You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert pixivの開発フロー 社内用のリポジトリ管理のためにGitLabを使用 pixivはPC・Touch版などがありそれぞれソースコードを一部共有しているためpixiv.gitという1つの大きなリポジトリで管理している 社内で一番大きく関わっている人も多いリポジトリ pixiv.gitは1.4GBくらい(昔は2GB超だったが工夫して減らした)なので外部サービスのGitHubに置くと遅すぎて開発ができない GitHubの障害によりデプロイができなくなるのも困る GitHubにはファイルの容量制限など様々な制限もあるのでそういったことで悩みたくない 社内のデータセンター内で管理する必要がある GitHub Enterpriseを使えば社内のサーバー上にGitHubを立てることができる ピクシブではデータセンターの拠点が複数あるなどちょっと特殊な事
今年1月、日本の芸能界に10年ぶりに復帰することを発表した女優で歌手の希良梨(歌手名義はKirari)が、子宮頸がんによる長期休業、国際結婚、出産を経て、15年ぶりに歌手活動を再開させることがわかった。「実を言うと、私自身こんなに早く歌を再開するなんて、夢にも思ってもいませんでした」という希良梨が、全身で歌う喜びを表現した新曲「七色のヒカリ-Colors of the Human Race-」のミュージックビデオ(MV)がきょう19日から公開された。 【写真】その他の写真を見る 東京で生まれ、沖縄で育った希良梨は、1997年にドラマ『ギフト』で女優デビュー。翌98年に反町隆史と松嶋菜々子共演し、結婚するきっかけとなったドラマ『GTO』で中心的な生徒役を演じてブレイクした。99年9月にはシングル「Last Piece」で歌手デビュー(Kirari名義)し、2000年5月には、財前直見主演ドラ
広瀬は18日、フジテレビ系バラエティー『とんねるずのみなさんのおかげでした』(毎週木曜 後9:00)の「食わず嫌い王決定戦」に出演。「冷めててドライなんですよ」と自分の性格を分析し、「(電飾を)あんな高いところにかけた人は一生懸命やってるんだな」と感じている、と明かした。 MCのとんねるず・石橋貴明から「テレビ局で働いている照明さんなんか見るとどう思うの?」と聞かれると、「どうして生まれてから大人になった時に照明さんになろうと思ったんだろう?」と回答。続けて、音声スタッフについても「なんで自分の人生を女優さんの声を録ることに懸けてるんだろう?と考えちゃう」「大人になって年齢を重ねると共に、本当に…声を録るだけでいいの?」と語った。 この発言を受け、ネットでは「裏方のスタッフを軽視している」と批判的コメントが続出。一部スポーツ紙などが取り上げ、広瀬のツイッターへ直接クレームをつけるユーザーも
Auto Scaling環境のBlue-Green DeploymentをCloudFormationのスタックアップデートで実現する はじめに こんにちは、虎塚です。 最近のAWSアップデートで、ELBをAuto Scaling Groupにattachしたり、Auto Scaling Groupからdetachしたりできるようになりました。 Auto Scaling環境でのBlue-Green Deploymentの切替がAWS ELBでできるようになりました。 | Developers.IO CloudFormation職人の皆さんはご存じだと思いますが、この機能は残念ながらCloudFormationで利用できません。現時点では、Management ConsoleやAWS APIからだけ利用できます。 じつは、Auto ScalingからEC2をattach、detachする機能
[これは Mozilla Add-ons Blog の記事 Add-on Compatibility for Firefox 40 の翻訳です] Firefox 40 が 8 月 11 日 [日本時間同日深夜] リリース となります。Firefox 40 の変更点でアドオンの互換性に影響を及ぼす可能性のあるものを以下にまとめました。Firefox 40 for Developers により詳しい情報が載っていますので、こちらも併せてご覧ください。 拡張機能への署名 Firefox 40 は新たな 署名要件 が適用される初のバージョンとなります。AMO に掲載されているアドオンの署名はすべて完了しており、現在は AMO 非掲載アドオンの調査を進めているところです。このバージョンには署名要件を無効化する設定項目 (xpinstall.signatures.required) がありますが、41
Thailand: 175 people had exposure to its MERS case A total of 175 people were exposed to Thailand’s only case of MERS and the patient's condition has improved, the Health Ministry said on Saturday. A total of 175 people were exposed to Thailand’s only case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and the patient's condition has improved, the Health Ministry said on Saturday. In a statement, the
Rachel Shabi is a journalist and author of Not the Enemy: Israel's Jews from Arab Lands. It’s been a week of reinvented, reissued, and freshly insisted upon phrases. As word spread of the white American woman, Rachel Dolezal, who had faked being black for years, a whole string of labels issued forth: some piped up the misused term “transracial” to define Dolezal, pursuing this all the way to “tran
Absence of new cases for first time in 16 days lifts hopes as confirmed cases also stabilise at 166 over past 24 hours. Authorities in Thailand have stepped up measures after reporting its first MERS case on Thursday [AP] South Korea says there has been no new cases of MERS reported for the first time in 16 days, raising hopes the country is winning the battle to contain the deadly virus. The numb
Collections Audio & Video Design Developer Tools Graphics & Games Maps & Location Privacy & Security Safari & Web System Services Platforms iOS iPadOS macOS tvOS visionOS watchOS Audio & Video 35:51 Editing Movies in AV Foundation macOS Learn how to use the new AVMutableMovie class to modify media files and simplify your editing workflows. See how to support segment-based editing and discover the
KRUEN, Germany (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama accused President Vladimir Putin of wrecking Russia’s economy in a doomed drive to recreate the glories of the Soviet empire and G7 leaders said they could step up sanctions against Moscow if violence in Ukraine escalated. At the conclusion of a Group of Seven summit in the Bavarian Alps, leaders expressed concern about an upsurge in fighting
Dylann Storm Roof appears by closed-circuit television at his bond hearing in Charleston, South Carolina June 19, 2015 in a still image from video. REUTERS/POOL REUTERS - Friends of the white gunman who shot and killed nine black people inside an historic African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina said he first talked about attacking a college campus, the Washington Post and NBC News re
BANGKOK (Reuters) - A total of 175 people were exposed to Thailand’s only case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and the patient’s condition has improved, the health ministry said on Saturday. In a statement, the ministry said it had been in touch with all 175 and had instructed them to stay away from public spaces and for medical personnel to monitor their health. In South Korea, the hea
North Korea claims to have discovered miracle drug, cure for MERS Published Jun 19, 2015 at 12:54 PM EDT Updated May 19, 2017 at 7:16 AM EDT An unlikely saviour to the outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) emerged today, as North Korea took a break from developing nuclear weapons and discovering unicorns to claim it had developed a wonder drug able to cure the deadly respiratory dise
That meeting never happened. Soon afterward, Israeli authorities arrested them, and the details of their relationship are described in an indictment against al-Makt, whose trial opened in Nazareth in June. He is charged with espionage and other security-related offenses for publishing reports on Facebook and YouTube about the Israeli army's activity in the Golan and allegedly contacting Syrian off
Ukraine is fighting a war on two fronts. The one you see on television is taking place in the east of our country, where thousands of Russian troops are engaged in an armed aggression against Ukraine's territorial integrity, including the illegal annexation of Crimea. Less visible, but just as important, is Ukraine’s war against the Soviet past and the legacy of corruption and misrule that has hel
During the second debate of the 2012 Presidential campaign, Mitt Romney repeated the frequently levelled Republican charge that it had taken Barack Obama many days to refer to the attack upon the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi as terrorism. Obama disputed that, and the two men argued back and forth until the moderator, Candy Crowley, intervened to say that the President had in fact referred to the incid
復興事業費の一部地元負担を盛り込んだ東日本大震災の新たな復興枠組みが固まった18日、竹下亘復興相が記者会見で「全て与えられるより、一部のリスクを負うことで人間は本気になる。被災地は必死でやっているが、さらに必死のギアをもう一段上げていただきたい」と述べた発言に対し、県内では19日、「被災地が『甘え』ているから負担を求めるのか」「被災地の頑張りが分かってない」などと反発が相次いだ。 行政と連携して移動図書館を開設している釜石市の団体職員の男性(29)は「被災地の人はすごく必死にやっている」と竹下復興相の認識を一蹴。「一部負担したからギアが上がったり、リスクがあって精度が上がるということはなく、『本気になる』『より良くなる』こととは直接関係ない。むしろ一部負担による現場の混乱や計画の見直しなどでさらに復興が遅れる」と懸念する。 被災地を支援する北上市のNPO法人いわて連携復興センターの鹿野順一
昨今のタブレットPCやUltrabook、2in1 PCをはじめとするモバイルノートPCでは、本体の薄型化や軽量化を突き詰める反面、インターフェースが必要最小限しか用意されないものが増えている。映像出力や有線LANポートが省かれたり、USBポートも数が少なく、拡張性が犠牲になっている場合が少なくない。 そんなモバイルデバイスでも据え置きノートPC並みの拡張性を実現できる周辺機器がある、それが“ドッキングステーション”だ。タブレットPCやノートPCにUSB接続するだけで使えるアイテムで、メーカーが純正の周辺機器として用意しているケースも多い。もちろん、メーカー純正品だけでなく、機種を問わず利用できる汎用品も存在する。今回紹介するj5 createの『ドッキングステーション Piccolo JUD530』(JUD530)もそのひとつだ。 JUD530はその独特な形状が大きな特徴。本体の長さは3
会員でない方は会員登録してください。 新しいパスワードを設定するリンクが登録メールアドレス宛に送信されます。
2メートル近い長身を生かし、クレーン車のように相手を吊り上げたり、豪快に投げ伏せたりするスケールの大きな相撲で、平成6年の春場所大関に昇進しました。 平成8年の初場所と平成9年の九州場所で優勝を果たし、同じ部屋の元横綱・貴乃花や若乃花らと共に大相撲人気を盛り上げました。 平成16年に現役を引退し、貴乃花部屋で後進の指導に当たりながら、先月行われた夏場所では土俵下で審判を務めていました。
社員が逮捕され、シロクロがはっきりしない段階に、所属する企業がどんな対応をするべきか。こうしたクライシス状況を具体的に想定した役員向け広報メディア対応の研修をこれまで数多く手がけてきましたが、この問いに対してすぐに明快な答えを出せる人は、決して多くはありません。 だからこそ、このタイミングは捜査の結果が出た後よりも企業の対応やその内容に差が出やすい。逆に言えば、「あの状況になった時に、どうすればいいか」の答えを多くの経営層の人たちは知りたがっています。 その観点で、トヨタ女性役員の麻薬輸入事件におけるトヨタの対応は1つの模範解答と言えます。 1.「信じる」というメッセージ6/18(木)米国から麻薬を密輸したとして、警視庁がトヨタ自動車の常務役員ジュリー・ハンプ氏を麻薬取締法違反(輸入)容疑で逮捕しました。 その約4時間後にトヨタは声明を出します。 「ハンプ氏の逮捕について承知しておりますが
ffmpegは、無料で使える動画および音声のエンコーダである。ここでは、ffmpegを使って、H.264、webm、wmvなどの各種動画に変換する方法を解説する。 ffmpegは、使い方はきわめて簡単である一方、様々なオプションを駆使すれば、より詳細な設定も可能である。 なお、DVDやBlu-rayのようにフォルダ構造をとるものの場合は、x264のバージョンは最新ではないものの、HandBrakeを使う方が簡単である。→HandBrakeの設定と使い方 目次 ffmpegの基本的な使い方 動画:ビデオコーデックの指定 動画:動画品質の設定 動画:H.265でエンコード 動画:H.264でエンコード 動画:AV1でエンコード 動画:VP9でエンコード 動画:wmvでエンコード 動画:複数の静止画から動画を作成する 動画:クロッピングしてエンコードする 動画:回転させてエンコードする 動画:w
"Everyone's plea for your soul is proof that they lived in love and their legacies will live in love. So hate won't win", a relative of one victim told the suspect Journalist Adam Harris looks at the forgiveness shown in the Charleston courtroom and how it is a strength that has long been espoused in black American spirituality. When relatives of those shot dead at the Emanuel African Methodist Ep
はじめに BounscaleというオートスケールするHeroku Addonを作っています。 Bounscaleは各プログラミング言語/フレームワーク毎にエージェントを提供しています。 現在、Rails、node.jsなどに対応していますが、実験的にPlay Framework2(Scala)への提供を開始しました。 エージェントのjarはPlayの依存ライブラリの記述を追記するだけでインストールできるようにしたいところです。 今回は、Github PagesをMavenリポジトリ代わりに利用して、sbtで各種ファイルを生成してjarを公開したので下記に手順をメモしておきます。 流れ Github Pagesのリポジトリを作ってMaven形式のjarやpomなどを公開する場所を確保します Play Framework2をインストールして同梱のsbtを利用できるようにします ライブラリをビル
Computer Science includes research into networking. TCP incast is a way of describing network traffic statistical properties, particularly in data centers [1]A typical CS student's view of the network is that "everything is so random that it averages out." The exact opposite is actually the case most often, to the chagrin of your local network admin. Network traffic tends to act like everyone knew
> Flux is also quite verbose, which makes it inconvenient for data state, state that is persisted to the server.We felt the same way, until we moved away from Facebook's Flux implementation and adopted Flummox[0]. It's singleton-free, so we gained isomorphism for our application with only a tiny bit of extra work, and it hides away the dispatcher (unless you need it, which we haven't despite havin
We are happy to announce that we have partnered with Code Climate to bring static analysis tools to all RubyMotion users. As of today, you will be able to analyze RubyMotion projects on, as well as run custom static analysis for RubyMotion on your command line with their new CLI tool. If you are not familiar with Code Climate, it's a static analysis tool for monitoring the health o
Parsing Expression Grammar(PEG)は、Bryan FordによってPOPL 2004で発表された文法の形式化です。PEGはRecognition(認識)をベースとしており、Context Free Grammar(CFG)と異なっています。 PEGは曖昧でない言語を受理するのに便利な特性を持っており、PEGをベースにした構文解析器生成系が多数登場しています。また、PEGはパーザコンビネータと呼ばれる、プログラミング言語内に構文解析用DSLを埋め込む手法とも関連があります。 この勉強会では、 PEGの基本 PEGの応用例(構文解析器生成系、パーザコンビネータなど) PEGの拡張 等について勉強します(PEGに関する予備知識はなくて済むようにするつもりです)。また、 PEG以外の構文解析手法 LL法 LR法 LL(*)法 (ANTLR) GLR法 GLL法 PEG以
IBM Think 2024 Review all news, announcements and videos from the 2024 IBM Think Event. IBM Think
FLORAシリーズのLAN構成での不具合クレームの原因として多く見受けられる、構成上の不具合事例を紹介致します。 本内容はFLORAシリーズのLANに限ったものではなく、10BASE-T/100BASE-TXイーサネットLANで共通的な内容です。 事例1 <現象> 下図のような10BASE5との組み合わせの構成において、10BASE-Tの通信ができない、または遅い。 <原因> 図中のトランシーバ*1のSQEスイッチ設定が不正である。本来OFFと設定すべきところがONになっていた。 <説 明> 上記環境の10BASE-Tに複数のメーカーのパソコンが導入されている場合、本現象は、各LAN機能の特性の違いによっては、通信のできるパソコンと通信のできないパソコンがでてくる可能性があります。 また、同一のパソコンであってもHUBの特性によって、1段目のHUBに接続した場合と、2段目のHUBに接続した
nginx でクライアントの "Accept-Encoding" をログ出力する必要があったので調べた。 ログ出力の基本 ngx_http_log_module モジュールでログ出力する。 nginx.conf の log_format で指定。 Ubuntu では nginx.conf は /etc/nginx/nginx.conf にある。 書式 リクエスト/レスポンスヘッダーともに log_format に $prefix_{field_name} で指定する。 prefix はリクエスト/レスポンスで異なる field_name は正規化しなければいけない。 大文字は小文字にする ハイフンはアンダースコアにする リクエストヘッダーのログ出力 prefix は http Accept-Encoding の場合 $http_accept_encoding となる。 ドキュメントのどこか
Copyright © The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. All Rights Reserved.© 自由民主党
The seminar provided an opportunity for sharing knowledge about the key policy, infrastructure and institutional/capacity building challenges facing cities in developing countries and on avenues for collaboration. The World Bank Group (WBG) and the Government of Japan have been collaborating since 2004 in delivering knowledge, learning and capacity building services through the Tokyo Development L
2015年6月17日、米国国立公文書館(NARA)が第一次世界大戦における英国の写真家の写真をオンラインカタログで公開したと発表しています。 英国の写真家によって撮影されたこの一連の写真は、第一次世界大戦での軍隊の活動やいくつかの国の人員について描いており、軍隊の進軍、塹壕での生活の状態、輸送や通信の問題、食料供給の動き、戦場経験の背景にある人間の悲惨さ、銃後の関与等を示す、戦争の主な軍隊の軍事行動等をテーマにしたものを含むとのことです。 National Archives Trust Fundの資金援助によりデジタル化されたこれらのパブリックドメインの記録は、教師、地域のコミュニティグループから博物館、映画製作者まで誰でも利用可能にするという目的があるとのことです。 What’s New in the National Archives Catalog: British Photogra
2015年6月17日、米国国立公文書館(NARA)は、永久保存記録の法的移管の適切な時期についての公示を行いました。 この公示は、政府機関に対して、媒体や形式に関わらず、永久保存記録がNARAでの法的保存に移管されるべき適切な時期を決定するための日程の案内を規定しているとのことです。 一般的には、機密扱いされていない記録は15年より前に、機密扱いされている記録は25年より前にNARAへの法的移管の予定をしてはいけないとのことで、この公示には日程確定の手助けとなるチェックリストがあり、政府機関とNARAの職員が、記録が15年より前に移管するのが法的に適切かどうかを確定するツールとなるとのことです。 Release of NARA Bulletin 2015-01(Official blog of the Office of the Chief Records Officer at the N
2015年6月18日、おおぶ文化交流の杜図書館(愛知県大府市)は、同館の所蔵する『大府市誌 近世村絵図集』(1982年刊行)をデジタル化し、歴史資料検索閲覧システム“ADEAC”で公開しました。 市内の地域を地図から探すことができ、地図の一覧もサムネイル付きで掲載されています。 『大府市郷土資料デジタルアーカイブ』 ADEAC(※2015/6/18付で、「お知らせ/Information」欄に、「『大府市郷土資料デジタルアーカイブ』を公開しました。」とあります。) 大府市誌 近世村絵図をデジタル化しました(おおぶ文化交流の杜図書館, 2015/6/18)
経済産業省は、平成25 年10 月から、国土交通省と連携して、水素・燃料電池自動車の相互承認のための「水素及び燃料電池自動車に関する国連規則」の策定に参画しました。 この国連規則が、本日付けで発効します。 今後、この国連規則を各国が法令に取り込むことによって、例えば、水素・燃料電池自動車の燃料装置用の容器について、我が国の高圧ガス保安法を含め各国の関係法令に沿ったものであれば、各国の法令で受け入れられることになるため、当該容器等の輸出入の一層の効率化等に貢献します。 高圧ガス保安法では、水素・燃料電池自動車及び水素スタンドの本格的な普及開始に向け、安全性の確保を前提として様々な技術規則の改正等を行い、世界に先駆けて、平成26 年からの水素・燃料電池自動車の市販及び水素スタンドの商用化の実現に貢献してきました。 水素・燃料電池自動車の規則について、アメリカ、日本及びドイツが中心となって、平成
Researchers design placenta-on-a-chip to better understand pregnancy NIH team and colleagues believe microdevice may improve upon existing placenta models. A placenta-on-a-chip microdevice: A) The device’s upper (blue) and lower (red) chambers are separated by a semi-permeable membrane. B) Researchers placed maternal cells in one chamber and fetal cells in the other. They then added glucose to the
The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.
