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  • グローバル企業で生き抜くための英会話フレーズ集 - fu3ak1's tech days

    転職をしてはや10ヶ月ほど経ちました。業務で英語を使うようになったので、私もしくは同僚がよく使う英会話のフレーズを紹介します。自分のメモも兼ねています。 私のバックグラウンド エンジニアとして某会社に勤務しております。会社のメンバーは外国の方が多く、状況にもよりますが全体の40~50%くらいは英語でミーティング、Slackでも英語でやり取りすることが多々あります。そんな中で気付きとしてあったのが、同じ表現を使って会話をすることが多いなという点です。ある程度パターンとしていくつかのフレーズを覚えておけばそれなりに業務の会話ができるのでは?と思いこの記事を書いています。なお、以下私の環境については注意してください。 外国の方が多いといっても、ノンネイティブや日本人も多く、英語ができない人に対しても理解がある環境です。(ネイティブ90%以上といった環境とは違う) エンジニア同士の会話が多いので、

      グローバル企業で生き抜くための英会話フレーズ集 - fu3ak1's tech days
    • Broken Ownership

      Have you been in any of these situations? Managers make decisions that’s out of their leagues and everyone else in the team ends up paying for it. Knowledgeable people passively observe without bothering to contribute. Sometimes they are denied access to the room. Developers act like code monkeys, throwing the code over a metaphorical wall for the QA to test and “DevOps” to run. In “you build it,

        Broken Ownership
      • Why Is SQLite Coded In C

        Note: Sections 2.0 and 3.0 of this article were added in response to comments on Hacker News and Reddit. Since its inception on 2000-05-29, SQLite has been implemented in generic C. C was and continues to be the best language for implementing a software library like SQLite. There are no plans to recode SQLite in any other programming language at this time. The reasons why C is the best language to

        • HashiCorp、全製品のライセンスを商用利用に制限があるBSLライセンスに変更すると発表

          HashiCorpは今後リリースする全製品のライセンスを、これまで採用してきたMozilla Public License v2.0(MPL2.0)から、商用利用に制限があるBusiness Source License v1.1(BSL1.1)に変更すると発表しました。 Future releases of HashiCorp's core products will adopt the Business Source License. We know our community will have questions, so please read our blog post to understand why, and see our FAQs to understand the changes: https://t.co/riF4EZdQhphttps://t.co/TID1ps7

          • ズーム、従業員にオフィス復帰を要請-リモート勤務時代の衰退示唆|Bloomberg

            米ビデオ会議サービスのズーム・ビデオ・コミュニケーションズは従業員に対し、オフィスに復帰するよう呼び掛けている。同社は新型コロナウイルス禍の在宅勤務時代にもてはやされた。 ズームのオフィス近くに住む従業員は週2日出社しなければならないと、同社の広報担当者は発言。「ハイブリッドのアプローチ」がズームにとって最も効果的だとし、それにより「当社は自らのテクノロジーを活用し、技術革新を続け、世界の顧客をサポートするより良い位置」にいられると説明した。 同社のビデオ会議ソフトウエアはコロナ禍で大ヒットとなった。あらゆる業界がバーチャル形式でのやり取りを強いられたことが背景にある。それ以降、アマゾン・ドット・コムやチポトレ・メキシカン・グリル、ブラックロックなどさまざまな企業が従業員に義務付けるオフィス勤務の日数を増やしている。 ズームはコロナ禍後の世界で成長を持続するのに苦労している。同社の株価は2

            • System tests have failed

              When we introduced a default setup for system tests in Rails 5.1 back in 2016, I had high hopes. In theory, system tests, which drive a headless browser through your actual interface, offer greater confidence that the entire machine is working as it ought. And because it runs in a black-box fashion, it should be more resilient to implementation changes. But I'm sad to report that I have not found

                System tests have failed
              • jQuery 4.0.0 BETA! | Official jQuery Blog

                jQuery 4.0.0 has been in the works for a long time, but it is now ready for a beta release! There’s a lot to cover, and the team is excited to see it released. We’ve got bug fixes, performance improvements, and some breaking changes. We removed support for IE<11 after all! Still, we expect disruption to be minimal. Many of the breaking changes are ones the team has wanted to make for years, but co

                • How does the Linux Kernel start a Process

                  ...and how to ptrace the entry point and m3ss w1th da stack. In this article, you will learn what happens inside the Linux Kernel when a process calls execve(), how the Kernel prepares the stack and how control is then passed to the userland process for execution. I had to learn this for the development of Zapper - a Linux tool to delete all command line options from any process (without needing r

                    How does the Linux Kernel start a Process
                  • Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL

                    GraphQL is an incredible piece of technology that has captured a lot of mindshare since I first started slinging it in production in 2018. You won’t have to look far back on this (rather inactive) blog to see I have previously championed this technology. After building many a React SPA on top of a hodge podge of untyped JSON REST APIs, I found GraphQL a breath of fresh air. I was truly a GraphQL h

                    • VSCode + WSL makes Windows awesome for web development

                      I’m kinda shocked. Windows actually got good for web developers. Between VSCode, WSL, and Intel’s latest desktop chips, I’ve been living with a PC for over a week that runs my programming tests faster than an M3 Max, ships with an excellent window manager out-the-box, and generally feels like a completely viable alternative to macOS for working with the web. Hell, not just viable, but better in ma

                        VSCode + WSL makes Windows awesome for web development
                      • Pythonがグローバルインタプリタロックの解消へ、マルチスレッド処理の高速化実現

                        Python Software Foundationのステアリングカウンシル(Steering Council)は、Pythonのグローバルインタプリタロック(Global Interpreter Lock)を解消する方向で開発を進めていくことを明らかにしました。 グローバルインタプリタロックとは? グローバルインタプリタロックとは、その名前が示すとおりインタープリタ全体で1つのロックを持つことです。 これによりシングルスレッドのプログラムにおいては細かなロック制御が不要となって速度の向上がはかれる一方、マルチスレッドの平行性は制限されるという欠点があります。 また、スレッドセーフではないC言語などによるライブラリとの結合が容易となっています。 Pythonの標準実装であるCPythonでは、以前からグローバルインタプリタロックが採用されていました。 グローバルインタプリタロックを解消する

                        • Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked

                          Google, if you’re reading this, it’s too late. Ok. Cracks knuckles. Let’s get right to it. Internal documentation for Google Search’s Content Warehouse API has leaked. Google’s internal microservices appear to mirror what Google Cloud Platform offers and the internal version of documentation for the deprecated Document AI Warehouse was accidentally published publicly to a code repository for the c

                            Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked
                          • Why I Won't Use Next.js

                            You’ve got a new project to work on. Or you’ve got an existing project you’re motivated to upgrade to a more modern approach. Or perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your current modern framework or second-guessing yourself and you’re investigating alternatives. In any case, you’ve got a decision to make. There are lots of “modern” frameworks to choose from. Even if you’re not facing this choice right

                              Why I Won't Use Next.js
                            • Terraform職人のためのOpenTofu入門 - Qiita

                              この記事は クラウドワークス Advent Calendar 2023 シリーズ1 の 4日目の記事です。 はじめに 「父さんな、Terraform職人やめてお豆腐職人で食っていこうと思うんだ」と言いたいだけの @minamijoyo です。 2023年8月HashiCorpはこれまでMPL2のOSSライセンスで公開していた主要製品をBSL(Business Source License)に変更することを発表し、Terraformはv1.6.0からOSSではなくなりました。 このライセンス変更を受けて、OSS版のTerraformを求める人たちで、MPL2時点のコードベースからforkしたOpenTofuの開発が進められています。 HashiCorpのBSLは、実質的に競合他社の商用利用に制限をかけたもので、ほとんどの一般的なユーザに直接的な追加の制限はありませんが、間接的にTerrafo

                                Terraform職人のためのOpenTofu入門 - Qiita
                              • Your API Shouldn't Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

                                TL;DR: Instead of redirecting API calls from HTTP to HTTPS, make the failure visible. Either disable the HTTP interface altogether, or return a clear HTTP error response and revoke API keys sent over the unencrypted connection. Unfortunately, many well-known API providers don't currently do so. Updated 2024-05-24: Added the Google Bug Hunter Team response to the report that the VirusTotal API resp

                                  Your API Shouldn't Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
                                • Welcome - 100 Exercises To Learn Rust

                                  Welcome Welcome to "100 Exercises To Learn Rust"! This course will teach you Rust's core concepts, one exercise at a time. You'll learn about Rust's syntax, its type system, its standard library, and its ecosystem. We don't assume any prior knowledge of Rust, but we assume you know at least another programming language. We also don't assume any prior knowledge of systems programming or memory mana

                                  • Feedly + ChatGPTで、毎朝 自分専用のポッドキャストを自動生成する仕組みを作った|鈴木慎吾 / TSUMIKI INC.

