[NOTE] Opera now includes the ability to export and import bookmarks, so this extension is no longer necessary, and will not be maintained. This extension allows you to backup & share bookmarks with Chrome, Opera, Opera Classic, Firefox, Vivaldi and most other modern browsers. Import & Export will export everything including "Speed Dial" & "Bookmarks Bar", as it's using a documented bookmarks API
Install Chrome Extensions allows you to install extensions from Google Chrome Web Store in your Opera browser. You can install extensions only. Themes are not supported. To use this extension: 1. Go to https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions and pick an extension. 2. Click ‘Add to Opera’ button. 3. Click ‘Install’ button in the Extensions Manager.
Akari Link Shortener Akari will reduce the presence of your URL! Uses the waa.ai API to generate short links. Options page with local history and ability to connect with your waa.ai account (https://waa.ai/signup) ~ Yuru Yuri Season 3 \o/
@richmondi Evet sadece chrome eklentisini zip paketi olarak indirmenize kolaylık sağlıyor. Geliştiriciler için kolaylık olsun diye yaptım denebilir.
Stylish for Opera, allowing UserCSS for different URLs, userstyles.org supported. Only works on Opera 12. If you are using an older version of Opera, please visit: https://github.com/gera2ld/Stylish-oex/wiki For Opera 15+ users, please visit: https://addons.opera.com/extensions/details/stylish/ Features: 1. Install stylesheets from userstyles.org. 2. Import from or export to a zip file with .user.
wasavi は vi エディタのクローンで、TEXTAREA 要素を拡張します。 TEXTAREA 要素にフォーカスを移し、Ctrl+Enter を押すと TEXTAREA は vi エディタに変化します。 wasavi は以下の vi コマンドをサポートします: * c y d > < gq cc yy dd >> << C Y D gqq * - + ^ <home> $ <end> % | comma(,) ; _ / ? ' ` ( ) { } [[ ]] <enter> 0 j k h l ^N ^P ^H <down> <up> <left> <right> <space> w W b B e E gg gj gk g^ g$ G H M L f F t T n N * ^U ^D ^Y ^E ^B ^F <pageup> <pagedown> z<enter> z. zz
AdBlock. The #1 ad blocker on Chrome and Safari, with over 200 million downloads, now also available for Opera! Blocks YouTube, Facebook and ads everywhere else on the web. AdBlock works automatically. Choose to continue seeing unobtrusive ads, whitelist your favorite sites, or block all ads by default. Just click "Add to Opera" then visit your favorite website and see the ads disappear! Also avai
These extensions and wallpapers are made for the Opera browser.
The tab count button in the toolbar will keep track of the number of tabs with webpages you have open at the moment. Clicking will show an overview of all windows with the number of tabs. Only web page tabs are tracked, so not mail or IRC tabs. Tracking starts once a page is (re)loaded. Restarting Opera after installing will make sure all possible tabs are tracked.
Ghosteryは、安全、高速、広告のないブラウジングを提供する無料のブラウザ拡張機能です。この拡張機能は、ウェブサイト上のすべての広告をブロックし、トラッカーによる個人データの収集を停止し、邪魔なCookie同意ポップアップを削除します。また、Ghosteryは、あらゆるウェブサイトのトラッカー情報、検索エンジンの結果ページでのトラッカープレビュー、最大のトラッカーデータベースへのアクセスなどの追加機能を提供します。Ghosteryはオープンソースで無料で使用できるため、カスタマイズやメンテナンスの必要性を最小限に抑えた、信頼できるブラウザ拡張機能です。 1億ダウンロードを超え、世界中の何千もの貢献者によってサポートされているGhosteryは、オンラインプライバシー保護のための特別な選択です。 Ghosteryは誰でも無料で利用できます。デジタルプライバシーのコントロールを取り戻し、G
Slim Scrollbar replace default scroll bars with two simple auto-hide bars. These bars are visible only when you scroll the page. So you obtain more space, useful especially for small screens. I have no more time to develop this extension, so I don't know how many updates I will do in future. But you can try another actively developed scrollbar from Christoph142: Modern Scroll. ATTENTION: The exten
Adblock Plus blocks all annoying ads, and supports websites by not blocking unobtrusive ads by default (configurable). Enjoy surfing the web without obtrusive ads cluttering your screen! Adblock Plus for Opera blocks: · Banners · YouTube video ads · Facebook advertisements · Pop-ups · All other obtrusive ads Adblock Plus is the world’s most popular browser extension, and is used by millions of use
The extension provides functionality of closing tabs that are right (or left) of current (focused) tab, that is known from Chrome browser. It's compatible with both Opera 11 and 12. Usage: click the extension button on the toolbar, to close all tabs that are right/left of the current tab. To choose which side will be closed (right or left) go to the preferences page and choose one option. It's not
Hold the left mouse button to select multiple links by drawing a selection rectangle around them, releasing the button will open them in background tabs. Shortcuts: -Hold the Ctrl or Alt key to open the links in a Stack. -Bigger links have priority over smaller/nested links, hold the Shift key to select all links inside the rectangle. Text selection has priority over the extension behavior, so dra
Firefox のアドオン Hit-a-Hint を Opera Extension にしました。 使い方。 -開始キーを押すと、リンクやテキスト欄の横にヒントが出現します。 -ヒントをタイプすると、そのリンク等にフォーカスが移ります。 -エンターを押すとリンクをクリックします 開始キー(デフォルトは "f")とヒントキー(デフォルトは "asdfghjkl")はオプションで変更できます。 チェンジログ v1.0.1 -ブラックリストを作りました v1.0.2 -BitBucket や FC2 ブログでヒントの位置がおかしかったのを直しました v1.0.3 -特定のサイトで位置を修正
カテゴリ: ニュース&ブログ 最終更新日: 2011年8月18日 バージョン: 0.7.0-0 ダウンロード数: 8,696 サイズ: 478.7 KB 説明 AutoPager is an Opera extension to autoload the next page(s) when you scroll pages. AutoPager is an Opera extension which automatically loads the next page of a site inline when you reach the end of the current page for infinite scrolling of content. By default AutoPager works with a ton of sites, including Lifehacker,
Description Automatically loads the next page Automatically loads the next page and inserts into current page. For example, when visit Google search and scroll down the page, you get next page automatically.
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