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  • HTTP/3 From A To Z: Core Concepts — Smashing Magazine

    After almost five years in development, the new HTTP/3 protocol is nearing its final form. Earlier iterations were already available as an experimental feature, but you can expect the availability and use of HTTP/3 proper to ramp up over in 2021. So what exactly is HTTP/3? Why was it needed so soon after HTTP/2? How can or should you use it? And especially, how does it improve web performance? Let

      HTTP/3 From A To Z: Core Concepts — Smashing Magazine
    • Announcing Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Snapshot Export to S3

      You can now export Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) or Amazon Aurora snapshots to Amazon S3 as Apache Parquet, an efficient open columnar storage format for analytics. The Parquet format is up to 2x faster to export and consumes up to 6x less storage in Amazon S3, compared to text formats. You can analyze the exported data with other AWS services such as Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, a

        Announcing Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Snapshot Export to S3
      • 従来のPythonよりも高速化が可能な新たなプログラミング言語「Mojo」が開発される

        Appleのプログラミング言語「Swift」を生み出したクリス・ラットナー氏がCEOを務めるソフトウェア開発スタートアップのModularが、新たなプログラミング言語の「Mojo」を2023年5月3日に発表しました。Mojoはこれまでのプログラミング言語であるPythonの使用感とC言語並みの性能を合わせ持つ言語だとされています。 Mojo 🔥: Programming language for all of AI https://www.modular.com/mojo Modular Docs - Mojo🔥 https://docs.modular.com/mojo/ fast.ai - Mojo may be the biggest programming language advance in decades https://www.fast.ai/posts/2023-05

        • Cloudflare Workers and micro-frontends: made for one another

          Cloudflare Workers and micro-frontends: made for one another2022-10-20 To help developers build better web applications we researched and devised a fragments architecture to build micro-frontends using Cloudflare Workers that is lightning fast, cost-effective to develop and operate, and scales to the needs of the largest enterprise teams without compromising release velocity or user experience. He

            Cloudflare Workers and micro-frontends: made for one another
          • React Libraries To Use In 2023: 17 Top Picks

            Yash Tiwari for Coursesity Posted on Jun 13, 2021 • Updated on Mar 23, 2023 React is a JavaScript library that lets you create a prime UI for both mobile and web applications. It integrates seamlessly with other JavaScript frameworks and libraries and includes small, reusable pieces of code, called components. Due to their high modularity, React component libraries not only optimize UI development

              React Libraries To Use In 2023: 17 Top Picks
            • Relay-style GraphQL

              🇰🇷 한국인 (Korean) translation available (courtesy of Yujin Lim) “The future Relay-style GraphQL is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed.” – William Gibson, probably ”Relay-style GraphQL” is an opinionated way of consuming GraphQL in a React application, and probably better than whatever you’re currently doing. It follows the ideas pioneered by Meta’s open-source GraphQL library, Relay.

                Relay-style GraphQL
              • `undefined` vs. `null` revisited

                Many programming languages have one “non-value” called null. It indicates that a variable does not currently point to an object – for example, when it hasn’t been initialized yet. In contrast, JavaScript has two such non-values: undefined and null. In this blog post, we examine how they differ and how to best use or avoid them. undefined vs. null  # Both values are very similar and often used inte

                • Grafbase: Instant serverless GraphQL backends

                  @grafbase lets you go from idea to serverless GraphQL backend in seconds. • Local dev with zero config • Instant deploys • Persistence built in • Globally fast without cold starts As a developer, you are faced with many decisions before your backend is ready for use. What API framework do you use? What database? Where do you deploy your API? Where do you deploy your database? Authorization? What a

                    Grafbase: Instant serverless GraphQL backends
                  • iOS16のRoomPlan APIを使って室内の家具を一気に入れ替える映像 - iPhone Mania

                    iOS16で利用可能になる「RoomPlan」APIを使って、iPhoneで3Dスキャンした室内にある家具を消すデモ映像が公開されました。全ての家具を一気に消すだけでなく、選択した家具だけを消すことも可能です。 iOS16では3Dスキャンが簡単に iOS16では、LiDARスキャナ付きiPhoneやiPad Proで室内をスキャンすることで、3D見取り図を簡単に作成できる「RoomPlan」APIが動作します。 Shopifyの拡張現実(AR)/仮想現実(VR)エンジニア、ルース・マシュマイヤー氏が、 RoomPlan APIを使ったデモンストレーションの動画を公開しています。 ディスプレイやスピーカーの乗った机、椅子、観葉植物が置かれ、窓にはカーテンのかかった部屋をスキャンします。 一瞬で、何もない部屋に変わってしまいました。壁に取り付けられていたエアコンも含めて、完全に消えています。ゼ

                      iOS16のRoomPlan APIを使って室内の家具を一気に入れ替える映像 - iPhone Mania
                    • Announcing preview of Amazon Linux 2022

