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Twitterとsocialに関するmujinのブックマーク (1)

  • StatusPeople Home

    The Fakers App is No More :( Published: 28-02-2020 For 8 years StatusPeople was the home of one of the most used anti-spam / faker follower tools in the history of Twitter. The Fakers App analysed over 1.5 million unique Twitter accounts and at its peak was helping users block 250,000 fake Twitter accounts per week. Sadly Rob Waller the main developer behind the project can no longer support it an

    mujin 2012/10/09
    Fake 4%、Inactive 11%、Good 85%だった。これInactiveはともかくFakeの判定はどうやってんだろう。単純にフォロワーが多いとInactive、拡散RT系の人だとFakeと判断されてそうな気がする。
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