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Obviously, secret agreements between countries are hardly unheard of. But it's certainly starting to seem like the LDP had been trying to avoid public outcry on some of Japan's most contentious foreign-policy issues and didn't anticipate having to let the opposition in on the secret.
先進国の人間が後進国の元首の自己満足的事業に皮肉を言うのにモヤッとしたものを感じないでもない>Wade's offer may be a vanity project meant to cement his legacy as an international statesman, but it's a more productive one than some his others.
>Things shouldn't be legalized just because criminals are making money off them. The more important question is whether the social ill from marijuana justifies the cost of keeping it illegal.
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南米政治らしいというべきか>79 percent of Brazilians think that political corruption is a "major problem" in their country. / 75 percent approve of the current government more generally and 76 percent say it's doing a good job handling the economy.
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イランとカフカス諸国の関係というと,アゼルバイジャンと対立してアルメニアと親しい,という印象だが>Iran's involvement in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan has been guided not by religious ideology, but by pragmatic economic and geopolitical goals.
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