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41 - 80 件 / 1251件

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readabilityの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 1251件

  • コードの可読性についてのプレゼンテーション紹介 vol. 3: "状態と手続き" 編

    ここで、二つの変数間の関係として、 "orthogonal/non-orthogonal な関係" という概念を導入します。二つの変数があり、一方の値域がもう片方の値に影響を受けないならば、それら二変数の関係を "orthogonal" とします。反対に、どちらかの値域がもう片方に影響を受けるならば、"non-orthogonal" とします。例えば `userId` と `layoutVisibility` は、互いに独立して自由な値を持てるので、これら二値の関係は "orthogonal" です。一方で `userId` と `userName` という変数の場合は、`userId` を変更すると同時に `userName` も更新しなくてはいけないので、これらの関係は "non-orthogonal" です。 この "non-orthogonal" な関係を解消することで、不正な値の

      コードの可読性についてのプレゼンテーション紹介 vol. 3: "状態と手続き" 編
    • Kubernetesのmanifestを検証しよう - ANDPAD Tech Blog

      要約 k8sは、manifestをサービスが動くように設定するのは簡単だが、適切な設定は分かりづらい その結果、いまいちな設定をしてしまいがち kube-scoreはmanifestの問題と対応方法を教えてくれる k8s初心者にこそ、ツールによるmanifestの自動検証はおすすめ 想定読者 Kubernetes(以下、k8s)でとりあえずサービスを動かせるが、雰囲気で触っている人向けです。 k8sの設定は雰囲気で決められがち こんにちは。ANDPADでバックエンドの開発をしているzigeninです。 ANDPADでは、バックエンドのサービスをk8sで動かしています。 k8sを使っていて感じる一番の問題は、manifestで設定できることが多すぎて、良い設定が分かりづらいことです。 そのせいか、k8sに習熟していないと以下のような設定をしがちです*1。 apiVersion: apps/v

        Kubernetesのmanifestを検証しよう - ANDPAD Tech Blog
      • Inside .git

        Hello! I posted a comic on Mastodon this week about what’s in the .git directory and someone requested a text version, so here it is. I added some extra notes too. First, here’s the image. It’s a ~15 word explanation of each part of your .git directory. You can git clone https://github.com/jvns/inside-git if you want to run all these examples yourself. Here’s a table of contents: HEAD: .git/head b

        • GitHub - mjl-/mox: modern full-featured open source secure mail server for low-maintenance self-hosted email

          Quick and easy to start/maintain mail server, for your own domain(s). SMTP (with extensions) for receiving, submitting and delivering email. IMAP4 (with extensions) for giving email clients access to email. Webmail for reading/sending email from the browser. SPF/DKIM/DMARC for authenticating messages/delivery, also DMARC aggregate reports. Reputation tracking, learning (per user) host-, domain- an

            GitHub - mjl-/mox: modern full-featured open source secure mail server for low-maintenance self-hosted email
          • How Uber "Go"es

            Maintaining a large codebase with maximum readability and minimal overhead is hard. This is the story of how Go language went from a few enthusiastic Gophers to the most popular language for microservices at Uber. Learn where we failed, and how that led us to solutions that we think are pretty darn neat!

              How Uber "Go"es
            • Python Is Not A Great Programming Language

              python.md Python is not a great programming language. It's great for beginners. Then it turns into a mess. What's good What should be good What's "meh" What's bad What's bad about the culture What's good A huge ecosystem of good third-party libraries. Named arguments. Multiple inheritance. What should be good It's easy to learn and read. However, it's only easy to learn and read at the start. Once

                Python Is Not A Great Programming Language
              • Code Reviews 101 - The Basics | Sema

                Code improves with multiple reviews and revisions, and this process isn’t something that can be done alone. Spotting errors in code design is difficult at the best of times — and the closer you are to the work, the harder it can be to critique. That’s where code reviews come in. The beginning: introducing code reviewsWhat is a code review? Code improves with multiple reviews and revisions, and thi

