JavaScriptはシングルスレッドであることが知られています。そして、Promiseを用いた非同期処理ができることは周知の事実です。では、なぜシングルスレッドで非同期処理ができるのでしょうか? その点について、非同期処理のための2種類のQueuesについて触れつつ、コードベースでの説明も行います。
半年ぶりのカキコ……ども……。気づいたらHRソリューション本部からMFBC-CTO室に異動していたVTRyoです。兼任で引き続きHR系のマネーフォワード クラウドシリーズも担当しています。 ソフトウェアエンジニアとしての経験値が増えてくると、次第にレビュー担当者になることが増えてくるでしょう。私が所属するSREチームでもTerraformの相互レビューが頻繁に実施されています。そこで、事件は起きたのです。 自信を持ってApproveしたPull Requestで次々に事故が起きてしまった 現在HR内のマネーフォワード クラウドシリーズは、モダンな開発基盤へとリプレイス作業を多く行っています。これまで動いていた基盤に感謝しつつ、新しいPlatformへと移行し、最終的に元あったリソースを削除します。 事件はこの リソース削除 で起きました。 チーム内レビュー OK リポジトリ管理者レビュー
Thank you for visiting You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript.
こんにちは、開発チームのアーキテクトをやっている竹野(@Altech)です。先日、新人研修でソフトウェアの設計について話す機会がありました。 ソフトウェアの設計というのは関連する領域が広いため、どうしても断片的な理解になりがちです。そこで、早い段階で全体像を感じてもらうために、ソフトウェア設計の Why と How と What を1時間でまとめて話すというちょっと意欲的なコンセプトで研修を行いました。今回は、その内容を記事にしました。 この研修のねらいはじめにソフトウェアの設計について書かれた情報は世の中に多いですが、その情報の多くは How であり、それだけを読んで適切に使うことが難しいと感じています。その直接的な理由は、How に対しての What、How / What に対しての Why が語られることが少ないからです。 ただ、How だけを知っていると、それは本当に問題を解決して
& how to analyze design choices without jumping to conclusions Over the years, I have had many encounters with Japanese websites — be it researching visa requirements, planning trips, or simply ordering something online. And it took me a loooong while to get used to the walls of text, lavish use of bright colors & 10+ different fonts that sites like this one throw in your face: Hankoya — a website
山口慶明🇺🇸で何とか生きてる @girlmeetsNG Twitterは大人のおしゃぶり/たかがSNS、そんなムキにならないで楽しくやりましょ/本業はアメリカ🇺🇸とメキシコ🇲🇽で給料泥棒。… 山口慶明🇺🇸で何とか生きてる @girlmeetsNG トヨタ式で「why?を5回繰り返して問題の本質や真因にたどり着く」というのがあるけど、ワイが仕事でこれをやると毎回4回目くらいで「そもそもこんな必死に働く必要ないんじゃね?」という本質にたどり着いてしまうし、ルートによっては「こんな世界を創った神が悪い」という真因にたどり着いてしまう… 2021-03-29 07:02:38 山口慶明🇺🇸で何とか生きてる @girlmeetsNG たまに勘違いしてる人がいますが、有名な本質を探るためのトヨタ式メソッド「Why?を5回繰り返す
The Associated Press is an independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting. Founded in 1846, AP today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the news business. More than half the world’s population sees AP journalism every day.