The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.
The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.
The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.
The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.
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外部のウェブサイトに移動しますが、よろしいですか。 よろしければ以下をクリックしてください。 Link ご注意 リンク先のウェブサイトは、内閣府政府広報室のサイトではありません。 この告知で掲載しているウェブサイトのURLについては、2023年11月21日時点のものです。 ウェブサイトのURLについては廃止や変更されることがあります。最新のURLについては、ご自身でご確認ください。 閉じる
To be used efficiently, all computer software needs certain hardware components or other software resources to be present on a computer.[1] These prerequisites are known as (computer) system requirements and are often used as a guideline as opposed to an absolute rule. Most software defines two sets of system requirements: minimum and recommended. With increasing demand for higher processing power
Washington will not "paper over" differences between the United States and China when top officials of the world's two largest economies meet next week, with tensions in the South China Sea, cybersecurity and electoral reform in Hong Kong among the issues to be highlighted. Daniel Russel, the United States' assistant secretary of state for East Asia and the Pacific, said on Thursday that US offici
NEW YORK (Reuters) - For the second time in two weeks, South Carolina prosecutor Scarlett Wilson finds herself at the center of a racially charged murder case generating national headlines, after the shooting of nine black men and women at a historic church in Charleston. Wilson will prosecute Dylann Roof, a 21-year-old white man accused of shooting black worshippers at Emanuel African Methodist E
Taylor Swift accepts the award for Top Billboard 200 Album for "1989" at the 2015 Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas, Nevada May 17, 2015. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Pop star Taylor Swift will not be making her hit album “1989” available on Apple Inc’s upcoming streaming service, the singer’s label said Friday. Apple Music, which will launch at the end of June, will offer subsc
The corporate logo of Bayer is seen at the headquarters building in Caracas May 6, 2015. Venezuela is investigating whether drug companies including Merck and Bayer have improperly profited from subsidized foreign exchange amid growing medicine shortages, the health minister said. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins - RTX1BV1A Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tab FRANKFURT (Reuters) - German drugs a
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Something about Vladimir Putin makes Republicans in the U.S. presidential race see red. The Russian president has emerged as a symbol for what they view as President Barack Obama’s weak foreign policy, and an easy route for criticizing his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, the Democrats’ likely choice for the November 2016 election. With his bare-chested swagger an
IMAX apologizes to Ars for its trademark retraction demand You can all go back to saying "IMAX" now. Last week, Ars Technica was sent a retraction request by IMAX Corporation over a June 12 article related to SteamVR. An IMAX lawyer said that a mention of the IMAX brand in that story was "misleading" and suggested that "any unauthorized use" of the company's trademark was forbidden. We sent a priv
Video Full-length interview: the head of NATO on how Ukraine can win the warJens Stoltenberg discusses the war in Ukraine and Donald Trump with our editor-in-chief Video explainer Who is “Europe’s last dictator”?Alexander Lukashenko has doubled down on political repression, but is dependent on Russia
Updated: June 19, 2015 3:35 PM [ET] | Originally published: June 19, 2015 2:11 PM EDT; The transparency advocate site WikiLeaks began publishing leaked documents from the Saudi Arabia Foreign Ministry on Friday afternoon, dumping over 60,000 classified documents into the public domain. A press release on WikiLeaks asserted that the 61,205 documents and cables leaked Friday would be the first publi
The horrific murders of nine African Americans as they prayed in a Charleston, S.C., church, allegedly shot by a hate-filled racist on a genocidal purge, have left me searching for words. How does one comment upon an event that is beyond comprehension? How could the shooter sit for an hour of Bible study and prayer with the very people he intended to kill? Suspect Dylann Roof, now in custody, made
Hate crime or terrorism? Evil or insane? For all the practice we’ve had over the years, we still seem to have trouble characterizing or understanding mass killings. Should we be surprised that a state that still flies the Confederate flag spawns a young man convinced of white supremacy? Or that a nation that glamorizes and refuses to regulate guns is back again to grieving a bunch of innocent live
リメイク版『FFVII』クラウド女装イベントの有無を野村哲也氏に聞く。『KHIII』にQTEはない【E3 2015】 米国ロサンゼルスで開催されているコンピュータゲームの見本市“E3 2015(Electronic Entertainment Expo 2015)”で、『ファイナルファンタジーVII』のフルリメイク化が公式発表され、『キングダム ハーツIII』の最新情報も公開されました。 そんな両作品のディレクターを務める野村哲也氏に現地でお話を伺えたので、その内容をお届けします。 『FFVII』は、プロデューサーを北瀬佳範氏、シナリオを野島一成氏、ディレクターを野村哲也氏が担当し、PS4向けに開発されることが発表されています。『KHIII』についても『塔の上のラプンツェル』の登場が発表されるなど、ユーザーの期待も高まっています。 リメイク版『ファイナルファンタジーVII』のトレーラー映像
データ分析から導き出されたインサイト無しにAI(人工知能)の活用は始まりません。私たちは、各業界知識とデータ・アナリティクス技術を駆使しデータドリブン経営を強力に支援します。 データ、アナリティクス、AIは企業にとって競合他社との差別化を図るかつてないほど大きな要因になっています。今日の経営幹部が効率を向上しながら新たな収益源を開拓し、新しいビジネスモデルをタイムリーに構築する方法を模索する中、価値を生み出し成長を続ける企業には「データ活用」という共通項があります。私たちは、無数のデータから企業にとって本当に必要なデータを活用するための方法を知っています。 将来を見据えたオペレーション体制を備えている企業の半数以上(52%)は、すでにデータとアナリティクスを大規模に活用しています。データとAIに関する取り組みをビジネス戦略に沿って実施することで投資利益率を迅速に最大化し、最終的にはAIをビ
Greeks have withdrawn billions of euros from the country's banks this week. Many appear to be losing hope that their government will avert bankruptcy by the end of the month. Eurozone leaders have called an emergency meeting for Monday. But many Greeks are coming to terms with the idea that the Euro might not be their currency much longer. Date 20.06.2015 Duration 01:34 mins. Author Inga Sieg Home
Obama urges US to reflect on gun violence after Charleston shooting 18.06.2015 US President Obama has condemned the shooting at a black church in South Carolina. While he urged Americans to reflect on the issue of gun violence, he also admitted that politics kept much from being done to stop it. Dylann Roof charged over South Carolina church shooting 19.06.2015 The suspect behind a shooting spree
The tubular-shape installation was spray-painted inside and out Vandals have sprayed-painted a controversial Anish Kapoor sculpture on display in the gardens of France's Palace of Versailles. The 60-metre steel tube was called "dirty" and "gross" by critics, after Kapoor was quoted as saying it signified "the vagina of the queen who took power". The vandalism was discovered on Wednesday, and the w
This so-called “environmental Armageddon” is a fictitious construction cooked up by the left so we’ll spend all our time (or at least a half hour a week) changing out our light bulbs and flattening cardboard and completely overlooking their pinko/commie/socialist agendas. I’m on to you, liberals! You’re trying to be heroes to humanity. You want everyone to pat you on the back and say, “Oh, look wh
One afternoon two years into my captivity, in a dirty villa, I sat up on the mattress and noticed that my guard had left the room. His rifle lay on a mat. I considered grabbing it. The pirates were holding me in Galkacyo, a regional capital in central Somalia. They told me it was Haradheere, near the coast, but I knew Haradheere had no commercial airport, and at first the pirates would giggle ever
Elsewhere, too, Mr Snowden is still making ripples – especially in Germany, a country that learned the hard way to take privacy seriously, where there is a Bundestag inquiry into cooperation with the NSA. But in this world of flux, Britain is an isle of complacent calm. The principal change on the agenda is granting the intelligence agencies formal licence to continue doing what they were caught d
In an address later on Friday in San Francisco, Obama made a renewed call to action on gun control, saying he had “faith we will eventually do the right thing” despite political gridlock in Washington. “The apparent motivations of the shooter remind us that racism remains a blight that we have to combat together,” he said. The small courthouse in Charleston was packed full of relatives and friends
アライグマがワニの背中に乗っている写真がインターネットで話題を呼んでいる。まるでヒッチハイクをしているかのようなワンシーンだが、この写真は本物なのだろうか。 この写真を撮ったという米国フロリダ州在住のリチャード・ジョーンズ氏はナショナル ジオグラフィックの取材に対し、「本物」と答えている。一方、生物学者や写真家の中には実際の光景なのか疑義を呈する人もいる。 写真が撮影されたのは6月14日。ジョーンズ氏が複数の地元メディアに伝えたところによると、フロリダ州中部にあるオカラ国立森林公園を家族で散歩していたときに撮ったものという。ジョーンズ氏は電子メールでの取材に対し、彼の息子がアライグマを驚かせてしまったらしく、慌てて走り出したアライグマは、近くを流れるオクラワハ川を泳いでいたワニの背に飛び乗ったと語った。(参考記事:「命や手足を失わずに野生動物の傑作写真を撮る方法」) 「写真を疑っている人た
DxO Nik Collection 7 Photoshop、Lightroom Classic などに 欠かせないプラグインスイート
アルツハイマー病や軽い認知症の人では、神経細胞はダメージを受けて分解しており、関与するタンパク質の血液中の量が変化すると判明している。 血液検査の可能性も浮上してくる。 米国カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校医療センターを含む研究グループが、米国神経学会の公式誌ニューロロジーのオンライン版で2015年6月10日に報告した。 エキソソームを調べた 研究グループは、アルツハイマー病と診断されたとき、最大10年前に健康だったときの2回にわたる血液を取っていた20人、アルツハイマー病の26人、若い人に多くて人格障害が現れる「前頭側頭型認知症」の16人、健康な46人について血液の中のタンパク質を検証した。 血液中でさまざまなタンパク質やRNAを運ぶ「エキソソーム」という非常に小さな袋状の粒を検出して、このうち神経細胞が分泌したものを調べた。 早期から機能不全 その結果、細胞内で「分解リサイク
— -- Dylann Roof, the alleged gunman authorities say is responsible for killing nine people in a Charleston, South Carolina, church Wednesday night, has been apprehended, authorities said. Police said Roof, 21, was arrested today at a traffic stop in Shelby, North Carolina, about 250 miles north of Charleston. He was expected to be charged Thursday night with murder, allowing for him to be ex
劇場版「仮面ライダードライブ」の敵はまさかのベルトさん! 衝撃展開の予告編! - 劇場版「ドライブ・ニンニンジャー」製作委員会 (C) 石森プロ・テレビ朝日・ADK・東映 (C) 2015 テレビ朝日・東映AG・東映 人気特撮シリーズの映画最新作『劇場版 仮面ライダードライブ サプライズ・フューチャー』の予告編が公開され、仮面ライダードライブ/泊進ノ介(竹内涼真)の相棒でもある「ベルトさん」ことクリム(クリス・ペプラー)が世界滅亡を企む敵としてライダーたちと対峙(たいじ)することが明らかになった。 同作は、車に乗った仮面ライダー「ドライブ」の活躍を描く特撮テレビシリーズの劇場版最新作。ドライブのシステムを生み出した科学者でもあるベルトさんの真の狙いが、ドライブを使って世界を滅亡させることであったことが判明し、共に人間を守るため戦ってきた進ノ介が、非情な戦いに挑むさまが描かれる。 予告編では
Bob Dylan's 'Shadows in the Night' and Kendrick Lamar's 'To Pimp a Butterfly.' It's nearly half over, but the year of the dueling streaming services has already given us plenty of reasons to press play. Mumford went electric, Dylan went Rat Pack and Mark Ronson went to the top of the charts. D'Angelo made a huge impact on 2015 with his bold return (after 14 years without a new album), which was fo
真夏ではなく梅雨の最中にもゲリラ豪雨がある事に驚いた今日この頃、皆様はいかがお過ごしでしょうか。 いつも「THE IDOLM@STER」をご愛顧いただきまして、まことにありがとうございます。 ■2015年7月に開催予定の「THE IDOLM@STER M@STER OF IDOL WORLD!!2015」にて 弊社より以下の会場限定CDとイベント会場グッズを販売致します! 劇場版「THE IDOLM@STER MOVIE 輝きの向こう側へ!」主題歌「M@STERPICE」の765プロアイドル達による ソロミックスや、“アイドルマスター”の多くの楽曲を音源として10周年を記念してミックスされた約1時間にも及ぶ ノンストップのDJMIXを収録した2枚組のアルバムや、jewelriesシリーズ第1弾のユニット曲「Nation Blue」 「Orange Sapphire」「アタシポンコツアンドロ
TUNIS (Reuters) - Ten members of Tunisia’s diplomatic staff kidnapped in Libya a week ago have been freed and returned to Tunis on Friday, and the Tunisian government has shut down its consular operations in Tripoli. No group has claimed responsibility for the abduction. Armed groups in Libya have repeatedly kidnapped diplomats and foreign nationals to pressure their governments to free Libyan mil
Dylann Roof appears via video before a judge in North Charleston, S.C, today. The 21-year-old man accused of killing nine people inside a black church in Charleston made his first court appearance and bail was set for $1 million on a charge of weapons possession. The judge said he did not have the authority to set bail on the nine counts of murder against Roof. AP Dylann Roof, the 21-year-old accu
Published Jun 19, 2015 at 4:05 PM EDT Updated Apr 04, 2016 at 2:15 PM EDT Dylann Storm Roof at his bond hearing in Charleston, South Carolina, June 19, 2015, in a still image from video. The White House has consistently refused to condemn right wing terrorism. Reuters On Wednesday evening, Dylann Roof entered the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. He sat in t
Family members of people who died in a Charleston church shooting confronted the chief suspect, Dylann Roof, in an emotional bond hearing Friday, describing through their tears the grief they’ve suffered and their struggle to forgive him. Roof, 21, appeared on a television display in court via a closed-circuit camera feed. He was led into an enclosed room by two armed guards and stood in an oversi
At vigil at D.C. church, sadness and a struggle to forgive WASHINGTON – Light filtered through the stained-glass windows at the Metropolitan AME Church in the nation's capital on Friday as nine people stood at the front of the church holding images of the nine lives lost in Charleston, S.C., this week. During prayers, songs and speeches, images of the nine victims of a shooting at the Emanuel AME
The Justice Department said Friday that an ongoing federal inquiry into the Charleston, S.C., shooting will not only consider possible hate crime violations, but prosecutors also will review the shooting as a possible "act of domestic terrorism." Dylann Roof, 21, was charged Friday with nine counts of murder in the attack at a historic black church, but he was not charged with a hate crime because
大手出版社KADOKAWA(カドカワ)は6月4日、埼玉県所沢市から購入した旧所沢浄化センター跡地に新しい印刷製本・物流拠点とともに、図書館や美術館、博物館を融合した文化施設を建設する「COOL JAPAN FOREST 構想」(以下、同構想)を発表した。その敷地は約37万平方メートル――東京ドーム8個分という広大なもの。 7月1日には同社の100%出資で、文化施設の建設を推進する株式会社ところざわサクラタウン(松原眞樹社長=KADOKAWA社長)を資本金1億円で設立する。KADOKAWAの角川歴彦会長は「2020年の東京オリンピック開催までには完成させたい」と意気込んでおり、その総事業費は300億円にも上る一大事業である。 しかし、この構想をめぐって、経営統合したドワンゴとの間で不協和音が聞こえてくる。関係者は語る。 「KADOKAWAは2015年3月期第2四半期連結決算で、9億円の営業損
The Serbian flag waved outside European Union headquarters in Brussels. Photograph: Olivier Papegnies/EPA