                      Today, we are announcing the public preview of Amazon Linux 2022 (AL2022), Amazon's new general purpose Linux for AWS that is designed to provide a secure, stable, and high-performance execution environment to develop and run your cloud applications. Starting with AL2022, a new Amazon Linux major version will be available every two years and each version will be supported for five years. Customers

                        Announcing preview of Amazon Linux 2022
                      • New Amazon RDS for MySQL & PostgreSQL Multi-AZ Deployment Option: Improved Write Performance & Faster Failover | Amazon Web Services

                        AWS News Blog New Amazon RDS for MySQL & PostgreSQL Multi-AZ Deployment Option: Improved Write Performance & Faster Failover Today, we are announcing a new Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Multi-AZ deployment option with up to 2x faster transaction commit latency, automated failovers typically under 35 seconds, and readable standby instances. Amazon RDS offers two replication options to en

                          New Amazon RDS for MySQL & PostgreSQL Multi-AZ Deployment Option: Improved Write Performance & Faster Failover | Amazon Web Services
                        • PlayStation VR2 and PlayStation VR2 Sense controller: the next generation of VR gaming on PS5

                          January 4, 2022January 24, 2022 PlayStation VR2 and PlayStation VR2 Sense controller: the next generation of VR gaming on PS5 Happy New Year everyone. It is my great pleasure to start off 2022 with news on our next generation virtual reality system for the PS5 console, starting with the official name: PlayStation VR2, and our new VR controller, PlayStation VR2 Sense controller. PlayStation VR2 tak

                            PlayStation VR2 and PlayStation VR2 Sense controller: the next generation of VR gaming on PS5
                          • RAGs powered by Google Search technology, Part 1 | Google Cloud Blog

                            When a large language model (LLM) doesn’t have enough information or has no contextual knowledge of a topic, it is more likely to hallucinate and provide inaccurate or false responses. Developers are increasingly excited about generative AI and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) — an architecture pattern that combines LLMs with backend information retrieval from other information sources. This a

                              RAGs powered by Google Search technology, Part 1 | Google Cloud Blog
                            • React 18正式版リリース。コアとなるレンダリングモデルに並行処理を導入、レンダリング速度、サーバサイドレンダリング速度の向上などを実現

                              React 18正式版リリース。コアとなるレンダリングモデルに並行処理を導入、レンダリング速度、サーバサイドレンダリング速度の向上などを実現 JavaScript対応のUIライブラリである「React 18」正式版がリリースされました。 React 18はAutomatic Batching、Server-Side Renderingの速度向上などをはじめとする機能強化が行われています。 Automatic Batchingでは、連続してステートの変更が行われる場合、そのたびにレンダリングの処理が走っていたところを、まとめて一回のレンダリング処理が走るだけになることで、速度が向上するというもの。 React 18以前では、Reactのイベントハンドラによる連続処理では、このようなレンダリングのまとめが行われていましたが、React 18では「createRoot」を用いることで、あらゆるス

                                React 18正式版リリース。コアとなるレンダリングモデルに並行処理を導入、レンダリング速度、サーバサイドレンダリング速度の向上などを実現
                              • Demystifying Azure OpenAI Networking for Secure Chatbot Deployment

                                Introduction Azure AI Landing Zones provide a solid foundation for deploying advanced AI technologies like OpenAI's GPT-4 models. These environments are designed to support AI enthusiasts, but it's essential to grasp their networking aspects, especially concerning Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings. In this article, we'll dive into the networking details of OpenAI Landing Zones, focusing on ho

                                  Demystifying Azure OpenAI Networking for Secure Chatbot Deployment
                                • 英英辞典の使い方

