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asの検索結果121 - 160 件 / 273件

  • 「愛猫の治療」ヤフオク出品のスープラ、即決の買い手が明かした計画

    実車を見る前から「買います」 自分の愛車のレストアは後回し 「クルマ好きの新しい友人として」 難病の愛猫の治療費捻出のため、ヤフオクに出品された左ハンドルのトヨタ・スープラ。ニュース記事で事情を知った男性から入札があり、無事に出品価格で落札されました。すぐに購入代金の270万円を一括入金した豪気な彼もまた、クルマと猫をこよなく愛する一人でした。手に入れたスープラをどうするか? 購入後の驚くべき計画があったのです。(北林慎也) 27年間乗り続けた愛車の出品に反響 希少な左ハンドル輸出仕様のMA70型スープラをオークションサイト「ヤフオク!」に出品していたのは、大阪府在住の「leiz」さん(52)。 愛猫のしるくが難病の「猫伝染性腹膜炎(FIP)」に感染し、高価な未承認薬による治療費を捻出するため、27年間乗り続けた愛車を手放す決意をしたのでした。 その出品ページをたまたま目にして自身のツイッ

    • Why Are Hyperlinks Blue | The Mozilla Blog

      Why we need to revisit the origin of blue hyperlink While musing over my recently published article, Why are hyperlinks blue, I was left feeling a bit blue myself. Yes, it could have been the fact that I was evacuated and Hurricane Ida was destroying my home, I’ll admit. Besides that, I was also bothered by the fact that even though I was able to determine that Mosaic was indeed the first browser

        Why Are Hyperlinks Blue | The Mozilla Blog
      • Go 1.16 is released - The Go Programming Language

        Matt Pearring and Dmitri Shuralyov 16 February 2021 Today the Go team is very happy to announce the release of Go 1.16. You can get it from the download page. The new embed package provides access to files embedded at compile time using the new //go:embed directive. Now it is easy to bundle supporting data files into your Go programs, making developing with Go even smoother. You can get started us

          Go 1.16 is released - The Go Programming Language
        • SQLite the only database you will ever need in most cases

          Published on 2021-04-14. Modified on 2023-02-16. The name SQLite is a nice name, but the "lite" part is misleading, it sounds like it is only useful for tiny things - which is very wrong. SQLite should be named AwesomeSQL, because that is what it is. SQLite is probably the only database you will ever need in most cases. SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a C library. It

          • Fjorb Boot Camp as a Gate

            (Show Noteは後日更新します)

              Fjorb Boot Camp as a Gate
            • RFC 9293: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

              Stream: Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) STD: 7 RFC: 9293 Obsoletes: 793, 879, 2873, 6093, 6429, 6528, 6691 Updates: 1011, 1122, 5961 Category: Standards Track Published: August 2022 ISSN: 2070-1721 Author: RFC 9293 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Abstract This document specifies the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). TCP is an important transport-layer protocol in the Internet protoco

              • Node.js 16 available now

                This blog was written by Bethany Griggs, with additional contributions from the Node.js Technical Steering Committee. We are excited to announce the release of Node.js 16 today! Highlights include the update of the V8 JavaScript engine to 9.0, prebuilt Apple Silicon binaries, and additional stable APIs. You can download the latest release from https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/, or use Node V

                  Node.js 16 available now
                • BigQueryのネイティブJSON型がサポートされたことでどう変わったのか

                  Google Cloud Next 2021で発表され、Private PreviewだったBigQueryのネイティブJSON型が先日Public Previewになったとのことです。 BigQuery now natively supports semi-structured data | Google Cloud Blog 発表された当初は「あれ、すでに出ているJSON_EXTRACT()とかのJSON関数と何が違うのだろう」と思っていたのですが、実際に触ってみるとネイティブJSON型の柔軟性に感動したので紹介したいと思います。 サンプルJSON 以下のようなJSONデータをパースしたいとします。 { "id": 12345, "name": "ohsawa0515", "person_info": [ { "key": "height", "value": "178" }, { "