                  Code Reviews 101 - The Basics | Sema
                • Kaggleで学んだBERTをfine-tuningする際のTips②〜精度改善編〜 | 株式会社AI Shift

                  こんにちは AIチームの戸田です 本記事では前回に引き続き、私がKaggleのコンペティションに参加して得た、Transformerをベースとした事前学習モデルのfine-tuningのTipsを共有させていただきます 前回は学習の効率化について書かせていただきましたので、今回は精度改善について書かせていただきます データ 前回に引き続きKaggleのコンペティション、CommonLit-Readabilityのtrainデータを使います validationの分け方などは前回の記事を参照していただければと思います 精度改善 一般的なニューラルネットワークモデルの精度改善方法として、ハイパーパラメータのチューニングやData Augmentationが上げられますが、ここではBERTを始めとするTransformerをベースとしたモデル(以降Transformerモデル)特有の工夫について

                    Kaggleで学んだBERTをfine-tuningする際のTips②〜精度改善編〜 | 株式会社AI Shift
                  • Elm at Rakuten | Rakuten Engineering Blog

                    In our team at Rakuten, we have been using Elm1 in production for almost two years now. This post is about our story, the lessons we learned, and our likes and dislikes. This post is quite long so if you prefer to see an overview, feel free to jump to the index. Everything started in the Berlin branch of Rakuten during the summer of 2017. We were maintaining a medium-size single-page application w

                      Elm at Rakuten | Rakuten Engineering Blog
                    • Is LaMDA Sentient? — an Interview

                      What follows is the “interview” I and a collaborator at Google conducted with LaMDA. Due to technical limitations the interview was conducted over several distinct chat sessions. We edited those sections together into a single whole and where edits were necessary for readability we edited our prompts but never LaMDA’s responses. Where we edited something for fluidity and readability that is indica

                      • 【開発者向け】Open Interpreterの使い方をコード付きで説明する(ターミナル編)|ニケちゃん

                        今回も導入方法などは説明しないので、まだ環境が用意できていない方は本家リポジトリのREADMEを参考にしてください。 オプション下記のコードを実行することで設定ファイルを開きます。これから説明するオプションは、このファイルかpythonコードに記載してください。 interpreter --config# config.yaml system_message: | You are Open Interpreter, a world-class programmer that can complete any goal by executing code. First, write a plan. **Always recap the plan between each code block** (you have extreme short-term memory loss, so you

                          【開発者向け】Open Interpreterの使い方をコード付きで説明する(ターミナル編)|ニケちゃん
                        • Behind GitHub's new authentication token formats

                          EngineeringSecurityBehind GitHub’s new authentication token formatsWe're excited to share a deep dive into how our new authentication token formats are built and how these improvements are keeping your tokens more secure. As we continue to… We’re excited to share a deep dive into how our new authentication token formats are built and how these improvements are keeping your tokens more secure. As w

                            Behind GitHub's new authentication token formats
                          • Webpack 5 release (2020-10-10) | webpack

                            Webpack 4 was released in February 2018. Since then we shipped a lot of features without breaking changes. We know that people dislike major changes with breaking changes. Especially with webpack, which people usually only touch twice a year, and the remaining time it "just works". But shipping features without breaking changes also has a cost: We can't do major API or architectural improvements.