設計の「why」を言語化できる人は強いんですよ— magnoliak🍧 (@magnolia_k_) 2022年10月29日 っていうか、驚くくらい「why」が上手く表現できないんですよ、普通は 手順は言えても、なぜ?が言えない— magnoliak🍧 (@magnolia_k_) 2022年10月29日 設計において、すべての決定について仔細に「なぜ、そうしたか?」を言えるべきなのだけど、これを上手く言語化できない人は多い。「このプロジェクトでは以前からそうしているから」「そうするのが当たり前だと思っていた」などなど、本当に理解してないまま「設計という作業」を進めている人もいれば、上手く自分の行為を言語化できないだけの人もいる。 また、必ずしも自分が設計したことについて説明する場面ばかりとも限らない。既に存在する設計から「なぜ」を類推するしかない場面もある。他人のコードを読み取るとき
IT技術は進歩のスピードが速い領域です。だからこそ過去から現在、そして将来に向けた変化を理解することは、ITエンジニアとしてキャリアを構築していく上で必要な考察となるでしょう。ときには、こうあるべきという将来像を描くこともあるかもしれません。 株式会社メルカリでプラットフォームチームのテックリードを務める中島大一(@deeeet)さんは現在、メルカリが2年ほど前から進めているマイクロサービスへのアーキテクチャ移行において、そのインフラ自体や、そこで開発するエンジニアに向けたツールセットの提供などを行っています。 エンジニアとしてキャリア7年になる中島さんですが、2年目の2015年には同じような当時の若手インフラエンジニア(@ryot_a_raiさん、@rrreeeyyyさん、@yuuk1tさん、@hfmさん、@catatsuyさん)との集まりで、「ある若手インフラエンジニアの現状確認」と題
Note: Sections 2.0 and 3.0 of this article were added in response to comments on Hacker News and Reddit. Since its inception on 2000-05-29, SQLite has been implemented in generic C. C was and continues to be the best language for implementing a software library like SQLite. There are no plans to recode SQLite in any other programming language at this time. The reasons why C is the best language to
Beginners who want to get into the software field often get programming and software engineering mixed up. These are not the same thing. Programming is a part of software engineering. Software engineering on the other hand, encompasses so much more than programming. Software engineering is the process of starting with a problem, designing a way to solve that problem, and then delivering a software
GraphQL is an incredible piece of technology that has captured a lot of mindshare since I first started slinging it in production in 2018. You won’t have to look far back on this (rather inactive) blog to see I have previously championed this technology. After building many a React SPA on top of a hodge podge of untyped JSON REST APIs, I found GraphQL a breath of fresh air. I was truly a GraphQL h
You’ve got a new project to work on. Or you’ve got an existing project you’re motivated to upgrade to a more modern approach. Or perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your current modern framework or second-guessing yourself and you’re investigating alternatives. In any case, you’ve got a decision to make. There are lots of “modern” frameworks to choose from. Even if you’re not facing this choice right
※この記事は、2022 Speee Advent Calendar25日目の記事です。 どうもこんにちは。まさかのアドベントカレンダー2022最終日担当、デジタルトランスフォーメーション事業本部 (以下、DX事業本部)ソフトウェアエンジニアの石井です。 私はこれまでDX事業本部の中でも特にHousii (ハウシー)という事業にメインで携わり、約2年間、「エンジニアとして事業に貢献する」というテーマと向き合い続けてきました。過去にも以下のようなテーマで登壇させていただきました。 そこで今回はHousiiを通じて得た自身の学びや実際の取り組みをご紹介しつつ、 エンジニアとして事業に貢献するとは「Why-What-Howの一貫性を保ちながら、技術意思決定を積み重ねること」である そのためには、Why-What-Howの接点に関わりながら、技術意思決定力を磨き続けること
Twitter supposedly lost around 80% of its work force. What ever the real number is, there are whole teams with out engineers on it now. Yet, the website goes on and the tweets keep coming. This left a lot wondering what exactly was going on with all those engineers and made it seem like it was all just bloat. I’d like to explain my little corner of Twitter (though it wasn’t so little) and some of
We wanted to let readers know that we will no longer post on any official Guardian editorial accounts on the social media site X (formerly Twitter). We think that the benefits of being on X are now outweighed by the negatives and that resources could be better used promoting our journalism elsewhere. This is something we have been considering for a while given the often disturbing content promoted
Over the years, Flutter has attracted millions of developers who built user interfaces across every platform. Flutter began as a UI toolkit for mobile - iOS and Android, only. Then Flutter added support for web. Finally, Flutter expanded to Mac, Windows, and Linux. Across this massive expansion of scope and responsibility, the Flutter team has only marginally increased its size. To help expand Flu
What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work? February 14, 2023 It’s Just Adding One Word at a Time That ChatGPT can automatically generate something that reads even superficially like human-written text is remarkable, and unexpected. But how does it do it? And why does it work? My purpose here is to give a rough outline of what’s going on inside ChatGPT—and then to explore why it is that it can d
