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    EFAIL describes vulnerabilities in the end-to-end encryption technologies OpenPGP and S/MIME that leak the plaintext of encrypted emails. Email is a plaintext communication medium whose communication paths are partly protected by TLS (TLS). For people in hostile environments (journalists, political activists, whistleblowers, ...) who depend on the confidentiality of digital communication, this may

    • The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure

      My name is Zhenzhong Xu. I joined Netflix in 2015 as a founding engineer on the Real-time Data Infrastructure team and later led the Stream Processing Engines team. I developed an interest in real-time data in the early 2010s, and ever since believe there is much value yet to be uncovered. Netflix was a fantastic place to be surrounded by many amazing colleagues. I can’t be more proud of everyone

        The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure
      • 20 jQuery Calendar and Date Picker Plugins | Web Design Booth - Your Home For The World Wide Web

        It is always a good habit to keep a calendar lying around the house or keep one with you when you on the go. Not only does the calendar help you keep track of your date but also serve as a reminder to some events. With the technology improving, many of us are turning to mobile technology more and more and one might just prefer a similar version of an online calendar to keep track of things on the

          20 jQuery Calendar and Date Picker Plugins | Web Design Booth - Your Home For The World Wide Web
        • Dark Roasted Blend: The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth

          Best of 2022/16; Best of 2015/14; Best of 2013; Best of 2012; Best of 2011; Best of 2010; Best of 2009; Best of 2008; Best of 2007; Feel-Good Issues Link Lattes About us Contact us by email Suggest a link Privacy Policy Most Popular on DRB: Dangerous Roads of the World, 1-6 Steampunk Series Retro Future! Extreme Weather Abandoned Places & Urban Exploring Magnificent Fractals Weird Signs Optical Il

            Dark Roasted Blend: The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth
          • P: A programming language designed for asynchrony, fault-tolerance and uncertainty - Microsoft Research

            The programming model in P is based on concurrently executing state machines communicating via events, with each event accompanied by a typed payload value. A memory management system based on linear typing and unique pointers provides safe memory management and data-race-free concurrent execution. In this respect, P is similar to modern systems programming languages such as Rust (opens in new tab

              P: A programming language designed for asynchrony, fault-tolerance and uncertainty - Microsoft Research
            • User-Agent Client Hints

              This specification was published by the Web Platform Incubator Community Group. It is not a W3C Standard nor is it on the W3C Standards Track. Please note that under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA) there is a limited opt-out and other conditions apply. Learn more about W3C Community and Business Groups. 1. Introduction This section is non-normative. Today, user agents general

              • VTuberの定番ゲーム・一過性のゲーム

                観測範囲が偏っているが 定番のゲーム(ずっと誰かしら配信しているレベル)・Minecraft ・APEX ・壺おじ ・チラズアートのホラゲー:(夜勤事件・終焉介護・犬鳴トンネル・例外配達など全体として) ・雀魂 ・Among Us(宇宙人狼) ・TETRIS® 99 ・fall guys(やや勢い落ちるか?) ・Gartic Phone(勢い上昇中):追記 やや定番のゲーム(大流行したが、今は配信が落ち着いているレベル)・あつまれどうぶつの森 ・モンスターハンターシリーズ ・ダークソウルシリーズ ・SEKIRO ・Project Winter(雪山人狼) ・バイオハザードシリーズ ・もじぴったんアンコール ・スプラトゥーン2 ・ウマ娘 ・シャニマス(注:許諾困難) ・完全爆弾解除マニュアル ・Papers, Please ・リングフィットアドベンチャー ・マリオカート ・世界のアソビ大全5

                • 人間乱数についての覚え書き - セミになっちゃた

                  人間乱数 人間に「乱数列を書いてください」と頼むとけっこう変な偏りをもった数列を書いちゃうらしくて、人間乱数とか human random number generation とか呼ばれているようである。これがなかなかにおもしろい。 今回は、人間乱数の性質や成り立ち、その利用などについて、ちょこちょこ調べたことをいろいろ紹介してみようと思う。 ブツ切り傾向 いちばんわかりやすい例が「コイントスを100回やったときにできる裏表の列を想像して書いてみてください」というもの。 人間が書いた乱数列は、コインの裏表それぞれの頻度こそだいたい50:50になるものの、「裏が出た次の回に表が出る確率」および「表が出た次の回に裏が出る確率」、つまり「コインの裏表が入れ替わる頻度」が期待値(0.5)に対して異様に高くなるらしい。 2006-08-24 これはギャンブラーの誤謬と呼ばれる現象があらわれたものと見

