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Donald_Trumpとmikhail-gorbachevに関するa1otのブックマーク (1)

  • トランプとゴルバチョフ - himaginary’s diary

    と題したエントリをブランコ・ミラノビッチが書いている(H/T Economist's View)。 The juxtaposition of these two names in the title may come as a surprise to many readers. What do a social-democrat who wanted to reform Communism, and the billionaire right-wing populist magnate have in common? Indeed, if we focus on their ideologies and individual histories (to the extent that they matter) nothing—not “almost nothing”, but “nothi

    トランプとゴルバチョフ - himaginary’s diary
    a1ot 2017/01/22
  • 1