It’s like goals served in a fractal manner. — Eric, founder of Pebble with a stellar team, chock-full of strong expertise, it’s hard to create a long-lasting company. The tenacious workers that make it through the initial challenges of forming a company face the complicated task of aligning the company towards a common goal that seems ever-ch
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve written quite a bit about Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and their impact on businesses. Today, we are proud to bring you a special Q&A with John Doerr who takes a look back at how OKRs were adopted by Intel—and later by Google—and how he views the future of goal setting. Kris Duggan: Where did you learn about setting goals using Objectives and Key Results?
OKR - Objectives and Key Results Methodology, used by Google, LinkedIn and others Do you know what's the one thing in common in Google, Linkedin, Intel, Zynga, Oracle, Twitter and Sears? What's behind the success of aligning their people and teams to work as one towards set goals? It's the magical acronym OKR – Objectives and Key Results. All of them use it and love it. Today we're introducing OKR