                                  英語学習中の自分は、英英辞典の使い方がわからなかった。 そういう人は多いと思う。英英辞典の解説を丸暗記しようとしても覚えられない、1つの単語に途方もない時間がかかる。 でも最近勉強をしていて、解決策を見つけることができた。 簡単な英語は和訳せずに読めるが、なおかつ英英辞典を使うのをあきらめた人はこれを見て、実践して欲しい。 理解とはまず、理解とは**「知っている言葉に言い換えられる」ということだ。 そして、知っているとは、イメージで想起できること。体験したこと。 なので、英英辞典に書かれている「take」や「food」などの中1レベルの単語は「知っている」必要がある。 実際の英英辞典の使いかたまず、英英辞典で「言い換えられる言葉」を探す。 そのためにまず、調べた言葉が動詞か名詞か区別する必要がある。 例として、nourishmentという単語を上げてみたい。 nourishmentを調べる

                                  • 体温計・パルスオキシメーター・心電図・聴診器をひとつにまとめた家庭用デバイス「BeamO」をWithingsが発表

                                    ヘルスケア機器メーカーのWithingsが、体温計・パルスオキシメーター・心電図・聴診器をひとつにまとめた家庭用ヘルスケアデバイスの「BeamO」を発表しました。 Withings’ new ‘multiscope’ combines four health gadgets into one - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/7/24022955/withings-beamo-multiscope-telehealth-ces-2024 Withings’ new multiscope device checks vitals for telehealth visits | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2024/01/07/withings-new-multiscope-device-checks

                                    • Building Uber’s Fulfillment Platform for Planet-Scale using Google Cloud Spanner

                                      You’re seeing information for Japan . To see local features and services for another location, select a different city. Show more Introduction The Fulfillment Platform is a foundational Uber domain that enables the rapid scaling of new verticals. The platform handles billions of database transactions each day, ranging from user actions (e.g., a driver starting a trip) and system actions (e.g., cre

                                        Building Uber’s Fulfillment Platform for Planet-Scale using Google Cloud Spanner
                                      • Google Cloud、エンタープライズ向け高性能DB「AlloyDB for PostgreSQL」正式サービスとして提供開始、Amazon Aurora対抗の位置づけ

                                        Google Cloud、エンタープライズ向け高性能DB「AlloyDB for PostgreSQL」正式サービスとして提供開始、Amazon Aurora対抗の位置づけ Google Cloudは、エンタープライズ向けの高性能データベースサービス「AlloyDB for PostgreSQL」を正式サービスとして提供開始しました。 AlloyDB for PostgreSQL is generally available Modernize your enterprise database workloads and build new, scalable applications. AlloyDB combines full PostgreSQL compatibility with the best of Google. Read more https://t.co/NFFBSMz

                                          Google Cloud、エンタープライズ向け高性能DB「AlloyDB for PostgreSQL」正式サービスとして提供開始、Amazon Aurora対抗の位置づけ
                                        • DeepSpeed/blogs/deepspeed-chat at master · microsoft/DeepSpeed

                                          ChatGPT-like models have taken the AI world by storm, and it would not be an overstatement to say that its impact on the digital world has been revolutionary. These models are incredibly versatile, capable of performing tasks like summarization, coding, and translation with results that are on-par or even exceeding the capabilities of human experts. Given the sheer power of these models, multiple

                                            DeepSpeed/blogs/deepspeed-chat at master · microsoft/DeepSpeed
                                          • VIM - Minimal Setup Explained

                                            This changes the values of a LOT of options, enabling features which are not Vi compatible but really really nice. Enables input of special characters by a combination of two characters. Example: Type 'a', erase it by typing CTRL-H - and then type ':' - this results in the umlaut: ä So Vim remembers the character you have erased and combines it with the character you have typed "over" the previos

                                            • A non-mathematical introduction to Kalman Filters for programmers - Pravesh Koirala

                                              Read my manifesto on Code as an alternative to Mathematics. Code for this article can be found on this Colab Notebook should you choose to follow along. Why Kalman Filters? Kalman filters are ingenius. If you have never heard of them, then a very intuitive (and arguably reductive) way to think about them is to consider them as a funnel where you pour information from multiple noisy sources to cond

                                              • Writing a tiny tRPC client | tRPC

                                                Ever wondered how tRPC works? Maybe you want to start contributing to the project but you're frightened by the internals? The aim of this post is to familiarize you with the internals of tRPC by writing a minimal client that covers the big parts of how tRPC works. infoIt's recommended that you understand some of the core concepts in TypeScript such as generics, conditional types, the extends keywo

                                                  Writing a tiny tRPC client | tRPC
                                                • AI Feynman: A physics-inspired method for symbolic regression | Science Advances