                    人間乱数についての覚え書き - セミになっちゃた
                  • Understanding Paxos

                    Introduction Paxos is one of the oldest, simplest, and most versatile algorithms in the field of distributed consensus. It has long been considered the gold-standard in this domain and dozens of papers and articles have been written to describe its various applications, optimizations, and usage techniques. However, despite the volume of literature that has been generated on this subject in the las

                      Understanding Paxos
                    • ネアンデルタール人 - Wikipedia

                      ネアンデルタール人(学名:Homo neanderthalensis〈※後述〉、英: Neanderthal(s)、独: Neandertaler)は、約4万年前までユーラシアに住んでいた旧人類の絶滅種または亜種である[1] [2] [3] [4]。彼らは、大規模な気候変動[5] [6] [7]、病気[8] [9]、またはこれらの要因の組み合わせによって絶滅した可能性が高い。彼らは完全にヨーロッパの初期の現生人類に取って代わられた。 名前は、1856年に初めて発見されたネアンデルタール1(英語版)の発見地、ドイツのネアンデル谷(ドイツ語で、谷はタール)にちなむ。 概要[編集] ネアンデルタール人がいつ登場したかは明らかではない[10]。ネアンデルタール人がその祖先であるホモ・ハイデルベルゲンシスから分岐した時期が明らかになっていない。諸研究では、31万5000年前から80万年以上前までの様

                        ネアンデルタール人 - Wikipedia
                      • Debugging memory leaks in Ruby

                        Sam Saffron Programming, Technology and the Art of Hacking At some point in the life of every Rails developer you are bound to hit a memory leak. It may be tiny amount of constant memory growth, or a spurt of growth that hits you on the job queue when certain jobs run. Sadly, most Ruby devs out there simply employ monit , inspeqtor or unicorn worker killers. This allows you to move along and do mo

                        • UCI 機械学習リポジトリのデータセット一覧 | トライフィールズ

                          UCI machine learning repositoryで公開されているデータセットの一覧をご紹介します。英語での要約(abstract)をgoogle翻訳を使用させていただき機械的に翻訳したものを掲載しました。データセットのサンプルを探す参考にしていただければ幸いです。 掲載内容は2024年06月01日の情報で、データセット数は645です。 Breast Cancer This breast cancer domain was obtained from the University Medical Centre, Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. This is one of three domains provided by the Oncology Institute that has repeatedly appea

                            UCI 機械学習リポジトリのデータセット一覧 | トライフィールズ
                          • THE FUTURE OF EMPLOYMENT: HOW SUSCEPTIBLE ARE JOBS TO COMPUTERISATION?∗ Carl Benedikt Frey† and Michael A. Osborne‡ September 17, 2013

                            THE FUTURE OF EMPLOYMENT: HOW SUSCEPTIBLE ARE JOBS TO COMPUTERISATION?∗ Carl Benedikt Frey† and Michael A. Osborne‡ September 17, 2013 . Abstract We examine how susceptible jobs are to computerisation. To as- sess this, we begin by implementing a novel methodology to estimate the probability of computerisation for 702 detailed occupations, using a Gaussian process classifier. Based on these estima

                            • YappoLogs: CodeReposが1年たってGitリポジトリ追加の巻

                              CodeReposが1年たってGitリポジトリ追加の巻 昨晩は夜9時から誕生日ケーキを探してたけどケーキ屋さん店じまいしてるのばっかで誕生日中にエントリかけなくなった>< YappoLogs: CodeRepos - 個人レポジトリを共有しよう!計画という記事と共にCodeReposが生まれて一年経ちました。 僕は主に460名分のhtpasswdをひたすら登録をするだけのお仕事をしていたわけですが正直ここまで続くとは思っていませんでした。 これも何もひとえにがんがんコミットしてくれる皆様のお陰だと思っています。有り難うございました。 やっぱり折角人様のコードを弄くりまくれる環境があるのだから、皆ももっとコミットしまくれば良いよ。 あと折角一年経ったという事でリリースし忘れてたGitリポジトリを公開しておきます。 http://git.coderepos.org/です。 GitはSubver

