A collection of transliteration and transcription tables for various writing systems. News 2009-05-10: Updated Armenian. 2009-01-19: Another year almost passed without any work. I got some feedback on Rusyn and decided to do a fast update correcting all errors. 2008-02-25: Arabic updated. A follow-up to the optimized PDF problem earlier this month. 2008-02-08: New PDFs of Arabic and Macedonian. We
24.06.2018 Kohanimeandmebaasi latinisatsioonisüsteemid Järgnev tabel osutab, milliseid latinisatsioonisüsteeme kasutatakse kohanimeandmebaasis vastavakeelsete kohanimede fikseerimiseks ja kuidas neid esitatakse Interneti-versioonis. 3. veerus on märgitud juhud, kui eesti tekstis kasutatakse oma transkriptsiooni. Mitmete keelte jaoks on sellise tabeli kehtestanud omal ajal vabariiklik õigekeelsus
A new version of Junicode is under development at https://github.com/psb1558/Junicode-New, and development of the version hosted here is suspended. Minor enhancements and fixes for the legacy version of Junicode may be added from time to time, but these will be released in the “legacy” folder of the new Junicode site, https://github.com/psb1558/Junicode-New/tree/master/legacy. Junicode (short for