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  • Writebook

    What kind of books can I publish? Whatever you’ve written is ready for Writebook. No publisher, no gatekeeper, no permission necessary. Just write it. Instruction manuals. Publish a manual to go along with a piece of software, hardware, or a process that needs simple, clear documentation. Like the Writebook Manual itself. Graphic novels. Writebooks offer a picture-page type so you can have a book

    YassLab 2024/07/04
    “However, the software license “does not include the rights to publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, source code or products derived from it.” Further, you can not, for example, sell a separate hosted service on top of Writebook using Writebook code.”
  • License Agreement

    YassLab 2024/02/01
    “This does not include the rights to publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, source code or products derived from it.”
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