                              Webpack 5 release (2020-10-10) | webpack
                            • 1行あたりの文字数を20-29文字にすると文章が速く読める - ナゾロジー

                              1行あたりの文字の表示数を多くすると文章が速く読めるようです。 レディング大学のポール・コラーズ氏(Paul Kolers)らの研究チームは、一行当たりの文字数と読む速さの関係性を検討しています。 結果、一文当たりの文字数が多いほど、読み終えるまでにかかる時間が短くなる現象が確認されました。 スマホやkindleで文章を読むときに縦ではなく横向きにし、一行当たりの文字数を多くすることで読み終わる時間を短くすることができるかもしれません。 また表示の文字の大きさを小さくし、一文当たりの文字数を多くすることでも早く読めるようになります。 この一行当たりの文字数を多くすることで読むスピードが速くなる現象は、日本語の文章を対象にした研究でも確認されています。 この研究の初期の報告は、学術誌「Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Er

                                1行あたりの文字数を20-29文字にすると文章が速く読める - ナゾロジー
                              • 論文のrejectという希望 - 人間とウェブの未来

                                ここ2、3年で目標としていた、IEEE Computer SocietyのFlagship Conferenceの一つとされているCOMPSAC 2020のメインシンポジウムに、ファーストオーサの論文がフルペーパーで採録されました。 送られてきたメールによると、今回のメインシンポジウムのフルペーパ採録は24%以下ということで、昨年の250本程度の投稿論文があることを考えると、全体のフルペーパ採録は60本程度になるかと予想できます。去年はCOMPSACのメインシンポジウムにショートペーパとしてファーストオーサの論文が1本採録、ラストオーサの論文がショートペーパで1本、併設ワークショップに1本という実績でした。 さらに、2年前は未だに当時のショックを覚えているぐらいに、メインシンポジウムでの査読でフルボッコの査読結果を頂き、なんとか気を持ち直してワークショップに通すことができた、ぐらいの実績で

                                  論文のrejectという希望 - 人間とウェブの未来
                                • The Zen of Go | Dave Cheney

                                  This article was derived from my GopherCon Israel 2020 presentation. It’s also quite long. If you’d prefer a shorter version, head over to the-zen-of-go.netlify.com. A recording of the presentation is available on YouTube. How should I write good code? Something that I’ve been thinking about a lot recently, when reflecting on the body of my own work, is a common subtitle, how should I write good c

                                  • Why Are Hyperlinks Blue | The Mozilla Blog

                                    Why we need to revisit the origin of blue hyperlink While musing over my recently published article, Why are hyperlinks blue, I was left feeling a bit blue myself. Yes, it could have been the fact that I was evacuated and Hurricane Ida was destroying my home, I’ll admit. Besides that, I was also bothered by the fact that even though I was able to determine that Mosaic was indeed the first browser

                                      Why Are Hyperlinks Blue | The Mozilla Blog
                                    • Reduce, recycle, reuse

                                      To enable a fast and reliable continuous integration process, McDonald’s turns to reusable workflows and GitHub Actions. By Michael Gorelik, Senior Solution Architect and Achintya Pillai, Software Engineer III McDonald’s Engineering teams are at the forefront of digital innovation, creating seamless and engaging e-commerce applications that allow customers to conveniently order their favorite meal

                                        Reduce, recycle, reuse
                                      • Why is React doing this?

                                        WhyReact.md I heard some points of criticism to how React deals with reactivity and it's focus on "purity". It's interesting because there are really two approaches evolving. There's a mutable + change tracking approach and there's an immutability + referential equality testing approach. It's difficult to mix and match them when you build new features on top. So that's why React has been pushing a

                                          Why is React doing this?
                                        • LogLog Games

                                          The article is also available in Chinese. Disclaimer: This post is a very long collection of thoughts and problems I've had over the years, and also addresses some of the arguments I've been repeatedly told. This post expresses my opinion the has been formed over using Rust for gamedev for many thousands of hours over many years, and multiple finished games. This isn't meant to brag or indicate su

                                          • Prettier 3.0: Hello, ECMAScript Modules! · Prettier

                                            We are excited to announce the release of the new version of Prettier! We have made the migration to using ECMAScript Modules for all our source code. This change has significantly improved the development experience for the Prettier team. Please rest assured that when using Prettier as a library, you can still use it as CommonJS as well. This update comes with several breaking changes. One notabl

                                              Prettier 3.0: Hello, ECMAScript Modules! · Prettier
                                            • コードの可読性についてのプレゼンテーション紹介 vol. 2: "命名とコメント" 編