Bill Joy, longtime KP Limited Partner, joined KPCB as Partner in January 2005. At KP he helps entrepreneurs advance the Internet, develop wireless innovations, and find new ways of using large scale computing to solve the most difficult problems. He also looks to help entrepreneurs who have discoveries and inventions that can solve energy and resource problems, and helps them apply 21st century ad
KPCB’s iFund™ is a $100M investment initiative that is funding market-changing ideas and products that extend the revolutionary new iPhone and iPod touch platform. The iFund™ is agnostic to size and stage of investment and will invest in companies building applications, services and components. Focus areas include location based services, social networking, mCommerce (including advertising and pay
Companies by Initiative Greentech iFund™ Information Technology Communications InfrastructureConsumerEnterpriseMobileSecuritySemiconductors Life Science DevicesDiagnosticsTherapeuticsTools & Services Other Private Companies (a-z) Public Companies Engineering New Markets and Strong Businesses We invest in early-stage and breakthrough ventures that have the promise to create new market opportuniti
Gartner Survey Reveals 71% of CMOs Believe They Lack Sufficient Budget to Fully Execute Their Strategy in 2023 Marketing
Gartner Survey Reveals 71% of CMOs Believe They Lack Sufficient Budget to Fully Execute Their Strategy in 2023 Marketing
Eric Feng joined Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers in July 2010, where he focuses on investigating Greentech opportunities, supporting efforts to increase awareness of the climate crisis, and helping companies build consumer Internet and digital media technologies. Prior to KPCB, Eric was the founding Chief Technical Officer and Senior Vice President of the Audience Business at Hulu, a digital medi
Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT), the leading provider of research and analysis on the global information technology industry, has acquired Software Advice, Inc., a privately-held company based in Austin, Texas, that employs approximately 100 people. Software Advice offers detailed reviews, comparisons and research to assist organizations in finding products that best fit their current and future needs. T
Subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use applicable to this Site, KPCB grants users of the Site a limited license to download this report and to use, reproduce and distribute the report, solely for non-commercial purposes This fact-packed presentation compiled by KPCB partner Mary Meeker explores and examines the significant trends shaping the Internet today. Backed by hard data and decades of t
Gartner Survey Reveals 71% of CMOs Believe They Lack Sufficient Budget to Fully Execute Their Strategy in 2023 Marketing
Kleiner Perkins is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy; please contact with any questions regarding our privacy practices. Published February 2011 by Matt Murphy and Mary Meeker This multimedia presentation co-authored by KPCB partners Matt Murphy and Mary Meeker outlines and analyzes the top 10 trends defining the current worldwide mobile Internet industry. A co
Gartner Survey Reveals 71% of CMOs Believe They Lack Sufficient Budget to Fully Execute Their Strategy in 2023 Marketing
The World’s Most Important Gathering of CMOs and Marketing Executives™ June 3 – 5, 2024 | Denver, CO Economic and societal disruptions have become a constant challenge for marketers, yet new tech disruptions now provide an energizing force. AI is turbocharging transformation, turning tech from an enabler powering an efficient marketing machine into a disruptor. Successful CMOs lean into disruption
The World’s Most Important Gathering of CMOs and Marketing Executives™ June 3 – 5, 2024 | Denver, CO Economic and societal disruptions have become a constant challenge for marketers, yet new tech disruptions now provide an energizing force. AI is turbocharging transformation, turning tech from an enabler powering an efficient marketing machine into a disruptor. Successful CMOs lean into disruption
Cloud access security brokers (CASBs) are on-premises, or cloud-based security policy enforcement points, placed between cloud service consumers and cloud service providers to combine and interject enterprise security policies as the cloud-based resources are accessed. CASBs consolidate multiple types of security policy enforcement. Example security policies include authentication, single sign-on,
Flipboard Founded by Mike McCue and Evan Doll, Flipboard is on a quest to transform how people discover, view and share content by combining the beauty and ease of print with the power of social media. In the last 12 months, Flipboard launched iPhone and smartphone editions; debuted features like Cover Stories, audio and shopping; added seven new social networks; forged partnerships with publisher
Cloud access security brokers (CASBs) are on-premises, or cloud-based security policy enforcement points, placed between cloud service consumers and cloud service providers to combine and interject enterprise security policies as the cloud-based resources are accessed. CASBs consolidate multiple types of security policy enforcement. Example security policies include authentication, single sign-on,
Kleiner Perkins is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy; please contact with any questions regarding our privacy practices. How do you describe what you do? I’m an investor - in people, ideas and businesses. How did growing up in the Midwest shape your approach to business? Watching my Dad, who worked in the steel business during its growth years and playing sport
Subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use applicable to this Site, KPCB grants users of the Site a limited license to download this report and to use, reproduce and distribute the report, solely for non-commercial purposes Published December 2012 by Mary Meeker and Liang Wu This is an update to the 2012 Internet Trends report published in May 2012. It includes a new supplemental section focused o
Gartner Survey Reveals 71% of CMOs Believe They Lack Sufficient Budget to Fully Execute Their Strategy in 2023 Marketing
Gartner Survey Reveals 71% of CMOs Believe They Lack Sufficient Budget to Fully Execute Their Strategy in 2023 Marketing
Subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use applicable to this Site, KPCB grants users of the Site a limited license to download this report and to use, reproduce and distribute the report, solely for non-commercial purposes Published May 2013 by Mary Meeker and Liang Wu The latest edition of the annual Internet Trends report finds continued robust online growth. There are now 2.4 billion Internet
Kleiner Perkins is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy; please contact with any questions regarding our privacy practices. KPCB’s Mary Meeker presents key Internet trends showing slowing Internet user growth but strong smartphone, tablet and mobile data traffic growth as well as rapid growth in mobile advertising. The latest edition of the annual Internet Trends
Gartner Survey Reveals 71% of CMOs Believe They Lack Sufficient Budget to Fully Execute Their Strategy in 2023 Marketing
Gartner Survey Reveals 71% of CMOs Believe They Lack Sufficient Budget to Fully Execute Their Strategy in 2023 Marketing
EVRA -- Enable Vertical Retrace Access This field was used in the IBM EGA to provide access to the light pen input values as the light pen registers were mapped over CRTC indexes 10h-11h. The VGA lacks capability for light pen input, thus this field is normally forced to 1 (although always writing it as 1 might be a good idea for compatibility) , which in the EGA would enable access to the vertica
Index Content Human Anatomy Welcome to Human Anatomy Welcome to Human Anatomy, a first year medical school course presented by the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology at the College of Medicine at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. The faculty and staff involved with teaching this course are committed to providing students with an opportunity to learn about the wonder
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This transcript, as well as much additional information on Jonestown, is available at the following website: Shortly after November 18, 1978 a tape emerged from the ruins of Jonestown. It appeared to be an audio recording of the actual death scene. Because of gaps in it, however, and some unclear references, its authenticity is not airtight, although it is general
Art Home | ARTH Courses | ARTH 214 Assignments | ARTH 294 Assignments Jan Van Eyck as Court Artist In May of 1425, Jan Van Eyck was appointed pour cause de l'excellent ouvrage de son mestier qu'il fait [On account of the excellent work in his craft that he made] to become a valet de chambre in the household of Philip the Good. He was promised an annual salary of "cliv p. monnoie de Flandres." Jan
The Romanization of Christianity and the Christianization of Rome: the Early Christian Basilica When Constantine became the patron of Christianity, he wanted to construct churches. Note how this motivation is like earlier Roman Emperors who also gave physical testament to their power and piety by constructing temples. Clearly the forms of the pre-Constantinian Christian buildings like the Dura-Eur
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Empire State College offers individual courses and full degrees through online learning. You will have the opportunity to work with a faculty mentor to develop an individualized degree program that builds upon your interests, life experiences, needs and goals. Through this flexible program, you may work at times and locations that are convenient. Students communicate with faculty and course instru
SUNY Empire Online puts your degree within reach. When it comes to online learning, experience matters. Earn an online degree you can trust from the State University of New York’s leader in online education. For more than 50 years, Empire State University has focused on granting educational access to all — regardless of age or location. And we helped pioneer online education for busy adults, teach
Alcohol harm paradox: lower socioeconomic people drink the same or less than others but have more alcohol-related problems. Some people think that more drinking in a population leads to more alcohol-related problems. But that’s very a simplistic belief. World-wide research shows that countries with higher drinking rates generally have fewer… Read more The question of drinking alcohol and child dev
Alcohol harm paradox: lower socioeconomic people drink the same or less than others but have more alcohol-related problems. Some people think that more drinking in a population leads to more alcohol-related problems. But that’s very a simplistic belief. World-wide research shows that countries with higher drinking rates generally have fewer… Read more The question of drinking alcohol and child dev
The relation between drinking alcohol and cognitive function in ageing (or aging) is important. Most people drink and most look forward to mentally active ageing. But is there a connection between the two? I. The Study Researchers wanted to learn the answer. Therefore, they looked at participants drawn from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). That’s a nationally representative sample of US midd
Alcohol harm paradox: lower socioeconomic people drink the same or less than others but have more alcohol-related problems. Some people think that more drinking in a population leads to more alcohol-related problems. But that’s very a simplistic belief. World-wide research shows that countries with higher drinking rates generally have fewer… Read more The question of drinking alcohol and child dev
Alcohol harm paradox: lower socioeconomic people drink the same or less than others but have more alcohol-related problems. Some people think that more drinking in a population leads to more alcohol-related problems. But that’s very a simplistic belief. World-wide research shows that countries with higher drinking rates generally have fewer… Read more The question of drinking alcohol and child dev
We Help Ensure Your Success Information Technology Services supports SUNY Plattsburgh's technology needs by providing the services, tools, and facilities that keep the campus community working efficiently, and by creating an environment that is stable, secure, and user-friendly. The ITS team provides exceptional services to enrich the student experience, improve outcomes, and effectively manage an
There is almost no difference between syntax of csh and tcsh statements which are useful in scripts; the two shells differ mostly in the interactive features (such as capabilities of command completion). There are Unix systems which contain csh but not tcsh. Every Unix system which contains tcsh, either also contains csh, or csh could be added to it just by creating a symbolic link called csh whic
AVERAGE SEEK TIME OF A COMPUTER DISK RESEARCH PROBLEM FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS WHICH SPANS HARDWARE ISSUES, MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND PROGRAMMING JAN PLAZA Computer Science Department, SUNY/Plattsburgh 101 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901, USA (518) 564 2781 (phone), (518) 564 3010 (fax) jan.plaza @ COMMENTS WELCOME! © Copyright 1
Xenopus Oocyte Homepage This is an experimental project that involves making electrophysiological recordings from Xenopus oocytes. Herbal medicines from the neotropical rainforest of Belize are tested for their effect on the system. Introduction The Basic Electrical Circuit Basic Electrophysiology The Voltage Clamp The Xenopus Oocyte Experimental Procedures Preparing Electrodes Recording Equipment
Hello. You've come to Scott Turner's old site. I'm glad you're here, but I've phased it out. The URL for my new site is: Please update your bookmarks. Please click here to go to my new site. I hope you enjoy it! The old site will be available until June 2012. If you want to access the old site, please click here.