                  • TypeScriptの型エラーを踏み潰すときのお作法 - Qiita

                    TypeScriptは、型の合わないプログラムに対して型エラーを出すことを主な役目としています。 もちろんプログラムを正しく修正すれば型エラーは消えるのですが、TypeScriptを書いている方ならばそれ以外の方法で型エラーを消したことがある人がほとんどでしょう。すなわち、as、any、// @ts-ignoreその他諸々です。このような手段を使うことで、本来の問題を解決せずに型エラーを消すことができます。 もちろんこれらを濫用するのは勧められたことではありません。それは筆者の過去の記事『敗北者のTypeScript』で解説した通りです。プログラムの修正でasなどを使わずに型エラーが消せるのならばそうすべきで、そうしないのは敗北者です。 しかしながら、asなどをどうしても使わなければいけない場面はあります。それは、TypeScriptの型推論能力や型の表現力が足りないために型エラーが出てい

                      TypeScriptの型エラーを踏み潰すときのお作法 - Qiita
                    • `undefined` vs. `null` revisited

                      Many programming languages have one “non-value” called null. It indicates that a variable does not currently point to an object – for example, when it hasn’t been initialized yet. In contrast, JavaScript has two such non-values: undefined and null. In this blog post, we examine how they differ and how to best use or avoid them. undefined vs. null  # Both values are very similar and often used inte

                      • Using Remote Containers in WSL 2 | Visual Studio Code Blog

                        Version 1.89 is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from April. July 1, 2020 by Brigit Murtaugh, @BrigitMurtaugh Leveraging the power of Docker containers and the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2), you can preserve your Windows environment by developing your applications in the sandboxed familiarity of a container in a deeply integrated Linux kernel. May brought us a couple of

                          Using Remote Containers in WSL 2 | Visual Studio Code Blog
                        • random numbers

                          random numbers: n. When one wishes to specify a large but random number of things, and the context is inappropriate for N, certain numbers are preferred by hacker tradition (that is, easily recognized as placeholders). These include the following: Long described at MIT as ‘the least random number’; see also 23. This may be Discordian in origin, or it may be related to some in-jokes about 17 and “y

                          • Using Trello as a Super Simple CMS | CSS-Tricks

                            Sometimes our sites need a little sprinkling of content management. Not always. Not a lot. But a bit. The CMS market is thriving with affordable, approachable products, so we’re not short of options. Thankfully, it is a very different world to the one that used to force companies to splash out a ga-jillionty-one dollars (not an exact cost: I rounded to the nearest bazillion) for an all-singing, al

                              Using Trello as a Super Simple CMS | CSS-Tricks
                            • Announcing Standard Ruby 1.0

                                Announcing Standard Ruby 1.0
                              • データ変換処理をモダンな手法で開発できる「dbt」を使ってみた | DevelopersIO

                                奈良県でリモートワーク中の玉井です。 日本では全くと言っていいほど知名度がありませんが、国外(アメリカ?)のデータ分析界隈では既にメジャーな存在になりつつある「dbt」(data build tool)について、ご紹介します。 dbtとは? 公式情報など 公式はこちら(ググラビリティが低い名前なので検索しづらい)。 (死ぬほどざっくりいうと)データ変換を効率よく実施できるツールです。SaaSとしての提供になっているので(最初からあったわけではなく、後から登場したようです)、Webブラウザさえあれば、すぐに利用することができます。 主な特徴 ELTの「T」を担当するツール データの前処理における作業をELT(Extract、Load、Transform)と呼称することがありますが、それの「T(変換)」を担当します。E(抽出)やL(ロード)はやりません。 そして、その変換処理をどうやって設定す

                                  データ変換処理をモダンな手法で開発できる「dbt」を使ってみた | DevelopersIO
                                • GitHub - Byron/gitoxide: An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git

                                  gitoxide is an implementation of git written in Rust for developing future-proof applications which strive for correctness and performance while providing a pleasant and unsurprising developer experience. gitoxide provides the gix and ein binaries for use on the command-line to allow experimentation with key features like fetch and clone, and to validate the usability and control of the API offere

                                    GitHub - Byron/gitoxide: An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git
                                  • Understanding all of Python, through its builtins

                                    Python as a language is comparatively simple. And I believe, that you can learn quite a lot about Python and its features, just by learning what all of its builtins are, and what they do. And to back up that claim, I'll be doing just that. Just to be clear, this is not going to be a tutorial post. Covering such a vast amount of material in a single blog post, while starting from the beginning is p

