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  • また Web3 の話 - blog.8-p.info

    インプレスから出ている、いちばんやさしいWeb3の教本が良くないという話からはじまって、 「いちばんやさしいWeb3の教本」というのが試し読みできたので開いてみたら、出だしから「Web1の時代は1970年代から80年代にかけて整備され」とめちゃくちゃなことが書いてあってその先を読む気力が失せた。インターネットとWebを混同している? 専門家なのに? いろいろ謎。 そこから、 最近のWeb3への雑感 Web3のここがすごい 書籍「いちばんやさしいWeb3の教本」は本当に酷い内容だし、Web3界隈の人は一致団結して間違いを指摘して、インプレスは回収して内容修正するべき と、また Web3 の話が盛り上がっている。 私はいわゆる GAFA の一つ (Amazon) に勤めているので、人々の「現状の GAFA はいかがなものか」という話には関心がある。また、インターネットの利用者の一人として、例え

    • bradfitz - Leaving Google

      After ~12.5 years at Google and ~10 years working on Go (#golang), it's time for me to do something new. Tomorrow is my last day at Google. Working at Google and on Go has been a highlight of my career. Go really made programming fun for me again, and I've had fun helping make it. I want to thank Rob Pike for letting me work on Go full time (instead of just as a distraction on painfully long gBus

      • URL バーの表示の変遷 | blog.jxck.io

        Intro ついに URL バーから EV 証明書の組織表示が消されるアナウンスが、 Chrome から発表された。 思えば、 URL バーの見た目も、だいぶ変わってきたように思う。 URL バーの表示の変遷を一度まとめておく。 URL バーの再現 本当なら古いブラウザのスクショを集めたいところだったが、これは非常に難しい。ネットで色々落ちてるものをかき集めても、ライセンスや解像度や表示されている URL などを考えると、使い勝手は決して良くない。 試しに古い Chromium をビルドしてみたが、一定より古いものはうまく開くことすらできなかった。開くことができたバージョンもあったが、どうやらそれだけでは当時の URL バーの UI までは再現されないようだ。 そこで、実物のスクショはあきらめ「一般的な URL バーのイメージ」を書いた図で、おおまかな変遷を辿る。あくまで架空の図であること

          URL バーの表示の変遷 | blog.jxck.io
        • Go: A Documentary

          Go: A Documentary by Changkun Ou <changkun.de> (and many inputs from contributors) This document collects many interesting (publicly observable) issues, discussions, proposals, CLs, and talks from the Go development process, which intends to offer a comprehensive reference of the Go history. Disclaimer Most of the texts are written as subjective understanding based on public sources Factual and ty

          • Linux perf Examples

            Recent posts: 22 Jul 2024 » No More Blue Fridays 24 Mar 2024 » Linux Crisis Tools 17 Mar 2024 » The Return of the Frame Pointers 10 Mar 2024 » eBPF Documentary 28 Apr 2023 » eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools 01 Mar 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2022: Computing Performance: What's on the Horizon 17 Feb 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2023: CFP 02 May 2022 » Brendan@Intel.com 15 Apr 2022 » Netfl

            • Beyond Console.log() – Level up Your Debugging Skills — SitePoint

              You may have established a pattern of coding that utilizes a few key tools offered by your browser’s console. But have you dug any deeper lately? There are some powerful tools available to you, and they might just revolutionize the way you work. The Comfort Zone As developers, we like to find a way of working that make us feel efficient. The trap, though, is that we get comfortable with a certain

                Beyond Console.log() – Level up Your Debugging Skills — SitePoint
              • Announcing Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion - The Official Microsoft Blog

                All Microsoft Global Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox Deals Small Business Support Software Windows Apps AI Outlook OneDrive Microsoft Teams OneNote Microsoft Edge Skype PCs & Devices Computers Shop Xbox Accessories VR & mixed reality Certified Refurbished Trade-in for cash Entertainment Xbox Game Pass Ultimate PC Game Pass Xbox games PC and Windows games Movies & TV Business Micro

                  Announcing Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion - The Official Microsoft Blog
                • Why I'm Using Next.js

                  We want the default build output of Next.js to work well when self hosting, and also well on Vercel. And guess what? They're the same output. Well, almost. Let me clarify. It took us a while at Vercel to figure out the correct format and boundary between open source framework and infrastructure platform. Our philosophy is called framework defined infrastructure. And critically, the specification t

