Object relation mapping with GORM Sun, Nov 15, 2015 What is object-relation mapping (ORM, O/RM, and O/R mapping)? Object-relational mapping in computer science is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in object-oriented programming languages. This creates, in effect, a “virtual object database” that can be used from within the programming language. source: W
Delve: Next generation debugger for Golang Sat, Aug 8, 2015 In my previous post I demonstrated how you can debug golang applications with LLDB. In this article I will illustrate the most recent debugger for Go: Delve The debugger is a community effort to bring a debugger in the toolchain of every Go developer. It’s written in Go to debug Go code. It’s still in active development, but we can still
Sharing Golang packages to C and Go Sun, Aug 23, 2015 The latest Go 1.5 version is out. As part of the new features, Go compiler can compile packages as a shared libraries. It accepts -buildmode argument that determines how a package is compiled. These are the following options: archive: Build the listed non-main packages into .a files. Packages named main are ignored. c-archive: Build the listed
Go language provides many useful tools as part of its development eco system. We will explore most of them in the upcoming blog posts. But in the article lets focus on refactoring tools. Gofmt In average programming languages developers can adapt to different formatting styles. Common problem is how to approach unknown code base without a long prescriptive style guide. Go takes an unusual approach
Software engineers spend a greater part of time reading and understanding programs. Indeed, most of the time it takes to develop a program is spent reading it and making logical conclusion about what it does. Go programmers are no exception. Thanks to gofmt they should not worry about source code formatting. The machines are better suited to analyse source code and accomplish comprehension tasks t
SSH is a network protocol for establishing a secure shell session on distant servers. In Golang the package godoc.org/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh implements SSH client and SSH server. In this article, we are using SSH client to run a shell command on a remote machine. Every SSH connection requires an ssh.CleintConfig object that defines configuration options such as authentication. Authentication Opti
In my previous post, I illustrated the basic usage of ssh package. In this article I will demonstrate how we should use it to implement SSH tunneling. We will forward connection to localhost:9000 through example.com:22 to localhost:8080. The tunneling protocol allows a network user to access or provide a network service that the underlying network does not support or provide directly. We have four