
2014年3月1日のブックマーク (3件)

  • Helvetica: How did one typeface conquer the world?

    Mike Parker who helped popularise Helvetica died this week. You won't find a graphic designer who isn't familiar with the typeface (released in 1957 under its original name Neue Haas Grotesk). But Helvetica is one of the most well known typefaces among non-designers, too. Why is that asks graphic designer David Airey. Many people attribute its popularity to Apple, and Steve Jobs' decision to incor

    Helvetica: How did one typeface conquer the world?
    feather303 2014/03/01
    ""Typography has one plain duty before it and that is to convey(伝達する) information in writing," he said. The even and almost homogenous(均質の) form of Helvetica (Latin for Swiss) aligned well with the school's typographical philosophy.""/ヘルベチカはラテン語でスイスの意味
  • Japan to review lead-up to WW2 comfort women statement

    Yoshihide Suga said the background to the Kono statement should be re-examined Japan will form a team to review the lead-up to a 1993 statement which acknowledged its wartime use of sex slaves, its top spokesman says.

    Japan to review lead-up to WW2 comfort women statement
    feather303 2014/03/01
    "Comments from Mr Abe in the past have suggested he could revisit this statement. Most recently, however, his spokesman has said that he will leave it alone and may instead issue a statement "that will suit the 21st Century"."
  • 焦点:南シナ海で狭まる「中国包囲網」、友好国マレーシアも態度硬化

    2月27日、マレーシア領のボルネオ島サラワク州から沖に約80キロ離れた場所にある暗礁。容易に見過ごされるかもしれないほどのものだが、中国海軍は同暗礁の近海で1年以内に2度「主権宣誓活動」を行い、マレーシア政府に衝撃が走った。写真は中国海軍兵士。1月撮影。資料写真(2014年 ロイター/Andreas Manolis) [クアラルンプール 27日 ロイター] -マレーシア領のボルネオ島サラワク州から沖に約80キロ離れた場所にある暗礁。容易に見過ごされるかもしれないほどのものだが、中国海軍は同暗礁の近海で1年以内に2度「主権宣誓活動」を行い、マレーシア政府に衝撃が走った。

    feather303 2014/03/01