                    Why I'm Using Next.js
                  • Modern CSS For Dynamic Component-Based Architecture | Modern CSS Solutions

                    Modern CSS For Dynamic Component-Based Architecture Updated on: Jan 19, 2024 Written by Stephanie Eckles The language of CSS has had an explosion of new features and improvements in the last few years. As a result, feature parity between browsers is at an all-time high, and efforts are being made to continue releasing features consistently and synchronously among evergreen browsers. Today, we will

                      Modern CSS For Dynamic Component-Based Architecture | Modern CSS Solutions
                    • Your First 60 Days at an Engineering Job

                      You have recently graduated and looked for work. You put together a good resume and e-mailed it around. You got some interest from a few tech companies and maybe programming homework, followed by a technical phone screen. You did well and got invited to an interview! After several hours of whiteboard torture inspired conversations, lunch and references you were offered your first Engineering job a

                        Your First 60 Days at an Engineering Job
                      • SRE Doesn’t Scale

                        We encounter a lot of organizations talking about or attempting to implement SRE as part of our consulting at Real Kinetic. We’ve even discussed and debated ourselves, ad nauseam, how we can apply it at our own product company, Witful. There’s a brief, unassuming section in the SRE book tucked away towards the tail end of chapter 32, “The Evolving SRE Engagement Model.” Between the SLIs and SLOs,

                          SRE Doesn’t Scale
                        • Introducing Finch: An Open Source Client for Container Development | Amazon Web Services

                          AWS Open Source Blog Introducing Finch: An Open Source Client for Container Development Today we are happy to announce a new open source project, Finch. Finch is a new command line client for building, running, and publishing Linux containers. It provides for simple installation of a native macOS client, along with a curated set of de facto standard open source components including Lima, nerdctl,

                            Introducing Finch: An Open Source Client for Container Development | Amazon Web Services
                          • ぼくのMac環境 ver.のんピ | DevelopersIO

                            何年後かの自分へ こんにちは、のんピ(@non____97)です。 業務で使用する新しいMacが届きました。 新しいMacを初期セットアップするにあたって「今の設定どうだったっけ...」と調べる時間が結構かかってしまいました ということで何年後かの自分がまた新しいMacに乗り換える際に手間取らないように、設定した内容を書き記しておきます。 移行先のMacの情報は以下の通りです。M1 Max、嬉しい。 # OSのバージョンの確認 > sw_vers ProductName: macOS ProductVersion: 12.4 BuildVersion: 21F79 # カーネルのバージョン確認 > uname -r 21.5.0 # CPUのアーキテクチャの確認 > uname -m arm64 # CPUの詳細確認 > sysctl -a machdep.cpu machdep.cpu.

                              ぼくのMac環境 ver.のんピ | DevelopersIO
                            • HTTP/1.0 From Scratch

                              Introduction In our previous exploration, we delved into the simplicity of HTTP/0.9, a protocol that served as the web’s initial foundation. However, as the internet evolved, so did its needs. Enter HTTP/1.0, a landmark version released in 1996 that laid the groundwork for the web we know today. HTTP/1.0 was a game-changer, introducing features that revolutionized web communication: Headers: Metad

                                HTTP/1.0 From Scratch
                              • リバースETLはデータパイプラインの何を変えるのか - satoshihirose.log

                                はじめに リバース ETL という概念が提起されて、そのための SaaS も生まれており、面白いと思うので所感をまとめる。 Reverse ETL ? 自分が最初に Reverse ETL という言葉に触れたのは、Redpoint Ventures の Astasia Myers が 2021-02-23 に書いたこの記事だった。 Reverse ETL — A Primer. Data infrastructure has gone through an… | by Astasia Myers | Memory Leak | Medium 彼女はどんなものをリバース ETL と呼んでいるかというと Now teams are adopting yet another new approach, called “reverse ETL,” the process of moving dat

                                  リバースETLはデータパイプラインの何を変えるのか - satoshihirose.log
                                • What it was like working for GitLab

                                  February 8, 2024 I joined GitLab in October 2015, and left in December 2021 after working there for a little more than six years. While I previously wrote about leaving GitLab to work on Inko, I never discussed what it was like working for GitLab between 2015 and 2021. There are two reasons for this: I was suffering from burnout, and didn't have the energy to revisit the last six years of my life