                                    毎朝、デザイン系の英語記事を10件ほどおすすめしてくれるSlackボットです。このボットは現在も問題なく稼働し続けていますが、毎朝のニュースは文字で読むよりも音声として聞いたほうが負担が少なく続けられそうです。 そこで、このSlackボットを拡張して、毎朝デザインニュースのポッドキャストを自動生成する仕組みを作ることにしました。 成果物はじめに成果物について。完成したポッドキャストは毎朝SpotifyとApple Podcastで配信しています。 おおまかな処理の流れ開発前に想定した処理の流れは以下の通りです。 毎朝ポッドキャストが自動で配信される理想的なフロー自分はコンテンツ制作者ではなく、あくまでリスナーというスタンスを取りたいため、ワークフローに自分が介在しない完全自動化が理想です。 ところが、Sound Cloud APIの利用に必要なアプリケーション登録の受付が現在停止しているこ

                                      Feedly + ChatGPTで、毎朝 自分専用のポッドキャストを自動生成する仕組みを作った|鈴木慎吾 / TSUMIKI INC.
                                    • Merging Remix and React Router

                                      We've been building a bridge. You can hear Ryan talk about this announcement at React Conf 🎥 For nearly 4 years we've been working on Remix, a fullstack framework built on web standards to help you build better websites and applications. React Router has always been Remix's largest dependency after React itself. The two projects are so closely aligned that we updated React Router to include Remix

                                        Merging Remix and React Router
                                      • Announcing WinterJS · Blog · Wasmer

                                        Back to articlesAnnouncing WinterJSThe most performant JavaScript Service Workers server thanks to Rust and SpiderMonkey Follow up the WinterJS series reading about the recent production-ready WinterJS 1.0 release here. Today we are incredibly excited to announce WinterJS (wasmer/winterjs package). WinterJS is a JavaScript Service Workers server written in Rust, that uses the SpiderMonkey engine t

                                          Announcing WinterJS · Blog · Wasmer
                                        • Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.

                                          Elon Musk and company took over the @X handle as part of the Twitter rebrand. The user who registered it more than 16 years ago received nothing for it. Credit: Omar Marques/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images Elon Musk took his next big step in fully turning Twitter into X on Tuesday night: The @Twitter handle officially changed to @X. But, what about its original owner? Mashable interviewed

                                            Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it.
                                          • Linux Crisis Tools

                                            (This is based on Table 4.1 "Linux Crisis Tools" in SysPerf 2.) Some longer notes: [1] bcc and bpftrace have many overlapping tools: the bcc ones are more capable (e.g., CLI options), and the bpftrace ones can be edited on the fly. But that's not to say that one is better or faster than the other: They emit the same BPF bytecode and are equally fast once running. Also note that bcc is evolving and

                                            • Why I'm Using Next.js

                                              We want the default build output of Next.js to work well when self hosting, and also well on Vercel. And guess what? They're the same output. Well, almost. Let me clarify. It took us a while at Vercel to figure out the correct format and boundary between open source framework and infrastructure platform. Our philosophy is called framework defined infrastructure. And critically, the specification t

                                                Why I'm Using Next.js
                                              • What it was like working for GitLab

                                                I joined GitLab in October 2015, and left in December 2021 after working there for a little more than six years. While I previously wrote about leaving GitLab to work on Inko, I never discussed what it was like working for GitLab between 2015 and 2021. There are two reasons for this: I was suffering from burnout, and didn't have the energy to revisit the last six years of my life (at that time)I w

                                                • Confusing git terminology

                                                  Hello! I’m slowly working on explaining git. One of my biggest problems is that after almost 15 years of using git, I’ve become very used to git’s idiosyncracies and it’s easy for me to forget what’s confusing about it. So I asked people on Mastodon: what git jargon do you find confusing? thinking of writing a blog post that explains some of git’s weirder terminology: “detached HEAD state”, “fast-

                                                  • Ohtani's interpreter fired, 'massive theft' alleged

                                                    Close Tisha Thompson is an investigative reporter for ESPN based in Washington, D.C. Her work appears on all platforms, both domestically and internationally. The Los Angeles Dodgers interpreter for Shohei Ohtani was fired Wednesday afternoon after questions surrounding at least $4.5 million in wire transfers sent from Ohtani's bank account to a bookmaking operation set off a series of events. Ipp

                                                      Ohtani's interpreter fired, 'massive theft' alleged
                                                    • The Querynomicon

                                                      Upon first encountering SQL after two decades of Fortran, C, Java, and Python, I thought I had stumbled into hell. I quickly realized that was optimistic: after all, hell has rules. I have since realized that SQL does too, and that they are no more confusing or contradictory than those of most other programming languages. They only appear so because it draws on a tradition unfamiliar to those of u