Fall 2024 Semester Building Hours August 26, 2024 - December 17, 2024 Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 11:30 pm Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Sunday: 3:00 pm - 11:30 pm *Exceptions: Labor Day September 2: Library Closed Fall Break October 12-13: Library Closed October 14-15, Monday - Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Thanksgiving Recess November 25-26, Monday - Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:30
Please update your links! With our migration to a new web platform, our news archives have moved. If you followed a link that looks something like this: - the news story is in our news archive, but the old link will not work. We invite you to peruse our News Archives and Recent Headlines, and if we can be of assistance locating the link of a
Welcome Week From move-in day to Labor Day, Welcome Week is designed to help you become part of the campus community. Learn More about Welcome Week Success starts here Check out the Guide to Student Success for resources related to academics, student life and well-being. Learn More about Success starts here
Gastropods, including such common forms such as snails, slugs, and whelks, occupy both marine and non-marine environments. Although many gastropods are herbivorous grazers, several groups are active carnivores able to drill through the skeleton of the luckless victim. Most of the gastropods are classified on the characteristics the gill structures and other soft-bodied features. Few distinguishing
The Jean Gaede and Fritzi Striebel Archive of the Center for Photography at Woodstock ma.ver.ick (mvr-k, mvrk) : 1. noun. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter. 2. adj. Being independent in thought and action and exhibiting such independence: maverick artist In 1998 the Jean Gaede and Fritzi Striebel Archive came to the Samuel Dors
. . . . . . . . . . . the Henry James scholar's Guide to Web Sites This site was selected by The New York Times "Browser" column as one of five recommended Web sites for the week of January 27, 2000. on Henry James - Beesker purports to "provide an independent and professional selection of the world's best websites, including the best websites for buying..." The hundreds of selections
Day 2 of the SUNYAC Championships is complete. The men jumped into 4th by 3 points over Fredonia and the women held their position. We had 23 swims in finals last night and I’m real proud of the swimmers. Yuka Suzuka stole the show yet again, turning in an NCAA Automatic time of 55.53 in the 100 backstroke. Its the school, meet, and conference record, and will put her in the running to be an All-
New York Conference on Asian Studies (NYCAS) 2019 Hosted by SUNY New Paltz | October 4-5, 2019 SUNY New Paltz in association with the New York Conference on Asian Studies (NYCAS) will host the 2019 NYCAS conference centered on the theme of “Movement” to explore how movement happens across many types of terrain: physical, social, temporal, ideological. As changes to the world’s economic, political
Omega has moved to
#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id: 4014 2007-09-05 16:05:22Z justin $ client module for MogileFS Copyright 2005 Justin Azoff License: GPL >>> import mogilefs >>> c=mogilefs.Client(domain='test',trackers=['edge:7001']) >>> c.list_keys('m') ('', ['']) >>> c.send_file('motd', '/etc/motd') True >>> print c.get_file_data('motd') # or print c['motd'] Linux dell 2.6.8 #1 Wed
The mission of the Center for Policy Research (CPR) is to advance the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy’s goal of promoting research, teaching, and outreach excellence in the fields of international affairs, political science, public administration and public policy. CPR offers extensive support for Rockefeller College faculty and students seeking to obtain funding for their research
Elizabeth Floyd, left, and Naoshi Koriyama at his home in a Tokyo suburb. By Christine Hanson McKnight e was a homesick Japanese youth struggling to earn a degree in English at the New York State College for Teachers. She was an outgoing American classmate who befriended him and taught him how to square dance in Merlin Hathaways physical education class. After graduation from the College for Tea
In the 1985 film "Back to the Future," Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox zoom into the past in a customized DeLorean to enter the world of Fox's parents' teenage years. Let's imitate their adventure by going "back to the future" to examine Albany's development. Text Introduction The University Era, 1962-- The College for Teachers, 1914-1962 A Period of Transition, 1890-1914 The Normal School, 1
While searching for cosmic dust and debris from nuclear bomb tests, Christian Junge discovered in 1960 a layer of microscopic aerosol particles between the tropopause and about 18 miles (30 km) altitude. These particles are composed of sulfuric acid and water and are formed by the chemical transformation of sulfur-containing gases . This layer is called the Junge Layer or the Stratospheric Aerosol
The New York Journal of Mathematics was established in 1993 as the first electronic general mathematics journal in the world. It is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawfu
University at Albany State University of New York Economics 701: Macroeconomics II Spring 2010 Section 3134: BA 214; W 10:45a.m.12:05p.m., F 12:101:30p.m. Instructor John Bailey Jones BA-113 442-4926 Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30-12:00; and by appointment Syllabus Technical Notes Lecture Overheads You can save paper by printing s
Using These Materials Using the Archives Visiting In-Person Hours and Directions Publishing and Citing RESTRICTIONS: Access to this record group is unrestricted. More... Summary Abstract: The collection contains material pertaining to Leonard Kastle, an American composer, pianist, film writer and director. Kastle also served as a Visiting Professor of Humanities and Fine Arts at the University at
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Omega has moved to
Robert of Chester's Latin Translation of the Algebra of al-Khowarizmi With An Introduction, Critical Notes and an English Version by Louis Charles Karpinski by Muhammad ibn Musa Khuwarizmi Title Page Preface Contents Introduction Chapter I: Algebraic Analysis Before Al-Khowarizmi Chapter II: Al-Khowarizmi and His Treatise on Algebra Chapter III: Robert of Chester and Other Translators of Arabic In
- a comprehensive listing of post-transcriptionally modified nucleosides from RNA - maintained by Paul Agris (University at Albany) Pamela F. Crain (University of Utah) and Jef Rozenski (K.U.Leuven, Belgium) Daniele Fabris (University at Albany) Franck A.P. Vendeix (Sirga Advanced Biopharma, Inc.)
UNAfold webserver hosted by the RNA Institute has been discontinued Dear user, The UNAfold webserver hosted at the RNA Institute has been discontinued as of November 1st, 2020. Please proceed to for information. A new webserver is being hosted at this URL. Thank you, The RNA Institute
First college in the world dedicated to research, development, education, and deployment in the emerging disciplines of nanoscience, nanoengineering, nanobioscience, and nanoeconomics Most advanced research complex of its kind at any university in the world Home to the New York State Center of Excellence in Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology 2001: Established as the School of Nanosciences and Na
UNAfold webserver hosted by the RNA Institute has been discontinued Dear user, The UNAfold webserver hosted at the RNA Institute has been discontinued as of November 1st, 2020. Please proceed to for information. A new webserver is being hosted at this URL. Thank you, The RNA Institute
Tokyo is a big city with global influence. Tokyo has global influence rivaling that of New York, London and Paris. As the most populous city in the world, it serves as a gateway to Asia, and is a place where you can experience all the cutting-edge international trends. Tokyo is guaranteed to stimulate your intellectual curiosity! Tokyo is ranked 3rd in the world, and 1st in Asia, for student life.
Enabling Open Government for All: A Road Map for Public Libraries Abstract This report presents the results of a year-long partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and public library and open government experts. The project focused on how efforts to open government are influencing, and possibly changing, the role of public libraries in their communities. The report offe
Enabling Open Government for All: A Road Map for Public Libraries Abstract This report presents the results of a year-long partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and public library and open government experts. The project focused on how efforts to open government are influencing, and possibly changing, the role of public libraries in their communities. The report offe
Distinguished Professor of Economics, and Health Policy, Management & Behavior University at Albany, State University of New York My research interests include Econometrics, Forecasting, and Economics of Health. They have been supported by National Science Fundation, the World Bank, NY State Division of Budget, International Monetary Fund, Social Security Administration, US Department of Transpor
Donghee Sinn Archives, archival research and public memory, archival use/user studies, personal archiving in the web environment, archiving web contents, public memory, Asian cultures and heritages. Donghee Sinn Associate Professor College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity Education 2007 Ph.D. Library and Information Science, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA) 1
Research Team Including Jin Koda at SBU's Department of Physics and Astronomy Discover New Tidal Debris from Colliding Galaxies Jun 8, 2009 - 9:40:47 AM STONY BROOK, NY, June 9, 2009 – Astronomers are announcing today that they have discovered new tidal debris stripped away from colliding galaxies. The research will be being presented during a press conference at the 214th annual American Astro
CCSW 2009: The ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop in conjunction with the 16th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 13 November 2009, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, IL Notwithstanding the latest buzzword (grid, cloud, utility computing, SaaS, etc.), large-scale computing and cloud-like infrastructures are here to stay. How exactly they will look like tomorrow is still f
Contact Us School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000 Telephone: 631-632-8700 Fax: 631-632-2175 Follow SoMAS on our Social Media Channels: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | LinkedIn Search SoMAS Profiles | Graduate Faculty Alumni Perspectives | Awards and Honors | Dean's Council | Employee History
Professor, Cornell Tech Information Science Director, Digital Life Initiative Twitter: @HNissenbaum HOME / RESEARCH / PUBLICATIONS / COURSES / CV / BIO / ARCHIVE / CONTACT Links: Digital Life Initiative Seminar Series TrackMeNot: Privacy Through Obfuscation AdNauseam 3.0 H. Nissenbaum, D. Howe and M. Zer-Aviv Books: Obfuscation: A
Click here to list your current directory. Copyright © 2011 Stony Brook University
Jonathan Morduch NYU Professor of Public Policy and Economics, NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service Projects Small Firm Diaries Financial Access Initiative The Compton Well-Being Survey Writing A Dialogue on the Future of Microfinance and International Development (with Marc Labie). Forthcoming in Mondes en Développement, issue 200. This dialogue contributes to the 50th anniversary and 200
Stony Brook Scientists Study Ocean Impacts Of Radioactive Contamination From Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Jun 8, 2011 - 10:01:23 AM STONY BROOK, NY, June 8, 2011 – Scientists from Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) are joining colleagues from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, several other U.S. academic institutions and laboratories in Jap
An NYU Social Entrepreneurship Speaker Series The NYU Social Entrepreneurship Program is proud to present the Social Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century Speaker Series. Reflecting the NYU SEP belief that social entrepreneurship is a meta-profession drawing on cross-disciplinary knowledge and practice, each year's speaker series presents prominent social entrepreneurs and leaders from across the s
CCSW 2011: The ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop in conjunction with the 17th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) October 21, 2011, SWISSÔTEL Chicago, Chicago, IL. Notwithstanding the latest buzzword (grid, cloud, utility computing, SaaS, etc.), large-scale computing and cloud-like infrastructures are here to stay. How exactly they will look like tomorrow is still for
An NYU Social Entrepreneurship Speaker Series The NYU Social Entrepreneurship Program is proud to present the Social Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century Speaker Series. Reflecting the NYU SEP belief that social entrepreneurship is a meta-profession drawing on cross-disciplinary knowledge and practice, each year's speaker series presents prominent social entrepreneurs and leaders from across the s
Cloud Performance Benchmark Series Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Md. Borhan Uddin Bo He Radu Sion ver. 0.5b C l o u d B e n c h m a r k s : A m a z o n E l a s t i c L o a d B a l a n c i n g ( E L B ) 1.Overview Experiments were performed to benchmark the Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) service. ELB promises to offer fault tolerance of web applications and automatic scaling on Amazon E
February 2012 The Department of Chemistry expresses a big thank you to a prominent Long Island artist, Eileen Sanger, Prof. David Hanson, and Mrs. Colleen Hanson for their generous donation of the piece of art entitled "Chemistry Graffiti" for display in our Atrium Lobby. The Department of Chemistry is extremely happy to welcome our newest faculty member, Prof. Surita Bhatia from the University o
Eva Feder Kittay Distinguished Professor Ph.D. City University of New York, 1978 B.A. Sarah Lawrence College, 1967 Harriman Hall 241 Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-3750 Tel: (631) 632-7589 Areas of Specialization Feminist philosophy, feminist ethics, social and political theory, metaphor, disability studies Additional Interests Philosophy of language, normat
Martin Lipton, Chair of NYU’s Board of Trustees ; John Sexton, President of NYU; and Yu Lizhong, President of ECNU -- on behalf of ECNU, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Pudong Special District -- today announced that they have reached an agreement to create NYU Shanghai, a comprehensive, degree-granting, liberal arts campus in China’s financial capital. NYU has reached an agreement
Detecting anomalies and events in data is a vital task, with numerous applications in security, finance, health care, law enforcement, and many others. While many techniques have been developed in past years for spotting outliers and anomalies in unstructured collections of multi-dimensional points, with graph data becoming ubiquitous, techniques for structured graph data have been of focus recent
The Grey Art Gallery, guardian to the New York University Art Collection, was founded in 1975 and cares for over 6,000 objects. HIGHLIGHTS Abby Weed Grey Collection of Modern Asian and Middle Eastern Art—truly an unparalleled and unique resource—includes some of the largest institutional holdings of Iranian, Indian, and Turkish modern art outside those countries. The collection was donated to NYU
New Study Reveals Evolution of Lizards and Snakes Sep 18, 2012 - 7:00:00 PM STONY BROOK, NY, September 18, 2012 – A new study, published online in Biology Letters on September 19, has utilized a massive molecular dataset to reconstruct the evolutionary history of lizards and snakes. The results reveal a surprising finding about the evolution of snakes: that most snakes we see living on the surfa
Collection and a development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library This software package provides matlab mex functions that interface a hundred of OpenCV APIs. Also the package contains a C++ class that converts between Matlab's native data types and OpenCV data types. The package is suitable for fast prototyping of OpenCV application in Matlab, use of OpenCV as an external toolbox in Mat
WHAT IS (NONSOLIPSISTIC) CONCEPTUAL ROLE SEMANTICS? In this paper I will defend what I shall call `(nonsolipsistic) conceptual role semantics'. This approach involves the following four claims: (1) The meanings of linguistic expressions are determined by the contents of the concepts and thoughts they can be used to express; (2) the contents of thoughts are determined by their construction out of c
Detecting anomalies and events in data is a vital task, with numerous applications in security, finance, health care, law enforcement, and many others. While many techniques have been developed in past years for spotting outliers and anomalies in unstructured collections of multi-dimensional points, with graph data becoming ubiquitous, techniques for structured graph data have been of focus recent
Exact solutions of the Ising model are possible in 1 and 2 dimensions and can be used to calculate the exact critical exponents for the two corresponding universality classes. In one dimension, the Ising Hamiltonian becomes: which corresponds to N spins on a line. We will impose periodic boundary conditions on the spins so that . Thus, the topology of the spin space is that of a circle. Finally, l
Collection and a development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library This software package provides matlab mex functions that interface a hundred of OpenCV APIs. Also the package contains a C++ class that converts between Matlab's native data types and OpenCV data types. The package is suitable for fast prototyping of OpenCV application in Matlab, use of OpenCV as an external toolbox in Mat
"The New York Times" | September 14, 2023: Grey Art Gallery is moving several blocks east to a larger, more prominent space at 18 Cooper Square. It will reopen next year on March 2 as the Grey Art Museum to better reflect its history and mission, with the inaugural show “Americans in Paris: Artists Working in Postwar France, 1946-1962.” [MORE] About The Grey Art Gallery is New York University’s fi
Overview | Cerrato | Collier | Frisk | Gobler | Lonsdale | Lopez | Peterson Spatial movement and diet of adult white perch (Morone americana) in Great South Bay Mike Frisk, Robert Cerrato, Martha Divver Further Information This study is focused on the semi-anadromous w
Pejman Lotfi-Kamran‡, Boris Grot‡, Michael Ferdman†,‡, Stavros Volos‡, Onur Kocberber‡, Javier Picorel‡ , Almutaz Adileh‡ , Djordje Jevdjic‡ , Sachin Idgunji* , Emre Ozer* , and Babak Falsafi‡ ‡ EcoCloud, EPFL † CALCM, Carnegie Mellon * ARM Scale-Out Processors Appears in Proceedings of the 39th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Portland, OR, June 2012* 1 * Copyright © 2012
More Efficient Datalog Queries: Subsumptive Tabling Beats Magic Sets∗ K. Tuncay Tekle LogicBlox, Inc. Atlanta, GA Yanhong A. Liu Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Stony Brook ABSTRACT Given a set of Datalog rules, facts, and a query, answers to the query can be inferred bottom-up starting with the facts or top-down starting with t
NYU retirees continue to be valued members of the University community. To review the benefits available to NYU retirees, visit the Planning for Retirement web pages or scroll down for links to benefits rates, forms, and Medicare information you may need as a current retiree. Medical Plan Rates Current Retirees hired before 9/1/2011 or who were active NYU employees over age 50 on 9/1/2011: Faculty
This WWW page is intended to serve as a comprehensive collection of algorithm implementations for over seventy of the most fundamental problems in combinatorial algorithms. The problem taxonomy, implementations, and supporting material are all drawn from my book The Algorithm Design Manual. Since the practical person is more often looking for a program than an algorithm, we provide pointers to sol
This page has moved. Redirecting... if nothing happens in 5 seconds click here. Debraj Ray Silver Professor, Faculty of Arts and Science, and Professor of Economics, NYU
Sedgewick's popular algorithms text Algorithms in C++ comes in several different language editions, including C, C++, and Modula-3. It distinguishes itself through the use of algorithm animation, and in its broad topic coverage, including numerical, string, and geometric algorithms. The language specific parts of the text consist of many small code fragments, instead of full programs or subroutine
Thank you for participating in Play With Your Music. This content is no longer available. Please visit for the latest music from Peter Gabriel. Thank you for participating in Play With Your Music. This content is no longer available. Please visit for the latest music from Peter Gabriel.
