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321 - 360 件 / 723件

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  • Rails 7 will have three great answers to JavaScript in 2021+

    September 6, 2021 Rails 7 will have three great answers to JavaScript in 2021+ Rails has been unapologetically full stack since the beginning. We've continuously sought to include ever-more default answers to all the major infrastructure questions posed by modern web development. From talking to a database, to sending and receiving emails, to connecting web sockets, to rendering HTML, to integrati

      Rails 7 will have three great answers to JavaScript in 2021+
    • core-jsがメンテされていない理由→プロジェクトは継続する - Qiita

      core-jsとは core-jsをみなさんご存知だろうか。直接は知らなくてもbabelでpolyfillを当てているなら間接的にお世話になっているはずだ。 メンテされない そのcore-jsは当分メンテされないらしい。というか2020/01/14を最後にパタッと活動が途絶えている。 なんとこの巨大projectはzloirockというたった一人によってメンテされてきた。 ここで彼のコメントをいくつか引っ張っておこう。 https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/548#issuecomment-494112872 2019年5月21日 4:06 JST Dear @jpike88! Almost 5 years almost every day I spend some hour for maintenance core-js. It's not

        core-jsがメンテされていない理由→プロジェクトは継続する - Qiita
      • Draw SVG rope using JavaScript

        This is an interactive article. To fully experience it, you'll need to turn JavaScript on. Today, I'll take you through the process I came up with in regard to transforming an SVG path into a vector rope drawing. We'll learn how to turn the path on the left into the rope on the right: The problem popped up on a project my colleagues were working on, and it stuck with me. I thought about it and sta

          Draw SVG rope using JavaScript
        • New – AWS Public IPv4 Address Charge + Public IP Insights | Amazon Web Services

          AWS News Blog New – AWS Public IPv4 Address Charge + Public IP Insights We are introducing a new charge for public IPv4 addresses. Effective February 1, 2024 there will be a charge of $0.005 per IP per hour for all public IPv4 addresses, whether attached to a service or not (there is already a charge for public IPv4 addresses you allocate in your account but don’t attach to an EC2 instance). Publi

            New – AWS Public IPv4 Address Charge + Public IP Insights | Amazon Web Services
          • Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails

            EngineeringOpen SourceBuilding GitHub with Ruby and RailsSince the beginning, GitHub.com has been a Ruby on Rails monolith. Today, the application is nearly two million lines of code and more than 1,000 engineers collaborate on it daily.… Since the beginning, GitHub.com has been a Ruby on Rails monolith. Today, the application is nearly two million lines of code and more than 1,000 engineers colla

              Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails
            • Amazon S3 Update – Strong Read-After-Write Consistency | Amazon Web Services

              AWS News Blog Amazon S3 Update – Strong Read-After-Write Consistency When we launched S3 back in 2006, I discussed its virtually unlimited capacity (“…easily store any number of blocks…”), the fact that it was designed to provide 99.99% availability, and that it offered durable storage, with data transparently stored in multiple locations. Since that launch, our customers have used S3 in an amazin

                Amazon S3 Update – Strong Read-After-Write Consistency | Amazon Web Services
              • Beirut blast 3 years on: Footage shows moment of deadly explosion in slow motion

                August 4, 2023, marks three years on from a deadly explosion that rocked the port of Beirut. Footage captured in 2020 by resident Agoston Nemeth on his iPhone SE shows the moment the huge explosion went off, sending a visible blast wave hurtling towards the camera. The blast killed over 200 and injured more than 6,000 people. The HD 4K video recorded Nemeth, a 42-year-old therapist from Budapest,

                  Beirut blast 3 years on: Footage shows moment of deadly explosion in slow motion
                • Deep Learning ideas that have stood the test of time

                  Deep Learning is such a fast-moving field and the huge number of research papers and ideas can be overwhelming. The goal of this post is to review ideas that have stood the test of time. These ideas, or improvements of them, have been used over and over again. They’re known to work. If you were to start in Deep Learning today, understanding and implementing each of these techniques would probably

