iPhone 16e
MinimizeToTray Reanimated 1.4.11 要再起動 作者: Ysard MinimizeToTray Reanimated is an application mainly dedicated to Thunderbird to allow its minimization in the systray in one click. It is the update of MinimizeToTray Revived, which is not maintained anymore since the recent versions of Thunderbird. Context: MinimizeToTray Reanimated is an update of MinimizeToTray revived (MinTrayR) (Here is the old s
Windows Taskbar Unread Badge 3.0.1 作者: Brandon Streiff Put an unread mail count badge on the Thunderbird icon in the Windows taskbar.
ドメインキー・アイデンティファイド・メールはドメインがメールに署名をすることを可能にします。このアドオンはメールヘッダーの DKIM 署名を検証し結果を表示します。そのためどのドメインが特定のメールに対して責任を持っているか確認をすることが可能になります。オプション設定で結果の表示方法の変更も可能です。 どのドメインでもメールに署名することが可能です。そのため有効な DKIM 署名だけでは信頼できるメールということにはなりません。メールが信頼出来るかどうかを判断するために、誰が署名したのかを常にチェックしてください! 場合によっては、DKIM 署名が無いことが詐欺メールを特定するのに役立つことがあります。仮に、あるドメインが全てのメールに DKIM 署名を付けていることが知られている場合、DKIM 署名が無いことは偽メールであることを示す強力な情報です。 メールが署名されているかどうか、そ
============= | TB68 USERS: | ImportExportTools NG is the 68 compatible port of this add-on. ============= If you don't see here the last version (3.3.2), get it at my website, it should fix the bugs with TB60. This extension allows the user to export and import folders and messages with lots of options, for example: Tools Menu --> ImportExportTools or Context menu on folders panel --> Import/Expo
Current outstanding issues for Thunderbird 78 with workarounds are documented on Github. This add-on adds arrow buttons at the top of the folder pane which rotate back and forth through the various available folder views This add-on also causes Thunderbird to automatically switch to the "All Folders" view when you hover over the title above the folder tree for several seconds during a message drag
Thunderbirdアドオンサイトへようこそ。 機能を追加したりデザインを変えたりして、Thunderbird を自分のものにしましょう。 閉じる
Website (including documentation) - FAQ - Report bugs - Track changes Thunderbird Conversations is a Thunderbird extension which, as the name implies, enables a conversation view in your Thunderbird. Notable features include: a regular conversation view that fetches messages from all folders, and behaves just like Gmail’sa quick reply feature, with autocomplete, that allows you to reply to a threa
Mailbox Alert allows you to specify, for each separate mail folder, a message, sound and/or a system command that will be executed when new mail is found there. This way, you specify different actions for less important folders, or no action at all. Due to the individual folder (or filter) settings, the plugin is configurable with a right-click on an account or folder, not in the main preferences
After installation, you can export and import your passwords from the following locations: Options/Preferences -> Security pane -> Passwords -> Import/Export Passwords buttonTools -> Add-ons -> Extensions tab -> click Preferences button next to the extensionNOTICE: An optional obfuscation feature is provided that makes the exported files hard for humans to read, and is mainly to prevent casual use
[This is a copy of our official privacy policy. While we make every effort to keep this copy in sync, if you would like to see the "canonical" version you should look there.] Send Later collects anonymous usage data to help us improve the add-on, measure its usage, and identify where to focus our efforts. The data we collect contains no identifying information, email content, or account informatio
Do you remember the first time you accidentally sent a work related email from your private email account? Identity Chooser helps you to prevent that. It makes choosing the sender address explicit: • Do you want to compose a new email? Identity Chooser forces you to choose the sender address first. • Do you want to forward an email? Identity Chooser forces you to choose the sender address first. T
このアドオンは、シンプルなテンプレート機能と、引用ヘッダをカスタマイズする機能を実現します。 (Thunderbirdの通常のテンプレート機能とは全く異なる機能です) 特徴: (1) メッセージの新規作成/返信/転送時に、自動的にテンプレートを適用できます。テンプレートはアドオンのオプションで編集できます。 (2) テンプレートにHTMLフォーマットを用いることができます。 (3) 新規作成/返信/転送時に異なるテンプレートを用いることができます。 (4) アカウント毎に異なるテンプレートを用いることができます。また、共通の設定を用いることもできます。 (5) テンプレートに "予約語" を用いることで、引用ヘッダの柔軟なカスタマイズが可能です。また、標準の引用ヘッダを無効化することができます。 これらの機能は、全て無効にすることもできます。 オプション: 以下のいずれかの方法でアクセスで
感想 - ウェブサイト (ドキュメント) - FAQ - バグレポート - 変更点 - 最新の開発版 フィードバックを歓迎します! 上記の感想リンクをクリックしてください:-) Thunderbird Conversations は Thunderbird にスレッドビュー機能を追加するアドオンです。主な機能は: - スレッドビューはすべてのフォルダのメッセージからきっちり構築され、Gmail のように動作します。 - Thunderbird Contacts との協調: スレッドの参加者にはツールチップが表示され、Facebook や Twitter などのアバター、プロフィールを見られます。 - クイックリプライ機能とオートコンプリート機能で、スレッドにすぐに返信できます。 - 引用部分をたたむ機能、 - キーボードショートカット、 - 他にも楽しい機能があります。
