
Gridに関するyyamanoのブックマーク (5)

  • Toolkit | Globus

    Globus Toolkit is Retired After a two decade run, the Globus Toolkit is no longer available as a do-it-yourself distributed computing toolkit, but its spirit lives on in a mature, full-featured and easy to use service for research data management – Globus.org! Start using Globus to move data (it's easy and free!) Get comprehensive services and support with a Globus subscription Get guidance on how

    yyamano 2012/05/15
  • There's Grid in them thar Clouds*

    You’ve probably seen the recent flurry of news concerning “Cloud computing.” Business Week had a long article on it (with an amusing and pointed critique here). Nick Carr has even written a book about it. So what is it about, what is new, and what does it mean for information technology? The basic idea seems to be that in the future, we won’t compute on local computers, we will compute in centrali

  • Excellent blog entry by Ian Foster – savas

    Happy New Year everyone. The first entry of 2008 relates to an excellent blog post by Ian Foster. The main differences I see between “Grids” and the “Cloud” are the concepts of “virtual organizations” and “sharing of resources” that the Grid community has often used to drive its standardization efforts. While academic institutions seem to be more than happy to share their IT infrastructure with co

    yyamano 2008/01/10
    "The main differences I see between "Grids" and the "Cloud" are the concepts of "virtual organizations" and "sharing of resources" that the Grid community has often used to drive its standardization efforts."
  • Java Grid, why do we need it!

    InfoQ Software Architects' Newsletter A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architects. View an example Memorial Day Sale: Save up to 60% on InfoQ Dev Summit Boston (June 24-25)

    Java Grid, why do we need it!
  • ユーティリティ・コンピューティングを事業の柱に──Amazonが新ビジネスに本腰 | OSDN Magazine

    Amazon.comは今、大きな賭けに出ている。プロセッシング・パワーを売るという、書籍やCD販売とは無縁のビジネスに腰を入れ始めたのだ。このサービスをひっさげ、同社は新たな顧客の獲得を目指している。 Amazonの新ビジネスとは、グリッド技術を基にしたユーティリティ・コンピューティング・サービス「Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)」(現在はベータ版)である。このサービスを利用すれば、電気や水の使用料を支払うのと同じように、サーバのプロセッシング・パワーを購入できるようになる。 より具体的に言えば、1時間当たりのサーバ利用に対して10セントと通信料を支払うと、顧客はこのパワーを好きな用途に使えるというわけだ。水道の蛇口をひねるほど簡単なプロセスではないにせよ、基的にはそれと同じ容量で、使った分だけの料金を支払い、使用量を決定するのは常に顧客のほうだ。 IBMやヒュー

    ユーティリティ・コンピューティングを事業の柱に──Amazonが新ビジネスに本腰 | OSDN Magazine
    yyamano 2007/01/17
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