                  • React がネイティブの fetch を patch しようとしてる話

                    Next.js のドキュメントには次のように記載されてる React will automatically cache fetch requests with the same input in a temporary cache. This is an optimization to avoid the same data being fetched more than once during a rendering pass - and is especially useful when multiple components need to fetch the same data. React が自動的に fetch request をキャッシュすると書いてある。

                      React がネイティブの fetch を patch しようとしてる話
                    • Announcing TypeScript 5.0 - TypeScript

                      Today we’re excited to announce the release of TypeScript 5.0! This release brings many new features, while aiming to make TypeScript smaller, simpler, and faster. We’ve implemented the new decorators standard, added functionality to better support ESM projects in Node and bundlers, provided new ways for library authors to control generic inference, expanded our JSDoc functionality, simplified con

                        Announcing TypeScript 5.0 - TypeScript
                      • regreSSHion: Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution Vulnerability in OpenSSH server | Qualys Security Blog

                        The Qualys Threat Research Unit (TRU) has discovered a Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in OpenSSH’s server (sshd) in glibc-based Linux systems. CVE assigned to this vulnerability is CVE-2024-6387. The vulnerability, which is a signal handler race condition in OpenSSH’s server (sshd), allows unauthenticated remote code execution (RCE) as root on glibc-based Linux systems;

                          regreSSHion: Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution Vulnerability in OpenSSH server | Qualys Security Blog
                        • Good Data Analysis  |  Machine Learning  |  Google for Developers

                          Good Data Analysis Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Author: Patrick Riley Special thanks to: Diane Tang, Rehan Khan, Elizabeth Tucker, Amir Najmi, Hilary Hutchinson, Joel Darnauer, Dale Neal, Aner Ben-Artzi, Sanders Kleinfeld, David Westbrook, and Barry Rosenberg. History Last Major Update: Jun. 2019 An earlier version of some of this material

                            Good Data Analysis  |  Machine Learning  |  Google for Developers
                          • CSSって難しい! セレクタ「.a .b .c」と「.a :is (.b . c)」は同じに見えるけど実は違う、ブラウザはセレクタを右から左に読む

                            CSSの:is()疑似クラスが各ブラウザにサポート(参考: Can I use)されるようになって、1年が過ぎました。使用率も97%を超え、通常の案件に使用している人も多いと思います。 :is()疑似クラスは複数のセレクタを1つにまとめられて便利ですが、セレクタの末尾に使用すると、予想よりも多くの一致が発生するかもしれません。どんな場合にそうなるのかを紹介します。 たとえば、下記の.a .b .cと.a :is (.b . c)は同じように見えるかもしれませんが、実は異なります。 Using :is() in complex selectors selects more than you might initially think by Bramus CSSの:is()疑似クラスやセレクタの読む順番について詳しくは、以前の記事をご覧ください。 CSSの新しい疑似クラス:is()と:wher

                              CSSって難しい! セレクタ「.a .b .c」と「.a :is (.b . c)」は同じに見えるけど実は違う、ブラウザはセレクタを右から左に読む
                            • Stepping up for a truly open source Elasticsearch | Amazon Web Services

                              AWS Open Source Blog Stepping up for a truly open source Elasticsearch Last week, Elastic announced they will change their software licensing strategy, and will not release new versions of Elasticsearch and Kibana under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (ALv2). Instead, new versions of the software will be offered under the Elastic License (which limits how it can be used) or the Server Side Public

                                Stepping up for a truly open source Elasticsearch | Amazon Web Services
                              • Polyfill supply chain attack hits 100K+ sites

                                by Sansec Forensics Team Published in Threat Research − June 25, 2024 The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites. Update June 28th: We are flagging more domains that have been used by the same actor to spread malware since at least June 2023: bootcdn.net, bootcss.com, staticfile.net, staticfile.org, unionadjs.com, xhsbpza.com, union.m