Below are audio, video and lecture sides for 1997 and 2007. Since the lectures are 10 years apart some of the topics covered by the course have changed. The 1997 lectures have a better quality video and audio than the 2007, although the 2007 covers the newer material and has better lecture notes. If you found this useful also check out the video lectures of my Discrete Mathematics, Computational B
Thank you for participating in Play With Your Music. This content is no longer available. Please visit for the latest music from Peter Gabriel. Thank you for participating in Play With Your Music. This content is no longer available. Please visit for the latest music from Peter Gabriel.
Steven Skiena is a Distinguished Teaching Professor of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. He was co-founder and the Chief Science Officer of General Sentiment, a social media and news analytics company. His research interests include algorithm design, data science and their applications to biology. Skiena is the author of several popular books in the fields of algorithms, programming, and
NYU’s IT Sustainability Initiative: Get the Latest Info From turning off your computer every night, transitioning to a paperless workflow, or responsibly disposing of old equipment—everyone can support NYU’s sustainability goals. Visit the Tech and Sustainability site. NYU IT Website Reorg During the summer of 2021, there will be updates to the organization of the NYU IT website. You may notice ne
Input Description: A set of strings s_1, ..., s_m. Problem: Find the shortest string S which contains each s_i as a substring of S. Excerpt from The Algorithm Design Manual: Shortest common superstring arises in a variety of applications, including sparse matrix compression. Suppose we have an n X m matrix with most of the elements being zero. We can partition each row into m/k runs of k elements
Our brains are able to judge the trustworthiness of a face even when we cannot consciously see it, a team of scientists has found. Their findings shed new light on how we form snap judgments of others. Our brains are able to judge the trustworthiness of a face even when we cannot consciously see it, a team of scientists led by NYU’s Jonathan Freeman has found. The researchers quickly showed the st
Celera Assembler is scientific software for DNA research. It can reconstruct long sequences of genomic DNA from the fragmentary data produced by whole-genome shotgun sequencing. The Celera Assembler is mature, efficient, open-source software written mostly in C for unix operating systems. Download Files (local site)Offical Site Problem Links
Assistant Professor Computer Science Department 2313-c Computer Science Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400 Office: 2313-c Phone: (631) 632-1805 Email: le [last name] at cs followed by .stonybrook and finally .edu Research Interests Artificial intelligence, machine learning; computational game theory and economics; graphical models; computational probability and statistics; co
If you are considering adopting an open access policy at your institution, we encourage you to download and review this model policy language. This language represents the accumulated experience of multiple institutions that have drafted and implemented open access policies: Model Policy Language (annotated with explanations) e: t: +1 (617) 495 4089 f: +1 (617) 495 0370 Unless an e
Look Up Your Tuition Tuition for the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters vary for NYU students based on their major or program, the school or college they are matriculated in, their admit term and the number of credit hours taken. January Term tuition is charged based on the school offering the course. Use the tuition look-up tool below to find out what your tuition will cost. 1. Are you a current s
Music Information Retrieval, Machine Listening, Audio Signal Processing Affiliations Director, Music and Audio Research Laboratory (MARL) Professor, Music Technology, Dept. of Music and Performing Arts Professions, New York University. Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, New York University. Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New York University. Professor,
We all want to have fun but we have to be responsible. Do your part - Mask Up or Pack Up The new real time COVID-19 case tracker dashboard will help us efficiently monitor, respond to, and contain the coronavirus on campuses. An acceleration of pooled surveillance testing will help campuses monitor COVID-19 cases and maintain safety in operations.
Margaret Sanger, "What Every Girl Should Know: Sexual Impulse- Part I," 22 Dec 1912. Published article. Source: New York Call, Dec. 22, 1912 , Margaret Sanger Microfilm C16:0044 . This is the sixth article in an 12-part series. For "Introduction," see Nov. 17, 1912, for "Girlhood-Part I" see Nov. 24, 1912, for "Girlhood-Part II" see Dec. 1, 1912, for "Puberty-Part I" see Dec. 8, 1912, for "Puberty
by Howard Besser (one section of Feb 2004 report to Canadian Heritage Information Network) Though libraries, museums, and archives all look like similar repositories housing cultural resources, there are some fundamental differences in mission, in what is collected, in how works are organized, and in how the institution relates to its users. The traditional library is based upon the individual ite
Multicellular (large) organisms function more efficiently if cells become specialized for specific functions.A tissue is composed of cells that function together in a specialized activity.There are four types of tissues found in animals: epithelial, connective, nerve, and muscle tissue.Sponges do not have tissues.OrgansOrgans are composed of two or more tissues which function together to perform a
If you live in a big city, you are more likely to catch flu but less likely to die of a heart attack or be diagnosed with diabetes, say public health scientists. The science of allometry, the study of the relationship between body size and shape, is more than 100 years old. It dates to the late 19th century, when anatomists became fascinated by the link between the size and strength of appendages
Description Compare two package version numbers to see which is later. Usage compareVersion(a, b) Arguments Details R package version numbers are of the form x.y-z for integers x, y and z, with components after x optionally missing (in which case the version number is older than those with the components present). Value 0 if the numbers are equal, -1 if b is later and 1 if a is later (analogous to
テクノロジーの普及による変化は至るところに現れ始めており、教育という社会にとって欠くことのできない領域も例外ではない。 IT技術の発達、タブレットやスマートフォンなどのスマートデバイスの普及によって、従来の教育の方法は大きく変わろうとしている。 教育(Education)と、技術(Technology)を組み合わせた「EdTech」という造語が生まれるように、この領域は世界的に注目され、多くのプレイヤーが参入している。 リクルートも、目的に合わせてスマホで勉強が可能な「サプリコレクション」というアプリを提供している他、教育系のスタートアップに出資するなど、教育領域においても取り組みを行っている。 教育とテクノロジーといっても、そのサービスジャンルは様々だ。今回は注目を集める「EdTech」という領域におけるサービスカテゴリや、チェックすべきキーワードをいくつかピックアップしてみよう。 Ed
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Technology / Internet Trends November 5, 2008 Web 2.0 Summit – San Francisco / Morgan Stanley does and seeks to do business with companies covered in Morgan Stanley Research. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of Morgan Stanley Research. Investors
調査研究報告書 No.123 訓練・学習の進捗等に配慮を要する学生に対する支援・対応に関する研究 -ポリテクカレッジ等における取組の現状と課題- 発行年月 2015年03月 キーワード 発達障害 教育・訓練機関 ポリテクカレッジ 障害に関する専門機関 職業リハビリテーション活動による課題領域の体系図・ICFによる課題領域の体系図 該当項目 就労支援に関する状況等の把握 執筆者(執筆順) 執筆者 執筆箇所 活用のポイント 教育・訓練機関における発達障害を有する学生等に対する配慮・支援の重要性が広く認識されつつある中で、当機構では、ポリテクカレッジ等の職業能力開発業務と、障害者職業リハビリテーション業務を併せ持つことのシナジー効果を追求しながらの取組を行ってきた。本報告書の第Ⅰ部はポリテクカレッジ等における取組の背景、内容、経過、論点、残された課題等についての調査研究報告書であり、第Ⅱ部は取組
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Economy + Internet Trends October 20, 2009 Web 2.0 Summit – San Francisco / / Morgan Stanley does and seeks to do business with companies covered in Morgan Stanley Research. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of Morgan Stanl
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
The Mobile Internet Report Setup* December 15, 2009 *This presentation is intended to provide you with high-level thoughts covered in Morgan Stanley’s Mobile Internet Report, published 12/15/09 (available at Morgan Stanley does and seeks to do business with companies covered in Morgan Stanley Research. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a confl
The Mobile Internet Report Key Themes* December 15, 2009 *This presentation excerpts highlights of the key themes from Morgan Stanley’s Mobile Internet Report, published 12/15/09 (available at Morgan Stanley does and seeks to do business with companies covered in Morgan Stanley Research. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Internet Trends June 7, 2010 CM Summit – New York City / / Morgan Stanley does and seeks to do business with companies covered in Morgan Stanley Research. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of Morgan Stanley Research. Invest
Investmentfocus Investment management FOR InstItutIOnal InVEstOR usE OnlY and MaY nOt BE usEd wIth thE GEnERal PuBlIC. 1 Booz allen Hamilton, Lights! Water! motion!, 2007. February 2009 Mike Nolan Managing director Morgan stanley Investment Management 212 296 7266 Justin Simpson Managing director Morgan stanley Investment Management 44 20 7425 5059 justin.simpson@m
Infrastructure is emerging as a distinct alternative asset class that serves as a complement to real estate and traditional private equity investments. Infrastructure assets are long-term investments associated with providing essential public goods and services to societies across the globe. Morgan Stanley Infrastructure believes that underlying trends in infrastructure-related sectors, including
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goals. Wealth Management We help people, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth so they can pursue their financial goals. Morgan Stanley helps people, institutions and governments raise, manage and distribute the capital they need to achieve their goa
Morgan Stanley Global Service Centers 800-367-4777 Contact Us CHECK THE BACKGROUND OF THE FIRM ON FINRA'S BROKERCHECK GSPS Website Terms & Conditions | GSPS Online Privacy Policy | Online Fraud | Business Continuity Information on this website is general in nature. It is not intended to cover the specific terms of your company's equity plan(s). Please refer to your company`s equity plan documents
JR Iレビュー 2015 Vol.7, No.26 97 目 次 1.はじめに 2.政策的背景 3.海外先行事例 4.日本でも進む地域エネルギー事業 5.地方創生とエネルギー政策に与える効果 6.事業実現に向けた必要施策 (1)公共によるインフラ整備 (2)需要家接続義務による事業化 (3)自治体から経営的に独立した事業体 (4)低コストの燃料調達 (5)再生可能エネルギーの熱利用 (6)系統の利用条件整備 地方創生とエネルギー自由化で立ち上がる地域エネルギー事業 ─ドイツ・シュタットベルケからの示唆と地域経済への効果─ 創発戦略センター シニアマネジャー 瀧口 信一郎 98 JR Iレビュー 2015 Vol.7, No.26 1.自治体主導で地域のエネルギー事業を創造する動きが全国で広がっている。地域の生活に不可欠な エネルギーを核にして、地域の経済や雇用、エネルギーセキュリティの強
古河電気工業は、遮熱性・防音性能に優れた金属屋根用の高機能断熱材「きららエース」の販売を2015年4月に開始した。 同社の金属屋根裏張り用断熱材としては「フォームエース」がよく知られている。断熱性や結露防止効果が高く、建築用の断熱材以外にもエアコン用パイプカバー、スポーツ用品など幅広い用途に使われてきた。だが屋外使用の場合、紫外線で劣化の進行が早まる恐れがあった。 「きららエース」は「フォームエース」の表面を軽量アルミ箔で覆い、紫外線による劣化を大幅に抑制した。また、アルミ箔が持つ光反射性能によって遮熱性能が向上。夜間でも照明を反射するので明るさも増す。 反響音を抑える機能も高く、雨音を低減できる。従来の断熱材と同様、金属板への貼り合わせや成形加工も容易だ。 サイズは、厚さ4mm×幅870mm×長さ50m。 価格は、要相談。 問い合わせ先:古河電気工業 電話:03-3286-3894 UR
建設分野のICT(情報通信技術)活用がますます裾野を広げている。情報化施工では、近年の担い手不足と発注量増を背景に「省力化・省人化」や「効率化」といったニーズが普及を後押し。建設機械のロボット化やドローン(無人航空機)の活用など、新たな技術的テーマにも注目が集まり始めた。他方、CIM(コンストラクション・インフォメーション・モデリング)では、施工や維持管理でのデータ活用に取り組む動きが本格化の兆しを見せる。 下記の目次をクリックすると記事PDFの概要を表示 ※以下、詳しい目次を作成中です。原則として、発行日(休日の場合は翌営業日)の8〜10時以降に閲覧できるようになります。 [日経コンストラクション]
Various types of potatoes Unprocessed seeds of spelt, a historically important staple food Harvesting Sago pith to produce the starch in Papua New Guinea A staple food, food staple, or simply staple, is a food that is eaten often and in such quantities that it constitutes a dominant portion of a standard diet for an individual or a population group, supplying a large fraction of energy needs and g
【Project Itoh】3作品『虐殺器官』『ハーモニー』『屍者の帝国』 2015年10月より3作品連続公開!