November 8, 2024 KEY FINDINGS:KEY FINDINGS The top reasons voters gave for not supporting Harris were that inflation was too high (+24), too many immigrants crossed the border (+23), and that Harris was too focused on cultural issues rather than helping the middle class (+17). Other high-testing reasons were that the debt rose too much under the Biden-Harris Administration (+13), and that Harris w
We want the default build output of Next.js to work well when self hosting, and also well on Vercel. And guess what? They're the same output. Well, almost. Let me clarify. It took us a while at Vercel to figure out the correct format and boundary between open source framework and infrastructure platform. Our philosophy is called framework defined infrastructure. And critically, the specification t
The internet has ingrained itself into every aspect of our lives, but there’s one aspect of the digital world that I bet you take for granted. Did you ever notice that many links, specifically hyperlinks, are blue? When a co-worker casually asked me why links are blue, I was stumped. As a user experience designer who has created websites since 2001, I’ve always made my links blue. I have advocated
How do you increase the charge on your smartphone battery? You might think charging it while you're asleep to regularly hit 100 percent is beneficial, but that actually harms your battery and shortens its life. Here's the truth about maintaining smartphone batteries—and why you shouldn't charge it overnight. How Is Battery Life Expectancy Determined? You want your tech to be usable for as long as
Has Chrome, Edge, or another browser given you the option to "save password"? Here's why you shouldn't, and what to do instead. Everyone should already know how important it is to use strong passwords. Ideally, you'd have a different password for each account, and all of them would be long, complex, and contain numbers and special characters. Few abide by these rules, which is understandable. Afte
Why I Quit Google’s WebAssembly Team, And How It Made Me Sick I joined Google in early 2015 to work on the V8 team as one of the first authors of the WebAssembly specification. This is a partial story of what went wrong with the process and how it permanently damaged me. My hope is that this story will help people recognize toxic cultures in their own workplaces, or help new hires have a better ca
Before there was GraphQL, there was REST. In recent years, REST has become the dominant API style for building backend web services. With REST, you could signal the type of request we want to make (ex: GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE) and the resource we’d like to fetch or interact with (ex: /api/pets/1) using an HTTP method and a URL. It’s a great approach (and one we initially used at StockX for sever
Then, as discharged passengers made their way into the Tokyo subway system, derision grew. Waves of death were predicted. They did not eventuate. Attention then shifted from Japan to South Korea, Italy, Europe and the United States. Only in late March did Japan start to enter an unwanted limelight again. The Tokyo governor’s March 25 announcement of “emergency measures” was in fact largely an urge
A common refrain is that threads can do everything that async/await can, but simpler. So why would anyone choose async/await? This is a common question that I’ve seen a lot in the Rust community. Frankly, I completely understand where it’s coming from. Rust is a low-level language that doesn’t hide the complexity of coroutines from you. This is in opposition to languages like Go, where async happe
So I was recently asked why I prefer to use free and open source software over more conventional and popular proprietary software and services. A few years ago I was an avid Google user. I was deeply embedded in the Google ecosystem and used their products everywhere. I used Gmail for email, Google Calendar and Contacts for PIM, YouTube for entertainment, Google Newsstand for news, Android for mob
Why is my Rust build so slow? I've recently come back to an older project of mine (that powers this website), and as I did some maintenance work: upgrade to newer crates, upgrade to a newer rustc, I noticed that my build was taking too damn long! For me, this is a big issue. Because I juggle a lot of things at any given time, and I have less and less time to just hyperfocus on an issue, I try to m