                                      Understanding all of Python, through its builtins
                                    • JavaScript performance beyond bundle size

                                      23 Feb JavaScript performance beyond bundle size Posted February 23, 2021 by Nolan Lawson in performance, Web. 8 Comments There’s an old story about a drunk trying to find his keys in the streetlight. Why? Well, because that’s where it’s the brightest. It’s a funny story, but also relatable, because as humans we all tend to take the path of least resistance. I think we have the same problem in the

                                        JavaScript performance beyond bundle size
                                      • TensorFlow 2 meets the Object Detection API

                                        https://blog.tensorflow.org/2020/07/tensorflow-2-meets-object-detection-api.html https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhKis9ECId8eIwn_p0SVMBt3a1vfvKOcOZXy6zK0fWoyzXnzQTguKc2CV__6oI1Pwg22NjWsErpDKqjwQdzjilvmqwWkXPj2ncglphh6mAhpoZ_QXQiDwxnwo-GjKEP0fEOb3uBlNlh9sc/s1600/tensorflow2objectdetection.png July 10, 2020 — Posted by Vivek Rathod and Jonathan Huang, Google Research At the

                                          TensorFlow 2 meets the Object Detection API
                                        • A new public beta of GitHub Releases: How we’re improving the release experience

                                          ProductA new public beta of GitHub Releases: How we’re improving the release experienceGitHub Releases has a new look and updated tools to make it easier for open source communities to create and share high-quality releases with auto-generated release notes. GitHub is where developers come to learn and celebrate what’s new in open source, and where maintainers share, collaborate and celebrate thei

                                            A new public beta of GitHub Releases: How we’re improving the release experience
                                          • GitHub - rui314/mold: Mold: A Modern Linker 🦠

                                            mold is a faster drop-in replacement for existing Unix linkers. It is several times quicker than the LLVM lld linker, the second-fastest open-source linker, which I initially developed a few years ago. mold aims to enhance developer productivity by minimizing build time, particularly in rapid debug-edit-rebuild cycles. Here is a performance comparison of GNU ld, GNU gold, LLVM lld, and mold when l

                                              GitHub - rui314/mold: Mold: A Modern Linker 🦠
                                            • The GNU Name System

                                              The GNU Name System Abstract This document contains the GNU Name System (GNS) technical specification.¶ Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.¶ Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of cu

                                              • 分析者や予算承認者の視点に立ちつつ、BigQuery Flex Slotsの適切なスロット数を定量的に決定する方法を紹介します - MonotaRO Tech Blog

                                                こんにちは、データ基盤グループの吉本と吉田(id:syou6162)です。モノタロウでは基本的にはBigQueryを定額料金で利用していますが、利用者の多い時間帯はFlex Slotsも併用しています。本エントリでは、Flex Slotsの適切なスロット数を定量的に決めるために行なった試行錯誤について紹介します。 モノタロウでのBigQueryの利用状況 課題感 課題感1: 適切なFlex Slotsのスロット数をどう決めるか 課題感2: 過去の期間との実行時間は単純には比較できない 解決策 解決策1: 同一のクエリを定期的に動かし、実行時間をCloud Monitoringで計測 解決策2: 計測用オンデマンドのGCPプロジェクトでもクエリを実行し、理想状態との相対実行時間を知る まとめ モノタロウでのBigQueryの利用状況 モノタロウでは様々な意思決定の場面でデータ活用が行なわれて

                                                  分析者や予算承認者の視点に立ちつつ、BigQuery Flex Slotsの適切なスロット数を定量的に決定する方法を紹介します - MonotaRO Tech Blog
                                                • Web Neural Network API

                                                  Web Neural Network API W3C Candidate Recommendation Draft, 5 May 2024 More details about this document This version: https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/CRD-webnn-20240505/ Latest published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/webnn/ Editor's Draft: https://webmachinelearning.github.io/webnn/ Previous Versions: https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/CRD-webnn-20240503/ History: https://www.w3.org/standards/history/webnn/ Im

