
BBCに関するfeather303のブックマーク (16)

  • 東山氏にも性加害疑惑、ジャニーズ事務所新社長に就任も批判や疑問の声 - BBCニュース

    記者らは、元ジャニーズ Jr.による暴露の内容について、繰り返し東山氏に質問した。の内容は、同氏が少年たちの股間を足で刺激した、自分の性器を見せつけた、「僕のソーセージをえ」と発言したなどというもの。それについて東山氏は、「僕が性加害をしたのかということですか?」と聞き返した上で、「僕はしたことはないです」と返答。「事実ではないと思っています」、「ちょっとわかりかねます」とも述べた。 しかしその後、別の記者から「自身のセクハラ、パワハラに関連して」真実を語るよう促されると、「覚えてないことの方が、多くてですね、もしかしたらしてる可能性もあるし、もしかしたらしてないかもしれないし、ただやっぱりもちろん若気の至りがあったり、その時の自分の幼稚さであったりとか、そういうものもあったとは思うんですね。ただ記憶をたどっても、ちょっと覚えていないことも当に多くて。僕もそうだと思うんですけど多分

    東山氏にも性加害疑惑、ジャニーズ事務所新社長に就任も批判や疑問の声 - BBCニュース
    feather303 2023/09/08
  • Veteran Japanese actor Ken Takakura dies at 83

    Ken Takakura found fame with his brooding acting style in Japanese yakuza and detective roles Veteran Japanese actor Ken Takakura has died of lymphoma aged 83. The actor passed away at a Tokyo hospital on 10 November, his office said on Tuesday. Known as the "Clint Eastwood" of Japan, Takakura was renowned for his brooding style and stoic roles in several Japanese yakuza and action movies. He also

    Veteran Japanese actor Ken Takakura dies at 83
    feather303 2014/11/19
    "Other people referred online to Takakura's appearance in a 1984 TV commercial for life insurance in which he famously declared: "I'm an awkward guy.(自分、不器用ですから。)""
  • Tove Jansson: Love, war and the Moomins

    This year Finland is celebrating the centenary of the birth of Tove Jansson, creator of the Moomins, and one of the most successful children's writers ever. Her life included war and lesbian relationships - both reflected by the Moomins in surprising ways. There is Moomintroll, Moominmamma and Moominpappa - little white trolls who live in Moominvalley, with other fantastical creatures such as the

    Tove Jansson: Love, war and the Moomins
    feather303 2014/11/09
    "Walt Disney asked for exclusive rights to the word "Moomin", but Jansson refused."
  • Is Shinzo Abe fanning nationalist flames?

    Shigeru and Sakie Yokota have campaigned for years to find out what happened to their daughter, Megumi Shinzo Abe took up the cause of the Yokota family, and their missing daughter, Megumi, and helped drive it to the top of the political agenda. He and the then prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, went to Pyongyang and secured a stunning confession from the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il. Their vi

    Is Shinzo Abe fanning nationalist flames?
    feather303 2014/05/05
    "The nationalist world view portrays Japan as an innocent victim of rapacious(強欲な) and hypocritical foreigners. Right-wing academics, politicians and commentators believe that Japan was forced into a defensive war in the Pacific and was obliged to accept victors' justice after its defeat."
  • Clashes as Taiwan students storm government HQ

    Cindy Sui reports from inside the occupied parliament building in Taiwan Taiwanese police have clashed with hundreds of students who occupied government headquarters to protest at a trade deal with China. Police used water cannon and dragged out students one by one, clearing the building by dawn on Monday. Close to 60 people were arrested and more than 100 hurt, reports said. The protesters say th

    Clashes as Taiwan students storm government HQ
    feather303 2014/03/24
    "The BBC's Cindy Sui in Taipei says the students wants more scrutiny over all future dealings with China, including any trade agreements."
  • Protesters occupy Taiwan parliament over China trade deal

    Protesters broke into the legislature late on Tuesday night and have refused to leave Hundreds of students and activists opposed to a trade deal with China have occupied Taiwan's parliament and defied police efforts to evict them. The protesters, who burst into the chamber late on Tuesday, say the agreement with China would hurt Taiwan's economy and leave it vulnerable to pressure from Beijing. Th

    Protesters occupy Taiwan parliament over China trade deal
    feather303 2014/03/20
    ""The trade pact must not be approved without careful deliberation(熟慮、思案、審議) and scrutiny(入念な検査、吟味) in parliament," a student leader was quoted by AFP news agency as saying. "
  • Japan arrest over Anne Frank book vandalism

    More than 300 copies of Anne Frank's diary and related books were vandalised Police in Japan have arrested a man suspected of vandalising copies of Anne Frank's diaries and related material. More than 300 copies of the books were found damaged in public libraries and bookshops in the Tokyo area. The police have not identified the suspect, who is 36 and unemployed, and have yet to establish a motiv

    Japan arrest over Anne Frank book vandalism
    feather303 2014/03/15
    "Some questioned whether(〜かどうかは、疑問視した。) the incidents reflected a rightward turn in Japanese politics and a questioning of the truth of some atrocities during WWII."
  • World War One: Germany's forgotten war

    Soldiers lay a wreath at the Jewish Cemetery in Weissensee, Berlin in November 2012 World War One centenary commemorations are important in the UK, but in Germany people rarely visit WW1 cemeteries. Why? It is not true that the German government has decreed: "Don't mention the war." The diplomat organising the national commemoration is at pains to deny reports in the British press that he tried to