6月18日(木)スマートニュース社にてMediumJapan代表の坂田氏がMediumについて説明を行った。Mediumという新しい哲学についての講釈だと私は受け取った。 ■Mediumは哲学の塊である 私はそもそもMediumの使い方を勘違いしていた。Twitterの創設者の一人Evan WilliamsがMediumを作ったわけだが、彼の記事にMediumはブログシステムではないという物があった。どういうことかと理解できていなかったが、本日の坂田氏の話を聞いて腹落ちした。 つまり、Mediumは古代の石版でありレコードするためのパピルスそのものだと考えていいだろう。ただそれが、電子的なbit的な何かに置き換わった、そう捉えるのが正しい。そのため通常のブログやホームページ的なKPIは存在しない。その代わり、文章を書き上げるまでに掛けた時間、文章量等のDeepな数字がKPIとなっている。つ
All Category 姉妹店 『Little Fellows』 北欧、デンマーク“rice”を中心に 世界中の雑貨を紹介する通販サイト サンキャッチャーとは・・・ 窓辺やお部屋に飾ると太陽光や照明を反射・拡散して、 レインボーカラーのチップを降らせてくれる自然が作るインテリア。 クリスタルに反射した光の光彩を見ているだけでもうっとり癒されます。 クリスタルには、外からの‘光’や‘気’を室内に発散し、部屋の‘気’をパワーアップさせ、 その部屋にいる人に気持ちを前向きにして望みが叶うようにする効果があるそう。 また、人だけではなく、場所や環境にもエネルギーをもたらしてくれる 強力なラッキーアイテムです。 お気に入りの場所に是非飾ってみてください。 木のぬくもりで癒されると同時に、願もかなうかも・・。 お引越し・出産など、ギフトにもよろこばれる、 世界から集めたサンキャッチャーをご紹介します
Sometimes I wonder if I would do it again. That’s the funny thing about life. Experience comes in random, sporadic servings. It’s only years later that the story takes shape. I didn’t intend to spend more than a year covering human trafficking. It ended up taking a decade. I didn’t intend on reporting in more than two countries. So, how did I end up in nine? Before my trips, my mum used to ask: “I
A photographer followed members of the National Socialist Movement for a year, until her project came to a dramatic end. National Socialist Movement members and their families get organised in a hotel lobby before marching on the street in front of the Mexican consulate in Las Vegas. June 2010 [Julie Platner] I first met Jeff Hall in a supermarket car park 11 miles southeast of downtown Los Angele
Addressing the gravity and toll of hate violence in America requires structural responses A gun rampage. A hate crime. An act of domestic terrorism. The shooting deaths of nine people in the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, on Wednesday night must be characterized as all three. While we await further information about the suspect, Dylann R
Last week, we published a quiz testing listeners on their ability to discern between lossless audio and compressed mp3s. We picked six songs from different eras and genres: an early digital recording of a Mozart piano concerto, an a cappella version of a pop song, the billionth song ever sold on iTunes, the most-streamed song of 2014 and two songs from musicians who happen to own digital music ser
(This post was last updated at 11:24 a.m. ET.) Just hours after police apprehended 21-year-old Dylann Roof in Shelby, N.C., authorities flew him back to Charleston, S.C., a city that was still trying to comprehend the crime Roof is accused of committing. NPR's Cheryl Corley reports that many residents stopped outside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on Thursday. They laid flowers at
Zócalo Public Square is a magazine of ideas from Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise. It’s still mystifying that in this time of limited educational funding, the people running the Los Angeles Unified School District were such an easy sell when it came to technology. After LAUSD made an enormous investment in iPads and Pearson educational products developed for those iPads, teachers quic
Godzilla gets a sash of "Shinjuku-ward tourism ambassador" from the Kabuki-cho Shopping Area Promotion Association Chief Director Mototsugu Katagiri of Tokyo's Shinjuku-ward during its awards ceremony in Tokyo, April 9, 2015.Shizuo Kambayashi—AP A special residency certificate for Godzilla has been trending on Facebook after the fictional movie monster was recognized as a citizen of the Shinjuku a
Updated: June 19, 2015 11:40 AM [ET] | Originally published: June 19, 2015 9:29 AM EDT; The man accused of killing nine people in a historic black Charleston church was charged Friday with nine counts of murder. Dylann Roof, 21, was arrested Thursday, one day after police said he opened fire in a prayer meeting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. In addition to the nine counts of murder
transcript The Family DogWhen Sony stopped manufacturing replacement parts for its Aibo pet robot, owners scrambled to save the robot-dogs that had become part of their families. When Sony stopped manufacturing replacement parts for its Aibo pet robot, owners scrambled to save the robot-dogs that had become part of their families.CreditCredit...Zackary Canepari for The New York Times This is the f
Credit...Illustration by Javier Jaén. Mortarboard: Pixelrobot. Hands: Syda Productions. Scrubs: Karynache. All other clothing: Rawpixelimages. All photographs via Dreamstimeg. Politics is a folksy business. We know politicians are real folks who care about real folks because they are always using the word “folks”: city folks, country folks, hardworking folks, younger folks, older folks, black folk
Sorry, we can’t find what you are looking for. Take a deep breath. Everything’s going to be okay.
I noticed the flags first. In the most widely circulated image of Dylann Roof, who is charged with murdering nine African Americans at Charleston, S.C.’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, the white 21-year-old sports a jacket emblazoned with flag patches from two failed white supremacist states — Rhodesia and apartheid-era South Africa. In another shot, Roof appears to be showing off a f
He stood 5-foot-9 and weighed just 120 pounds. But beyond the baby face and bowl hair cut, Charleston, S.C., shooting suspect Dylann Storm Roof, 21, flaunted symbols of white supremacism and violence. A Confederate States of America license plate hung from the front bumper of Roof's black, 15-year-old Hyundai Elantra. Four weeks ago he posted a Facebook photo of himself scowling to the camera, spo
CHARLESTON — As a subdued Dylann Roof made his first official appearance Friday on charges of killing nine people at a historic black church, police affidavits offered grim details of the murder case, including an allegation that the gunman fired multiple shots into each victim and stood over them to issue "a racially inflammatory statement." The documents also said that Roof's father and uncle co
写真をやっていると自分はセンスが無いからなぁ。。とガッカリする人もいますが、多くの場合、センスは技術や工夫で補えます。今回はなんだか代わり映えしない写真なんだよなぁ。。と思っている人のために今日から使える写真の特効薬を処方します! 写真をやっていると自分はセンスが無いからなぁ。。と悩んでいる人もいるかも知れません。また、最近なんだか同じような写真しか撮れないんだよなぁとマンネリやスランプを感じている人もいるでしょう。 でも、実は多くの場合写真のセンスは技術や工夫で補えるんです。スランプやマンネリもしかり(レベルにもよりますが。。)。 私もいきなり紙とペンを渡されて絵を描きなさいと言われたらとんでもない絵を描く自身があります(笑)たぶん絵を描く能力は小学校から進化していません^^; そこで今回はそんなちょっとお悩みモードに入ってしまった写真好きの方に今日からスグに使える撮影のヒントを5つほど
大手通信会社の「ソフトバンク」は、19日付けで副社長に就任した、元グーグル幹部のニケシュ・アローラ氏に対して、経営に参画した去年9月からことし3月末までの間に165億円余りの報酬を支払っていたことが分かりました。 それによりますと、ソフトバンクが去年9月から経営に参画したニケシュ・アローラ氏に対して、ことし3月末までの間に支払った報酬は165億5600万円に上るということです。 この中には基本となる役員報酬に加えて、契約時のボーナスなどが含まれているということです。 信用調査会社の「東京商工リサーチ」によりますと、アローラ氏への報酬は日本企業が年度内に支払った経営幹部への報酬としては過去最高とみられるとしています。 インド出身のアローラ氏は1968年生まれの47歳。ドイツテレコム傘下の「Tモバイル」の欧州部門で最高マーケティング責任者を務めたほか、2004年から在籍したアメリカの大手IT企
日本記者クラブで行われた会見で、安全保障関連法案について、百地教授、西名誉教授ともに、限定的な集団的自衛権の行使であり、憲法の範囲内だとする見解を述べました。 そのうえで、百地教授は「国際法上はわが国が集団的自衛権を有し、行使できるのは当然であり、憲法に集団的自衛権の行使を禁止したり、直接、制約したりする明文の規定が存在しない以上、わが国が集団的自衛権を行使できることは明らかだ」と述べました。 また、西名誉教授は「法案は限定的な集団的自衛権の行使にとどまっており、明白に憲法の許容範囲だ」と述べました。
リーズナブルな価格設定で、日に日にユーザー数を増やしつつある格安SIM&SIMフリー端末。しかし、そのSIMフリー端末で格安SIMを使用した場合、接続に関する問題が発生しているとの情報を入手しました。 そこで、この問題について検証をしているという、株式会社インターネットイニシアティブ(以下IIJ)を取材して発生している不具合の原因や対処方法など、役立つ方法をいろいろと聞いてきました。 監修者情報 小川正人(Ogawa Masato) 新聞社が推薦する通信サービスに精通したコンサルタント。QUANTA代表。スマホや格安SIM・ポケット型WiFi・光回線などの通信、モバイルサービスの専門家。大手家電量販店で販売員を行っていたが光回線やモバイルサービスの種類や料金体系の複雑さを痛感。「お客様が最適なプランを選べるようにしたい」との思いからlivedoorの通信サービスメディアサイト「livedo
小児性愛の傾向のある人は顔に関係した特徴や左利きの傾向など、発達と関係した特徴があるという研究報告が出ている。 カナダのウィンザー大学を含む研究グループが、国際性研究学会(IASR)の公式誌で性科学分野の有力誌アーカイブズ・オブ・セクシャル・ビヘイビアのオンライン版で2015年6月10日に報告した。 140人を評価 小児性愛は、大人になってからも、子どもに対して過剰な性愛の感情を抱くことを言う。精神的な病気としても位置づけられている。 顔の小さな異常には耳たぶがたれていない、日本で言ういわゆる福耳ではないという特徴のほか、耳の形が通常と異なっている、口の中の天井が深くなっているといった特徴も含まれている。胎児期にウイルスやアルコールおよび薬物、栄養不足、母親の産科的な合併症などにさらされると起こる場合が多いという。 このような特徴は男性に多いと説明する。男性の方が母親のおなかにいると
Dylann Storm Roof was expected to face court later on Friday, accused of gunning down nine African Americans at Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. He is expected to appear by video link from a Charleston detention center to face charges for the killings and for possession of a firearm during a violent crime, the Charleston Police Department said. The 21-year-old allegedly ope
The man suspected of shooting dead nine people at an African-American church in Charleston has been charged with nine counts of murder and one weapons possession charge, police say. Dylann Roof made his first court appearance at a bail hearing on Friday. Relatives of the dead made statements in court and some told him they forgave him for his alleged crime. Police are treating the killings at the
Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his partners sued the Russian state after Yukos was broken up Russia has protested to the Belgian ambassador over the seizure of Russian state assets in Belgium - a move triggered by a court ruling over the now-defunct Yukos oil firm. The ambassador was told that the asset seizure was "an openly hostile act" that "crudely violates the recognised norms of international law"
Booka in Oswestry, Shropshire, has confounded sceptics and the wider trend of failing high street bookstores by increasing turnover each year and by becoming a mecca for book lovers. Photograph: Jon Super/The Guardian Booka in Oswestry, Shropshire, has confounded sceptics and the wider trend of failing high street bookstores by increasing turnover each year and by becoming a mecca for book lovers.
“Were there women setting their guitars on fire, like Hendrix?” That’s what playwright Dael Orlandersmith wanted to know when she discovered rock ’n’ roll at 10 years old, at the tail end of the 1960s. This angry, dangerous sound she loved was completely unlike the R&B, reggae and blue-eyed soul that blasted on Saturday nights in her Spanish Harlem neighborhood. But she soon learned that to be a b
Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins wrote a letter to the Times in which he claimed that while he didn't agree with Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Tim Hunt's comments in favor of gender-segregating science labs, the reaction to them has been -- to put it mildly -- "disproportionate." In a lecture at the World Conference of Science Journalists last week, Hunt said he had "trouble with girls" bei
This elegant still-life surimono, a genre Shinsai excelled in, shows a setting for a New Year’s meal of sushi and sake. The kyōka (31-syllable witty poem) on the right refers to Nanatsu Ume, a premium brand of dry sake brewed in Itami in the Sesshu (Osaka) region. The poems in the middle and left refer to shrimp sushi (ebi no sushi) and sushi rice wrapped in bamboo leaves (sasamaki).
