
Campfireに関するYassLabのブックマーク (1)

  • Campfire is now for sale

    After a couple of weeks of final Patek-level polishing with early-access customers, Campfire is finally for sale for all! This is The Moment of Truth where we get to see whether all that excitement turns into credit card swipes. That release rush. I love it. And I especially love this release, because we’re trying to validate an entirely new-old way of selling software. Almost every major web syst

    Campfire is now for sale
    YassLab 2024/02/02
    “Just look at that 3-year total cost of ownership. Campfire running on Hetzner would cost you $479 for 500 users over three years ($299 + 36 * $5). Slack with the same number of seats would cost you $270,000!!! The ONCE solution is literally 99.9% cheaper. It’s crazy.”
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