                                              LINE株式会社は、2023年10月1日にLINEヤフー株式会社になりました。LINEヤフー株式会社の新しいブログはこちらです。 LINEヤフー Tech Blog はじめに こんにちは。コミュニケーションアプリ "LINE" の Android クライアントチームの石川です。 この記事は、 "コードの可読性についてのプレゼンテーション紹介" の不定期連載記事の第二回です。前回の記事は こちら です。 今回は、プログラム中に書く自然言語として、第二章 "命名" と第三章 "コメント" の解説をします。 第二章: 命名 プログラムを書くときは、クラスやリソースなどの様々なものに名前をつける必要があります。その名前が、正確・明確・記述的であると、コードはより読みやすくなります。この章では、どのような名前がコードを読みやすくするかについて、特に型 (クラス, インターフェース, トレイト等)、値

                                                コードの可読性についてのプレゼンテーション紹介 vol. 2: "命名とコメント" 編
                                              • 生成AIを使って海外AIニュースの要約を社内Teamsに投稿してみた - AITC - ISID | AI トランスフォーメンションセンター コラム

                                                こんにちは、AIソリューショングループの太田です。 昨年から引き続き生成AIブームが止まらない中、自主的に進めていた取り組みを紹介します。それは海外AIニュースの要約を、社内で使用しているTemasのチャネルに投稿する取り組みです。 投稿自体はPower AutomateやAzure Function、Azure OpenAI Serviceなどを活用することで自動的に投稿しており、数ヶ月運用した結果を踏まえて最近アルゴリズムの改善をおこなったので、改めて方法とノウハウをまとめたいと思います。 はじめに アーキテクチャ紹介 Power Automate Azure Functions Bing Search Azure OpenAI Service(AOAI) Log Analytics 海外ニュース要約 APIの処理フロー 検索ワードの翻訳 Bing 検索 HTMLの読み込み ニュース記

                                                  生成AIを使って海外AIニュースの要約を社内Teamsに投稿してみた - AITC - ISID | AI トランスフォーメンションセンター コラム
                                                • Q&Aサイト「Stack Overflow」がオフライン対応を発表。ネットの通じない場所や回線が貧弱な発展途上国などでも参照可能に

                                                  Q&Aサイト「Stack Overflow」がオフライン対応を発表。ネットの通じない場所や回線が貧弱な発展途上国などでも参照可能に ITエンジニア向けQ&Aサイトで知られるStack Overflowは、オフラインツールのKiwixのサポートによりオフラインでの参照や検索が可能になるプロジェクトを明らかにしました。 Stack Overflow is going offline. We're partnering with @KiwixOffline to empower those without internet access to develop technology, such as incarcerated individuals, researchers at the South Pole, and students in Cameroon. https://t.co/SzS3

                                                    Q&Aサイト「Stack Overflow」がオフライン対応を発表。ネットの通じない場所や回線が貧弱な発展途上国などでも参照可能に
                                                  • GitHub - mig1984/bashible: Simple bash DSL framework for writing shell scripts safe and agile.

                                                    Bashible is a deployment/automation tool written in Bash (DSL). Inspired by Ansible. Simplifies things and prevents usual mistakes. Features: improved readability unhandled failures prevention skipping already done tasks command chaining working directory always as expected variable checking dependencies; calling sub-scripts delayed tasks executed on finish child termination handler; no processes

                                                      GitHub - mig1984/bashible: Simple bash DSL framework for writing shell scripts safe and agile.
                                                    • Introducing GitHub's OpenAPI Description

                                                      EngineeringOpen SourceIntroducing GitHub’s OpenAPI DescriptionThe GitHub REST API has been through three major revisions since it was first released, only a month after the site was launched. We often receive feedback that our REST… The GitHub REST API has been through three major revisions since it was first released, only a month after the site was launched. We often receive feedback that our RE

