The next release of Polymer, 0.8, is going to be a doozy. It's the first release on the "heading towards production" track and it's going to have some pretty massive differences from previous versions. So what exactly is new, and what's changing? Note: This data was gathered primarily from reading the Polymer 0.8 Primer which is very, very extensive. I'm just hitting the highlights. Also note that
Here at Divshot we’re huge fans of Polymer and everything Google is doing to move Web Components forward. In fact, we believe it’ll be the dominant way to build web apps in the near future. With Google’s recent acquisition of Firebase, I thought it’d be fitting to introduce you to both Polymer and Firebase if you haven’t already taken the plunge. Sometimes it’s difficult to put all of the pieces o
Tips and Tricks: Ignoring library code while debugging in Chrome Firefox has recently released a feature they call "Black Boxing". It's very useful, you can black-box JavaScript source files on a case-by-case basis. When a library is black-boxed the Debugger ignores it. When you're stepping through lines the Debugger will automatically step through lines contained in black-boxed sources. This is g
Divshot has joined the Firebase team at Google! Firebase is a comprehensive suite of products for developers offered by Google, and by joining our vision with theirs, Divshot's mission continues onward at a grander scale! Firebase Hosting is Firebase's static web hosting service and is now powered in part by Divshot technology. However, all existing Divshot products including static web hosting an
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