
ペンギンに関するseven_czのブックマーク (2)

  • Penguins Go Through the Flow

    April 5, 2018 Colonies of breeding king penguins behave much like particles in liquids do, according to a new study by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and international colleagues. This “liquid” organization and structure enables breeding colonies to protect themselves against predators while also keeping members together. King penguins are threatened by climate change with warming

    Penguins Go Through the Flow
    seven_cz 2018/04/08
    the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutionによる研究、オウサマペンギンの繁殖コロニーは、液体中の粒子のようにふるまいうことで、メンバーを一緒に保ちつつ天敵に対抗できている。
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