                                                  AbstractA core challenge for both physics and artificial intelligence (AI) is symbolic regression: finding a symbolic expression that matches data from an unknown function. Although this problem is likely to be NP-hard in principle, functions of practical interest often exhibit symmetries, separability, compositionality, and other simplifying properties. In this spirit, we develop a recursive mult

                                                    AI Feynman: A physics-inspired method for symbolic regression | Science Advances
                                                  • 空を飛べてスケボーやスラックラインも可能な二足歩行×ドローンのハイブリッドロボット「Leonardo」が登場

                                                    カリフォルニア工科大学の自立システム技術センターの研究チームが、空を飛んだりスケートボードで滑ったりスラックラインしたりすることができる二足歩行ロボットの「Leonardo」を発表しました。Leonardoは多関節脚とプロペラベースのスラスターを使用して高いレベルでの制御・バランスを実現した、最初のロボットとなります。 A bipedal walking robot that can fly, slackline, and skateboard https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scirobotics.abf8136 LEONARDO, the Bipedal Robot, Can Ride a Skateboard and Walk a Slackline | www.caltech.edu https://www.caltech.edu/about

                                                    • Distributed SQL 101 | Yugabyte

                                                      What is Distributed SQL?Distributed SQL is a category of relational databases that combines the core features of traditional SQL and NoSQL systems, being strongly consistent while natively providing ACID transactional support across data centers, availability zones, and regions—in the cloud. It provides a single logical relational database deployed across a cluster of network servers. Distributed

                                                        Distributed SQL 101 | Yugabyte
                                                      • SynapseML: A simple, multilingual, and massively parallel machine learning library - Microsoft Research

                                                        Simplifying distributed ML through a unified API Writing fault-tolerant distributed programs is complex and a process that’s prone to errors. For example, consider the distributed evaluation of a deep network. The first step is to send a multi-GB model to hundreds of worker machines without overwhelming the network. Then, data readers must coordinate to ensure that all data is queued for processin

                                                          SynapseML: A simple, multilingual, and massively parallel machine learning library - Microsoft Research
                                                        • iOS 15 iCloud Private Relay Vulnerability Identified

                                                          Apple’s new iCloud Private Relay service allows users to hide their IP addresses and DNS requests from websites and network service providers. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how this security feature can be circumvented and discuss what users can do to prevent their data from being leaked. You’ll need to turn on iCloud Private Relay to test the vulnerability. At the moment iCloud Private Relay

                                                            iOS 15 iCloud Private Relay Vulnerability Identified
                                                          • How we built the Grafbase local development experience in Rust

                                                            How we built the Grafbase local development experience in Rust Grafbase provides an edge-native GraphQL platform that combines multiple data-sources into a single API and includes a serverless database, search, edge caching, preview environments and much more. Around May 2022 we started working on a local development experience, written in Rust, to mirror this functionality locally and allow you t

                                                              How we built the Grafbase local development experience in Rust
                                                            • 遅れに遅れたChatGPT高度な音声モードが公開開始されたので、AIパーソナリティーのポッドキャストを作ってみた(CloseBox) | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge

                                                              日本のユーザーでも高度な音声モードが適用されている人がいます。 すでにバージョンアップされたkoguさんによれば、新しいラインアップのボイスは次のとおりです。スワイプすることで切り替えが可能になっています。 スカヨハ似ということで消されてしまったSky(女性)を除いた従来のCove(男性)、Juniper(女性)、Breeze(女性)、Ember(男性)のほかに、新しいボイスとしてArbor(男性)、Maple(女性)、Sol(女性)、Spruce(男性)、Vale(女性)が加わりました。 高度な音声モードが来ていないアカウントでも、新しいボイスを試し聞きできますが、使用はできません。 いったんChatGPTアプリを強制終了させて再起動したら筆者のアカウントにも来ていました。 待たせたお詫びと言ってはなんですが、カスタムインストラクション、メモリー、5つの新ボイス、アクセントの改善などが施

                                                                遅れに遅れたChatGPT高度な音声モードが公開開始されたので、AIパーソナリティーのポッドキャストを作ってみた(CloseBox) | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge
                                                              • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

                                                                Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

                                                                  The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
                                                                • Make: Japan | ものをつくらないものづくり #2 —「ユーザー」は存在しない

