簡単に説明すると、AuroraやDynamoDBなど、AWSの各データベース系サービス内に格納されたデータを、AWS Glue(以下Glue)の技術を使ってマテリアライズドビューの形でRedshiftやS3など別のサービスにデータ転送し、データ同期を継続して提供する機能のようです。 今までだと、AWS内の異なるデータベースのデータ連携にはDMS(Data Migration Service)を使う方法がありましたが、この新機能によってGlueの技術ベースで実装できることになります。

                                                                              [速報] 異なるデータサービス間でデータ同期が容易に? “AWS Glue Elastic Views” プレビュー開始 #reinvent | DevelopersIO
                                                                            • Authorized views and materialized views  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud

                                                                              Send feedback Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. This document describes how to create authorized views and materialized views in BigQuery. Authorized views and authorized materialized views let you share query results with particular users and groups without giving them access to the underlying source data. The view or materialized view is given

                                                                                Authorized views and materialized views  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud
                                                                              • Observing Combine publishers in SwiftUI views | Swift by Sundell

                                                                                Articles, podcasts and news about Swift development, by John Sundell. SwiftUI offers multiple ways to connect a given view to the underlying state that it depends on, for example using property wrappers like @State and @ObservedObject. While using those property wrappers is certainly the preferred approach in the vast majority of cases, another option that can be good to keep in mind is that we ca

                                                                                  Observing Combine publishers in SwiftUI views | Swift by Sundell
                                                                                • [Flutter] Platform Viewsを利用した簡易WebViewプラグインの作り方 - Qiita

                                                                                  はじめに FlutterのPlatformView機能を利用したView系のプラグインの作り方について解説します。 解説用の題材として、TextViewとWebViewを用いました。 Platform Viewsとは? 通常、FlutterはFlutterのフレームワークで用意されているウィジェットしか利用することが出来ません (ウィジェット一覧はWidget catalog) が、PlatformView機能を利用するとプラットフォーム (Android/iOS) 固有のViewをFlutterのウィジェットとして利用することが出来ます。 Flutterフレームワークは、このPlatformView機能をAndroid, iOS向けに使い易いAPIにして機能を提供してくれています。それがそれぞれAndroidViewとUiKitViewです。基本的に開発者はこの機能を利用します。ソースコ

                                                                                    [Flutter] Platform Viewsを利用した簡易WebViewプラグインの作り方 - Qiita