                              • Windows Sandbox - Microsoft Tech Community - 301849

                                Windows Sandbox is a new lightweight desktop environment tailored for safely running applications in isolation. How many times have you downloaded an executable file, but were afraid to run it? Have you ever been in a situation which required a clean installation of Windows, but didn’t want to set up a virtual machine? At Microsoft we regularly encounter these situations, so we developed Windows S

                                  Windows Sandbox - Microsoft Tech Community - 301849
                                • Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies

                                  Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies Including the History of Treemap Research at the University of Maryland Started Dec. 26th, 1998 by Ben Shneiderman Later updates by Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant - Last update Sept 2014 Our treemap products: Treemap 4.0: General treemap tool (Free demo version, plus licensing information for full package) PhotoMesa: Zoomable imag

                                  • Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019

                                    Overview Key Results Developer Profile I. Geography II. Developer Roles III. Experience IV. Education V. Demographics VI. Evaluating Competence VII. Life Outside Work Technology I. Most Popular Technologies II. Most Loved, Dreaded, and Wanted III. Development Environments and Tools IV. Blockchain in the Real World V. Top Paying Technologies VI. Correlated Technologies Work I. Employment II. Compan

                                      Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019
                                    • Statement by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (Speeches and Statements by the Prime Minister) | Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet

                                      Cabinet Decision On the 70th anniversary of the end of the war, we must calmly reflect upon the road to war, the path we have taken since it ended, and the era of the 20th century. We must learn from the lessons of history the wisdom for our future. More than one hundred years ago, vast colonies possessed mainly by the Western powers stretched out across the world. With their overwhelming supremac

                                        Statement by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (Speeches and Statements by the Prime Minister) | Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet
                                      • code.flickr.com

                                        Last week the world celebrated Safer Internet Day, a day used to call upon stakeholders to join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people. Here at Flickr, we believe in creating spaces on the internet that take into account the safety of all of our contributors, especially our youngest and most underrepresented. So, to celebrate th

                                        • 10 Years of Git: An Interview with Git Creator Linus Torvalds - The Linux Foundation

                                          10 Years of Git: An Interview with Git Creator Linus Torvalds Ten years ago this week, the Linux kernel community faced a daunting challenge: They could no longer use their revision control system BitKeeper and no other Source Control Management (SCMs) met their needs for a distributed system. Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, took the challenge into his own hands and disappeared over the week

                                            10 Years of Git: An Interview with Git Creator Linus Torvalds - The Linux Foundation
                                          • CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

                                            Table of Contents: Architecture Overview ConvNet Layers Convolutional Layer Pooling Layer Normalization Layer Fully-Connected Layer Converting Fully-Connected Layers to Convolutional Layers ConvNet Architectures Layer Patterns Layer Sizing Patterns Case Studies (LeNet / AlexNet / ZFNet / GoogLeNet / VGGNet) Computational Considerations Additional References Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs / Co

                                            • RCRD LBL | Free MP3 Downloads

                                              If sex sells, Parisian electro upstarts Junesex are among its finer peddlers. The shadowy foursome work perverted themes into their quirky, jerky tunes with hedonistic abandon. Their sound ranges from high energy bounce on "Boy With Your Tongue" to the more sedate and contemplative "Worst Than Love," the forthcoming single on their Junesex International Airlines label. This tune is a serious flips

                                              • partitioning

                                                Horizontal scaling with Redis Cluster Redis scales horizontally with a deployment topology called Redis Cluster. This topic will teach you how to set up, test, and operate Redis Cluster in production. You will learn about the availability and consistency characteristics of Redis Cluster from the end user's point of view. If you plan to run a production Redis Cluster deployment or want to understan