    World War One: Germany's forgotten war
    feather303 2014/03/04
    ""Christopher Clark's book(The sleep-walkers) is selling like hot cakes," he says, "because it gives Germans the feeling that everybody has to be blamed for starting World War One and not only the Germans. You see elderly people with gleaming eyes as they listen to him lecture or read his book. "
  • ウクライナ危機がイマイチ分からん人にオススメのBBC謹製「まとめサイト」 | リアリズムと防衛を学ぶ

    ロシアが軍事介入を決定したことで、ウクライナ危機は急速に進展しています。が、なにぶん遠方のことですがから、土地勘もないし、イメージしづらいところです。いま問題の焦点は、黒海艦隊の母港があるクリミアの帰趨にありますが、「黒海? どこだそれは」「クリミア戦争…世界史でやった気もする」という感じな人が多いのではないでしょうか。 こういう国際問題が起きたとき、便利なのはBBCのサイトです。BBCは英国の国営メディアであり、国際的にもCNNかBBCかという具合で、信頼性と配信力の高いメディアです。(英国国内的には「BBCは政治的に偏向してるから駄目だ」という声もけっこうありますが) BBCの素晴らしいところは、国際問題が起こると速攻で「まとめ記事」をアップしてくれるところです。ぜんたい、国際問題というのは「いま、大変なことが起きてます!」というニュース1読んでも分かりません。「昔こんなことありまし

    feather303 2014/03/03
  • Japan to review lead-up to WW2 comfort women statement

    Yoshihide Suga said the background to the Kono statement should be re-examined Japan will form a team to review the lead-up to a 1993 statement which acknowledged its wartime use of sex slaves, its top spokesman says. Yoshihide Suga said the team would "re-examine and understand the background". The acknowledgement that women were forced into sex slavery with Japanese military complicity was viewe

    Japan to review lead-up to WW2 comfort women statement
    feather303 2014/03/01
    "Comments from Mr Abe in the past have suggested he could revisit this statement. Most recently, however, his spokesman has said that he will leave it alone and may instead issue a statement "that will suit the 21st Century"."
  • Remembering Japan's kamikaze pilots

    Japan hopes to immortalise its kamikaze pilots - a squad of young men who crashed their aircraft into Allied ships in World War Two - by seeking Unesco World Heritage status for a collection of their letters. Rupert Wingfield-Hayes meets the former pilot who built the collection, in honour of his fallen comrades. "Kamikaze" - it is a word that has become synonymous with all that is crazy, fanatica

    Remembering Japan's kamikaze pilots
    feather303 2014/02/27
  • Anne Frank's Diary vandalised in Japan libraries

    Kotaro Fujimaki, director of Shinjuku City's Chuo Library in Tokyo, explains how the vandalism may have taken place More than 100 copies of Anne Frank's Diary of a Young Girl have been vandalised in public libraries in Japan's capital Tokyo, officials say. Pages have been ripped from at least 265 copies of the diary and other related books, they added. It is not clear who is behind the vandalism.

    Anne Frank's Diary vandalised in Japan libraries
    feather303 2014/02/22
    "Pages have been ripped from at least 265 copies of the diary and other related books, they added. It is not clear who is behind the vandalism(芸術品、公共物の意図的な破壊行為:ヴァンダル族の蛮行が語源). A US Jewish rights group has called for a police investigation."
  • China and Japan: Seven decades of bitterness

    A woman holds up an anti-Japanese sign during a protest in September 2012 A dispute over islands in the East China Sea has inflamed relations between Japan and China for the last two years - but they were tense even before. The BBC's Mariko Oi visited both countries with a Chinese journalist to find out why the wounds of World War Two refuse to heal. "Do you feel guilty about what Japan did to Chi

    China and Japan: Seven decades of bitterness
    feather303 2014/02/14
    "People might feel favourable towards Japan after knowing more about Japan's apologies in the past, and economic contributions. "However, one statement denying the existence of the Nanjing Massacre, or similar intentions to glorify war crime, would destroy the trust immediately"
  • What Jews and the Chinese have in common

    feather303 2014/02/09
  • 'Japanese Beethoven' admits he is a fraud

    Listen to an excerpt from Symphony No. 1 Hiroshima: Tokyo Symphony Orchestra / Naoto Otomo, courtesy DENON A deaf composer who has been dubbed "Japan's Beethoven" has admitted hiring someone else to write his music for nearly two decades. Mamoru Samuragochi shot to fame in the mid-1990s and is most famous for his Hiroshima Symphony No 1, dedicated to those killed in the 1945 atomic blast. The 50-y

    'Japanese Beethoven' admits he is a fraud
    feather303 2014/02/05
    "Nippon Columbia, Samuragochi's record company, said it was "flabbergasted(凄まじく驚かされた) and deeply infuriated(激怒させられた)" by his revelation(暴露)."We had been assured by him that he himself composed the works," it said."/英語表記でやっと名前が読めた…
  • Governor of Japan broadcaster NHK denies Nanjing massacre

    China says up to 300,000 died in Nanjing at the hands of Japan's military A governor of Japan's public broadcaster, NHK, has denied that the Nanjing massacre took place, days after a row over Tokyo's use of war-time sex slaves engulfed the new NHK chief. Naoki Hyakuta made his comments as he campaigned for a right-wing candidate in the Tokyo gubernatorial election. Mr Hyakuta, a prominent novelist

    Governor of Japan broadcaster NHK denies Nanjing massacre
    feather303 2014/02/05
    "Mr Hyakuta, a prominent(有名な) novelist, is one of 12 members of the NHK board of governors. He was picked by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for the role late last year."/世界デビューか…。
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