                                  Polyfill supply chain attack hits 100K+ sites
                                • Docker is deleting Open Source organisations - what you need to know

                                  Coming up with a title that explains the full story here was difficult, so I'm going to try to explain quickly. Yesterday, Docker sent an email to any Docker Hub user who had created an "organisation", telling them their account will be deleted including all images, if they do not upgrade to a paid team plan. The email contained a link to a tersely written PDF (since, silently edited) which was mi

                                    Docker is deleting Open Source organisations - what you need to know
                                  • TechCrunch

                                    Hyde Park Venture Partners is known for having visibility into more than 90% of mid-continent startups and being early backers of companies like ShipBob, FourKites, G2, LogicGate and Dentologie. When Joanna Strober was around 47, she stopped sleeping. While losing sleep is a common symptom of perimenopause, she first had to go to multiple providers, including driving 45 minutes out of San Fra

                                    • John Spencer | Urban Warfare

                                      World Leading ExpertJohn Spencer is considered one of the world’s leading experts on urban warfare. In addition to personal experiences from 25 years as an infantry soldier and officer in the US Army, including urban battles of Iraq in 2003 and the Battle of Sadr City in 2008, he has spent over a decade researching, publishing, and lecturing on all facets of urban warfare. He has conducted field r

                                        John Spencer | Urban Warfare
                                      • Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot – your copilot for work - The Official Microsoft Blog

                                        Humans are hard-wired to dream, to create, to innovate. Each of us seeks to do work that gives us purpose — to write a great novel, to make a discovery, to build strong communities, to care for the sick. The urge to connect to the core of our work lives in all of us. But today, we spend too much time consumed by the drudgery of work on tasks that zap our time, creativity and energy. To reconnect t

                                          Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot – your copilot for work - The Official Microsoft Blog
                                        • ChatGPTの知能が急激に低下しているとの研究結果、単純な数学の問題の正答率が数カ月で98%から2%に悪化

                                          OpenAIのChatGPTは、2022年11月のローンチ以来、驚異的な精度で世界を席巻しました。しかし、2023年3月から6月の間に、ChatGPTが簡単な数学を解く精度やセンシティブな話題に対する思慮深さが劇的に低下していたことが、アメリカ・スタンフォード大学の調べにより判明しました。 [2307.09009] How is ChatGPT's behavior changing over time? https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2307.09009 ChatGPT’s accuracy in solving basic math declined drastically, dropping from 98% to 2% within just a few months, study finds – Tech Startups | Tech Compa

                                          • When TCP sockets refuse to die — Idea of the day

                                            This article was first published on Cloudflare blog: When TCP sockets refuse to die Accompanying scripts While working on our Spectrum server, we noticed something weird: the TCP sockets which we thought should have been closed were lingering around. We realized we don't really understand when TCP sockets are supposed to time out! In our code, we wanted to make sure we don't hold connections to de

                                            • Steamで、90%以上の破格値引は不可に。逆にちょっとだけの値引きにも制限 - AUTOMATON

                                              Valveは、今年3月28日よりSteamにおける割引ルールを変更する。同日よりゲームのセールにおける幾つかのルールが改定される。割引率の変更など、ユーザーにとっても気になる内容が盛り込まれている。2月頭時点でこの告知はおこなわれていたが、今改めて注目を集めている。 該当ページによれば、変更されるのは割引の実施間隔および値引率だ。まず、セール終了から次のセールを開始できるようになるまでのクールダウン期間が6週間から4週間(28日間)へと短縮される。クールダウン期間はMidweek Madnessおよび日替わりスペシャルなどのSteamストアページで紹介される割引にも適用。一方で、ストア全体で実施される旧正月、サマー、オータム、ウィンターの季節の大型セールについては例外となる。セール終了から28日経っていなくても、大型セールならば割引値で販売できるとのことだ。 しかし、発売およびローンチ割引