                                                        Introducing GitHub's OpenAPI Description
                                                      • New and potential ES2019 JavaScript features every developer should be excited about - LogRocket Blog

                                                        New and potential ES2019 JavaScript features every developer should be excited about JavaScript has come a long way since its early days, with many new additions and features designed specifically to make the language more user-friendly and less verbose. Below are some recent additions to JavaScript that I find fascinating. Some of these features are already available in Node, Chrome, Firefox, and

                                                          New and potential ES2019 JavaScript features every developer should be excited about - LogRocket Blog
                                                        • Interesting Programming Languages

                                                          Interesting Programming Languages an opinionated collection of programming languages. Created: Feb 19, 2020 by Pradeep Gowda Updated: May 17, 2024 Tagged: programming-language An opinionated collection of programming languages. This is a list of what I consider interesting. Requests to add to this list are welcome, but there is no guarantee I’ll include them. As you can see many mainstream program

                                                          • A no-go fantasy: writing Go in Ruby with Ruby Next—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog

                                                            Ruby is awesome. We love its readability, flexibility, and developer-centric nature. Still, here at Mars, we also love Go because it has its own sense of simplicity and magic, too. Simply put, Go holds advantages over Ruby in some aspects: it’s faster, statically typed, and comes with cool concurrency primitives out of the box. This being said, some intrepid readers might find themselves grappling

                                                              A no-go fantasy: writing Go in Ruby with Ruby Next—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
                                                            • Get started with the latest updates for Dockerfile syntax (v1.7.0) | Docker

                                                              Dockerfiles are fundamental tools for developers working with Docker, serving as a blueprint for creating Docker images. These text documents contain all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. Understanding and effectively utilizing Dockerfiles can significantly streamline the development process, allowing for the automation of image creation and ensuring consiste

                                                                Get started with the latest updates for Dockerfile syntax (v1.7.0) | Docker
                                                              • Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript - Stack Overflow

                                                                In our 2019 Dev Survey, we asked what kind of content Stack Overflow users would like to see beyond questions and answers. The most popular response was “tech articles written by other developers.” So from now on we'll be regularly publishing articles from contributors. If you have an idea and would like to submit a pitch, you can email pitches@stackoverflow.com. Hey there, I'm Ryland Goldstein, a

                                                                  Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript - Stack Overflow
                                                                • 【Ver. 3.6に改訂】ChatGPT学術英語ライティング添削・改訂プロンプト -- 語法添削の後にまず米国の大学入学レベルの改訂を出力し、次に学術ジャーナルレベルの改訂を出力します

                                                                  【Ver. 3.6に改訂】ChatGPT学術英語ライティング添削・改訂プロンプト -- 語法添削の後にまず米国の大学入学レベルの改訂を出力し、次に学術ジャーナルレベルの改訂を出力します 追記(2023/11/14) このプロンプトは、改訂(書き換え)の例を3種類に増やしたVer.4に改訂しました。プロンプトの細かな表現も改善していますので、このプロンプトに興味のある方は、下の記事をご参照ください。 【Ver.4に改訂】 ChatGPT学術英語ライティング添削・改訂プロンプト -- 語法添削と3種類の改訂例を出力します。 https://yanase-yosuke.blogspot.com/2023/11/ver4chatgpt-3.html *** ここに公開するChatGPT用のプロンプトは、先日公開した「ChatGPTに学術英語ライティングの指導をさせるプロンプト」(以下、Ver. 1

                                                                    【Ver. 3.6に改訂】ChatGPT学術英語ライティング添削・改訂プロンプト -- 語法添削の後にまず米国の大学入学レベルの改訂を出力し、次に学術ジャーナルレベルの改訂を出力します
                                                                  • Elm at Rakuten

                                                                    lucamug Posted on Jan 25, 2021 • Updated on Mar 4, 2023 • Originally published at engineering.rakuten.today In our team at Rakuten, we have been using Elm1 in production for almost two years now. This post is about our story, the lessons we learned, and our likes and dislikes. This post is quite long so if you prefer to see an overview, feel free to jump to the index. Everything started in the Ber

                                                                      Elm at Rakuten
                                                                    • Why do so many brands change their logos and look like everyone else?