                                                • jQuery Slideshow, 150 best resources

                                                  We know that all you web designers are always pulling your hair to find the freshest plug-ins to impress your web surfers and gain popularity among users, who as time goes by are less and less impressionable, especially now that no word is acceptable if it doesn’t have an image to go with it. And let’s face it! A simple display of an image won’t even do,  because there too much talent in the field

                                                  • Top Japanese Social Media Apps: Demographics of 7 Major Apps in 2020

                                                    Top Japanese Social Media Apps: Demographics of 7 Major Apps in 2020 In this article, we compared the monthly active users (MAU) and user demographics of top Japanese social media used in Japan based on published data and estimates of major SNS published as of December 2019. The spread of social media in Japan is growing rapidly, and social media is a very powerful marketing tool. If you are think

                                                      Top Japanese Social Media Apps: Demographics of 7 Major Apps in 2020
                                                    • Mackerel(マカレル)導入事例 ヌーラボ様: モニタリングの悩みをMackerelで解決し、自分たちのサービスの運用に集中したい――ヌーラボがMackerelに移行した理由 · Mackerel

                                                      Solving monitoring problems and focusing on running one's own service. ――Why Nulab switched to Mackerel Nulab Inc. http://nulab-inc.com/ Nulab Inc.Takashi Someda Nulab Inc.Tomonari Nakamura Hatena Corp.Shinji Tanaka InterviewAkio Hoshi(IT Journalist) Date of publication: October 15, 2014 · All information contained herein is accurate as of when this interview took place. Adding more services and m

                                                        Mackerel(マカレル)導入事例 ヌーラボ様: モニタリングの悩みをMackerelで解決し、自分たちのサービスの運用に集中したい――ヌーラボがMackerelに移行した理由 · Mackerel
                                                      • 20% Off Google Workspace Promo Codes 2021 - Google Workspace Coupons May

                                                        What is Google Workspace? Google Workspace is used by millions of users and is mostly required for a medium and large business. Students can also look for Google Workspace, to keep their projects or data safe and no paperwork involved. Google Workspace is mainly used for new or startup business, small or mid-size firm or large companies, which makes the sharing and storing data accessible. Use the

                                                        • Ex-Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher dies, aged 87

                                                          Baroness Thatcher was the first woman to be UK prime minister, winning three elections Former Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher has died "peacefully" at the age of 87 after suffering a stroke while staying at the Ritz hotel in central London. David Cameron called her a "great Briton" and the Queen spoke of her sadness at the death. Lady Thatcher was Conservative prime minister from 1979 to 1990. Sh

                                                            Ex-Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher dies, aged 87
                                                          • 10年を無駄にしないため、20歳になる前に私が教えて欲しかった19のこと - ICHIROYAのブログ

                                                            ネットで話題になっている、19 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Turned 20 so I Didn’t Waste a Decade(10年を無駄にしないため、20歳になる前に私が教えて欲しかった19のこと)のざっくりした翻訳です。 ワーキングクラス(本人がそう書いています)の若い女性のリアルな心情が伝わってきて、とても興味深いです。 ただし、時間切れと僕の英語の能力的な理由で正確でないところ、はしょったところ、わからないところがあります。アドバイスいただければ、逐次修正します。よろしくお願いします。 1.あなた自身をクソみたいに思わせる、人たち、場所、ものに、さよならしてもいいのよ。たいへんなことだけど、OK。あなたが望んでいないなら、その理由なんてくそくらえ、説明する必要もない。やつらに不思議に思わせておけばいいのよ。 2.あな

                                                              10年を無駄にしないため、20歳になる前に私が教えて欲しかった19のこと - ICHIROYAのブログ
                                                            • Speculation in JavaScriptCore

                                                              This post is all about speculative compilation, or just speculation for short, in the context of the JavaScriptCore virtual machine. Speculative compilation is ideal for making dynamic languages, or any language with enough dynamic features, run faster. In this post, we will look at speculation for JavaScript. Historically, this technique or closely related variants has been applied successfully t

                                                              • Microsoft RSS Blog

                                                                All about RSS and feed technology at Microsoft and across the community The RSS Platform User-Agent String On the IE blog, Eric Lawrence presented the User-Agent string for the beta version of Internet... Author: RSS Date: 02/27/2008 Windows Live Suite has lots of RSS goodness A couple weeks ago, Chris Jones (VP on the Windows Live team) announced the new Windows Live suite.... Author: RSS Date: 0