Marvel at the Renaissance treasures collected by Baron Ferdinand Rothschild MP (1839–1898), displayed in a new gallery at the British Museum. The Waddesdon Bequest is a collection of nearly 300 objects, left to the Museum in 1898 by Baron Ferdinand Rothschild. It consists of exceptionally important medieval and Renaissance pieces, as well as a number of 19th-century fakes. Together, they paint a f
2001 「ニャッキ!じぶんでつくるえほん」、エクスナレッジ 2001 「GUMBY」DVDシリーズ日本語版監督、SME・ビジュアルアーツ 2002 サンダーバニーFUWAFUWAストーリ「ビビ・リトルのレインボー」 監督、ソニークリエイティブプロダクツ 2003 連句アニメーション 「冬の日」35人の作家の一人として参加、IMAGICAエンタテインメント 2003 「ニャッキ!」DVDシリーズ (2003~)、株式会社ポニーキャニオン 2006 平成18年度用中学校美術科用教科書「美術2・3下」、開隆堂 2006 平成18年度用中学校美術科用教科書「美術2・3下 デザイン・工芸編」、光村図書出版 2006 平成18年度用中学校美術科指導書「美術2・3下 指導書」、光村図書出版 2006 「I.TOON CAFÉ 伊藤有壱アニメーションの世界」、プチグラパブリッシング社
ニールセン デジタル株式会社ニュースリリースをご覧いただく事ができます。 ニュースリリース(2014年) 2014/12/25 [お知らせ] リアルタイムなブランド広告効果測定による高速PDCAサイクルの実現~ニールセン、認知向上キャンペーンの広告効果の最適化事例を発表~ 2014/12/17 [お知らせ] 代表取締役社長の異動に関するお知らせ 2014/12/16 [データ] TOPS OF 2014: DIGITAL IN JAPAN ~ニールセン2014年 日本のインターネットサービス利用者数ランキングを発表~ 2014/11/26 [データ] ニュース・キュレーションアプリ TOP3は年初からの利用者が2倍以上に増加 2014/10/28 [データ] パソコンはオンラインショッピングで大きな役割を担う~ニールセン Digital Consumer Databaseを基に消費者のマル
・SNSは金曜日に最も多く利用され、カメラ、音楽・動画は金曜から週末にかけ利用のピーク ・子供を持つ女性がSNSを最もよく利用するのは夕方 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長兼COO:武智清訓)は、スマートフォン利用状況分析レポートNielsen Smartphone Analytics(ニールセン・スマートフォン・アナリティクス、以下Smartphone Analytics)の2014年2月のデータをもとに、スマートフォンでの利用機能・サービスの曜日別、時間帯別の利用状況を分析し、結果を発表しました。 Smartphone Analytics2014年2月データから主要な機能・サービスの曜日別の利用状況をみると、「カメラ」、「音楽・動画」は金曜日から週末にかけて利用者数が増加する傾向が分かりました。「SNS」は1週間を通し、ほぼ横ばいとな
2014/10/01 [データ] スマホ利用は27個のアプリで利用時間の72%を占める~ニールセン スマホアプリ利用状況を発表~ - アプリはスマホの利用時間の72%を占め、WEBブラウザの2.5倍 - 月に1回以上利用するアプリは27個、10回以上利用するアプリは9個 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長兼COO:武智清訓)は、スマートフォン視聴率情報 Nielsen Mobile NetView(ニールセン・モバイル・ネットビュー)の7月データをもとにアプリケーション(以下アプリ)の利用状況を分析し、結果を発表しました。 スマートフォンの利用時間全体のうち、アプリからの利用とWEBブラウザからの利用の内訳をみると、アプリからの利用時間はWEBブラウザの約2.5倍で、全体の72%を占めていました (図表1)。 図表1;日本国内 スマートフォ
2014/10/21 [データ] インターネットへの入り口はスマホへ移行 ~ニールセン スマホシフトを見える化したレポートを公開~ - スマホからのインターネット利用者は2014年4月時点で4,000万人を突破 - 2013年4月からの1年間で40代、50代にも急速にスマホが浸透 - 動画関連サービスなど、スマホからの利用者数がPCからの利用者数を超えるサービスも多数存在 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長兼COO:武智清訓)は、ニールセン インターネット基礎調査(Nielsen Internet Basic Report)、および、スマートフォン視聴率情報Nielsen Mobile NetView(ニールセン・モバイル・ネットビュー)、PC版インターネット視聴率情報Nielsen NetView(ニールセン・ネットビュー)の3つのデータ
フランスでのインタビューを補足する、開幕直前インタビュー 『ファイナルファンタジーXIV』(以下、『FFXIV』)初の拡張パッケージ、『蒼天のイシュガルド』は、6月19日にアーリーアクセス、23日にサービス開始を迎える。世界中のファンがその瞬間を待ち望むなか、吉田直樹プロデューサー兼ディレクターにインタビューをする機会を得た。このインタビューは、去る5月中旬にフランスの都市ナントの郊外の城にて行われたものを補足する内容となっている。今回は“蒼天編”メインクエストの見どころや、レベル60到達後に楽しめるアイテムレベル強化の流れなど、開幕に向けて知っておきたいポイントを中心に幅広く語ってもらったのだ。件のインタビュー記事と、続いて公開されたバトルリポートと合わせて読むことで、必ずや『蒼天のイシュガルド』への理解が深まるだろう。(2015年5月26日収録) ※関連記事 プロデューサーは『蒼天のイ
2014/10/28 [データ] パソコンはオンラインショッピングで大きな役割を担う~ニールセン Digital Consumer Databaseを基に消費者のマルチスクリーン利用状況を分析~ - 商品を購入するために利用するデバイスはパソコン。スマホ、タブレットを大きく引き離す - スマホは「コミュニケーション」、タブレットは「エンタメ」、パソコンは「ショッピング」で利用される傾向が強い - スマホで見てパソコンから商品を購入するユーザーが15% - 商品を購入するために利用するデバイスはパソコン。スマホ、タブレットを大きく引き離す - スマホは「コミュニケーション」、タブレットは「エンタメ」、パソコンは「ショッピング」で利用される傾向が強い - スマホで見てパソコンから商品を購入するユーザーが15% 2014年10月28日 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京
本メールはニールセン株式会社より、過去に弊社 Webサイトやイベントにて購読申し込みをいただいたお客様や、弊社担当営業よりコンタクトさせていただいたお客様をはじめ、ご縁のありました方に送信させて頂いております。ご購読を希望されない場合は、大変お手数をおかけいたしますが、こちら にアクセスし購読中止の手続きをお願い申し上げます。 今回のメルマガでは、「タブレットの現状と今後 -タブレットは終わってしまったのか」と題し、ニールセンが2000年から継続して調査をしているネット利用動向調査や、その他の調査結果からタブレットの利用傾向について、執筆者であるニールセンのアナリストの解釈、見解を示していきたと思っています。
先月末に爆発的な噴火が発生した鹿児島県の口永良部島の新岳で、気象庁は「きょう午後0時17分に噴火したもようだ」と発表しました。 口永良部島の新岳では先月29日にも爆発的な噴火が発生し、噴煙が火口から9000メートル以上の高さにまで上がり、すべての住民が島の外へ避難しています。 口永良部島には、噴火警戒レベル5の噴火警報が発表されていて、気象庁は状況の確認を進めるとともに引き続き厳重な警戒を呼びかけています。
「ニュースと情報」サービスのスマートフォンからの利用者は、今年6月にPCの利用者を逆転し10月の時点で3,900万人に -「ニュースと情報」サービスのスマートフォンからの利用者は、今年6月にPCの利用者を逆転し10月の時点で3,900万人に - ニュース・キュレーションアプリのSmartNewsとグノシーは年初からの利用者が2倍以上に増加 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長兼COO:武智清訓)は、スマートフォン視聴率情報Nielsen Mobile NetView(ニールセン・モバイル・ネットビュー)、PC版インターネット視聴率情報Nielsen NetView(ニールセン・ネットビュー)の2014年10月データを用い「ニュースと情報」サービスの利用状況を分析し、結果を発表しました。 「ニュースと情報」サービスのカテゴリー全体でのスマー
シリーズ最新作が登場 フロム・ソフトウェアは週刊ファミ通2015年7月2日号(2015年6月18日発売)にて、プレイステーション4・Xbox One・PC用ソフト『DARK SOULS III(ダークソウルIII)』の最新情報を公開した。以下、記事内容を抜粋してお届けする。 重厚な世界観、独特のゲームシステム、歯応えのある難度で、あらゆるプレイヤーをとりこにしたアクションRPG『DARK SOULS(ダークソウル)』。そのシリーズ最新作となる『DARK SOULS III(ダークソウルIII)』(以下、『ダークソウルIII』)が、そのベールを脱ぐ。本作のメインアートを飾る、炎のくすぶる鎧を身に付けた騎士の正体とは……? シリーズを通して描かれるダークファンタジーの世界 古竜が支配する世界に発生した“最初の火”。闇に光が生まれ、生命の源“ソウル”から王の力を得た者たちは古竜を倒し、王による“
新たな旅路の先に―― バンダイナムコエンターテインメントは、週刊ファミ通2015年7月2日号(2015年6月18日発売)にて、プレイステーション4、プレイステーション3用ソフト『テイルズ オブ ベルセリア』の最新情報を公開した。以下、記事内容を抜粋してお届けする。 生誕20周年の節目を迎えているRPG、『テイルズ オブ』シリーズの正統なる最新作(マザーシップタイトル)が、プレイステーション4とプレイステーション3向けに発売決定。本作『テイルズ オブ ベルセリア』は、これまでのシリーズらしさを残しながらも、新たなチャレンジを盛り込んだ作品になるという。当記事では、多様な光景が広がる世界を中心に紹介していく。 ■雪、常夏、紅葉……多様性が増した世界を進む 雪の降り積もる街や、海が美しい常夏の島、紅葉の自然が広がる森林、燃えるような夕日。王国の各地で見られる光景は、従来のシリーズ作品に比べ、シチ
2014/08/29 [お知らせ] ニールセン、ダイレクトレスポンス広告のブランド保護についての事例を発表 - Oreck社はNielsen Online Brand Effectサービスを用いて、ダイレクトレスポンス広告によるブランドへの影響を計測 - ブランドへの影響度を改善するため、クリエイティブやフリークエンシーキャップを変更し、42倍のパフォーマンスを実現 - Oreck社はNielsen Online Brand Effectサービスを用いて、ダイレクトレスポンス広告によるブランドへの影響を計測 - ブランドへの影響度を改善するため、クリエイティブやフリークエンシーキャップを変更し、42倍のパフォーマンスを実現 メディア視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長兼COO:武智清訓)は、ニールセンが提供しているオンライン広告効果分析サービ
『NieR New Project(仮題)』の気になる世界観、あの女性キャラについて豪華スタッフに直撃 2010年に発売され、狂気を帯びた独特な世界観、心をえぐられるストーリー、斬新なゲームデザイン、印象に残る音楽の数々などでプレイする者を虜にした『NieR』。5年の時を経て、その最新作となる『NieR New Project(仮題)』が始動! ディレクターはヨコオタロウ氏、プロデューサーは齊藤陽介氏、音楽は岡部啓一氏という前作のメインスタッフに、キャラクターデザインには吉田明彦氏が迎えられ、開発はプラチナゲームズが担当。豪華すぎる布陣で開発が進められる『NieR New Project(仮題)』はどんな作品になるのか!? 本日発売の週刊ファミ通2015年7月2日号には、『NieR New Project(仮題)』のスクープと開発スタッフのインタビューを掲載。ここでは、そのインタビューを抜
本メールはニールセン株式会社より、過去に弊社 Webサイトやイベントにて購読申し込みをいただいたお客様や、弊社担当営業よりコンタクトさせていただいたお客様をはじめ、ご縁のありました方に送信させて頂いております。ご購読を希望されない場合は、大変お手数をおかけいたしますが、こちら にアクセスし購読中止の手続きをお願い申し上げます。 今回のメルマガでは、「メディア利用形態の多様化 ~拡大するインターネット利用時間」と題し、インターネット視聴率データと、消費者のマルチスクリーンの利用動向調査をもとに、メディア利用形態の多様化による視聴行動の変化について、ニールセンのアナリストの解釈、見解を語っていきたいと思います。
2014/12/25 [お知らせ] リアルタイムなブランド広告効果測定による高速PDCAサイクルの実現~ニールセン、認知向上キャンペーンの広告効果の最適化事例を発表~ - キャンペーン全体でのブランドリフト(認知向上効果)は非接触者の1.4倍 - ブランドリフト値はニールセンの持つ業界ノーム値を大きく超える結果 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長兼COO:宮本淳)は、オンライン広告のブランディング効果測定ソリューションであるNielsen Online Brand Effect(ニールセン・オンライン・ブランド・エフェクト)を活用した、日本国内におけるキャンペーン広告効果の最適化事例を発表しました。 ■事例内容 参加企業 :サントリー酒類株式会社 キャンペーン目的 :オンライン広告により、ザ・プレミアム・モルツが美味しく飲める 『超達人店』
本メールはニールセン株式会社より、過去に弊社 Webサイトやイベントにて購読申し込みをいただいたお客様や、弊社担当営業よりコンタクトさせていただいたお客様をはじめ、ご縁のありました方に送信させて頂いております。ご購読を希望されない場合は、大変お手数をおかけいたしますが、こちら にアクセスし購読中止の手続きをお願い申し上げます。 2015年が始まり早や半月が過ぎてしまいましたが、あらためまして、新春のご挨拶を申し上げます。本年もニールセン株式会社をよろしくお願い申し上げます。 2014年はスマートフォンが躍進した年でした。いつでもどこでも利用できるスマートフォンの利用拡大と共に、ソーシャルメディアやコミュニケーションサービスも利用が拡大し、消費者のコミュニケーションツールとして定着してきました。そこで、アメリカのインターネット視聴率データを元に2014年の利用状況を振り返りながら、2015年
2015/01/27 [データ] スマートフォン利用者の92%がSNSを利用~ニールセン、SNSの最新利用動向を発表~ - 各SNSでスマホからの利用者数がPCからの利用者数を大きく超える - SNSは女性が男性よりアクティブに利用。「Facebook」は高年齢層でも利用され、「Twitter」は若年層が特に活用 - 2014年に最も利用者数を伸ばしたサービスは「Instagram」 - 各SNSでスマホからの利用者数がPCからの利用者数を大きく超える - SNSは女性が男性よりアクティブに利用。「Facebook」は高年齢層でも利用され、「Twitter」は若年層が特に活用 - 2014年に最も利用者数を伸ばしたサービスは「Instagram」 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長兼COO:宮本淳)は、スマートフォン視聴率情報Nielsen
先進国にとどまらず、新興国も含めて世界中でオンラインショッパーが増加しています。2014年8月、ニールセンが発表したeコマースに関するグローバル調査によると(こちら)、新興国ではモバイル端末がオンラインショッピングの拡大に大きく寄与していることがわかりました。日本においても、ウィンドウショッピング(ショッピングサイトの閲覧)も含めたオンラインショッピングサービスの利用は、2014年2月にスマートフォンからの利用者数がPCのからの利用者数を超えました (こちら)。 スマートフォンは空き時間を有効に活用でき、店頭でも手軽な情報収集手段として利用できることを考えると、購入の検討や価格などの情報収集目的の利用が進むことは自然な流れと言えるでしょう。では、オンラインでの購入も閲覧と同様にスマートフォンの利用が拡大してきているのでしょうか。今回は、弊社のインターネット視聴動向データ等を元に、PCとスマ
1 of 6 News Release お問い合わせ先 ニールセン株式会社広報担当 西村総一郎 E メール 電話: 03-4363-4200 ファックス: 03-4363-4210 インターネットへの入り口はスマホへ移行 ~ニールセン スマホシフトを見える化したレポートを公開~ スマホからのインターネット利用者は 2014 年 4 月時点で 4,000 万人を突破 2013 年 4 月からの 1 年間で 40 代、50 代にも急速にスマホが浸透 動画関連サービスなど、スマホからの利用者数が PC からの利用者数を超えるサービ スも多数存在 2014 年 10 月 21 日 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社 長兼COO:武智清訓)は、ニールセン インターネット基礎調査(Nielsen I
本メールはニールセン株式会社より、過去に弊社 Webサイトやイベントにて購読申し込みをいただいたお客様や、弊社担当営業よりコンタクトさせていただいたお客様をはじめ、ご縁のありました方に送信させて頂いております。ご購読を希望されない場合は、大変お手数をおかけいたしますが、こちら にアクセスし購読中止の手続きをお願い申し上げます。 今回のメルマガでは、「日本で定額制ストリーミングサービスの利用は拡大するのか?」と題し、日米のインターネット視聴率データをもとに、ストリーミングサービス市場、特に音楽配信についての現在と今後について考えていきたいと思います。 今年に入り、ストリーミングサービスに関するニュースを頻繁に耳にするようになりました。まず動画では、米国「Netflix」が2015年秋から日本でサービスを開始すると発表を行い、その動向に注目が集まっています。現在、日本では動画の定額制ストリーミ
2015/03/31 [データ] 「インスタントメッセンジャー」サービスの利用率は1年間で約2倍に増加 ~ニールセン、スマートフォンによる「コミュニケーション」カテゴリの最新利用動向を発表~ - スマートフォン利用者の95%が「コミュニケーション」サービスを利用 - 「Eメールサービス」の利用率は2014年2月と比較して微減 - 「LINE」や「SPモード」は50代以上の利用者数が最も増加 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長兼COO:宮本淳)は、スマートフォン視聴率情報Nielsen Mobile NetView(ニールセン・モバイル・ネットビュー)をもとに、ニールセンが独自に分類する「コミュニケーション」カテゴリの最新の利用動向を発表しました。 それによると、2015年2月のスマートフォンからの「コミュニケーション」カテゴリ全体での利用者
本メールはニールセン株式会社より、過去に弊社 Webサイトやイベントにて購読申し込みをいただいたお客様や、弊社担当営業よりコンタクトさせていただいたお客様をはじめ、ご縁のありました方に送信させて頂いております。ご購読を希望されない場合は、大変お手数をおかけいたしますが、こちら にアクセスし購読中止の手続きをお願い申し上げます。 先日3歳の娘に、「パパいつもアイフォン触っているよねー。」と言われてしまいました。確かに考えてみると、朝起きてから寝るまで(寝ている間も睡眠のログをとっている!)、 日常生活のあらゆる場面でスマートフォンを使っている自分がいました。みなさんはどうでしょうか。朝起きたらまずスマートフォンを手に取って、という人も多いのではないでしょうか。 そこで今回は、「朝起きたら最初にどんなアプリを使っているのか?」という点に焦点を当ててみようと思います。最もスマートフォンのアクティ
2015/04/21 [データ] 「グルメ」サービスユーザーの80%がブラウザのみで利用~ ニールセン、スマホからの「グルメ/飲食店」サービスの最新利用動向を発表 ~ 「グルメ」サービスユーザーの80%がブラウザのみで利用~ ニールセン、スマホからの「グルメ/飲食店」サービスの最新利用動向を発表 ~ -「グルメ」サービスのアプリからの利用は20%、「飲食店」サービスは80% -「グルメ」アプリユーザーの約90%は一つのアプリのみを利用 -「グルメ」アプリ利用者の50~60%は、ブラウザで他社サービスを利用 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長兼COO:宮本淳)は、スマートフォン視聴率情報Nielsen Mobile NetView(ニールセン・モバイル・ネットビュー)をもとに、「グルメ/飲食店」サービスのアプリとブラウザからの最新の利用動向を発
本メールはニールセン株式会社より、過去に弊社 Webサイトやイベントにて購読申し込みをいただいたお客様や、弊社担当営業よりコンタクトさせていただいたお客様をはじめ、ご縁のありました方に送信させて頂いております。ご購読を希望されない場合は、大変お手数をおかけいたしますが、こちら にアクセスし購読中止の手続きをお願い申し上げます。 2015年4月に当社が発表したリリースによると(こちら)、スマートフォンで飲食店のサービスを利用する人のうち、アプリから利用する人は83%にのぼりました。飲食店運営事業者が情報発信をしていく上で、アプリは非常に重要なツールであるといえます。そこで、今回のメルマガでは、インターネット視聴率データをもとに、飲食や雑貨、衣料などの店舗運営事業者が提供しているアプリの現状と今後の活用について考えたいと思います。
2015/05/14 [データ] ニールセン、世界60カ国・3万人のデジタルに関する考え方や行動に関する調査結果をまとめた『グローバル デジタル・ランドスケープ レポート - SCREEN WARS -』を発表 - 76%の消費者がいつでもどこでもインターネットに接続できる自由を満喫している - 69%の消費者が対面コミュニケーションはデジタルに取って代わられつつあると感じている - モバイルは外出先での視聴デバイスとして最も好まれている 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長兼COO:宮本淳)は、世界60カ国のデジタルに関する考え方や行動に関する調査結果をまとめた『グローバル デジタル・ランドスケープ レポート - SCREEN WARS -』を発表しました。 番組視聴形態の多様化で激化する 視聴者争奪戦 私たちの世界は常にインターネットにつ
Photoshop ユーザーガイド Photoshop の概要 夢をカタチに Photoshop の新機能 初めての写真編集 ドキュメントの作成 Photoshop | よくある質問 Photoshop の必要システム構成 Photoshop とは Photoshop とその他の Adobe 製品およびサービス Photoshop で Illustrator アートワークを作業する InDesign での Photoshop ファイルの操作 Photoshop 用 Substance 3D マテリアル Photoshop の Capture アプリ内拡張機能の使用 Photoshop iPad 版(中国本土ではご利用いただけません) Photoshop iPad 版 | よくある質問 ワークスペースについて システム要件 | Photoshop iPad 版 ドキュメントの作成、表示、書き
2015/05/26 [データ] スマートフォンからのインターネット利用者、2015年冬にはPCを超える可能性 ~ ニールセン、最新のインターネット利用状況を発表 ~ - 2014年度、スマートフォンからのネット利用者数は19%増加し15年4月で4,800万人に - PCからのネット利用者は5,100万人程度で横ばいに推移 - 1日あたりのインターネット利用時間はスマートフォンの1時間48分に対し、PCは54分 視聴行動分析サービスを提供するニールセン株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長兼COO:宮本淳)は、スマートフォン視聴率情報Nielsen Mobile NetView(ニールセン・モバイル・ネットビュー)、および、PC版インターネット視聴率情報Nielsen NetView(ニールセン・ネットビュー)のデータをもとに、最新のインターネット利用動向を発表しました。 それによると