                                                  • Security keys are now supported for SSH Git operations

                                                    EngineeringSecuritySecurity keys are now supported for SSH Git operationsGitHub has been at the forefront of security key adoption for many years. We were an early adopter of Universal 2nd Factor ("U2F") and were also one of the first… GitHub has been at the forefront of security key adoption for many years. We were an early adopter of Universal 2nd Factor (“U2F”) and were also one of the first si

                                                      Security keys are now supported for SSH Git operations
                                                    • https://hypercore-protocol.org/

                                                      • [Tensorflow Lite] Various Neural Network Model quantization methods for Tensorflow Lite (Weight Quantization, Integer Quantization, Full Integer Quantization, Float16 Quantization, EdgeTPU). As of May 05, 2020. - Qiita

                                                        [Tensorflow Lite] Various Neural Network Model quantization methods for Tensorflow Lite (Weight Quantization, Integer Quantization, Full Integer Quantization, Float16 Quantization, EdgeTPU). As of May 05, 2020.PythonDeepLearningTensorFlowPyTorchOpenVINO 日本語 English - Japanese - 1. Introduction 今回は私が半年間掛けてためてきた、学習済みモデルの量子化ワークフローをメモがてら共有したいと思います。 Tensorflow の checkpoint (.ckpt/.meta)、 FreezeGraph (.

                                                          [Tensorflow Lite] Various Neural Network Model quantization methods for Tensorflow Lite (Weight Quantization, Integer Quantization, Full Integer Quantization, Float16 Quantization, EdgeTPU). As of May 05, 2020. - Qiita
                                                        • Your CLI wish is our command 🪄💫 | 1Password

                                                          Now when aws executes it does so from within an op run context. When it’s time to locate the access secrets aws does what it always does, but there is no (plain text) ~/.aws/credentials RC file for it to use. It does, however, find some magical $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY beans environment variables. These variables use the secret reference syntax to specify that their values nee

                                                            Your CLI wish is our command 🪄💫 | 1Password
                                                          • GitHub - kubescape/kubescape: Kubescape is an open-source Kubernetes security platform for your IDE, CI/CD pipelines, and clusters. It includes risk analysis, security, compliance, and misconfiguration scanning, saving Kubernetes users and administrators

                                                            An open-source Kubernetes security platform for your clusters, CI/CD pipelines, and IDE that seperates out the security signal from the scanner noise Kubescape is an open-source Kubernetes security platform, built for use in your day-to-day workflow, by fitting into your clusters, CI/CD pipelines and IDE. It serves as a one-stop-shop for Kuberenetes security and includes vulnerability and misconfi

                                                              GitHub - kubescape/kubescape: Kubescape is an open-source Kubernetes security platform for your IDE, CI/CD pipelines, and clusters. It includes risk analysis, security, compliance, and misconfiguration scanning, saving Kubernetes users and administrators
                                                            • 生TensorFlow七転八倒記(11):TensorFlow周りの最近のアップデートについて - 渋谷駅前で働くデータサイエンティストのブログ

                                                              2年ぐらい前に必要があって生TensorFlowとTensorFlow-Hubによる様々なモデルやフレームワーク並びに事前学習済みモデルの実装を試していたのですが、TF2の浸透に伴いそれらの多くの仕様が変更になっており、中には回らなくなっていたコードもあったので、それらを調べるついでに最近のTF-Hubのアップデートも覗いてきました。ということで、自分向けの備忘録として簡単にまとめておきます。 TensorFlow-Hubの事前学習モデル Estimatorクラス 余談 TensorFlow-Hubの事前学習モデル まず試したのがUniversal Sentence Encoderの多言語版。リンク先を見れば分かるように、16言語(アラビア語・簡体字中国語・繁体字中国語・英語・フランス語・ドイツ語・イタリア語・日本語・韓国語・オランダ語・ポーランド語・ポルトガル語・スペイン語・タイ語・トル

                                                                生TensorFlow七転八倒記(11):TensorFlow周りの最近のアップデートについて - 渋谷駅前で働くデータサイエンティストのブログ
                                                              • YARN vs NPM (vs pnpm) in 2019: comparison and verdict

                                                                YARN vs NPM (vs pnpm) in 2019: comparison and verdict A comparative analysis of the most used package managers for JavaScript and Node.js and what to use in 2019 In this article I'll talk about Yarn and NPM, arguably the most popular JavaScript package managers available as of today, with the precise intent of compare their respective features and explain what I'm (mostly) using nowadays and why:

                                                                  YARN vs NPM (vs pnpm) in 2019: comparison and verdict
                                                                • GitHub - developit/redaxios: The Axios API, as an 800 byte Fetch wrapper.