                                                Steamで、90%以上の破格値引は不可に。逆にちょっとだけの値引きにも制限 - AUTOMATON
                                              • Rust Is The Future of JavaScript Infrastructure

                                                Rust is a fast, reliable, and memory-efficient programming language. It's been voted the most loved programming language six years in a row (survey). Created by Mozilla, it's now used at Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google for systems infrastructure, encryption, virtualization, and more low-level programming. Why is Rust now being used to replace parts of the JavaScript web ecosystem li

                                                  Rust Is The Future of JavaScript Infrastructure
                                                • Clean Architecture の勘所は『鎖国』だ。 - Qiita

                                                  ■ クリーンアーキテクチャって難しい。 クリーンアーキテクチャって難しいですよね。 この有名な同心円状の図、何度見てもよくわかりません。右下にある矢印もよくわかりません。 様々な記事を見ても、やっぱり分かるような分からないような... プロダクトに COM 通信が必要になったので勇んでクリーンアーキテクチャを採用したはいいものの、 どうにも理解しきれず泣きながら必死に試行錯誤をしていたところ、 ふと クリーンアーキテクチャは『鎖国』に例えると分かりやすい という事に気が付きました。 本記事では初心者なりにその言語化にチャレンジしてみたいと思います。 ※ なお考え方そのものに着目するため、コードは全く取り扱いません。その点ご了承ください。 またクリーンアーキテクチャは、表面的なメリット(ユニットテストしやすい等) だけを見て批判されてしまうことも有るようです。 その辺りについても少し触れてみ

                                                    Clean Architecture の勘所は『鎖国』だ。 - Qiita
                                                  • GitHub - Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-Python: 30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may help too: https://w

                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                      GitHub - Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-Python: 30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may help too: https://w
                                                    • 2023 - Most Viewed Decks

                                                      Here are the 25 most viewed decks of 2023: わかりやすい説明のための 10 の鉄則 / 10 golden rules for easy-to-understand explanations by @e869120 私考える人、あなた作業する人」を越えて、プロダクトマネジメントがあたりまえになるチームを明日から実現していく方法/product management rsgt2023 by @moriyuya 解像度を上げる 🔬/ Increase resolution by @tumada セキュリティ研修【MIXI 23新卒技術研修】/ Security training [MIXI 23 new graduate technical training] by @mixi_engineers ソフトウェアの内部品質に生じる様々な問題は組織設計に

                                                        2023 - Most Viewed Decks
                                                      • ssh を Google Authenticator PAM module で二要素認証化する(CentOS 8) - setodaNote

                                                        2023-01-10 以下の記事を教えてもらい、比較的簡単に ssh にワンタイムパスワード認証を追加できるようだったので CentOS 8 でも試してみました。 Raspberry Pi の場合と異なり、SELinux による制御を考慮する必要があったので、それを踏まえて設定しました。 Setting up two-factor authentication on your Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/setting-up-two-factor-authentication-on-your-raspberry-pi/ 設定方針 Google Authenticator PAM module の設定 sshd の設定 接続テスト 付録 A: 認証コードが正しいのにログインできない 設定ファイルの確

                                                          ssh を Google Authenticator PAM module で二要素認証化する(CentOS 8) - setodaNote
                                                        • Ryuichi Sakamoto’s Borderless Brilliance

                                                          Paying tribute to the visionary Yellow Magic Orchestra member and Oscar-winning composer, who died last month at 71 from cancer Most people would identify Düsseldorf, Germany, or Detroit—hometowns of Kraftwerk and Cybotron, respectively—as the birthplace of techno. Some might make a case for Sheffield, England, and its scions the Human League and Cabaret Voltaire. One city that never comes up is T

                                                            Ryuichi Sakamoto’s Borderless Brilliance
                                                          • Using Amazon RDS Proxy with AWS Lambda | Amazon Web Services