本メールはニールセン株式会社より、過去に弊社 Webサイトやイベントにて購読申し込みをいただいたお客様や、弊社担当営業よりコンタクトさせていただいたお客様をはじめ、ご縁のありました方に送信させて頂いております。ご購読を希望されない場合は、大変お手数をおかけいたしますが、こちら にアクセスし購読中止の手続きをお願い申し上げます。 2015年5月に当社が発表したニュースリリース では、本年の冬までにはスマートフォンからのインターネット利用者がPCからのインターネット利用者数を超える可能性について言及しました。スマートフォンの若年層への普及は一段落し、高年齢層への普及が始まっていますが、その利用動向はあまりメディアに取り上げられていないように思います。また人口構成を見ても50代以上は全人口の4割以上を占めておりマーケットとしても無視できない規模となっています。 そこで今回は50歳以上を対象に、P
ウィキペディアは特に機密性が高い情報を扱っているわけではない。よって暗号化は不要だと思うかもしれない。しかしそれは違う。 HTTPSは、次の3つの役割を持つ 盗み見防止 ―― ネットワークを流れるデータを第三者に盗み見られることを防ぐ改ざん防止 ―― 通信経路上でデータを勝手に変えられることを防ぐなりすまし防止 ―― 接続先が確かに意図したサーバーであることを確認できるようにすることで、なりすましに騙されることを防ぐ1つ目は、いわゆる「暗号化」によって達成される。 2つ目の「データの整合性」と3つ目の「認証」がウィキペディアにとっては、HTTPS化の大きな意味を持つと筆者は考える。 ウィキペディアに掲載されている情報を見ていると思っていたら、実はインターネットの回線を通ってあなたが使っているブラウザに届く途中で誰かが情報を書き換えていたとしたらどうだろうか? 偽の情報であっても、ウィキペデ
Advertising Age is the marketing industry’s most trusted news source on topics that matter most, including social, media, digital, CMO Strategy and data-driven marketing. Coupled with its sibling, Creativity, which beautifully showcases the best in brand creativity, it gives professionals the full picture of what’s going on in the industry.
Publicis' programmatic arm Vivaki no longer wants to buy ads. The organization has completed a major reassignment of its ad traders, sending 120 employees out to individual Publicis agencies, and taking them off its own books. Vivaki CEO Stephan Beringer confirmed the moves. "If you're a marketer, do you want your programmatic decisions siloed and balkanized from everything else that you're doing?
On Monday YouTube will roll out a kid-friendly version of the Google-owned online video service as a mobile app for smartphones and tablets running Google's Android operating system, a YouTube spokeswoman confirmed. USA Today and The Wall Street Journal reported news of the app's launch on Thursday. The free app will feature skippable and non-skippable pre-roll ads, according to a person familiar
The first marketing for Apple Watch has arrived in a customary form for the brand: glossy print ads. The March issue of Conde Nast's Vogue includes 12 pages of advertising for Apple's upcoming device, set to go on sale in April. The three versions -- the leather-bound standard model, a rubber-banded Sport and a golden, luxury Edition -- appear against stark white backdrops. Apple's appearance in V
Madison Avenue has helped the U.S. government fight everything from wartime foes to teen smoking. But now that Washington is locked in conflict with ISIS, a deadly enemy with sophisticated propaganda skills, adland seems very far from the front. Where are the country's best communications professionals during the propaganda battle of our time? Many have ideas to help, even for a conflict that does
What do people talk about when they talk about _______ on Facebook? Soon marketers will have the answer. Facebook will start telling marketers the types of people who are talking about specific topics on the social network as well as the kinds of things they're saying, through a partnership with social data firm DataSift. This so-called topic data can include the demographics of the people discuss
The organization behind the AdChoices button -- the little triangle on digital ads which lets you opt out of tracking -- is expanding its capabilities to mobile apps. The Digital Advertising Alliance is doing so with the release of a new app today, which it's calling AppChoices. "Originally it was just about desktop web," said DAA Executive Director Lou Mastria of his organization's mission. "We'v
Amid widening concerns that another startup bubble has formed, digital media remains a white-hot market among the private-investment community. Last year, venture capital poured at least $683 million into digital media companies worldwide -- more than twice the $277 million invested in 2013, according to Preqin, which tracks venture-capital investments. That investment comes as traditional media c
Agency Report is Advertising Age's annual ranking and analysis of advertising and marketing-services agencies. The report includes rankings based on U.S. and worldwide revenue. Portions of Agency Report 2014 appeared in Ad Age's print edition (April 28, 2014). The full Agency Report is available exclusively online to Ad Age DataCenter subscribers. This expanded online version includes Agency Famil
Ad-agency employment is climbing, agency stocks scored all-time highs and U.S. ad spending this year is finally in position to pass its prerecession peak. It's a good time to be in the agency game -- at least if you're connected to digital. Ten facts from Ad Age's Agency Report 2015: 1. U.S. agency revenue rose 5.4% to a record $43.6 billion in 2014, according to Ad Age Datacenter's bottoms-up ana
"You're kind of jam-packed, and there were four executives kind of spooning each other on two tatami mats -- it was close quarters," Mr. Andree said. Once there, exhausted climbers write postcards to clients and send them from the summit's post office. Another tradition is prayer: "I prayed in front of the Shinto shrine for the success of my clients and Dentsu," Mr. Andree recalled. It's clear the
Facial recognition can be a frightening technology, posing a privacy threat so great that Google has placed a ban on any Glass apps that employ it. Yet marketers have been using the mug-reading tech for years now as part of their interactive campaigns. Privacy issues aside, once people decide to opt in, facial recognition can drive some innovative, highly entertaining advertising ideas. Check out
In a conference room nine floors above London's St. Giles High Street, a Russian engineer named Sasha booted up a computer and began giving me instructions. "First step, let's go to some website," he commanded. ", how about that one?" As the page loaded on my browser, a stream of code ran down the screen in a separate window to the left. After a few seconds, Sasha explained what was happe
YouTube is tweaking its commercials to be more like interactive infomercials. A month after YouTube added interactive cards to its skippable TrueView ads, retail advertisers can now use those card overlays to include product information, images and links to purchase a product on a brand's site. They can also use these ads to remarket to people who may have checked out a product on a brand's site w
IBM and Facebook are teaming up in an effort to improve both of their products. The partnership, part of the new IBM Commerce THINKLab, will ask IBM clients to bring forth business problems and will assign engineers from both companies to attempt to fix them. The effort does not have a concrete headcount, but Deepak Advani, GM of IBM commerce, said in an interview that the partnership will be robu
Brands want as many people to watch their video ads as possible. But they only want to pay for the people who actually watch their videos. Facebook's autoplay video ads cover the former; YouTube's skippable TrueView spots offer the latter. How's an advertiser to choose? "You have to look at all the factors. Autoplay vs. skippable is just one thing. You have to look at targeting, cost and, most imp
Social media keeps getting more visual, and for evidence of that, look no further than Clorox Co.'s Hidden Valley Ranch. One recent Twitter post of a photo that showed chicken wings and French Fries with Hidden Valley Ranch dressing generated 150 million retweets and an ultimate audience of nearly 44 million people, according to Brian Kim, director of product management for ad-tech startup GumGum.
Food marketers are increasingly updating their ingredient lists to appeal to changing consumer sentiment, with companies from Kraft to McDonald's eliminating ingredients perceived as questionable, and now Taco Bell is the latest company to update its menu to respond to consumer demand. By the end of this year, the company will update its core menu to remove artificial colors and flavors, high fruc
“Historians and archaeologists will one day discover that the ads of our time are the richest and most faithful daily reflections any society ever made of its whole range of activities.” –Marshall McLuhan In 1999, as the 20th century came to a close, the Ad Age staff set out to examine all the ways in which advertising has entertained, moved and motivated us over the years. We decided to rank the
“Historians and archaeologists will one day discover that the ads of our time are the richest and most faithful daily reflections any society ever made of its whole range of activities.” –Marshall McLuhan In 1999, as the 20th century came to a close, the Ad Age staff set out to examine all the ways in which advertising has entertained, moved and motivated us over the years. We decided to rank the
Growth in U.S. online display advertising on personal computers slowed as 2014 progressed and totaled just 0.9% for the full 12 months, according to full-year ad figures from Kantar Media. In 2013, that figure was 15.7%. The web's smaller 2014 growth still outpaced U.S. measured media overall, which rose just 0.7% in 2014, Kantar Media said, for a total of $141.2 billion. That's roughly even with
WPP digital media buying network Xaxis is looking to tie more of its own compensation to achieving specific client goals such as sales or downloads by forming a performance marketing agency called Light Reaction. "We see this part of the business growing as rapidly if not more than the business we already built within Xaxis," said Xaxis CEO Brian Lesser. "There's a growing market need for companie
BuzzFeed has hired longtime PepsiCo marketing executive Frank Cooper as its chief marketing officer and chief creative officer. BuzzFeed, which has been quietly searching for its first CMO for months, confirmed Mr. Cooper's hire to Ad Age. "We're part publisher, part content producer, part ad agency, so the skillset required is someone who is an amazing marketer and someone who can lead the creati
About a year ago, most users began to see something new in their Facebook news feed. Sandwiched between birth announcements and attention-seeking status updates were video clips. A lot of video clips, in fact. By September 2014, after the "Ice Bucket Challenge," Facebook was bragging that it served a billon views per day. There's a reason why Facebook's videos took off: Unlike YouTube links, the v
In 12 months, The Huffington Post hopes that 50% of the content on its site is video. To meet that mark the AOL-owned publisher is creating its own network of video creators as companies like Disney's Maker Studios have done. The Huffington Post has signed a deal with digital video network BroadbandTV to create a network of citizen video journalists called Outspeak. People who join the program wil
As the debate continues about whether U.S. media agencies collect incentives to buy inventory and services from some companies over others, one template for a contract shows how each side of the table views the situation very differently. Two ad-tech vendors, speaking on the condition that they would not be identified in order to protect their business relationships, said they received the contrac
Browsing the web without ads is actually kind of nice. No popups stealing your screen. No autoplaying video ads making the page load as slowly as if it were being dialed up through America Online circa 1999. And millions of people seem to agree. They've installed extensions to their web browsers that delete the ads from most, if not all, of of the sites they visit. One popular ad blocker, AdBlock