                                                                  本記事は、久保田晃弘さん(多摩美術大学情報デザイン学科 教授)に寄稿していただきました。 「DIY」(大文字で、ハイフンでつながれて、カッコで括られた “Do-It-Yourself”)という表現が初めて登場したのは、1912年に発行された『Suburban Life』に掲載されたホームデコレーションの記事であった[1]。『郊外生活』と名付けられたこの雑誌は、家の建て方や飾り方といった、いわゆる日曜大工のような初心者向けのコンテンツを提供することを目的とした、まさに「Make:」誌の元祖のような内容のものだった[2]。その後、この「DIY」の文脈を生活の中に根付かせたのは、1914年から1945年にかけての2つの世界大戦であった。日常的に資源が不足し、男性が家庭から離れたこの時期に、女性が自分の手で日々のトラブルに対応し、家庭を維持修繕していくことは、必要であることを超えて必然となっていっ

                                                                    Make: Japan | ものをつくらないものづくり #2 —「ユーザー」は存在しない
                                                                  • How we built a serverless SQL database

                                                                    We recently announced general availability (GA) for Serverless, with support for change data capture (CDC), backup and restore, and a 99.99% uptime SLA. Read on to learn how CockroachDB Serverless works from the inside out, and why we can give it away for free – not free for some limited period, but free. It required some significant and fascinating engineering to get us there. I think you’ll enjo

                                                                      How we built a serverless SQL database
                                                                    • New AlloyDB for PostgreSQL frees you from legacy databases | Google Cloud Blog

                                                                      Introducing AlloyDB for PostgreSQL: Free yourself from expensive, legacy databases Enterprises are struggling to free themselves from legacy database systems, and need an alternative option to modernize their applications. Today at Google I/O, we’re thrilled to announce the preview of AlloyDB for PostgreSQL, a fully-managed, PostgreSQL-compatible database service that provides a powerful option fo

                                                                        New AlloyDB for PostgreSQL frees you from legacy databases | Google Cloud Blog
                                                                      • rsync, article 3: How does rsync work?

                                                                        This post is the third article in a series of blog posts about rsync, see the Series Overview. With rsync up and running, it’s time to take a peek under the hood of rsync to better understand how it works. How does rsync work? When talking about the rsync protocol, we need to distinguish between: protocol-level roles: “sender” and “receiver” TCP roles: “client” and “server” All roles can be mixed

                                                                        • All JavaScript and TypeScript Features of the last 3 years

                                                                          TypeScript as envisioned by Stable DiffusionThis article goes through almost all of the changes of the last 3 years (and some from earlier) in JavaScript / ECMAScript and TypeScript . Not all of the following features will be relevant to you or even practical, but they should instead serve to show what’s possible and to deepen your understanding of these languages. There are a lot of TypeScript fe

                                                                            All JavaScript and TypeScript Features of the last 3 years
                                                                          • React Server Components, Next.js App Router and examples

                                                                            React Server Components, Next.js App Router and examples May 6, 2023 There were recently a number of discussions in the React community around the state of Server Components, the Next.js App Router and the future of tooling and rendering approaches. Here's my attempt at a brief summary of concepts and discussions for folks that want highlights. I also wanted to share (lower down) more "complete" A

                                                                              React Server Components, Next.js App Router and examples
                                                                            • 33 open-source cybersecurity solutions you didn’t know you needed - Help Net Security

                                                                              Please turn on your JavaScript for this page to function normally. Open-source cybersecurity tools provide transparency and flexibility, allowing users to examine and customize the source code to fit specific security needs. These tools make cybersecurity accessible to a broader range of organizations and individuals. In this article, you will find a list of 33 open-source cybersecurity tools for

                                                                                33 open-source cybersecurity solutions you didn’t know you needed - Help Net Security
                                                                              • Hybrid combines the worst of office and remote work

                                                                                June 8, 2023 Hybrid combines the worst of office and remote work The honeymoon for remote work is over, and managers who never liked the concept to begin with are plotting its complete reversal, so that things may return to how they were before The Great Remote Experiment. This experiment convinced millions of employees of how much better life could be without a commute or even having to live by t

                                                                                  Hybrid combines the worst of office and remote work
                                                                                • Chapter 12 - Introducing Non-Abstract Large System Design, Google SRE Book

                                                                                  Introducing Non-Abstract Large System Design By Salim Virji, James Youngman, Henry Robertson, Stephen Thorne, Dave Rensin, and Zoltan Egyed with Richard Bondi With responsibilities that span production operations and product engineering, SRE is in a unique position to align business case requirements and operational costs. Product engineering teams may not be aware of the maintenance cost of syste