                                                      • Silicon Valley’s very masculine year

                                                        Zoë Bernard writes about technology, crime, and culture. Formerly, she covered technology for The Information and Business Insider. Silicon Valley is embracing a new era of masculinity. Its leaders are powerful, virile, and swole. They practice Brazilian jiujitsu and want to fight each other in a cage. They can do 200 push-ups while wearing a 20-pound weighted vest. They can spend $44 billion on a

                                                          Silicon Valley’s very masculine year
                                                        • Mountpoint for Amazon S3 – Generally Available and Ready for Production Workloads | Amazon Web Services

                                                          AWS News Blog Mountpoint for Amazon S3 – Generally Available and Ready for Production Workloads Update (September 2023) – Add information about enabling file deletion. Mountpoint for Amazon S3 is an open source file client that makes it easy for your file-aware Linux applications to connect directly to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. Announced earlier this year as an alpha relea

                                                            Mountpoint for Amazon S3 – Generally Available and Ready for Production Workloads | Amazon Web Services
                                                          • Cloudflare、Workers KVの更新に失敗し障害発生。しかも復旧用ツールがWorkers KVに依存しており使えず、手動で緊急対応

                                                            Cloudflare、Workers KVの更新に失敗し障害発生。しかも復旧用ツールがWorkers KVに依存しており使えず、手動で緊急対応 Cloudflareは10月30日、同社がキーバリューストアとして提供しているWorkers KVの社内アップデート作業に失敗したことで、Workers KVのみならずCloudflare Pages、Cloudflare Access、Cloudflare Workers、Waiting Room、Cloudflare Dashboardなど各種サービスが世界協定時2023年10月30日19時54分(日本時間10月31日4時54分)頃から約37分間、サービスの一部または全部の機能が使えないなどの障害を起こしました。 幸いにも比較的短時間で復旧した障害でしたが、同社の報告によると、復旧のための社内ツールそのものがWorkers KVに依存していたた

                                                              Cloudflare、Workers KVの更新に失敗し障害発生。しかも復旧用ツールがWorkers KVに依存しており使えず、手動で緊急対応
                                                            • On the origins of DS_store

                                                              arno.org If you are a Mac user, or if you have transferred files from Mac to Windows, you’re probably familiar with .DS_Store files. But where does this name come from? Back in 1999 I was the technical lead for the Mac OS X Finder at Apple. At that time the Finder code base was some 8 years old and had reached the end of its useful life. Making any changes to it require huge engineering effort, an

                                                              • Ruby 3.3’s YJIT Runs Shopify’s Production Code 15% Faster

                                                                Ruby 3.2 YJIT is Battle-Tested Shopify deploys YJIT on business-critical services in production, such as Storefront Renderer, the software that powers all online storefronts on Shopify’s platform, and Shopify’s Monolith. As of the Ruby 3.2 release, YJIT sped up our Storefront Renderer by 10% on average. Storefront Renderer is a complex application. Your more reasonable-sized app might get better/w

                                                                  Ruby 3.3’s YJIT Runs Shopify’s Production Code 15% Faster
                                                                • research!rsc: Coroutines for Go

                                                                  This post is about why we need a coroutine package for Go, and what it would look like. But first, what are coroutines? Every programmer today is familiar with function calls (subroutines): F calls G, which stops F and runs G. G does its work, potentially calling and waiting for other functions, and eventually returns. When G returns, G is gone and F continues running. In this pattern, only one fu

                                                                  • Open source hooliganism and the TypeScript meltdown

                                                                    September 7, 2023 Open source hooliganism and the TypeScript meltdown I've seen a lot of true believers argue for virtues of their favorite paradigms and methods over the decades working in software. And mostly, I look at people with a passionate preference and smile. Isn't it great that people care so much about their craft that they volunteer to extol the benefits of their favorite tools! Yes it

                                                                      Open source hooliganism and the TypeScript meltdown
                                                                    • My Overkill Home Network - Complete Details 2023

                                                                      In this post I will hopefully detail my entire home network. Some of this has been in separate posts explaining single items, but nowhere do I have all of the network in one post with all the changes since last year. Here is a full shot of the rack in my house. Its in a centrally located closet which happens to have a 2ft x 2ft chase into the attic, which is very handy for running network cables.

                                                                        My Overkill Home Network - Complete Details 2023
                                                                      • Why choose async/await over threads?

                                                                        A common refrain is that threads can do everything that async/await can, but simpler. So why would anyone choose async/await? This is a common question that I’ve seen a lot in the Rust community. Frankly, I completely understand where it’s coming from. Rust is a low-level language that doesn’t hide the complexity of coroutines from you. This is in opposition to languages like Go, where async happe

                                                                          Why choose async/await over threads?