If you do any amount of web developing with CSS and JavaScript, it’s probably a safe bet that you use the Firefox and Firebug combo to test ideas, tweak appearance and behavior of pages, and debug problems when they crop up. You might also use a widescreen monitor to provide more screen real estate to flip between your code and the rendered output. In an arrangement like this, the open Firebug pan
A number of people have asked about upgrading iPod hard drives — what to buy, how to prepare, and how to perform the upgrade — so here are all the technical details. If you’ve never worked inside an iPod before, this is certainly an advanced tutorial, but don’t let that scare you. Working slowly and methodically, you too can upgrade your iPod and store even more music, photos, and videos. What to
Here’s a fun Mac OS X Dock trick: Set your Dock’s minimize effect to Genie. Open Applications, Utilities, Terminal. Type killall Dock but don’t hit Return just yet. Open Safari and load a decent sized website. Switch back to the Terminal, keeping the Safari window in view. Shift-click the yellow minimize button of the Safari window, and hit Return to execute the command while the window is busy mo
I grew tired of Googling each time I needed the correct button sequence to put iPods into their various modes, so I’ve put together this little table. iPod Generation Hard Reset Diagnostic Mode Disk Mode
Ultimately, I’d like to get a regular 3.5” hard drive working with an iPod. The fact that it would be huge will simply be a novelty. Why do this? This project came about after I dropped my 40 GB 3rd generation iPod and killed the hard drive in it. I decided to open up the iPod and see what I could do with it. I could do so without fear of breaking it, since I’d already broken the most expensive pa