An introduction to the changing world of CSS. Slides from Brisbane Web Designer Meetup 13 March 2013.Read less
Koji Ishimoto gives a presentation on front-end engineering. He defines a front-end engineer's responsibilities as including JavaScript, version control with Git, modular code, browser developer tools, command line, templating, CSS preprocessors, testing, automation, code quality and manuals. He discusses common front-end tools, managing tools with Grunt, and tracking speed with tools like WebPage
The document discusses various technologies for real-time web applications including PSGI, Plack, AnyEvent, AnyMQ, server-push technologies like Comet, WebSockets, and the Web::Hippie and Web::Hippie::Pipe modules. It provides code examples of using AnyEvent and POE for asynchronous programming, AnyMQ for publishing messages to different message queues, and Web::Hippie::Pipe for abstracting persis
WebSockets allow for bidirectional communication between a client and server over a single TCP connection. They improve on older "Comet" techniques which used polling and long-polling to simulate real-time updates. With WebSockets, the client can open a WebSocket connection to the server which sends messages at any time without needing an explicit request. This enables real-time applications with
This document discusses using Perl to access web APIs. It provides examples of popular web APIs like Twitter, Google, and Flickr. It explains that web APIs use HTTP, URIs, and return formats like JSON and XML. The document then demonstrates how to use Perl modules like LWP, URI, and JSON to make requests to the Twitter Search API, handle UTF-8 encoding, and parse the JSON response. Finally, it men
2. PS — Prototype-based Programming Roadmap > Class- vs. prototype-based languages > Objects, properties and methods > Delegation > Constructors > Closures > Other prototype-based languages © A. Lienhard, O. Nierstrasz 3.2 3. PS — Prototype-based Programming References > JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, D. Flanagan, OʼReilly, 5th edition > JavaScript Guide & Reference, Mozilla Developer Center, ht
4. @tricknotes I am a software developer who love JavaScript and Ruby.
The document discusses LinkedIn's adoption of the Dust templating language in 2011. Some key points: - LinkedIn needed a unified view layer as different teams were using different templating technologies like JSP, GSP, ERB. - They evaluated 26 templating options and selected Dust as it best met their criteria like performance, i18n support, and being logic-less. - Dust templates are compiled to Ja
2. 自己紹介 n 名前:奥 一穂 n 経歴: n モバイルウェブブラウザ「Palmscape」「Xiino」の開発 (1996-2003) n IPA未踏スーパークリエータ (2004) n サイボウズ・ラボ (2005-2010) n Japanize, Pathtraq, Q4M, mycached, … n ディー・エヌ・エー (2010-) n R&Dに従事 Aug 24 2013 JSX - 公開から1年を迎えて 2 3. altJS とは? n JavaScript に変換して実行される言語 n 背景: JavaScript の普及 n ウェブブラウザで動くのは JavaScript だけ n ベンダー間の競争の結果、実行速度が高速に n ウェブブラウザ以外でも JavaScript を使うように n サーバサイド: node.js n クライア
2. Stream は大事なクラス events.EventEmitter stream.Stream net.Socket tls.CleartextStream http.ServerRequest http.ClientResponse http.ServerResponse http.ClientRequest http.IncomingMessage http.outgoingMessage node-v0.8 3. Stream は大事なクラス events.EventEmitter stream.Stream node-v0.10 stream.Readable stream.Writable http.outgoingMessagestream.Duplex stream.Transform net.Socket tls.CleartextStream その他crypto系
2. about me • 杉浦 隆幸 • ネットエージェント株式会社 代表取締役 • PacketBlackHole, OnePointWall, 防人, secroidの原開発者 • CTFチャレンジジャパン 経済産業省主催のCTF(ハッキングの技術 大会)優勝メンバー (Agent IV) • Winnyの暗号解読に初めに成功 • TVニュース番組での事件解説多数 • 第4回 IPA賞受賞 • 2010年に政府の情報保全検討委員 • など 2 3. Agenda • クローリング • 概要・リスク・レベル・対策・対策の対策 • スクレイピング • 環境・実例 • 応用例 • secroid • easy webscrap • zip de kure • P2P 公開用は一部情報を削減しています。 3