Feed-in tariff Minimum Price Standard Renewable Portfolio Stan- dard RPS bidding scheme RPS supply push European Environment Agency 2004: 12 t q0 q0 t q0 AtB RPS 88 Baumol and Oates 1988b 2006b C0 C0 qa q0 C0 Cb qb q0 88 C0 t q0 C0 C1 q1 q1 t q1 q1 t1BCt 88 OA Boots, Schaeffer et al. 2001: 11 88 Menanteau, Finon et al. 2003: 802 EU Midttun and Koefoed 2003: 683 EU 2001 2005 EU 2006a 1990 Gesetz üb