                                                                  Microsoft RSS Blog
                                                                • research!rsc: Coroutines for Go

                                                                  This post is about why we need a coroutine package for Go, and what it would look like. But first, what are coroutines? Every programmer today is familiar with function calls (subroutines): F calls G, which stops F and runs G. G does its work, potentially calling and waiting for other functions, and eventually returns. When G returns, G is gone and F continues running. In this pattern, only one fu

                                                                  • Top 10 Mistakes Node.js Developers Make

                                                                    Alexandru Vladutu Alexandru is the author of the book Mastering Web Application Development with Express from PacktPub. He is also a top answerer on StackOverflow for tags like #nodejs #express or #socket.io Introduction Node.js has seen an important growth in the past years, with big companies such as Walmart or PayPal adopting it. More and more people are picking up Node and publishing modules t

                                                                      Top 10 Mistakes Node.js Developers Make
                                                                    • dmca/2020/10/2020-10-23-RIAA.md at master · github/dmca

                                                                      October 23, 2020 GitHub Dear Sir or Madam: I am contacting you on behalf of the Recording Industry Association of America, Inc. (RIAA) and its member record companies. The RIAA is a trade association whose member companies create, manufacture or distribute sound recordings representing approximately eighty-five (85) percent of all legitimate recorded music consumption in the United States. Under p

                                                                        dmca/2020/10/2020-10-23-RIAA.md at master · github/dmca
                                                                      • The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide

                                                                        Peter Jay Salzman, Michael Burian, Ori Pomerantz, Bob Mottram, Jim Huang 1 Introduction 1.1 Authorship 1.2 Acknowledgements 1.3 What Is A Kernel Module? 1.4 Kernel module package 1.5 What Modules are in my Kernel? 1.6 Is there a need to download and compile the kernel? 1.7 Before We Begin 2 Headers 3 Examples 4 Hello World 4.1 The Simplest Module 4.2 Hello and Goodbye 4.3 The __init and __exit Mac

                                                                        • OpenFeint - The coolest thing since sliced awesome.

                                                                          OpenFeint is the largest mobile social gaming network in the world. OpenFeint’s current headquarters are in Burlingame, California. Moreover, we are the leaders in mobile social gaming as we have created a network for every mobile device and every app store. Currently, we have over 75m register users as well as a presence in more than 5k games. OpenFeint is exclusively provided by The9 in China. T

                                                                            OpenFeint - The coolest thing since sliced awesome.
                                                                          • Web2.0の真実

                                                                            November 2005 Does "Web 2.0" mean anything? Till recently I thought it didn't, but the truth turns out to be more complicated. Originally, yes, it was meaningless. Now it seems to have acquired a meaning. And yet those who dislike the term are probably right, because if it means what I think it does, we don't need it. I first heard the phrase "Web 2.0" in the name of the Web 2.0 conference in 2004

                                                                            • How does a relational database work | Coding Geek

                                                                              When it comes to relational databases, I can’t help thinking that something is missing. They’re used everywhere. There are many different databases: from the small and useful SQLite to the powerful Teradata. But, there are only a few articles that explain how a database works. You can google by yourself “how does a relational database work” to see how few results there are. Moreover, those article

                                                                                How does a relational database work | Coding Geek
                                                                              • Web Design Trends in 2012 - Web Design Ledger

                                                                                It’s that time of year again, where we look into our crystal ball to see what will be the hot trends in web design for the upcoming year. It’s no secret that trends come and go, with some hanging around longer than they should. (Yes, splash page, I’m talking about you.) But trends are a necessity in the development and growth of our craft. Trends are born, improved upon, and often spawn other tren

                                                                                  Web Design Trends in 2012 - Web Design Ledger
                                                                                • 茂木健一郎 qualiajournal

                                                                                  As artificial intelligence systems advance and execute computations for humans, there are arguments that human jobs would be lost. We would have nothing to do, and just idle away, enjoying the technological Eden that advancements of science and technology have prepared for us. Arguably, it is possible that humans would have less and less need to work, although I remain skeptical about such a vista