                                  • The Untold Story of SQLite - CoRecursive Podcast

                                    00:00 - Introduction 01:45 - The Battleship 02:49 - NP-Complete Problems 06:24 - Building SQLite V1 07:54 - Motorola Phones 09:40 - America Online Phones 11:12 - Symbian OS and Nokia 13:01 - The Bus Factor and the Consortium 15:11 - Enter Android 17:05 - Guys, This Is Important 18:18 - Testing and Aviation Standards 21:29 - Billions of Tests 25:30 - Building From First Principles 28:05 - B-Trees a

                                      The Untold Story of SQLite - CoRecursive Podcast
                                    • How to Automatically Move Files From One Folder to Another on Windows and Mac

                                      Whether clearing out your Downloads or organizing your tax receipts, you can automate the process with these easy techniques. Do you want to automatically move files from one folder to another on your Windows or Mac computer? Well, you can do it pretty easily on both types of computer. This guide covers how to automate your file transfer tasks on Windows and macOS. Why Move Files From One Folder t

                                        How to Automatically Move Files From One Folder to Another on Windows and Mac
                                      • The 5-hour CDN

                                        The 5-hour CDN Author Name Kurt Mackey @mrkurt @mrkurt The term “CDN” (“content delivery network”) conjures Google-scale companies managing huge racks of hardware, wrangling hundreds of gigabits per second. But CDNs are just web applications. That’s not how we tend to think of them, but that’s all they are. You can build a functional CDN on an 8-year-old laptop while you’re sitting at a coffee sho

                                          The 5-hour CDN
                                        • Bootstrap 5

                                          The Bootstrap Blog News and announcements for all things Bootstrap, including new releases, Bootstrap Themes, and Bootstrap Icons. Bootstrap 5 has officially landed! After three alphas, three betas, and several months of hard work, we’re shipping the first stable release of our new major version. It’s been a wild ride made possible by our maintainers and the amazing community that uses and contrib

                                            Bootstrap 5
                                          • Building LLM applications for production

                                            [Hacker News discussion, LinkedIn discussion, Twitter thread] A question that I’ve been asked a lot recently is how large language models (LLMs) will change machine learning workflows. After working with several companies who are working with LLM applications and personally going down a rabbit hole building my applications, I realized two things: It’s easy to make something cool with LLMs, but ver

                                              Building LLM applications for production
                                            • npm Blog Archive: Next Phase Montage

                                              The npm blog has been discontinued. Updates from the npm team are now published on the GitHub Blog and the GitHub Changelog. tl;dr – Good news! npm, Inc., is being purchased by GitHub. The public registry remains public, free, and as available as ever. npm as you know it continues, and in fact, there is good reason to believe that it’ll only get better. I’m still going to be working on npm (but wi

                                                npm Blog Archive: Next Phase Montage
                                              • GitHub Actions: Secure cloud deployments with OpenID Connect

                                                October 27, 2021 GitHub Actions now supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) for secure deployments to cloud, which uses short-lived tokens that are automatically rotated for each deployment. This enables: Seamless authentication between Cloud Providers and GitHub without the need for storing any long-lived cloud secrets in GitHub Cloud Admins can rely on the security mechanisms of their cloud provider to e

                                                  GitHub Actions: Secure cloud deployments with OpenID Connect
                                                • How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects and the Curious Absence of Scrum

                                                  Project management is a topic most people have strong opinions on, and I’m no exception. To answer the question of how different companies run engineering projects, I pulled in help from across the industry. In this issue we’ll cover: Project management approaches across the industry. An overview of a survey with over 100 companies represented, plus key takeaways.Project management at Big Tech. Ho

                                                    How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects and the Curious Absence of Scrum
                                                  • How to Make an Old Mac, MacBook, or iMac Faster

                                                    Every computer begins to show its age over time. You likely know the signs of an outdated Mac: you can make a sandwich in the time it takes to boot your machine, it doesn't support the newest version of macOS, and modern resource-intensive software struggles to run. But you might not have to get a new computer just yet. Macs hold their value for a reason, and there are steps you can take (both fre

                                                      How to Make an Old Mac, MacBook, or iMac Faster
                                                    • New – A Shared File System for Your Lambda Functions | Amazon Web Services

