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  • PEG(1)

    PEG(1) PEG(1) NAME peg, leg - parser generators SYNOPSIS peg [-hvV -ooutput] [filename ...] leg [-hvV -ooutput] [filename ...] DESCRIPTION peg and leg are tools for generating recursive-descent parsers: pro- grams that perform pattern matching on text. They process a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) [Ford 2004] to produce a program that recog- nises legal sentences of that grammar. peg processes P

    VoQn 2014/01/09
    C言語PEGパーサージェネレータのpeg/legのマニュアル。man peg でも同じの見れるけど
  • peg/leg

    peg/leg — recursive-descent parser generators for C peg and leg are tools for generating recursive-descent parsers: programs that perform pattern matching on text. They processes a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) [Ford 2004] to produce a program that recognises legal sentences of that grammar. peg processes PEGs written using the original syntax described by Ford; leg processes PEGs written using

    VoQn 2013/05/09
    C言語でのPEG実装。HomeBrew からインストールできるしコマンドラインツールとしてもオプション豊富
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