Open Source Software Used in PlayStation®Classic alsa-lib alsa-utils android-tools-adbd base-files bash busybox cairo coreutils data-ubi-mnt e2fsprogs expat fontconfig FreeType fuse glibc gnupg kmod libcap libdrm liberation-fonts libevdev libffi libiconv, libcharset libinput libjpeg-turbo libpam libxkbcommon Linux kernel mtdev ncurses netbase openssl opkg-utils os-release PCSX ReARMed pixman readl
Open Source Software used in PlayStation®4 abseil-cpp base64 Bonjour BoringSSL BSD libc cairo cJSON CLAPACK CodeMirror cURL easyexif eglib Ethernet driver Expat XML Parser FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec FreeBSD Kernel FreeBSD's fsck/newfs commands FreeType 2 fuse kernel module giflib growfs HarfBuzz ICU Intrusive MPSC node-based queue Jerasure version 1.2A jQuery JSON for Modern C++ kiconv for u
Open Source Software Used in PlayStation®Vita PlayStation®Vita contains the following third-party open source software. Please see each software’s page for copyright notice and license information. base64 blist bzip2 cJSON FreeBSD FreeType 2 giflib Jerasure 1.2A libjpeg libtiff libusrsctp MD5 NetBSD Opus Protocol Buffers squish strlcpy zlib Calender libical Email ICU Internet Browser cairo cURL dt
Open Source Software used in PlayStation®3 PlayStation®3 includes following third-party open source software. AVM+ eCOS Expat Free BSD FreeType2 Libjpeg Libtiff Libungif MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm of RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm of RSA Data Security, Inc. NetBSD SEE Info-ZIP Internet Browser cairo dtoa Expat FreeType2 hash.c ICU libjpeg libpixman libxml2 list.c PCRE trio
Open Source Software Used in nasne™ nasne™ contains the following third-party open source software. Please see each software’s page for copyright notice and license information. Closure Library giflib glibc json-c libexpat libiconv libjpeg libpng libtiff libxml2 miniserver mongoose nanohttpd ntpdate OpenSSL xfs-repair zlib BUSYBOX inotify-tools ionice iptables LimitCPU Linux Kernel rsync Samba sma