                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                    GitHub - developit/redaxios: The Axios API, as an 800 byte Fetch wrapper.
                                                                  • Minecraft as a k8s admin tool

                                                                    Would you kill this innocent looking service?Disclaimer: In my spare time I like to build tools that no one really needs, and this is one of them. Have you ever thought to yourself: Why don’t we have an immersive 3D sandbox user interface to manage workloads on my favorite container orchestrator? No? Well here it is anyway. The inspiration for KubeCraft Admin come from watching a video on the Make

                                                                      Minecraft as a k8s admin tool
                                                                    • Replit — Ace, CodeMirror, and Monaco: A Comparison of the Code Editors You Use in the Browser

                                                                      EngInfraAce, CodeMirror, and Monaco: A Comparison of the Code Editors You Use in the Browser I’ve been working on Replit for roughly six years now, and as the team has grown, I’ve focused on the IDE (what we call the workspace) portion of the product. Naturally, I was increasingly preoccupied with the code editor. While we’ve considered creating a code editor that meets our needs, the complexity i

                                                                        Replit — Ace, CodeMirror, and Monaco: A Comparison of the Code Editors You Use in the Browser
                                                                      • A virtual office for remote teams

                                                                        Video conferencing software built for small teamsWork together synchronously with virtual meetings, calendar alerts, and high fives - even while remote.Try Tandem for freearrow_forwardSee Tandem in action

                                                                          A virtual office for remote teams
                                                                        • The story of a V8 performance cliff in React · V8

                                                                          Show navigation Previously, we discussed how JavaScript engines optimize object and array access through the use of Shapes and Inline Caches, and we’ve explored how engines speed up prototype property access in particular. This article describes how V8 chooses optimal in-memory representations for various JavaScript values, and how that impacts the shape machinery — all of which helps explain a re

                                                                          • Writing unit tests in Golang Part 1: Introducing Testify

                                                                            Unit testing is a way of writing tests for the individual components (aka, the smallest part) of a program. The purpose of it is to validate that any piece of code is always working as expected. Moreover, unit testing has a lot of advantages such as improving the quality of code, providing documentation, also the code can be tested individually and doesn’t require another module in order for it to

                                                                              Writing unit tests in Golang Part 1: Introducing Testify
                                                                            • Moving the Linux desktop to another reality

                                                                              In the early days of VR on Linux, when plugging in an HMD into a system completely unaware of what it was, the display was initialized as generic desktop display and the window manager extended the desktop to it. This was obviously undesirable, but you were still able to see cropped and perspectively incorrect desktop windows on your HMD. Only the bravest of us were keen enough to find the cursor

                                                                                Moving the Linux desktop to another reality
                                                                              • Humanity wastes about 500 years per day on CAPTCHAs. It’s time to end this madness

                                                                                Assuming you are using a hardware device with a compatible configuration, you might be wondering what is happening behind the scenes. The elevator pitchThe short version is that your device has an embedded secure module containing a unique secret sealed by your manufacturer. The security module is capable of proving it owns such a secret without revealing it. Cloudflare asks you for proof and chec

                                                                                  Humanity wastes about 500 years per day on CAPTCHAs. It’s time to end this madness
                                                                                • 1Password for Linux beta is now open 🎊 🐧 🎊 | 1Password

                                                                                  Buckle up Linux Desktop users! We just opened an awesome ride that we’d love for you to join us on. 🎢 🙌🏼 I’m super excited to announce our first beta release of 1Password for Linux. That’s right – we now have a full-featured desktop app for Linux which you can use to quickly find, edit, and organize your items! And it looks gorgeous, too! 😍 Planned for official release early next year, we coul

                                                                                    1Password for Linux beta is now open 🎊 🐧 🎊 | 1Password
