I am thrilled to announce the release of CSS3 PIE version 1.0.0! This release marks a major milestone: the dropping of the “beta” label. Our five beta releases have given us twenty-two months of solid real-world testing as you, the web community, have used it on your sites. You’ve really put it through its paces, given us invaluable feedback and bug reports and helped us squash the bugs, and now w
The background patterns in this demo are created using nothing but CSS3 linear-gradients that are tiled. The patterns below are borrowed (with slight modifications) from Lea Verou's CSS3 Patterns Gallery and from her original post on the topic of building patterns with gradients. These demos work properly in IE 9 thanks to PIE. They do not work in IE 6-8 due to lack of support for sizing/positioni
The following sections describe in detail the exact levels of support PIE has for certain CSS3 properties and value types. border-radius box-shadow border-image CSS3 Backgrounds (-pie-background) Gradients RGBA Color Values PIE Custom Properties -pie-load-path -pie-watch-ancestors PNG alpha transparency and -pie-png-fix Lazy Initialization (-pie-lazy-init) Layout polling (-pie-poll) :hover trackin
The following instructions should get you up and running with PIE in most circumstances. If you run into problems along the way, consult our known issues page, or ask for help in the forums. Step 1: Download it Download the PIE distribution and unzip it somewhere. Step 2: Upload it Upload the contents of the unzipped package to a directory on your web server. It doesn't matter where exactly, as lo
PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-9 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features. Try the Demo This quick demo shows just a few of the CSS3 properties PIE can render. Use the controls to adjust the CSS3 applied to the box. Load this page in IE to see that it is rendered properly!
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