                                                            AWS Compute Blog Using Amazon RDS Proxy with AWS Lambda Update – June 30, 2020: Amazon RDS Proxy support for MySQL and PostgreSQL is now generally available. Update – April 8, 2020: We have announced Postgres compatibility with the Amazon RDS Proxy. Version 10.11 and 11.5 are supported in the preview. The AWS Serverless platform allows you to build applications that automatically scale in response

                                                              Using Amazon RDS Proxy with AWS Lambda | Amazon Web Services
                                                            • Introducing Amazon Honeycode – Build Web & Mobile Apps Without Writing Code | Amazon Web Services

                                                              AWS News Blog Introducing Amazon Honeycode – Build Web & Mobile Apps Without Writing Code VisiCalc was launched in 1979, and I purchased a copy (shown at right) for my Apple II. The spreadsheet model was clean, easy to use, and most of all, easy to teach. I was working in a retail computer store at that time, and knew that this product was a big deal when customers started asking to purchase the s

                                                                Introducing Amazon Honeycode – Build Web & Mobile Apps Without Writing Code | Amazon Web Services
                                                              • Mindy

                                                                Welcome to the era of hyperporn. This girl next door does not exist. The future will continue to get weirder. AI versions of adult content creators. Personalized porn. Unlimited porn. Porn is about to get crazy good. So invest in your hobbies and real world relationships, they’ll be an important counter-balance in a world of hyperporn. Onlyfans won’t go away. People use Onlyfans for more than just

                                                                • セキュリティエンジニアへの道:私のキャリアチェンジ物語 / The Road to Becoming a Security Engineer: My Story of Career Change | メルカリエンジニアリング

                                                                  セキュリティエンジニアへの道:私のキャリアチェンジ物語 / The Road to Becoming a Security Engineer: My Story of Career Change * English version follows after the Japanese こんにちは。メルカリのProduct Securityチームでセキュリティエンジニアをしている@gloriaです。ブログを書くのが随分お久しぶりなのですが、前にQAと自動化テストについて記事をフォローしていた方がいらっしゃったら、当時に自動化テストエンジニアとして書いたISTQBテスト自動化エンジニア認定資格、STARWESTカンファレンス、とAQA POP TALKの記事を読んだことがあるかもしれません。 今回は、自動化テストエンジニアからセキュリティエンジニアへのキャリアチェンジについてお話して、キャリア

                                                                    セキュリティエンジニアへの道:私のキャリアチェンジ物語 / The Road to Becoming a Security Engineer: My Story of Career Change | メルカリエンジニアリング
                                                                  • git-replay を最低限の使い方で触ってみた - Mitsuyuki.Shiiba

                                                                    git-replay というコマンドが追加されたみたいなので触ってみた。とは言っても、自分はあんまり凝ったことはやらないので、細かいところまでは踏み込まずに最低限の使い方ができたらいいなってくらいの気持ちで触った。 github.blog この記事には、こんな風に書いてある↓ git replay exists to address these challenges. It offers an alternative to git rebase that, in addition to being far more performant: Can operate in bare repositories. Can rebase branches other than the currently checked-out one (in non-bare repositories). Can

                                                                      git-replay を最低限の使い方で触ってみた - Mitsuyuki.Shiiba
                                                                    • xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)

                                                                      xz-backdoor.md FAQ on the xz-utils backdoor (CVE-2024-3094) This is still a new situation. There is a lot we don't know. We don't know if there are more possible exploit paths. We only know about this one path. Please update your systems regardless. This is a living document. Everything in this document is made in good faith of being accurate, but like I just said; we don't yet know everything abo

                                                                        xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)
                                                                      • SHIMIZU Akiko(清水晶子)『フェミニズムってなんですか?』 on Twitter: "ABE Shinzo was no more a champion of democracy or women's and minorities’ rights than Vladimir Putin or Jair Bolson… https://t.co/SPPWvgbBw9"