                                                      AWS News Blog New – A Shared File System for Your Lambda Functions July 1, 2020: Post updated to take care that Amazon EFS increased file system minimum throughput, when burst credits are exhausted, to 1 MiB/s. I am very happy to announce that AWS Lambda functions can now mount an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), a scalable and elastic NFS file system storing data within and across multipl

                                                        New – A Shared File System for Your Lambda Functions | Amazon Web Services
                                                      • ネットの音楽オタクが選んだベストアルバムの2010-2022年のまとめ - 音楽だいすきクラブ

                                                        「ネットの音楽オタクが選んだベストアルバム」の過去13年分*1と番外編の記録をまとめました。各年の記事のリンク、及びベストアルバムのジャケットとベスト50の記録をまとめてあります。また番外編の企画の記録もまとめました。長いので目次もつけました。企画の変化について若干の説明も書いてあります。また記事の終わりには各年のデータも用意しました。ぜひお使いください。 ネットの音楽オタクが選んだベストアルバムとは? 音楽オタクとは? 2010-2012年 国内のみ アーカイブ 2010年 andymori『ファンファーレと熱狂』 2011年 坂本慎太郎『幻とのつきあい方』 2012年 くるり『坩堝の電圧』 2013-2015年 国内のみ 2013年 Perfume『LEVEL3』 2014年 くるり『THE PIER』 2015年 cero『Obscure Ride』 2016年以降 国内外混合 20

                                                          ネットの音楽オタクが選んだベストアルバムの2010-2022年のまとめ - 音楽だいすきクラブ
                                                        • html10行、js no need、css (と画像少し) だけでこんなことができるコレクション - Qiita

                                                          動機 Webフロントエンド開発で役立つサービスまとめ#Codepen および CSS Art Resourcesを読んだ。Codepenは、 HTML、CSS、JavaScriptによるコード実行環境を提供するサービスです。このサービスの特徴の1として、CSSの作品がアートワークのように多く投稿されており、世界中のCSS職人による素晴らしいギャラリーを堪能することができます。その技術はもはや 変態 職人の域に達しているものが多く、より高いレベルのCSSを組みたい場合に勉強になるでしょう。 というもの。そんなCodepen の https://codepen.io/tag/css-animation から、 CSSだけでできるあんなことこんなこと に倣い、Html10行、js no need, cssだけでこんなことができるんだ、すっげー、という私の眼力だけで選出した。役に立つかは知らない。

                                                            html10行、js no need、css (と画像少し) だけでこんなことができるコレクション - Qiita
                                                          • Ruby with Visual Studio Code

                                                            Version 1.92 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from July. Ruby in Visual Studio Code Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language known for its simplicity and productivity. With an expressive and elegant syntax, part of the Ruby philosophy is to make developers happy. It is often used for web development with a range of different frameworks, and for scripting, allowing

                                                              Ruby with Visual Studio Code
                                                            • AI Platform Pipelines (Kubeflow Pipelines)による機械学習パイプラインの構築と本番導入 - ZOZO TECH BLOG

                                                              ZOZOテクノロジーズ推薦基盤チームの寺崎(@f6wbl6)です。ZOZOでは現在、米Yale大学の経営大学院マーケティング学科准教授である上武康亮氏と「顧客コミュニケーションの最適化」をテーマに共同研究を進めています。 推薦基盤チームでは上武氏のチームで構築した最適化アルゴリズムを本番環境で運用していくための機械学習基盤(以下、ML基盤)の設計と実装を行っています。本記事ではML基盤の足掛かりとして用いたAI Platform Pipelines (Kubeflow Pipelines) の概要とAI Platform Pipelinesの本番導入に際して検討したことをご紹介し、これからKubeflow Pipelinesを導入しようと考えている方のお役に立てればと思います。記事の最後には、推薦基盤チームで目指すMLプロダクト管理基盤の全体像について簡単にご紹介します。 上武氏との共同研

                                                                AI Platform Pipelines (Kubeflow Pipelines)による機械学習パイプラインの構築と本番導入 - ZOZO TECH BLOG
                                                              • GraphQL 2021

                                                                Today marks the first release of the GraphQL spec ratified by the GraphQL Foundation. This is the culmination of three years of work, both technical and procedural. This is a proud moment and one worth celebrating. What took so long?The last ratified spec release was over three years ago, in June 2018. What took so long for this release? Certainly a worldwide pandemic didnʼt help our collective fo

                                                                • GitHub - gristlabs/grist-core: Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets.