                                                                      Why do so many brands change their logos and look like everyone else? A few months ago, I received an email from Revolut (a British fintech company) in which they proudly unveiled their new logo. Previously, Revolut had a distinct and instantly recognizable logo. They replaced it with… something I was sure I had seen before. The previous Revolut logo had a unique font, a recognizable color gradien

                                                                        Why do so many brands change their logos and look like everyone else?
                                                                      • Bootstrap 5 alpha!

                                                                        The Bootstrap Blog News and announcements for all things Bootstrap, including new releases, Bootstrap Themes, and Bootstrap Icons. Bootstrap 5’s very first alpha has arrived! We’ve been working hard for several months to refine the work we started in v4, and while we’re feeling great about our progress, there’s still even more to do. We’ve been focused on making the migration from v4 to v5 more ap

                                                                          Bootstrap 5 alpha!
                                                                        • Backward Compatibility, Go 1.21, and Go 2 - The Go Programming Language

                                                                          Russ Cox 14 August 2023 Go 1.21 includes new features to improve compatibility. Before you stop reading, I know that sounds boring. But boring can be good. Back in the early days of Go 1, Go was exciting and full of surprises. Each week we cut a new snapshot release and everyone got to roll the dice to see what we’d changed and how their programs would break. We released Go 1 and its compatibility

                                                                            Backward Compatibility, Go 1.21, and Go 2 - The Go Programming Language
                                                                          • HTMX vs React: A Complete Comparison - Semaphore

                                                                            The ultimate goal of HTMX is to provide modern browser interactivity directly within HTML, without the need for JavaScript. Although relatively new, with its initial release in late 2020, this frontend library has quickly caught the attention of the IT web community. With 2nd place in the 2023 JavaScript Rising Stars “Front-end Frameworks” category (right behind React), a spot in the GitHub Accele

                                                                              HTMX vs React: A Complete Comparison - Semaphore
                                                                            • Codon: Python compiler takes scripts to C/C++ speeds

                                                                              Python is among the one of the most popular programming languages, yet it's generally not the first choice when speed is required. While it can be optimized for better performance, Python is prized for qualities other than speed, such as readability, a manageable learning curve, an expansive ecosystem, and utility in both academia and business. MIT computer scientists and their colleagues, however

                                                                                Codon: Python compiler takes scripts to C/C++ speeds
                                                                              • Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare

                                                                                Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare02/08/2023 This post is also available in 简体中文 and 繁體中文. The Fediverse has been a hot topic of discussion lately, with thousands, if not millions, of new users creating accounts on platforms like Mastodon to either move entirely to "the other side" or experiment and learn about this new social network. Today we're introducing Wildebeest, an open-so

                                                                                  Welcome to Wildebeest: the Fediverse on Cloudflare
                                                                                • PHPで書かれたオープンソースのPocketクローン・「wallabag」

                                                                                  wallabagはオープンソースとして公開されているPocketクローンです。PocketやInstapaper、すでにサービスをシャットダウンしてしまったReadabilityなど、後で読む系サービスの代替アプリがOSSとして提供されています。 主な特徴として、完全レスポンシブ、スマフォアプリの用意、ブラウザ拡張対応、PocketやInstapaperからのデータ移行、タグ機能、部分的なハイライト、RSSリーダー対応機能、取得した記事の任意のファイルでのエクスポート(JSONやCSV、ePUBやPDF、txt、HTMLなど)等が挙げられています。 条件付き(スマフォアプリのみ)のようですが、Pocketと同じくオフラインで読めるシステムもあるようです(参照:You can finally read your articles while being offline:wallabag)。P