Google Calendar Tab 3.9 要再起動 作者: Bryan Clark Adds the Google Calendar web interface as a new tab directly into Thunderbird. Creating and viewing events works just as it would in a browser like Firefox
Mail Merge 10.5.0 作者: Alexander Bergmann Create and Save or Send Multiple Individual and Personalized Messages from a Draft Mail Merge 10.5.0 is fully compatible with Thunderbird 115 and Thunderbird 128. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: If you want to send a message to multiple recipients, there are a few common probl
This extension adds a "Manually Sort Folders" entry in the "Tools" menu of Thunderbird, underneath the hamburger (☰) menu. By default Thunderbird sorts the folders of an account alphabetically. This extension allows you to choose a specific sort order for your folders, allowing you to put the most important ones on top, and manually order them. This also works for newsgroups inside a news accounts
Extra Folder Columns 1.1.5 要再起動 作者: Joey Minta, Thunderbird Development Team This extension is for those TB3 users who want the multiple-columns view that TB2 allowed IMPORTANT: If you are using Thunderbird 38 or later, uninstall this addon. The functionality is in core now.
There are two new addons, which look like they can replace most of the functionality of this add-on for Thunderbird 78+: https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/addon/compact-headers/ https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/addon/msghdr-toolbar-customize/ Add symbol in header plane to switch between compact and expanded view. Work only for Thunderbird 68.0 and older. Currently, t
Sends GNTP (Growl Network Transport Protocol) notifications when new email messages or RSS feed items arrive. As of v1.0.5, this add-on also works with Postbox. Requires a version of Growl that supports GNTP, such as Growl for Windows (http://www.growlforwindows.com). NOTE: Growl v1.2 and lower on OSX does *not* support the GNTP protocol and thus will not show notifications sent by this plugin. Gr
Search and remove messages which are the same as other messages in your mail folders (referred to as duplicates or dupes).
Toolbar Buttons 1.1.1-signed.1-signed 作者: Button Guy Adds toolbar buttons to the customize toolbar window in several programs including Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey. Some of the buttons make commonly preformed actions quicker, others add new functionality. After over 10 years and 2 rewrites to keep up with changes, this extension is going to be discontinued (as a Firefox extension) as it is
Bookmark mail folders in Thunderbird. Fully compatible with Thunderbird 60 - 102! This extension adds an extra toolbar to Thunderbird. When you drag a mail folder to it, you get a fully customizable shortcut to that mail folder. This supports full drag and drop, like the corresponding folder in the folder tree - You can drag messages on it to move/copy them to the folder, and access the bookmarked
Open Tools/Message Filters, Click Export Filters to export message filters for selected account. Execute Tools/Import Filters to import message filters to selet account. It supports both Mozilla and Thunderbird. Please don't try to install in for firefox. If you want to import a filter exported with 1.0 version of this addon, please add a line like this to the beginning of your exported file: Root
----version 3.2.6 Update July 28, 2010---- - bug fix for "get mail button etc...."(dropmarker) - bug fix for TB3.0 "search box."(dropdown) - bug fix for calendar view "alarm icons" - bug fix for "tab colo"r of MacOS X - add supported "Cert Viewer Plus" of extensions - add supported "Xpunge" of extensions support extension and toolbar button. # Lightning 1.0b2pre # Xpunge 0.4.1 # Cert Viewer Plus 1
Simply select a bit of text, right-click and then click the "Search for ..." item. That will open your favorite search engine's result page in the default browser or optionally in Thunderbird itself. Google is used by default, check the options to choose another engine. I had planned to offer a selection of 212435 different search engines, plus a complex engine manager, then I decided to keep it s
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