                                                                  Grist is a modern relational spreadsheet. It combines the flexibility of a spreadsheet with the robustness of a database. grist-core (this repo) has what you need to run a powerful spreadsheet hosting server. grist-electron is a Linux/macOS/Windows desktop app for viewing and editing spreadsheets stored locally. grist-static is a fully in-browser build of Grist for displaying spreadsheets on a web

                                                                    GitHub - gristlabs/grist-core: Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets.
                                                                  • Services By Lifecycle - Wide Awake Developers

                                                                    This post took a lot longer to pull together than I expected. Not because it was hard to write, but because it was too easy to write too much. Like a pre-bonsai tree, it would grow out of control and get pruned back over and over. In the meantime, I delivered a workshop and spent some lovely holiday time with my family. But it’s a new year now, and January is devoid of holidays so it’s high time I

                                                                    • The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure

                                                                      My name is Zhenzhong Xu. I joined Netflix in 2015 as a founding engineer on the Real-time Data Infrastructure team and later led the Stream Processing Engines team. I developed an interest in real-time data in the early 2010s, and ever since believe there is much value yet to be uncovered. Netflix was a fantastic place to be surrounded by many amazing colleagues. I can’t be more proud of everyone

                                                                        The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure
                                                                      • Introducing workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime

                                                                        Introducing workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime2022-09-27 Today I'm proud to introduce the first beta release of workerd, the JavaScript/Wasm runtime based on the same code that powers Cloudflare Workers. workerd is Open Source under the Apache License version 2.0. workerd shares most of its code with the runtime that powers Cloudflare Workers, but with some changes designed to make it more p

                                                                          Introducing workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime
                                                                        • User-Agent Client Hints

                                                                          This specification was published by the Web Platform Incubator Community Group. It is not a W3C Standard nor is it on the W3C Standards Track. Please note that under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA) there is a limited opt-out and other conditions apply. Learn more about W3C Community and Business Groups. 1. Introduction This section is non-normative. Today, user agents general

                                                                          • グロースについての9つのPrinciple|樫田光 | Hikaru Kashida

                                                                            こんにちは、Hikaru Kashidaです。 メルカリという会社で、主にサービスのグロースのためのデータ分析をしています。最近は、ピースオブケイクという会社でnote(あなたが今見ているこのサービスです!)というサービスのグロースのための顧問なんかもしています。 こちらに自己紹介などを書いているので、お前誰よって思った方は見てみていただけると幸いです。 さて、TL;DR ー 長いので先に結論を... 本文が長くなったので、5行でクイックに結論を書いておきます。 ・Growth Hackという言葉が前に流行したが今となってはどうでもいい ・シリコンバレーではGrowth Teamが存在する会社が多い ・グロースはPMFのあとに始まる ・僕の考えるグロースの全体構造は下図みたいな感じ ・いちばん最後に、僕の考える「9 principles of Growth」を書いた。長いと感じる人は、間を

                                                                              グロースについての9つのPrinciple|樫田光 | Hikaru Kashida
                                                                            • Webhooks.fyi

                                                                              Webhooks are the foundation of modern API development. They enable us to react to changes in our systems, an incoming text message, a successful payment, or that latest pull request no matter our stack. While webhooks are universal in concept, they are unstandardized API contracts with few organizations paying attention to their design, security controls, and overall operational experience. Webhoo

                                                                              • Top Japanese Social Media Apps: Demographics of 7 Major Apps in 2020

                                                                                Top Japanese Social Media Apps: Demographics of 7 Major Apps in 2020 In this article, we compared the monthly active users (MAU) and user demographics of top Japanese social media used in Japan based on published data and estimates of major SNS published as of December 2019. The spread of social media in Japan is growing rapidly, and social media is a very powerful marketing tool. If you are think

                                                                                  Top Japanese Social Media Apps: Demographics of 7 Major Apps in 2020
                                                                                • Omakub

                                                                                  Turn a fresh Ubuntu installation into a fully-configured, beautiful, and modern web development system by running a single command. That’s the one-line pitch for Omakub. No need to write bespoke configs for every essential tool just to get started or to be up on all the latest command-line tools. Omakub is an opinionated take on what Linux can be at its best. Omakub includes a curated set of appli