                                                                        ABE Shinzo was no more a champion of democracy or women's and minorities’ rights than Vladimir Putin or Jair Bolson… https://t.co/SPPWvgbBw9

                                                                          SHIMIZU Akiko(清水晶子)『フェミニズムってなんですか?』 on Twitter: "ABE Shinzo was no more a champion of democracy or women's and minorities’ rights than Vladimir Putin or Jair Bolson… https://t.co/SPPWvgbBw9"
                                                                        • Clean Architecture on Frontend

                                                                          Alex Bespoyasov Posted on Sep 1, 2021 • Updated on May 12, 2022 • Originally published at bespoyasov.me Not very long ago I gave a talk about the clean architecture on frontend. In this post I'm outlining that talk and expanding it a bit. I'll put links here to all sorts of useful stuff that will come in handy as you read: The Public Talk Slides for the Talk The source code for the application we'

                                                                            Clean Architecture on Frontend
                                                                          • Generating UUIDs at scale on the Web

                                                                            TL;DR can you trust every browser to generate globally unique identifiers at scale? At Teads, we have tried, and the answer is yes, with a few caveats. This article describes the experiments we’ve run and the discoveries we made along the way. Why we need client-side unique identifiersGenerating unique identifiers is a common need that third-party scripts integrated on Web pages and e-commerce sit

                                                                              Generating UUIDs at scale on the Web
                                                                            • 俺のワンタイムパスワードはいつ当たりが出るのか

                                                                              $ time node index.js 1 *100k searched.. 2 *100k searched.. - snip - 20 *100k searched.. 21 *100k searched.. Found in 21 *100k + 25484 Fri Aug 09 2024 13:22:25 GMT+0900 (日本標準時) 1723177345522 777777 real 1m7.435s 再来年の8月か...楽しみだなぁ... Googleカレンダーに入れなきゃ。 安全性 なんでこんな簡単で面白い事をみんなやらないの?というのは当然の疑問かもしれない。 アカウントとセキュリティ 当然、 ↑で使ったSecretは本物ではなくてデモサイト( https://rootprojects.org/authenticator/ )で生成したものを使っている。このため、仮に

                                                                              • SND: Crafted UI sound assets for UX developers

                                                                                様々なインタラクションに対応したシンプルなサウンドキットです。すべての音を、音の最小要素である正弦波をベースにデザインしました。比較的再生能力の低いスピーカーでも再生可能な周波数帯域を中心に、できるだけシンプルに、小さなファイル容量でデザインされているので、ウェブ、アプリ、サイネージなど様々なシーンでご利用いただけます。 土屋泰洋 サウンドデザイナー/リサーチャー The simple sound kit for designing a variety of interactions. All sounds are designed based on sine waves; the smallest pure element of sound. It is designed to be as simple as possible with a small file size, focusi

                                                                                  SND: Crafted UI sound assets for UX developers
                                                                                • プロと読み解くRuby 3.3 NEWS - STORES Product Blog

                                                                                  テクノロジー部門CTO室の笹田(ko1)と遠藤(mame)です。今年の 9 月から STORES 株式会社で Ruby (MRI: Matz Ruby Implementation、いわゆる ruby コマンド) の開発をしています(Rubyのこれからを STORES で作る。Rubyコミッター笹田さん、遠藤さんにCTOがきく「Fun」|STORES People )。お金をもらって Ruby を開発しているのでプロの Ruby コミッタです。 本日 12/25 に、恒例のクリスマスリリースとして、Ruby 3.3.0 がリリースされました(Ruby 3.3.0 リリース)。クックパッド開発者ブログで連載していたように、今年も STORES Product Blog にて Ruby 3.3 の NEWS.md ファイルの解説をします(ちなみに、STORES Advent Calendar

                                                                                    プロと読み解くRuby 3.3 NEWS - STORES Product Blog